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Introduction Even those suffering from math-related anxieties or phobias cannot escape its everyday presence in their lives. From home to school to work and places in between, math is everywhere. Whether using measurements in a recipe or deciding if half a tank of gas will make the destination, we all use math. It is a good idea, therefore, for teachers and parents of reluctant math learners to use real-world examples to ignite a spark of practical interest. Math is everywhere....
5 Pages 2143 Words
Mathematics and Numeracy can be found everywhere in the world around us as they are both an important aspect of our lives. Be it a shopkeeper, a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer, a student and even an insect in nature they all use the form of mathematics. Mathematics and numeracy are often thought to be the same but are two different concepts. While numeracy and mathematics draw upon the same body of skills, numeracy is not the same as mathematics;...
2 Pages 1080 Words
Mathematics is a means of thinking, a process of solving problems and explaining arguments, a foundation upon which modern society is built, a structure that nature is patterned by. It is said to be a systematic application of matter. Some people say it made a man more organized. Also, it makes our life practical and prevents disorder. However most people have the history of struggling with mathematics tasks which make them think if they will ever apply the knowledge in...
2 Pages 851 Words
INTRODUCTION Language represents an essential human characteristic what differentiates us from other species. Hence, language acquisition play a fundamental role in the science world. The most relevant contribution of language acquisition in first and second languages to the progress of science has been done at least in a specific field, the cognitive science. In other words, they have encouraged the study of mind and intelligence by describing how children or adult learn languages. This two areas are particularly meaningful to...
4 Pages 1772 Words
A businessman decides that he is going to buy the only source of water in a region and will sell rights to it in order to make a profit for himself. The businessman then proceeds to charge fifteen times more for water rights, effectively putting everyone in the farming community out of business. With the local economy extinguished, the townspeople grow poorer and are unable to meet their basic needs. The businessman thinks that he did nothing wrong in this...
2 Pages 1060 Words
Abstract Text summarization is a natural language processing technique which is used for extracting key ideas from a given document. Advanced summarization methods should be able comprehend high-level semantic in the text. In this paper prevalent language models (LM) and frameworks for text summarization based on them are reviewed. It is shown that best quality summaries are achieved with the use of recent LMs. Furthermore, some of considered frameworks are suitable for multiple natural language processing tasks and are able...
4 Pages 1805 Words
Introduction The human body is filled with hundreds and thousands of small DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) strands which together as a complete strand create what’s called a Genome. DNA is a chemical compound which makes up the genetic instructions that are needed by all living things. DNA is made up of two intertwining, paired stands that create a double helix shape. Each of these strands is made up of four chemical units called nucleotide bases. These are adenine, thymine, guanine and...
3 Pages 1240 Words
Celtic mythology can be defined as a collection of myths related to Celtic polytheism and is the religion that was practiced during the Iron Age. The people of Celtic maintained a polytheistic religion, and tradition set-up (Cunliffe, 2018). The scientific study of Celtic beliefs in antique is, however, the activities related to current development due to the shortfall of materials of study as well as the writers involved in the wildest speculative flights. The surface observation within the Romano-Celtic zone...
5 Pages 2391 Words
Sport has played a key part in Australian culture; sport has provided various health benefits as well as allowed us to develop strong social bonds with our local sporting communities. The sports industry has grown to a point that more Australians are watching sport than ever before and has contributed to the growing nation's economy. As a nation moving less than ever, participation in sport and physical activity is vital for the health and wellbeing of all Australians (Van Manen...
4 Pages 1701 Words
The main point of the modern methodology is the maximum adequacy of the conditions conducive to the formation of communication skills in a foreign language, the condition for the use of speech means of a foreign language in communication. Learning a language from the very beginning should go in conditions of real communication or imitate these conditions as accurately as possible. Therefore, one cannot underestimate the enormous methodological and practical value of using proverbs and sayings in the process of...
7 Pages 3151 Words
Introduction The term emotion indicates various enjoyable or distressing mental states. Emotions can be regarded as the indispensable faculty for acquiring knowledge. Through this paper I am trying to analyze how the emotions and feelings are related to acquiring knowledge. Emotions will expand our ideas. and they clearly play an important role in everyday challenges such as responding to threads and building relationships. But emotions also aid in other, more intellectual challenges for humans. Emotions motivates us to engage in...
3 Pages 1455 Words
Just as there are several laws created to regulate different business sectors and curb unethical practices, which organizations strictly follow to avoid paying fines, there ought to be moral standards amongst organizations, such as having a good character/integrity. According to the Cambridge Dictionary (2019), character means the “combination of qualities in a person or place that makes them different from others.” In the marketing world, firms desire their offerings and brand to stand out in the market and be different...
2 Pages 691 Words
ABSTRACT: English Language Teaching is an art that enhance both teacher and the student involved in learning a new language. The content below deals with Language Teaching and learning, that will help the students to learns the basic methods and techniques used in learning a language both by the natives as well as the immigrants. The paper concentrates upon the major methods and techniques involved in teaching a language specially the target language (English). INTRODUCTION Language Teaching and Learning is...
5 Pages 2511 Words
Psycholinguistics or commonly known as the psychology of language is the consider of interrelation between linguistic components and psychological viewpoint. In other words, its reason is to discover the structures and prepare that underlie human’s capacity to talk and get it the language. In common, it can be characterized as the ponder of intellect and language, where it is related between human intellect and the language because it analyses the method that happens in the brain whereas creating and seeing...
2 Pages 700 Words
This is the eternal question, which has been generating debates for years. Linguists, college teachers, students, scientists, etc. We all have our opinion when asked what is the hardest part of learning a new language? Even for those who love grammar, and have easier understanding of rules and language structures, it's highly difficult to learn a new one. The first reaction of those who begin is how difficult its the grammar. Too many rules unknown to them. Too many words...
2 Pages 995 Words
How did you meet your best friend? What were you for halloween in middle school? What did you have for dinner last night? Everything that just went through your head, even if it was ten years ago or just last night, is a memory. Children start remembering things by the age of three. However, at seven years old, these early memories begin to fade. That’s why it’s hard to remember your first birthday but easier to remember your elementary school...
2 Pages 832 Words
The cellular respiration is a function that releases energy from food. The cellular respiration requires oxygen and glucose, which produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. You might wonder why is the cellular respiration so important. It’s important because the cellular respiration provides energy for living organisms. The cellular respiration is the process where chemical energy from food molecules turns into ATP. The equation for cellular respiration is C6H12O6+6O2 6H2O+6CO2. There are three stages of reaction in the cellular respiration which...
1 Page 414 Words
Introduction When philosophers and scholars began writing their works some of them argued that authoritarian forms of government were key in bringing up and enhancing fast developing countries. Some argued that dictatorial governments played a very important role in enhancing and maintaining the economic growth. Today, however, the political mantra is democratic governments in most states, all over the world. Summary Rita Abrahamsen in her book; DISCIPLINING DEMOCRACY ,uses the example of good governance discourse to help us understand development...
2 Pages 1062 Words
Introduction: So, most of you are thinking about applying to university after high school graduation. But have you ever thought about “Is it really worth this?” or “Do I really need to go to university?” I don’t think so. Actually, in my opinion, large amount of high-school students have thoughts in completely opposite way, like “I must go to university to have a highly paid job”. And these thoughts are wrong and bad for them, because it puts a lot...
1 Page 637 Words
As with concepts such as resilience and vulnerability, the notion of “public participation” is often employed in flexible and ultimately meaningless ways in order to paint policies as equitable, when in fact they do not truly account for the perspectives of marginalized peoples. In other instances, policymakers engage with the public in good faith, but only in inconsequential ways, such as by presenting completed initiatives to the impacted communities without having consulted with them during earlier stages of planning. Two...
2 Pages 796 Words
Suicide infers the exhibition of purposely causing one's own passing. The term suicide is applied to all cases of death coming about legitimately or in a roundabout way from a positive or negative exhibit of the casualty himself, which he understands will result the particular result. Mental confusion, including melancholy, bipolar unrest, schizophrenia, character issue, uneasiness issue, and substance abuse which joins alcohol dependence and the usage of benzodiazepines are some risk factors. Suicide is an intricate subject enacted by...
2 Pages 1104 Words
Introduction There are number of different types of intelligences which play an important role in one’s life and “Emotional Intelligence” or “Emotional quotient” is one these types of intelligences. In this paper I am going to write about the word “Emotional Intelligence”, its characteristics, history and how it became relevant in the twenty first century. I will also highlight my emotional strengths and weaknesses. EQ Definition and its characteristics EQ is the capability to identify and supervise your personal emotions...
1 Page 669 Words
The relationship between competition and stability is also ambiguous and dominated by two schools of thoughts in theoretical literature: “competition-fragility” and “competition-stability” hypotheses. The competition fragility hypothesis (also called as franchise value paradigm), states that increased competition among banks leads to greater banking risk-taking and thereby, greater financial fragility. This is because intense bank competition results in a reduction in market power as well as profit margin, which weakens the franchise value of banks. Therefore, in order to cover the...
3 Pages 1185 Words
This essay is a cardiac case study for a patient ‘John Jones’ written for the bridging module of the Paramedic Science course. A case study aims to examine complex phenomena to increase understanding of them (Yin, 2003). With this in mind, this essay will explore the location, structure and function of the heart, describe the blood flow through the heart, and examine the complications when a disruption occurs in that blood flow. It will then analyze the risk factors associated...
5 Pages 2128 Words
Introduction Ongoing research suggests mindfulness enhances executive function, although long-term interventions are time consuming and an unrealistic reflection of real-life. More recently, the benefits of short-term mindfulness have been highlighted, despite Anderson, Lau, Segal and Bishop (2007) observing no improvement in attentional control. This study aims to clarify the effect of short-term mindfulness on executive function and provide support for previous findings. A total of 98 participants listened to mindfulness meditation, mind-wandering meditation or an audiobook. Subsequently participants completed the...
5 Pages 2379 Words
Introduction The notion behind organ transplantation is rather simple, remove a healthy organ from a donor, place that organ into a recipient via surgery, connect important tissues, valves and allow the recipient another chance at life (Brezina, 2010). However, it is not that simple in reality, thousands of people wait years at a chance of a new life, while the number of people willing to donate remains stagnant (Brezina, 2010). The task of organ donation is difficult, but with the...
5 Pages 2199 Words
Introduction The Cartel has been defined as the “supreme evil of antitrust” shaking the foundations of an ethical structure of the existing competition in the market. In 1996 the European Union introduced the concept of the leniency programme to ease the Commission’s burden and time in detecting cartel. Leniency programme gives immunity or discount in fine to the first undertaking in the cartel, reporting the Commission. Prior to the leniency programme cartel were mostly detected by own initiatives, customer complaint,...
7 Pages 3008 Words
1. Introduction What are we aware of the ethics of business? Have we ever experienced a difficult ethical issue in which we have to determine what is correct or what is totally off base may be? In modern society and corporate world, business ethics is now a central issue. If we search for the word ethics, we will constantly find five related words: ethics, virtues, morals, values and principles. These words seem interchangeable to the casual observer; indeed, to develop...
6 Pages 2553 Words
Today I’m here to explain and to make sure people understand a questionable topic that is constantly misunderstood in all communities. Cultural appropriation is something that many don’t understand but many do. It may be intentional at times and other know that they are doing so, but just don’t care enough to stop. First, I’m going to explain what this concept is. Cultural Appropriation is the adoption or use of practices of one culture by members of a different culture....
3 Pages 1279 Words
Human Evolution has become a very prevalent topic of conversation over the past number of decades, with various ideas of how humans came to be who we are today. From a time where it was once thought that humans were a very close-knit evolutionary group, to now understanding that we do in fact, derive from apes. It is now believed that our closest ancestors are those of the African apes, the chimpanzee and the gorilla. Evidence from Charles Darwin and...
3 Pages 1431 Words
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