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Should the Catholic Church in Australia Follow National Laws Regarding Same-Sex Marriage: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 1071 Words
The concept of same-sex marriage has only been regulated through the law. The expansion of legal rights and protections afforded to same-sex couples in Australia is well developed at both federal and state level. For example, legislation now exists in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Queensland, and the Australian Capital Territory that provides for the legal recognition of relationships, including...

African American Stereotypes in the Media: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1502 Words
Stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a person or thing. Stereotype is also any thought that is widely adopted about specific types of individuals or behaviors. These thoughts or beliefs may or may not accurately reflect reality. Even though it’s not often times true, it is targeting black Americans immensely because these persons...

Pro Immigration Essay

3 Pages 1188 Words
With the recent terrorist attack at a mosque in Christchurch, more than 40 people were killed, and another 50 people were injured. This is known as one of the biggest threads of national peace and security, and the first terrorist attack for us, New Zealand, a small country at the very end of the world, which has always remained safe...

Argumentative Essay on Why Immigration Is Good

2 Pages 834 Words
Immigration happens worldwide, whether it be because of active war or to reunite with family. Immigration has been happening since1600’s and is not coming to a stop in the future anytime soon. But why do people have different opinions on it? Well, immigration comes along with many other ‘unknown’ factors to the public eye. Other immigrants come to claim benefits...

Argumentative Essay on Illegal Immigration

4 Pages 1872 Words
Did you know that the number of immigrants in the United States exceeded forty-three million in 2016? This is 13.5 percent of the population in America (Amadeo). Of the forty-three million, around eleven million immigrants are undocumented, which means they are immigrants who entered the country while violating government immigration laws. Does it seem plausible that millions of people are...

Child Hunger in America: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 994 Words
Kids who do not eat enough in the first three years of their lives grow up at a serious disadvantage in life. They may be faced with conditions like asthma and anemia and have a higher chance of being hospitalized. Kids who grow up not getting enough food also struggle in school and other social situations. Growing up in this...

Argumentative Essay about the Death Penalty

4 Pages 1702 Words
Capital punishment, known also as the death penalty, is a subject that is been present in human history for a long time and remains today. Throughout the years' many people have been arguing about whether if it should be completely abolished, why should be abolished, or why should not, either in the United States or other countries around the world,...

Metaphors in Letter From Birmingham Jail: Critical Analysis Essay

2 Pages 921 Words
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Near the beginning of the civil rights movement in America on April 12th,1963, eight clergymen announced that Dr. Martin Luther King's protests in the streets should end because they promoted “hatred and violence”. In Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” he emphasizes that he has a duty to fight for justice without the use of violence. King uses rhetorical...

The Transatlantic Slave Trade and Its Effects

6 Pages 2590 Words
The trans-Atlantic slave trade, which was also known as the Triangular Trade, formed one of the most significant historical events. Once the slave trade started from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, the trade route through the Middle Passage were used by Europeans to transport African slaves. Not only did the trans-Atlantic slave trade consist of a large migration of...

Theme of Poverty in William T. Vollmann's ‘Poor People’ and Toni Cade Bambara's ‘The Lesson’

4 Pages 1806 Words
One may argue that poverty is an individual's choice rather than a reflection of society as a whole. Nelson Mandela once stated: “Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity, and a decent life. While poverty persists, there is no true...

Problem of Social Awareness on the Examples of Distracted Driving and Environmental Issues

2 Pages 769 Words
Social awareness is the ability to accurately interpret a social environment as well as infer the emotions of others in the same environment. In this essay, the problem of social awareness shines through. Both of the examples that will be presented in the paper use powerful, emotionally charged images to raise the audience's awareness of two major social issues. Texting...

Presence of Hunger in America

4 Pages 1670 Words
You might think that America with a highly developed economy would have no issue with hunger, but you will be shocked by lots of findings. The myth of hunger, stating that ‘there’s a hunger crisis in other parts of the world – not in America’ should be shattered because of the statistical evidence of the presence of hunger in America...

Display of Human Remains as a Highly Controversial Issue

3 Pages 1571 Words
Human remains have been displayed in public places for thousands of years, and the display of the remains takes place in many different cultures. Despite this, the excavation and display of human remains has always been and still remains a highly controversial issue. Human remains are the remnants of once-living people and therefore they have a significance in all human...

Dark Side of the Catholic Church

4 Pages 1726 Words
The Catholic Church has been corrupted since it has been established, but more recently has the secrets of the church surfaced. They have been faced with sexual assault allegations, corrupted leaders and hierarchy, and many other disturbing things that should not go on inside a church. The authority inside the church do not help the reputation of it either. They...

Controversial Issue of Euthanasia

1 Page 661 Words
Everyone single person around the world, multiple times every day are faced with the concept of ethics and morality. Ethics involves moral principles that govern a person’s behavior. Where morality is the distinction between those decisions that a person believes is right or wrong. The Catholic Church’s response to euthanasia reflects a deontological ethical perspective, as it focuses on the...

Controversial Issue of Abortion

4 Pages 1885 Words
In today’s generation there seems to always be differing legal and/or ethical views between healthcare professionals. However, the topic I will focus on in this paper is a woman’s right to abortion. “‘Abortion’ means the termination of human pregnancy with an intention other than to produce a live birth or to remove a dead fetus” (The Florida Legislature, 2020). I...

Catholic Church's Understanding of Freedom

3 Pages 1193 Words
The Catholic understanding of freedom bestows a judicious response to an innumerable number of social pressures which contradict it. From a Catholic perspective, all people are vested with a free will, giving them the ability to choose good and discard bad. If people use this freedom correctly and choose good, they will ultimately achieve long-term happiness, one of the most...

Suicide, Divorce and School Dropouts as Severe Consequences of Domestic Violence

2 Pages 836 Words
According to Oxford Dictionary domestic violence is any behavior, which is used to gain power and control over a spouse, partner, girl/ boyfriend, or intimate family member. Atkin (1998) posited that domestic violence can manifest itself in different forms such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, intimidation and isolation and so on. Therefore, anyone can recognize that the consequences...

Reflections on the Controversial Issue of Immigration

3 Pages 1308 Words
This essay will reflect on the controversial issue of immigration, in particular asylum seekers, and the social policy responses to international migration. I will be discussing throughout this essay the statement presented and arguing on both sides bordered around ‘private trouble’ or ‘public issue’. Sociology emerged at the time of the Industrial Revolution, an era of huge social revolutions and...

Privacy Vs. National Security: What's More Important

1 Page 408 Words
In my essay I am going to answer the question of what is more important our privacy or national security. Both sides of the argument are considered in the work. I am convinced that national security will constantly be more necessary than privacy as long because the government continues to protect the rights of its citizens. However, immoderate measures of...

National Security Failures before the September 11 Attacks

2 Pages 1101 Words
One of the greatest analytical failures before the September 11, 2001 attacks was the belief that Osama bin Laden was content being a gadfly. The policymakers were sure that the man was only interested in making trouble abroad. Post-event analysis shows that there were indeed rumblings that his group would attack the homeland directly (Dahl, 2013). The decision makers at...

Is Torture Justified When It Used for National Security?

3 Pages 1579 Words
In considering whether torture is justified when used for national security, I will use several arguments in this essay. The first is that it is an unreliable source. Despite torture being repulsive and illegal, the technique is often used for gathering information which many people think it makes it just. Many people use the ‘ticking time bomb, reference when defending...

Hunger for Thriving through Hard Times

2 Pages 1038 Words
After a calculated and convincing survey, the United Nations have narrowed it down to 17 salient Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs in the year 2015. Among them, what might be often overlooked is the second goal. Which, according to me, can put an end to the global crisis. So, what is the second SDG? ‘Zero Hunger’ is what the UN...

Hunger and Poor Nutrition

2 Pages 833 Words
Hunger is defined as short-term physical distress caused by persistent food scarcity. People suffering from chronic hunger do not have the privilege to access nutritious food often due to food insecurity and poverty. When chronic hunger gets aggravated to a global level, it is referred to as world hunger. Hunger can lead to poor nutrition and stunt growth. There is...

How Can Migration Become a National Security Problem?

3 Pages 1517 Words
Migration is when people move from one place to another to work or live. International migration involves moving from one's country to another. The world of today many people migrate due to different reasons: some migrate seeking better opportunities and education, while others flee their countries because of the crisis imposed by disasters or poverty. There is an excellent correlation...

Gun Control: Both Sides of the Controversial Issue

1 Page 652 Words
Who is involved on this issue is mainly the American people where there are 2 sides to arguments where some people want to completely ban guns and there's the other side who won't give up their guns. This issue is possibly one of the most controversial problems that's going on in the US, where no real agreement is coming up....

Generation Z's Efforts to Achieve the American Ideal of Universal Equality

3 Pages 1201 Words
The U.S. Constitution establishes the equal treatment of people across all states, but forms of inequality – such as racism and discrimination – are still prevalent today. In spite of the on-going hardships, we’ve faced as a nation, Generation Z has the ability to use social media to address and directly combat such injustices. Martin Luther King Junior’s speech ‘I...

Essay on Why Teenagers Should Take Driving Courses

1 Page 642 Words
Teenagers should be encouraged that driving is a task that is unpredictable and demanding. Parents know how much knowledge a youthful motorist has, and they realize precisely how badly arranged it is the point at which they should drive with their teen all over while they have their permit. Teenagers will in general be the reason to cause most auto...

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