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Ableism, Stigma And Discrimination

1 Page 440 Words
The main barriers facing people with disabilities is discrimination, ableism, and stigmatization. The negative labelling, stereotyping and negative prejudice against a person with a physical, intellectual and mental health impairment has led to the belief that people with disabilities are worthless and a burden to the society (Bos, Pryor, Reeder & Stutterheim 2013, p. 1). Trait and perceivable societal beliefs...

Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Racism

2 Pages 806 Words
Throughout Australia’s history, Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people have been heavily prejudiced, mistreated and discriminated against. For instance, from 1910-1970 mixed race Aboriginal children were taught stolen from their homes and forced to learn western culture alternatively to their own culture. These children were known as the ‘Stolen Generation.’ The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was ratified in 1948...

Why Australia should Bring Back Capital Punishment

2 Pages 866 Words
We can all agree on one thing, crime is bad, and minimising it benefits society in all manners of life. This makes the upmost of sense and is logical in every way. So, it begs the question, does the death penalty need to be placed in modern day Australia? Globally human rights organizations campaigned to put an end to executions...

Theme Of Power, Violence And Inequality In Animal Farm

2 Pages 814 Words
Corruption is a form of dishonesty managed by a person or organisation who abuse power for their own private gain. An example of a corrupt society could be portrayed by the rise of the Soviet Union in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, a compelling allegorical novella representing the Russian Revolution of 1917 which resulted with a government more oppressive, totalitarian, and...

Workplace Discrimination In Canada And Australia

2 Pages 798 Words
Introduction Workplace discrimination is the process in which an individual treats another individual applying to, or in a workplace discriminatorily due to a personal characteristic such as race, sex, religion, or any other characteristic protected under the Fair Work Act (2009). Significance of Workplace Discrimination Workplace discrimination causes detrimental effects on a small scale to the individual, thereby leading to...

To Kill a Mockingbird and Hidden Figures: Racism from the Perspective of Children

3 Pages 1299 Words
Children’s perspectives are often looked over when it comes to injustice in the world. They are seen as naïve, silly, or that they simple just don’t understand. However, it is in the eyes of a child, unconditioned by society, that the greatest evidence of injustice lies. This is demonstrated thoroughly in the texts To Kill a Mockingbird and Hidden Figures....

Alienation of Personal Freedom within Texts by Jo-Leigh Morgan

3 Pages 1145 Words
George Orwell’s novel ‘1984' and '2001: A space odyssey', a film by Stanley Kubrick, clearly communicates the connections of alienation as protagonists in both texts are monitored by higher authorities. Based on a time where civilization is monitored and the freedom to think differently is punishable. George Orwell’s ‘1984’ is a novel based in a society that lacks personal freedom,...

The Issue Of Domestic Violence In Australia

2 Pages 852 Words
Today we will be discussing a very serious topic that affects more people than you would expect, domestic violence. So far today police in Australia would have dealt with on average 641 domestic violence matters. Family, domestic and sexual violence is a major national health and welfare issue that can have lifelong impacts for victims and perpetrators. Domestic violence is...

Human Trafficking Must Be Stopped

2 Pages 701 Words
Under U.S. law, human trafficking is defined as a child or adult induced by force, fraud or coercion into performing a commercial sex act or being used for physical labour. Trafficking is a sadistic business in which exploiters, disguised as a kind neighbour or businessman, force young women, children or men to sell themselves for labour and sex. Trafficking is...

Struggle and Survival: Life of a Refugee

3 Pages 1462 Words
“Only the dead have seen the end of war” but in the midst of wars the surviving doesn’t necessarily reap the benefits (Plato). Escaping death to arrive in countries where people hate you instead of sympathizing is what you get as a refugee. As per oxford dictionary refugee is a person who has been forced to leave their county in...

The Human Rights Framework And Social Work

5 Pages 2320 Words
The three generations of human rights framework Human rights are a powerful ideal that are easily endorsed today by people from many different cultural and moral backgrounds (Ife, 2012). The term ‘human rights’ is relatively new and was only initially used after the second world war (Weston, 1984). Prior to the 1940s there were no movements, no non-governmental organisations (NGOs)...

Repression of Freedom and Importance of Memory in 1984 and The Giver

2 Pages 933 Words
Humans have been telling stories since we could speak. We tell stories around the campfire, we write plays, novels, short stories and make movies. We do this because stories are an opportunity to share our personal experiences. Common human experiences that arise and are relatable to readers are the repression of freedom and the importance of memory to both individuals...

Barriers and Facilitators Impacting Refugee Women in Australias Access To PPH

4 Pages 1968 Words
Legislative factors were shown to potentially operate as both facilitators and barriers to refugee women’s access to PPH in Australia, and were evident in 31.5% of studies. At times, policies put in place with the intention of helping refugees, instead created barriers to their access of PPH. For instance, the requirement for all healthcare appointments with non-English speaking patients to...

How We Encourage And Normalise Rape Culture In Our Society

4 Pages 1685 Words
Raped and killed at 17, walking through a park. Molested since the age of 5 by a family friend. Brutally beaten, raped and killed at 21, walking home from a Melbourne comedy club. Sexually harassed by co-workers every day. Raped with a metal rod and left on the side of the road. Raped at 14 and left outside in below...

Human Trafficking In Sexual Exploitation: The Effects It Can Have Individually And Globally

3 Pages 1204 Words
Human trafficking can have an effect physically, psychologically and economically on anyone involved (Fair Trade Winds, 2014). This major criminal enterprise has the power to impact someone’s life forever. Sexual exploitation in human trafficking is, ‘the recruitment, harbouring, transportation of persons whom under threat, force, coercion, fraud, deception or abuse of power are sexually exploited for the financial gain of...

The Relation Between Women's Economic Status And Domestic Violence

3 Pages 1390 Words
The study of the household as an economic unit is normally viewed as a cooperative unit. Domestic violence occurs mostly against women and would be better explained as a non-cooperative relationship within the household. A woman's economic status is undoubtedly linked with domestic violence between a married couple of a household. This link can be broken down into three aspects...

Aboriginal Mental Health And Suicide

4 Pages 1603 Words
Aboriginal individuals represent 2.5% of the whole population in Australia. An ongoing survey of community uncovers that crosswise over seven reviews, indigenous grown-ups perceived to have more self-announced mental illness as opposed to non-indigenous individuals. Also, information on passing from 2001 to 2010 regarding suicide have demonstrated to be twofold than non-indigenous individuals in Australia. (Chalmers et al, 2014). This...

The Interrelation Of Public Health And Gun Violence

2 Pages 825 Words
“Gun violence is not something that appears just in a bad neighborhood or in another part of the world. It appears right here, right outside your door.” (Mendell, 1998,) This large world we exist in, presently there is gun violence right outside our own front doors. Gun violence is the beginning of upsetting the human race yearly in the United...

Born Equal: Is Race Discrimination Tearing This Concept Apart?

2 Pages 864 Words
Take this distressing analogy that is, miserably, used all too often in our society; a person is viewed as a parasite arrives uninvited and unwanted, takes without giving, disrupts the local environment and lays claim to that which is not its own. There is a huge systematic stripping away of humanity here. It has been argued that nationalised violence and...

Child Labour in the Cocoa Industry

3 Pages 1277 Words
Is one minute of pleasure worth a lifetime of suffering? Are our actions really worth children's torment? Is our love for chocolate that important where we ruin children's lives? But I know that some of you have already decided to go to the vending machine and buy some chocolate after this forum. What's the harm in that you may ask?...

Freedom and Confinement in the Poem Sympathy by Paul Laurence Dunbar

2 Pages 1023 Words
Abstract Literature is essentially, an appearance of life through the medium of language. A subaltern may refer to someone who is of low ranking in social, political, or other step. Denoted by a person who is marginalized or oppressed, many subaltern studies writers like Ranajit Guha, Gyan Prakash, Ajay Skaria and Saurabh Dubehad produced so many works in English on...

Portrayal Of The Indian Woman And Discrimination Of Gender In Deshpande’s The Dark Holds No Terror

4 Pages 1965 Words
Abstract Shashi Deshpande draws a canvas of the women who are portrayed in a sensitive manner. Her novels present a social world of intricate relationships and age old traditions that creates gaps and disturbances within the family fold. She pays attention to the dilemma of women who struggle to overcome constricting social norms and attempt to redefine their status. The...

Domestic Violence Against Men. A Taboo?

3 Pages 1350 Words
When a woman is beaten, threatened, molested, harassed physically or emotionally everybody listens. She is given all the sympathy and support. She is backed by both the society and the judicial system. Indeed, the violence against women is so brutal and shameful that it is not only a slap on women’s dignity but also crushes her soul. Sometimes it affects...

Online Activism Or Modern Activism

1 Page 474 Words
The unbelievable advancement in technology has made an impact on each and every sector of society. This advent in technology removed the geographical boundation due to which the communication with the people has become more diverse. Breaking the time barrier has transformed activism in numerous manner from the last few decades. The way people are now connected is broader in...

Defying Racial Prejudice: Douglass & Melville

6 Pages 2568 Words
In her lyric, ​Citizen​, Claudia Rankine writes, “because white men can't, police their mimagination, black men are dying”. These words illustrate the predisposed attitudes ‘white men’ identify with ‘black men’. In this context, it is in reference to police brutality toward African Americans during the 1990s. It suggests that rather than understanding a person as an individual, they are distinguished...

The Outsiders: Gangs Stereotypes

1 Page 485 Words
The Outsiders, written by a 15-year-old S.E Hinton is an enticing and compelling Bildungsroman telling the story of 14-year-old, Ponyboy Curtis’ life along with his gang in the 60s, Tulsa, Oklahoma. The gang goes through a tough journey together being known as Juvenile delinquents and greasers along with facing the soc’s, stereotyping, grief and the life of being an outsider....

Educational Inequity In Australia

2 Pages 702 Words
It is well known that in Australia not all schools experience the same amount of funding and therefore provide the same quality of education as each other. This is true in almost every country on earth however there are a number of reasons why this issue is worse in Australia than it needs to be, and worse than many comparable...

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