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Legalization of Weed: Medical Considerations

2 Pages 744 Words
We’re in a momentous time where a plant has attracted the attention of the American people. The legalization of marijuana has been an ongoing controversy that has created headway in policy-making, but by doing so has disrupted the relationship between state and federal government. There has been a change in attitude towards marijuana that has transformed the systematics of present-day...

Animal Research: Beneficial or Unnecessary?

2 Pages 1048 Words
Animals are used in scientific research, help us to gain significant knowledge about human physiology and pathological mechanism because of their similarities to human in many ways and are being tested as human models since 500 BC. They contribute a lot to the invention and development of newer types of drugs, vaccines, diagnostic investigations, antigen and antibody production also in...

Argument with Animal Experimentation and Resolution for it

2 Pages 715 Words
Animal experimentation is the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables which affect the behaviour or biological system through vigorous study. In 2018, 3.52 million procedures which involved living animals were carried out in the United Kingdom(1). 1.8 million of them were for experimental purposes. These procedures included using non-human animals in scientific studies for...

The Issue Of Inequality In Educational System

1 Page 409 Words
UNESCO/ Sweden’s Historical Background and Past Action For Sweden, education is particularly important. So much so that taxation is intentionally very high to fund schooling. Through the teaching system, pupils and their happiness are the main focus, with Swedish schools focusing less on exam results and targets, and more on the child themselves. More specifically, Sweden understands the impacts of...

Emotional Intelligence As A Predictor Of Academic Achievement

2 Pages 897 Words
In the African context, a number of studies have been done and according to the literature reviewed emotional intelligence was reported to have a significant positive correlation with academic achievement. Ogundokun and Adeyemo (2010) designed a study in Nigeria to investigate the influence of emotional intelligence and academic motivation on learning outcomes of students in secondary schools. The study used...

The Aspects of Middle and Late Childhood

3 Pages 1495 Words
Introduction Middle and late childhood is considered the calm before the storm as many of the major developments have either happened or are about to happen. Early to middle childhood is defined as an age from about six years old to about eleven years old, and it is a time of stabilization. The child is beginning to understand the core...

Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Should It Be Allowed In Classrooms?

2 Pages 1044 Words
Within these two articles there are reasons why Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, an adventure novel by Mark Twain, should be allowed in classrooms along with why it shouldn’t be allowed. This novel should be read in high schools for various reasons. The first reason being that this novel will open conversations about racism and help to slowly stop this issue....

Criminal Record Discrimination

2 Pages 1035 Words
Millions of people around the world have experienced forms of discrimination or racism. One of the most influential types of discrimination is criminal record discrimination. Each year, thousands of people are denied employment based on past criminal activity. Usually, these people have only committed small acts of improbity, such as minor shoplifting. Despite the fact that they have tried to...

Marijuana Use Impacts College Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

3 Pages 1426 Words
“Critical thinking, that is, the capacity and disposition to evaluate propositions and be moved by good reasons” (Guzzo & Rosário Lima, 2018). It has been stated that as humans, critical thinking is actually very difficult despite the ability to have higher thought. Critical thinking, and processing information by good reasoning is thinking without bias and by good reasons. Humans mostly...

What Is The Anti-trafficking Framework And How Do The Sectors Fit Together?

1 Page 664 Words
The anti-trafficking framework is made up of four different components. These include the “prevention of human trafficking, protection of trafficking victims, prosecution of human traffickers, and partnership across disciplines and with survivors to accomplish the work within each sector” (Ladd, 2019). Prevention stresses the need to be informed and knowledgeable about trafficking. This happens through knowing the signs of trafficking,...

The Rates Of Alzheimer’s Disease in the World

5 Pages 2345 Words
ABSTRACT Alzheimer’s Disease has been around for over 100 years and has no cure. It is a neurogenerative disease that leads to dementia in patients, where the episodic memory is impaired, along with a decline in cognitive skills. A report in the 2019 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures consisted a graph and table which indicated the number of annual Alzheimer’s...

The Meaning of Animal Testing

2 Pages 759 Words
Animal Testing Imagine that you are an animal housed in a laboratory, and from the day you were born, you have been stamped with a number and used as a research subject. Could you fathom having your body tested for the next cure of cancer? Could you envision having your body slaughtered? Throughout history animals have been used in scientific...

Ethical Considerations and Governance

2 Pages 973 Words
I believe ethical decision making refers to the actions of taking alternatives possibilities with commitment in doing the right thing as well as having consciousness in that one’s actions must apply moral convictions and competency to be able to foresee potential consequences. In doing this, the decision-maker will demonstrate respect and most of all responsibility. This is why I will...

Why Is Suicide Such A Big Problem?

2 Pages 895 Words
Do you know anyone who either hurts themselves or is suicidal? Have you ever got annoyed when someone talks about their problems to you? Well, why is that? 1 in 5 teens are struggling with mental health, that is 20% of our population. Does this population do anything to help? In 2018 we lost 22 children aged 0-14 and 182...

The Leading Causes of Alzheimer's Disease

2 Pages 834 Words
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive, degenerative neurological disease whose onset can hardly be observed. AD is clinically characterized by symptoms such as memory impairment, aphasia, impaired visual spatial skills, executive dysfunction, and personality and behavior changes. The underlying cause hasn’t been specified yet. Numerous efforts have been made to find effective medicinal treatment for AD, but the majority of...

Implications of Psychological Treatment of Obesity to Facilitate Behaviour Change

4 Pages 1917 Words
Numbers of individuals identified as overweight and obese are escalating at a concerning rates and these circumstances are associated with various psychological and physiological health complications. Obesity is operationally defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of >30.0 kg/height in m2 (Bean, Stewart & Olbrisch. 2008). It is accompanied by increased risk of discrimination in health care, interpersonal relationships,...

Born Equal: Is Race Discrimination Tearing This Concept Apart?

2 Pages 864 Words
Take this distressing analogy that is, miserably, used all too often in our society; a person is viewed as a parasite arrives uninvited and unwanted, takes without giving, disrupts the local environment and lays claim to that which is not its own. There is a huge systematic stripping away of humanity here. It has been argued that nationalised violence and...

The Effect Of Academic Achievement On Juvenile Delinquency

4 Pages 1906 Words
Suspending young people from school for bad behaviour, rather than keeping them there, could push them into a life of crime, reports Galilee School staff. Numerous studies confirm that juvenile delinquency is related to academic achievement and other school-related variables (Siegel Welsh & Senna, 2006), and Galilee School staff agree that many of the underlying causes of their students’ delinquent...

The Elements of Literacy Canon in To Kill a Mockingbird

4 Pages 1812 Words
Although most classics seem extremely outdated and what many people think to be no longer relevant in today’s vastly modern world, they demonstration society what we have developed from. How far we have come from those times of which the classic was written. How are we to know our progress if there is nothing to reflect and compare it with....

The Importance of Ethics in Universities

1 Page 498 Words
McKeachie and Svinicki (2006) assume that ethical standards are intended to guide us in carrying out the responsibilities we have, to the different groups with whom we interact, and violation of ethics can occur when one acts contrary to standards (326). For Peale and Blanchard (1984), wherever we go today there are visible signs of deterioration of ethics, in the...

How It Has Been Managed: Chinese Overpopulation

4 Pages 1620 Words
Overpopulation is when a place can no longer hold any more people without shortages. Some shortages are food insecurity, water cleanliness and amount, housing supplies, people not able to pay taxes, lopsided sex ratios, ageing population, spread of life-threatening disease and sicknesses and not enough space for healthy and clean living. These shortages create overpopulation. Some people get confused between...

Educational Inequity In Australia

2 Pages 702 Words
It is well known that in Australia not all schools experience the same amount of funding and therefore provide the same quality of education as each other. This is true in almost every country on earth however there are a number of reasons why this issue is worse in Australia than it needs to be, and worse than many comparable...

University Students’ Understandings Of And Attitudes Towards Human Rights

3 Pages 1261 Words
Due to the subjective nature of the topic, there will be a plethora of student perspectives towards human rights. Each individuals life experience will shift and alter how they determine their attitudes towards the subject as will the research methodology used. Human rights are ever-present within society and can be presented in many different ways. Social work is one field...

Conflict Management Strategy with the Partner

2 Pages 899 Words
Conflicts are the common occurrence at every site. In my opinion conflicts usually occurs where there is difference in the opinion and if there is power on other and if there are some disputes between the people. If there are some high expectations also leads to the conflicts where we cannot reach the expectations of the partner. If there is...

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