Social Issues essays

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Animal Cruelty In Australia: Reasons And Preventions

2 Pages 764 Words
There are many different forms of animal cruelty and it happens all over the world. Apparent and intentional acts of violence towards animals includes hitting, striking, killing, forcing an animal to fight and also chaining and tethering. Neglecting animals by not providing adequate food and water and any kind of psychological distress and or torture to an animal that is...

Racial Inequality And Segregation Effects On Education

5 Pages 2090 Words
Introduction The issue of racism had been discussed and seen through institutions throughout the years. Some of these include, schools, the media, entertainment and more currently in social media platforms. Racism is defined by philosophers as the belief that human beings are biologically divided into different races. Even though many people would like to believe it is no longer an...

The Increase Of Illegal Immigrants In Malaysia

2 Pages 1071 Words
Immigrants are divided into two categories which are immigrants who come into a country with permission by using legal and valid documents and then there are also immigrants who come into a country without permission and any valid or legal documents. These types of people are called illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants refer to people that migrate into a country illegally...

School Shootings In The USA: Social And Political Impact

3 Pages 1190 Words
The earliest known United States shooting to happen on school property was the Pontiac's Rebellion school massacre on July 26, 1764. Four Lenape American Indian entered the schoolhouse, shot and killed schoolmaster Enoch Brown and killed nine or ten children. Only two children survived. The Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994 requires schools in any state receiving certain federal funding to...

Catholic Social Justice: Domestic Violence

2 Pages 833 Words
INTRODUCTION Social justice in the catholic teachings are people of faith who are named upon to help those experiencing hardship in the world. The teachings guides matter of human dignity and universal good in society. Social justice is a distinctive attribute of a catholic education in school. The main focus isn’t only supplying a good education, although is it known...

The Feminist Point Of View For Wife Of Bath

2 Pages 933 Words
In her Prologue of “The Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer, The Wife of Bath gives readers a complicated picture of a medieval woman. As it explains how the Wife of Bath is shameless about her sexual exploits as she makes use of her sexual power to get what she wishes. In other words, it is a way of doing exactly...

Elder Abuse Issue In The Criminal Justice

10 Pages 4680 Words
Elder abuse is one of the most common types of abuse that gets looked over by society. Many people would normally not suspect or even think an elderly person may be getting abused, but this is a serious topic in nursing homes, hospitals and even at their own home. The reason is as these elders are becoming victims of abuse...

Rwandan Genocide: Historical Aspect

2 Pages 1069 Words
ABSTRACT This paper talks about the Rwandan Genocide. In April 1994 an event would take place scarring thousands of people around the world. I used this genocide to gain insight into what genocide is and why people choose to participate in them. Also, to talk about the severity of this event. The first have of this paper will provide information...

Anti-Muslim Racism Issues In The Book Islamophobia By Naved Bakali

2 Pages 1041 Words
Islamophobia by Naved Bakali is a novel about the anti-Muslim racism faced by Muslim youths in Canada and the challenges they have encountered since the 9/11 attacks. Bakali holds a “PhD in Educational Studies from McGill University, with interests in critical race theory, anti-Muslim racism and post-colonial theory.” (Bakali, 2017). This novel strives to retell the stories of marginalized youths...

What You Should Know To Get Prepared For Parenthood

4 Pages 1861 Words
When a family welcomes a new life, they were excited, but they feel perplexed because they are not only taking care of the new baby, they are also adjusting themselves. Both mental and physical health suffer great changes. When couples experience changes in their roles, they will find that the new demands of the infant are difficult to keep balance...

Strategies And Activities For Reducing Racism

4 Pages 1902 Words
In this essay I will be assessing how youth work organisations such as Your Story - a youth work organisation used to support youth such as NEET (not in employment education or training) youths, the organisation in which I’m doing my placement with and how this and many other youth work service use strategies to address racism and I will...

Corporal Punishment In Parent-Child Relationship: For And Against

5 Pages 2522 Words
The famous American pediatrician, Benjamin Spock, once said, 'A child supplies the power, but the parents have to do the steering.' Amy Chua is an eastern parent who wrote about her parenting style, in the article 'Tough Love: Parents and Children,' she explains her rationale for the use of corporal punishment on her child. Chua believes strong discipline is necessary...

Racism Problem In The Fire Next Time

1 Page 422 Words
From the story “The Fire Next Time” Baldwin explains his ideology on the fact that white people are basically crazy in a sense. This book is a story by James Baldwin, in the reading is two stories. Together these two stories begin to digest inequality in America and religion, and the way different races think. Baldwin had many views that...

Australian Civil Rights Movement Process

2 Pages 1011 Words
The creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights helped pinpoint the discrimination of many Indigenous peoples around the world. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was made after World War II, in 1948, to prevent any similar events. When this was created it showed how, in many countries around the world, Indigenous people had little to no rights in...

Civil Rights Movement In Australia And The US

1 Page 626 Words
For many decades African-Americans have had many of their right suppressed since the arrival of white settlers on American soil, much like the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders here in Australia. Many Aboriginals had their own children taken away from them to be ‘white washed’ and to grow up in a white community, where they will forget about their long-established...

Racial Profiling And The Use Of Deadly Force

4 Pages 1688 Words
Racial profiling, as well as the use of deadly force, have really given our nation something to talk about, whether it be a causal political conversation with a neighbor or a worldwide news post with millions of comments about a helpless ethnic individual that was gunned down unnecessarily by a law enforcement officer for simply being in the wrong place...

Feminism In The Merchant Of Venice

2 Pages 822 Words
Feministic values are very prominent in the play The Merchant of Venice, mostly those involving the radical feminist concept of a patriarchal society. The female personas were able to exploit the activity of cross-dressing to accomplish the business they needed so that their lives might be more tolerable while under the control of men within the society. Not all of...

Political Issue: Illegal Immigration In America

3 Pages 1458 Words
When asked what I considered the most critical political issue in America, immediately I thought: immigration, specifically illegal immigration. It’s been a hot topic for a while, but more so recently because President Trump has been pushing for immigration reform, deportation, and the building of a wall that will divide the border between the United States and Mexico. Our Commander...

Gang Violence In The United States

4 Pages 1644 Words
Gang violence is defined as “many people as the criminal and non-political acts of violence committed by a group of people who regularly engage in criminal activity against innocent people. The term may also refer to physical hostile interactions between two or more gangs.” (Legal, n.d.) New York City is essentially where gangs started in the 19th century. Gangs at...

The Effects Of Civil Rights Movement

2 Pages 1039 Words
Throughout the history of Australia, Aboriginal people have faced large amounts of discrimination in society and have not had equal opportunities. Between 1910 and 1970, Aboriginal children were removed from their families by federal and state governments and were forced to adopt a white culture to rid Australia or Aboriginal people. The US Civil Rights movement (1955- 1968), led by...

It Is Not Worth Drinking And Driving

3 Pages 1316 Words
Are drinking and driving really worth it? Often, you hear stories of people putting their lives at risk as well as others. It is sickening to think that people would even consider jeopardizing everything for a few drinks. Thinking it is ok to operate a motor vehicle is unacceptable especially with all the transportation services at such easy access. Did...

Malcolm X And The Fight For Equality

2 Pages 842 Words
Malcolm X was an African American minister and human rights activist in the 1950-the 60s. When he first started his road to activism, people doubted him. Whites all across America were hearing about this man who went against the norm and fought for the underprivileged blacks in America and the white population was not in compliance. It was believed that...

Child Labour In The Fashion Industry

2 Pages 923 Words
Several years ago, I purchased this hoodie. At the time it was very fashionable, but now is mainly regarded as the equivalent of old garbage. The fashion industry is continuously developing and swiftly. Companies are required to keep up with the developing trends to make the most profit and to satisfy the most customers- but how far will they go...

Immigration: Moving From A Poor Economy To A Rich One

2 Pages 945 Words
“Globalism began as a vision of a world with free trade, shared prosperity, and open borders. These are good, even noble things to aim for,” said Deepak Chopra. Although open borders are a noble action, open borders are economically good for nations as well. Throughout history and today, the idea of more immigration benefits the poor countries, the rich countries,...

Bias Effects On Politics Perspectives

1 Page 555 Words
How can bias effect and prevent being rational in politics? Avoiding prejudice in the approval of a certain group or opinion could be difficult in politics due to its social structure and influence. We as people tend to form our opinions based on logical facts. As well as encircling ourselves with individuals that share these same opinions. This being done...

The Role Of Age Within A Job Applicant’s Selection Process

5 Pages 2112 Words
Introduction In recent years, the academic interest in organisational changes concerning our workforce ageing has increased tremendously, as indicated by recent publications (such as: Standifer, Lester, Schultz, & Windsor, 2013). Ahmed, Andersson, & Hammarstedt (2012) is one of the many findings that urge us to pay more attention to the problems that workers face in the current labour market due...

Gang Influence On Juvenile Violence

6 Pages 2935 Words
In recent years, gangs, and gang influence has played a major role on the effect of juveniles, and the rate at which they act with violence. Gang membership in adolescence can be linked to serious and violent crime resulting in long term effects in adulthood. What is a gang? While there is no universally agreed upon definition of a “gang”,...

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