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The Embodiment of the Ideology of Republican Motherhood in the Women's Movements of the Gilded Age

5 Pages 2100 Words
In the time period before the Civil War moral reformers and the state of the working financial industry combined to lead many Americans to imagine separate spheres of activity for men and women. Most women of European descent lived lives similar to their European counterparts. They were legally and socially subservient to men they were stuck in a society with...

Opinion: Gun Violence, Campus Carry, and Solutions

2 Pages 837 Words
After I formulated a thesis for this paper, there were two shootings within twenty four hours of each other. Previously, I was supportive of the gun ban, but now I am sure that banning firearms would not solve the true issues at the root of this pandemic. The Dallas and Dayton shootings spurred a fresh wave of conversation amonsgt my...

The Comparison of the Danger of Domestic and International Terrorism

4 Pages 1989 Words
While many Americans today recall the unfortunate events of September 11, 2001 when international terrorists flew aircraft into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and killed thousands, fewer will likely remember the largest domestic terrorism event in the nation’s history which took place just a few years earlier when Timothy McVeigh bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma...

Individual Negative Effects of Computer Games

3 Pages 1349 Words
Have you ever thought if computer games have any negative effects on individuals? If not, think again. Computer games are affecting individuals in terms of lack of socialization, crime, and increased aggression levels. The reason why computer games are negative for individuals is because of most of the violence it contains. Excessive use of computer games may cause crime, aggression,...

The Need for Toughest Gun Laws in America

2 Pages 1026 Words
For years, America has experienced gun violence and is getting worse with each passing year. Everyday over a hundred thousand Americans are killed by guns, what’s even more alarming is that it is very easy to get a gun from just about anywhere here in America. Most of these deaths are suicides and the rest are homicides and accidents. I...

Review of US History: the Changing Role of Female, the Manifest Destiny, and the Reason World War II Broke Out

2 Pages 888 Words
As we all know, the United States occupies an important position in the world. When I studying in junior middle school, I have a great interest in the country. In this summer, I enroll the U.S. history course in order to learn about the birth and development of U.S. I found that the history made a deep effect on U.S....

Overview of the Documentary 'La Raza'

2 Pages 785 Words
In the documentary ‘La Raza’, the history of East LA and the Chicano movement is portrayed as an important part of Chicano history. This movement occurred during the 1960’s and 1970’s, and it has made a significant difference in Chicano culture and how people view Hispanics and Latinos. Their main motive to create this organization was the discrimination against Chicanos....

Injustice in the Justice System

4 Pages 2023 Words
Justin Bieber has committed crimes but gotten away easy. He was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and while underage, but released from jail the following day--even though he was arrested on a $2,500 bond. Authorities found marijuana and Xanax in Bieber’s system, yet he still pleaded not guilty to all charges. Also, Bieber was charged for egging...

Abuse in Purple Hibiscus

3 Pages 1155 Words
Reviewed double_ok
In the novel ‘Purple Hibiscus’ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie the main character Kambili and her family goes through the motions of domestic violence. Domestic violence is a very serious issue that people have to go through everyday, according to statistics “Nearly 1 million women experience at least one incident of domestic abuse each year” (Starmer) and “At least 750,000 children...

Significance of the Suffrage Movement of the 19th and 20th Centuries for Later Generations

5 Pages 2506 Words
The US Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights, are the primary documents that stipulate the rights of American citizens and the protections they are afforded. Adopted in 1789, the Constitution ensures that “no man should be deprived of his unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Though it is seen as a perfect opportunity...

The Problem of the Development of Gun Culture in the American Society

3 Pages 1562 Words
Today’s media highlights current news events that are controversial while also imposing their personal bias of the event. This influences the audience's behavior by significantly increasing the rate of public conversation on these topics. Public conversation and controversy can initiate social movements like protests, activism groups, and incite the continuous division between political parties. The general public is usually quick...

Technology’s Role in Preventing Gun Violence

5 Pages 2087 Words
Gun violence is one of America’s major situations that nowadays seems as a new normal occurring in society. Digital technology experts are trying to reduce the situation with the advancement of technology. Prevention of these incidents should be our main priority for our safety and our lives. Advanced technology such as Gun detection could help improve the prevention of shootings...

Overview of US Gun Laws

3 Pages 1297 Words
Gun violence has become a larger area of interest for citizens of the United States. Gun violence has changed in many different ways since the 1700s. In 1791 the U.S. Constitution was put into place which included laws about guns and gun violence. The Constitution states, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right...

The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution and Racial Discrimination

5 Pages 2528 Words
As citizens of the United States, we have the right to be given “fair procedures” without discrimination under the protection of the 14th amendment. Due process insures every citizen’s right to a fair trial, hearing, and any other procedure needed when convicted of a crime. However, for as long as the 14th amendment has been in existence, there have been...

Chinese Immigrants In Texas

2 Pages 1061 Words
Located at heart of United States, Texas is rich in natural resources and has a business friendly environment. In fact, for a long time now, Texas has been a hub for immigrants from all over the world. The state hosts both immigrants and natives of America. As a result, Texas’ population is rapidly growing. In 2005, Texas had outperformed other...

The Threat to Freedom of Speech

1 Page 531 Words
All people around the world practice free speech daily, but not all people have the privilege of doing it publicly. Even though there is freedom of speech in many western countries, other countries in the world still do not have the luxury of this basic right, but now we may be in danger of losing this right after fighting long...

The Supreme Court of the United States and Its Impact on Same-Sex Marriage Rights

7 Pages 3012 Words
The U.S. Supreme Court was created by the Constitution of the United States and was established in 1789 and recognised under the Judiciary Act of 1789 (Smentkowski 2019). When the Founding Fathers were drafting the Constitution, they were against having a central government. As a result, when writing the Constitution, they decided that it was important to have an institution...

Outcome of Violence in Society

3 Pages 1388 Words
Today's world is supporting the isolation that occurs through the process of importance which is concerned. This phenomenon must be one of the largest problems to bring the violence in today's world. Today, the emerging world while building his own world through their sense the idea of violence against his own for the removal of the other, in this case,...

The Key Facts About the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

2 Pages 890 Words
It is just a regular day and you are going to work at the World Trade Center. You greet your co-workers and get your morning coffee. All of a sudden, you hear a loud crash and you wake up from unconsciousness. You hear screaming and can barely see through all the smoke. This was what people were going through on...

The US Economy’s Resilience Following the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

2 Pages 903 Words
Following the September 11th, 2001, terror attacks in Manhattan, New York, much shock and uncertainty was felt around the world regarding the effects that such attacks would have on the United States and its global trading partners. This essay will highlight the US economy’s resilience following the unexpected and catastrophic events that occurred in the Autumn of 2001. After the...

Socio-Political Implications of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

1 Page 653 Words
The term withdrawal or secession had been utilized earlier in 1776. South Carolina startled partition after the Continental Congress tried to tax each and every colony based on the number of the entire residents that would comprise slaves. Approved by the U.S. Congress, the Kansas-Nebraska Act permitted people in the provinces of Kansas and Nebraska with their consent to permit...

Key Factors Affecting Booker T. Washington Middle's Academic Performance

2 Pages 939 Words
The first factor that affects Booker T. Washington Middle’s academic performance is the incredibly high rate of student poverty. In this school, low-income students represent more than 95% of all the students enrolled. Title 1 program provides additional funding for schools with large concentrations of low-income students to support communities with the highest concentrations of homelessness for students and achieve...

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