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The Autism Debate

2 Pages 891 Words
A heated conversation erupted at last year's disability rights conference in London when Sarah, an autistic self-advocate, challenged a prominent researcher about his stance on autism interventions. This exchange perfectly captures the ongoing tension between two prominent perspectives shaping our understanding of autism today. While some view autism primarily through a medical lens that emphasizes challenges and support needs, others...

Autism: A Disease or a Variant of the Norm

4 Pages 1630 Words
In this research project, I am going to research if autism is either a disease or a variant of the norm. I personally know someone who has autism and have direct contact with them a lot, this made me question myself more and more about, what it involves. Due to the lack of results from the many types of research...

Risk of E. Coli and Listeria Monocytogenes Infections in Pregnant Women

2 Pages 974 Words
There are two different microbial pathogens we are to discuss namely, Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes that affect pregnant women and the unborn foetus upon eating (or coming into contacting) with infected meat. Listeria monocytogenes is a facultative anaerobic bacteria which causes the infection called Listeriosis. Escherichia coli is a bacteria that is commonly found in the lower intestine of...

The Detailed Overview of Huntington's Disease

2 Pages 863 Words
Introduction Huntington's disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the gradual decline of motor control, cognitive function, and psychiatric stability. Named after Dr. George Huntington, who first described the condition in 1872, this genetic disorder is caused by a mutation in the HTT gene, resulting in the production of an abnormal form of the protein huntingtin. The onset...

Dengue Fever: Spread in North Queensland and Prevention

2 Pages 978 Words
This report investigates the conditions that result in mosquito bourne illnesses being a threat to Far North Queensland and the steps taken to control and reduce the risks of contracting dengue fever. Dengue fever is a disease that is very infectious and its spreading is caused by the female mosquito also known as Aedes aegypti. It’s said to usually take...

With Lupus, Sleep Never Comes Easily

1 Page 503 Words
My doctor sent me for a sleep study after my husband told him how loudly I snored. I tried to tell them that it wasn’t that bad, but as it turned out, it was. The night of the study, they put a cpap (continuous positive airway pressure) machine on me in the middle of the night. The nurse told me...

Five Confirmed Measles Cases in Westchester County

5 Pages 2169 Words
Doctor Collins rushes through a bustling pediatric office looking for her next patient. A child wails its mother's arms as they wait their turn, and every seat is taken in the lobby. Busy would be an understatement, with the waiting room feeling like a Best Buy during a black friday sale rather than your typical doctor's office. The measles outbreak...

Child Life Specialists Supporting Children with Cystic Fibrosis

3 Pages 1452 Words
Furthermore, the respiratory, digestive, reproductive and sweat glands are most affected by cystic fibrosis. There are many types of treatments that can aid these systems. The nervous system and the brain are least affected, making a child’s ability to learn not adjusted by cystic fibrosis. While the brain is typically not affected by those with cystic fibrosis, the lives of...

Key Strategies for Measles Eradication

3 Pages 1466 Words
Morbilli, more commonly known as “measles,” is caused by Rubeola virus that results in a highly contagious disease that infects the respiratory system, immune system, and skin. Initial symptoms are a high fever, runny nose, bloodshot eyes, and white spots on the inside of the mouth. It then develops into a rash that spreads downwards (Naim, 2018). Logically, because this...

Mitigating Hearing Loss

2 Pages 916 Words
Introduction Hearing loss is a prevalent condition affecting millions globally, with significant implications for communication, social interaction, and quality of life. According to the World Health Organization, over 1.5 billion people experience some degree of hearing impairment, with projections suggesting that this number could rise considerably in the coming decades. The causes of hearing loss are diverse, ranging from genetic...

The Lethal Threat of Ebola Virus

2 Pages 815 Words
Introduction The Ebola virus represents one of the most lethal pathogens known to humanity, characterized by its high mortality rate and rapid transmission. Emerging first in 1976 in simultaneous outbreaks in Nzara, Sudan, and Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo, this virus has persistently haunted regions in sub-Saharan Africa. According to the World Health Organization, the average fatality rate of Ebola...

Key ways to solve US opioid epidemic

5 Pages 2150 Words
Drug overdose is one of the leading causes of death in America and across the world. According to recent world headlines, “in 2015, about 300 million opioid prescriptions were written, with more than 80% being written in the United States” (Davidson). According to author Tish Davidson, this is only one part of the “American public health crisis caused by addiction...

Hepatitis C Outbreak in a Pain Clinic

3 Pages 1449 Words
During August 2002 in Oklahoma, USA in a pain remediation clinic, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) received a report of six patients who tested positive for acute hepatitis C virus (HCV). Immediately after this incident was reported the OSDH conducted a study on the clinic patients, serologic survey, interviews, review of medical records, and staff infection control practices...

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and Main Ways to Prevent It

3 Pages 1411 Words
Hearing loss is when your ability to hear is reduced. Hearing loss can develop by two main factors, exposure to loud noise for an extended amount of time and/or ageing. Noise induced hearing loss is often sensorineural, this is where the problem lies between the inner ear and the brain. The world is a loud environment, in the average everyday...

CRISPR Editing on Hereditary Deafness: Different Perspectives

5 Pages 2110 Words
The concept of editing and modifying genes has always been a subject of trepidation and consternation. Genes are organized units of heredity, sequenced within DNA, that converge to yield the vast variety of traits and characteristics that make you, you; the pigments that give your eyes that lovely blue, hazel, or brown color, the keratin that gives your hair its...

Selecting for Deafness as a Moral Harm: An Objection

3 Pages 1388 Words
In ‘Genetic Dilemmas’, Dena Davis posits that every child has a right to an open future. If a parent makes a choice that imposes on that right, they are violating the future autonomy of their child. Davis uses this argument to oppose using reproductive technology to select for deafness. In this paper, I will argue that choosing for deafness is...

Specific Needs of Older People with Dementia

5 Pages 2154 Words
Dementia is a progressive disorder of the mental process caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes and impaired reasoning (McDonnell, 2013). According to Alzheimer's Society (2007), there are currently an estimated 683,597 people with dementia in the UK (Alzheimer's Society, 2007). The aim of this essay is to analyse the spectrum of needs in...

Link Between Lactose Intolerance and Genetics, Age and Gender

1 Page 541 Words
Quite a lot of people are actually lactose intolerant and that means that they can not have milk or almost any other dairy because their bodies can not digest the sugar in dairy that is called lactose. Researches and studies show us that being lactose intolerant has a lot to do with genetics, age and gender. Doctors can test you...

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Existing Methods of Its Treatment

3 Pages 1555 Words
Muscular dystrophy is a genetic disease that currently has no cure. There are medical treatments and medications that can help ease symptoms and manage the disease. We will discuss further later what these treatments and medications are and how they can help the patient. Let's first briefly discuss the history of muscular dystrophy and how the disease propagates. Muscular dystrophy...

Adolescence and Young Adult Sexually Transmitted Infection

2 Pages 991 Words
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are gradually increasing in the youth, mainly in adolescents. STIs are mainly transferred through some type of sexually intercourse between two individuals. The youth of this generation have the complex that they are untouchable and don’t comprehend the extent of their action. Nevertheless, the youth account for almost half of the population in the United States...

Interaction Between Genetic and Environmental Factors in Atherosclerosis

1 Page 606 Words
Atherosclerosis can be instigated by a variety of genetic and environmental factors. Individually environmental and genetic risk factors and how they affect atherosclerosis are understood. However, the understanding of how a genetic condition interacts with environmental factors is less understood. In this essay the interactions between Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) and environmental factors interact and there consequences will be discussed. FH...

Clinical Implications of Pneumonia

2 Pages 727 Words
Introduction Pneumonia remains a significant public health concern worldwide, affecting millions of individuals annually. This respiratory condition, characterized by infection and inflammation of the lung parenchyma, is caused by a variety of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The clinical manifestations of pneumonia are diverse, ranging from mild respiratory distress to severe, life-threatening complications. Despite advancements in medical science, pneumonia...
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Essay on Poverty and Unemployment on the Case of India

2 Pages 1016 Words
During the first decade of independence, it believed that the economic growth of the nation would automatically reduce poverty and unemployment. But it realized that along with the growth the policies and programed need effective state intervention. In order to achieve the planned objectives, it needs to cooperate with various projects, including public-private partnership. In the present scenario it is...

Chiropractic for Treating Muscular Dystrophy

3 Pages 1289 Words
The developmental condition that I thought would be the most beneficial to learn to enhance my chiropractic career is muscular dystrophy. Muscular dystrophy is categorized as rare genetic diseases, that displays numerous symptoms, however, the main apparent symptom is loss of muscle function (Do et al. 2018). The abnormality that appears with muscular dystrophy is that abnormal genes interrupt the...

Coronavirus Crisis Impact on Micro and Macroeconomics

4 Pages 2022 Words
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. This is a new virus that has been discovered in 2020 all around the world. During this virus has occur, there has been many economic impacts and has caused problems for example increase of unemployment and the banks reducing interest rates. Also, the main impact which is...

C Wright Mills: Personal Troubles vs Public Issues

2 Pages 1013 Words
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Sociological imagination is a quality of mind that individuals think of their own problems as matters that are private or they have caused themselves rather than the culture or historical context around them. C. Wright Mills states cultural imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. With sociological imagination one must be...

Supporting Children with Special Needs

2 Pages 999 Words
Introduction The provision of appropriate support for children with special needs is a multifaceted endeavor that requires collaboration, understanding, and dedication from educators, parents, and caregivers. As society becomes increasingly aware of the diverse needs of children, the importance of creating inclusive educational environments has gained significant attention. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that children with disabilities...

E. Coli Outbreak in Romaine Lettuce

4 Pages 1958 Words
The recent E. coli outbreak in Romaine Lettuce has forced many restaurants, grocery stores, and households to pull the popular produce off the shelves. A recent discovery found that farmers harvesting the lettuce in the Central Coastal regions in northern and central California were responsible for the outbreak. Not only was the United States affected by this outbreak, but Canada...

Basic Treatment Strategies for Leukemia

1 Page 514 Words
There are numerous approaches to treat leukemia and contrast starting with one individual then onto the next, contingent upon his age and wellbeing condition, and whether this was influenced by his nerves, his spinal liquid, or not. Treatment of leukemia is one of the most trouble some ways as not numerous types are analyzed in the first place and are...
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