Philosophical Concept essays

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My Colorful and Beautiful Ikigai

1 Page 556 Words
I'm alive because I have life, I have life because I'm alive. A very simple statement but meaningful as we used to expound it. It is like I exist because I have an ikigai that gives me a reason for living even the moment that I'm feeling distressed and my life becomes miserable. The true meaning of life for me...

Is There a Fine Line between Optimism and Reality?

1 Page 600 Words
One question in the world is, is there a fine line between optimism and reality? There are two kinds of people when it comes to these topics. An optimistic person thinks the best possible things will happen. They are confident and view the glass as half-full. They always look on the bright side of things. Realistic people view a situation...

Having the Purpose of Life

2 Pages 1103 Words
First and the foremost reason is that we are conditioned like that by society. Since our childhood we are told that we need to have a purpose to live in. In our neighborhood, there is a man who always asks her granddaughter in front of everyone why you are alive and what’s the purpose of your existence and every time...

Having a Purpose in Living

1 Page 614 Words
What’s my purpose in living? Do I live in the true essence of life? Or does, I live just to live life? Life defined as an existence of a person to experience the world. The world where we, human beings, live, seeking ourselves and purposes. Eager to learn new experiences and knowing the true virtue. The philosopher that triggers my...

Essay about Meaning of True Love

3 Pages 1441 Words
As human being man is born in this world full of longing, he has this need, that desires to be satisfied, the need for love, C.S. Lewis in his book ‘Four Loves’ states that “as soon as we are fully conscious, we discover loneliness. Each individual need other people physically, emotionally, intellectually; we need them if we are to know...

Engineering Management: Current State and Future Prospects

2 Pages 1142 Words
The changes in the industrial requirements of the professionals is a never-ending task, and you will never be able to know what the industry would expect from you tomorrow. Regardless of your profession, you are stuck in a continuously rolling wheel, and you should remember that you are supposed to be moving so as to allow yourself to move forward...

Can Video Games Develop Successful Surgeons?

4 Pages 1950 Words
Home video gaming systems have been around for decades. Older generations may remember home console gaming systems such as Atari, ColecoVision, or even IntelleVision. Parents of the 1980’s were equally concerned about the dangers of playing video games as they are today. What many critics of video games don’t appreciate is the enormous potential these games have in developing optimal...

Essay on Renewable Energy Towards a Brighter Future

2 Pages 1134 Words
A global deal to cut emission and stop global warming signed in Conference of the parties in Paris, obligate oil and gas industry to reduce they co2 emissions. According to Carrington(2015),Paris agreement would leave more than $1tn of oil project without a return as the government increase measurement to cut down emission and tackle climate changes. The industry is facing...

Education is the Passport to the Future

2 Pages 833 Words
An aunty of mine, who was going overseas to the Philippines to visit her family was in a desperate state when she realised her passport had expired. This meant that she would not be able to travel and would not be able to do what she had planned for sometime. And I wondered why this passport and the absence of...

A Look into the Future Economy

2 Pages 748 Words
The future economy is creeping up and it is evident that technical innovation is the main engine of aggregate economic growth, providing advanced living standards in the long term and boosting per capita income and consumption. The future of innovation, will cause a change in the nature of work, demolishing some professions within the labour market whilst creating new ones....

Essay on the Future of Computer Technology

1 Page 678 Words
It is impossible to imagine the modern world without computers. Today’s computers help the work force perform their jobs more efficiently and offers hundreds of benefits to the business. The most impacting benefits include saving money and time. Some of the most noticeable benefits include automating reports, increasing interaction among employees and managers, and dramatically increasing communications on a global...

Essay on the Future of Computers

1 Page 530 Words
In nowadays, the technology that has more impact on human beings is the computer. The computer had changed our lives dramatically in the 20th century. How the computer affected our society, well, our generation strives to be a fast-paced society in which every task must be done speedily. The computer technology we use, our daily life, has a magnificent advantage...

Adam Smith's View of Wealth and Virtue

2 Pages 819 Words
Wealth is an abundance of valuable possessions or money. In other means such as the plentiful supplies of a particular resource. When one asks themselves, ‘What is wealth?’, people immediately think of money. They think of nice cars and big houses. People think of power and the ability to have control over others, and money is not the only wealth...

Hyperloop as Primary Mode of Transportation in the Year 2050

1 Page 411 Words
A growing global economy requires a faster, cheaper, safer and more efficient form of transportation. The roads, airports, and ports are congested. And there hasn’t been a major new form of transport in 100 years. Hyperloop is a concept proposed by Elon musk’s company Space X. The concept has some resemblance to maglev transportation but is a totally different concept....

Essay About the Future of Transportation

6 Pages 2580 Words
Transportation, defined as “the movement of people or goods from one place to another” by Cambridge dictionary, has evolved with the time, just like every other aspect in life. Right now, the world is so ahead in technology that advancements are being developed every day. What comes ahead concerning transportation are solutions for most of the problems the world has...

Reasons Why Cheater Should Be Expelled from College

1 Page 638 Words
At many colleges, being accused of any types of academic dishonesty is a common issue which affects the future of students. Thus, it becomes an educational concern, so in order to eliminate this behavior of the ethical code. Colleges draw up serious policies towards students who, for example, cheat during the exams and sometimes harsh actions against them such as...

Discussion Whether or Not Cheating is Bad

2 Pages 992 Words
This paper outlines the definitions of cheating, the types of cheating which occur in everyday life, and discusses whether or not cheating is bad. In this paper I take the stance that the act of cheating is always bad. I try to figure out why cheating is bad and understand if there are times where cheating can be justified. The...

The Harm of Cheating for Children

1 Page 403 Words
From cheating early kids are learning to coast off of other people’s accomplishments. Some kids can go through school without doing any work for themselves, growing up without achieving basic English, math and science skills needed in everyday life. Leading experts have said that cheating has become too easy as teachers don’t punish students harsh enough. Punishments need to be...

Plagiarism as a Type of Cheating

1 Page 627 Words
According to Ober, (2012) “Plagiarism is a form of scientific misconduct defined as authoring ideas or words produced by someone else or from one’s own previous publication and attempting to publish such work without properly citing to the original author and publications.” Plagiarism policies are for all students, researchers, writers, scientists, philosophers, teachers, and for anyone who publishes the writings....

Causes and Consequences of Sheating

1 Page 413 Words
In this day there are more students consider cheating and not just on tests, it can be many ways such as plagiarism, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty…etc. Of course, it is highly undesirable for students to cheat. However, to treat a cheating student as a bad person, does the school just remember to give it a clear score and give it...

Reasons Why People Cheating

8 Pages 3475 Words
Introduction Many people do not know what it means to cheat, whether it is in a relationship, classwork, homework, on a quiz etc. There are many definitions for the term cheating, it can be implemented in almost anything. There are many consequences now for cheating, in the past decades there were not many repercussions. Technology has change drastically, did you...

Beowulf Good vs Evil Essay

3 Pages 1520 Words
Beowulf is a story of Anglosaxon on the heroes that meet many monsters. Taking into account what the story originated in Anglosax, there is morale and values for the history of Anglosaxon. The early Anglosaxon was a criminal in knowledge and faith when it came to his Christian beliefs. After the Romans invaded the United Kingdom, later, Anglozauxon became more...

Personal Leadership Philosophy Essay

1 Page 409 Words
Leadership Philosophy: A leadership philosophy is basically a conviction framework that manages your dynamic. It comprises your center standards, viewpoints, and qualities. At the point when you characterize what they are, and use them to shape an authority reasoning explanation, your practices and choices will stay steady. A similar idea applies to solid authority. Those you lead will have more...

Act of Kindness Essay

1 Page 547 Words
Introduction “Can you recall a time somebody was kind to you? Now change the scenario and think of a time you were kind to another person. Call to mind their reaction and how you responded. Move into your heart and notice the feelings there.” — Tony Fahkry To be kind is probably the most important value in our society because...

Does God Exist Essay

3 Pages 1228 Words
perfectExplain a problem with the idea that God is eternal and how his problem might be resolved. The problem is, if God is eternal, meaning he exists outside of time, God would know what happens in our future. God knows what happens in our future just as he knows what has happened in the past. The argument arising from God’s...

Essay about Peace

2 Pages 771 Words
Islam and Christianity are two religious traditions that to a significant extent have actively focused on and succeeded in guiding their adherents in their contributions toward world peace. Peace refers not only to harmony, freedom, and the absence of war in society, but also encapsulates the understanding between different religious traditions. World peace cannot exist without inner peace so by...

Benefits of Being Bilingual Essay

5 Pages 2074 Words
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Introduction: The Multifaceted Advantages of Bilingualism Famous psycholinguist Frank Smith once said, “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” In today's modern global world where it is possible to communicate with anyone anywhere on the planet at any time, there are still a few barriers to communication remaining. One of...

Leadership Philosophy Essay

4 Pages 1906 Words
Every person develops a philosophy based on their sense of life, which is expressed through interactions and framed by our worldview. One’s philosophy is based on many factors such as politics, relationships, education, family background, and much more (Ugquozor, 2019). A personal philosophy of leadership helps guide one’s thoughts and decisions on a daily basis. One’s personal philosophy is seen...

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