Zoology essays

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Evolution of the Kermode Bear

Evolution is a theory or scientific notion which conveys the idea that all life in our world has developed over time and continues to change by a process known as natural selection. Every living creature has participated in the evolution of their species, that's right, even us humans. An animal whose evolution goes back as far as 30 million years is our very large furry friend, the bear. Bears are classified in the Ursidae family which includes eight altering species...
3 Pages 1296 Words

Effect of Climate Change on Polar Bears

As human activities lead to rising greenhouse gas concentrations in Earth’s atmosphere, less incoming solar energy is released back into space, causing a net energy gain that increases global temperatures. Climate change will be an important driver of biodiversity loss into the foreseeable future. Habitat degradation, phenological shifts and ecosystem change are expected to result in an increasing number of species of conservation concern. The Arctic is warming at a rate three times greater than the global average and Arctic...
2 Pages 714 Words

Decline in the Number of African Elephants

Due to a decline of elephants in certain parts of African, I would like to propose a plan to help increase the population of these amazing creatures. I want to provide information to help you understand more about elephants and the areas they live along with the effects of losing them and the dangers posed to them. I will also include my idea on how we can work together and coexist peacefully together. African elephants live in a savanna biome...
2 Pages 868 Words

Creation of Transgenic Animals

Genetic alteration of livestock proves useful to human power by economic and efficient production of important pharmaceutical proteins and to study human diseases. The creation of transgenic animals has resulted in the additional use of laboratory animal such as mice in its place of large size animals and has decreased the number of animals used in experiment interrelated to the development of disease models. Since transgenic technology has great potential in many fields including livestock, medicine and industry. Several methods...
3 Pages 1441 Words

Save the Animals: Stop Animal Testing

Every day, over 115 million animals are trapped in steel cages, waiting for a latex-gloved hand to reach in and whisk them away for another day of testing. These animals are used to test the safety of products intended for human use, improve our medicines, or investigate the effects of products or procedures. Using animals for these purposes is unethical and constitutes abuse. Even though successful animal research frequently benefits humans, the pain, suffering, and deaths of animals are not...
1 Page 414 Words

Respiratory System in Simple and Complex Animals

The process of diffusion is the exchange of nutrients and wastes between a cell and its environment. For instance, amoeba, a single-celled microorganism can get all the nutrients it needs and get rid of its wastes through diffusion. However, diffusion is more effective in specific distance, hence it limits the size that an individual cell can attain. This means that the larger the size of the animal, the less surface area for diffusion it has (OpenStax Biology, 2015). Larger animals...
1 Page 654 Words

Red Foxes as One of the Most Widespread Species of Carnivores

Red foxes are one of the most widespread species of carnivores in the world (Malkemper and Peichl, 2018). They have no one specific habitat where they are found and therefore can be found all over the world. They are nocturnal mammals therefore their eyes and ears are adapted to allow them to hunt in the dark. They are carnivores therefore they have appropriately developed teeth which allow them to catch their prey as well as an adapted skull to help...
1 Page 547 Words

Osmoregulation Process in Animals

Osmoregulation is a procedure that animals control concentration water and sodium chloride in our body, permitting them to support their body fluids in the homeostasis limits. Freshwater, marine and terrestrial animals adapt in different ways. Our focus is on freshwater and part in terrestrial animals. The organism found in freshwater are different from others. The animals living in freshwater area must have ability to osmotic and ionic regulation. We have freshwater invertebrates and freshwater vertebrates, in general freshwater invertebrates are...
4 Pages 1724 Words

Illegal Animal Trade and Black-Market

Exotic animals are sold far and wide, bound for individuals' basements and lawns. The expression 'intriguing' doesn't have a set definition; however, it generally alludes to a wild animals or ones that are more unordinary than your standard pooch or feline. The blasting business in fascinating pets is known as the extraordinary pet exchange. A portion of this exchange is legitimate, however ordinarily animals are caught from the wild illicitly to gracefully interest for intriguing pets. The unlawful deals of...
1 Page 649 Words

How Animals Use Sound to Communicate? Essay

Animals use sound to communicate for reasons of survival, friendship, and breeding. Following the start of life on Earth 3.5 billion years ago, sound communication has since been a key aspect of animal lives, allowing for the enunciation of varying ideas to others. The conflicting purposes of auditory communication can be through several animals such as birds, chimpanzees, and dogs. The significant threshold moments will also be exemplified as the distinct effect of early life, early humanity and domestication will...
2 Pages 997 Words

Elephants Need to Be Protected

It is known that around the world are many species which are going on a ‘endangered’ status because of different reasons that impact on them in a negative way. One of these species are elephants. During the 20th century, the number of African elephants decreased due to ivory trade. Even though some elephant populations are now stable and reproducing, problems like poaching, habitat degradation, conflicts with humans and illegal ivory trade are still affecting them. The African elephant, which is...
2 Pages 768 Words

Descriptive Essay on European Red Fox

The European red fox is a keystone species that reduces biodiversity and impacts on the survival of native prey over large areas of entire ecosystems. The red fox is most commonly referred to as the European red fox however, its scientific name is Vulpes vulpes. Background Information It was purposely introduced to Australia for recreational hunting and in the early 1870s, fox populations became acknowledged in the wild. They survive in numerous habitats, ranging from urban areas to alpine and...
1 Page 621 Words

Deforestation as the Main Cause of Animal Extinction

The earth revolves around captivating animals, that form the globe’s ecosystem. The wildlife assists in ecology, economics, and biomedicine; these idioms will keep the planet safe because humans will have access to clean air, food, and water. Sadly, there’s a vast extinction of animals due to deforestation. Deforestation removes tropical forests to create empty land. For many reasons, this occurs, including agriculture, and logging for material and growth. But if animals are not in their habitat, they can’t survive. This...
3 Pages 1540 Words

Biodiversity: Saving the Plants and Animals

Ever wonder how humans are affecting biodiversity through their daily tasks? Every day there are workers building new homes, shopping malls, and schools. To have enough space, they’ll have to clear forest out with the animals. This is causing the US tons of money and loss in plants and animals. Although the biodiversity in the United States is decreasing tremendously due to loss and degradation of suitable habitat, it can be slowed down or even stopped, by building sanctuaries, reserving...
3 Pages 1421 Words

Animals’ Contribution to Society

Animals can contribute to society in many ways. They can be used in combat because of their unique, strong and lethal abilities. People believed that they would be able to train animals and embrace their abilities to help people who had to deal with fighting, the needs of people with disabilities and other customs. An example would be in the First World War. They trained horses and donkeys to carry medical supplies and food for soldiers, and carry around carriages...
1 Page 430 Words

Animal Extinction as Serious Threat to Mankind

Noted Irish playwright and political activist George Bernard Shaw once said: “The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them. That is the essence of inhumanity. But each and every animal on earth has as much right to be here as you and me” (Shaw). The main threat to animal extinction is the climate change that happens often. Animal extinction is a serious threat to mankind because when a species becomes...
3 Pages 1467 Words

Solution to Wild Horse Overpopulation

There’s an animal that’s been kicking up controversy, and that is the wild horses of America, we call them mustangs. Although their origins are unknown, their overpopulation has been a long-standing issue in the US. With large herds of these wild horses overrunning lands and resources, the controversy lies within our government BLM to control them. Today’s wild horses are not truly native. The early forerunner to the mustang is said to have first appeared millions of years ago but...
2 Pages 882 Words

How have Australian Animals Adapted to their Environment Essay

Introduction Australia is a unique continent that is home to some of the most diverse and interesting creatures in the world. Many of these animals have evolved to survive in the harsh conditions of their environment. This essay will discuss how Australian animals have adapted to their environment to ensure their survival. Camels Australian animals have developed a wide range of adaptations to survive in the harsh, dry environments found throughout the continent. From freshwater crocodiles that can survive in...
3 Pages 994 Words

Why are Biomes Important to Life on Earth

A biome is a community of flora and fauna that have common characteristics for the environment they exist in. Biomes are very large ecological areas on the Earth's surface and are often defined by abiotic factors such as climate, temperature, relief, geology, soils and vegetation. Biomes have a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth. Grasslands are large terrains consisting of grasses, flowers and herbs, this biome includes; savannas, prairie, scrub, plains, pampas and steppe. Grasslands cover nearly 35% of...
1 Page 506 Words

Essay on Endangered Species: Tiger

Tiger is the most majestic animal of the jungle. With their signature orange fur and black stripe tigers have become icons of beauty, power and importance of conservation. It is a charismatic mega fauna featured prominently in ancient mythology and folklore. It can be found in modern films and literature, appearing on coats of arms as mascots for sports team and many flags. Thus it is the national animal of India, Bangladesh, Malaysia and South Korea. Tiger taxonomy is a...
3 Pages 1430 Words

Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

To the professors and experimenters who vouch for animal testing, It is no means for your research. Right now, an assortment of vulnerable animals is locked inside barren cages in laboratories across the country. Not only is animal testing morally and ethically wrong, the multi-billion dollar industry that encompasses the pharmaceutical and chemical chains, is ruining the biodiversity throughout our ecosystems that we have tried so hard to maintain. The abundance of alternatives you have to these poor, innocent animals...
1 Page 580 Words

Analytical Essay on the Bald Eagle: Description of Bones and Joints

The Bald Eagle is one of the most efficient birds of prey in the world. Its multiple adaptations allow it to hunt more effectively in its environment. Bald Eagles are predominately found near wetlands, on the coast, lakes, rivers, or in marshes. They prefer to live in areas close to water, where they hunt for their prey. They tend to roost in trees based on their height for protection. Like all birds, Bald Eagles have pneumatic bones which makes them...
1 Page 586 Words

Should Animal Testing Be Banned Essay

Argumentative Essay Humans and animals: both beings that feel pain and have a soul. What separates humans and animals that makes animals subject to, often deathly, laboratory testing? Activists around the world have used the same basic concept to plead their cause for years. Many countries and brands have already banned cosmetic animal testing, but the US has yet to make laws to eliminate it. Although the results of medical animal testing save thousands of lives every year, cosmetic animal...
3 Pages 1237 Words

Horror of Ivory Poaching in Africa of Elephants and Rhinoceros: Analytical Essay

There are many monstrosities committed against animals globally on a daily basis. One of the notable crimes against animals is the illegal poaching of rhinoceros and elephants for ivory. Ivory is one of the most precious materials and it is used for an abundance of reasons. The main reason poaching has become a problem is because western culture believes ivory has medicinal purposes. This makes ivory extremely valuable to the African people. One pound of ivory can be worth upwards...
5 Pages 2089 Words

Should Zoos Exist? Essay

Zoos are a popular attraction amongst children and adults. It has been suggested that animals have been kept in captivity for thousands of years, with the first zoo being established in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. However there is split opinion on having zoos within local communities. Some of the positives are it's a place of education, conservation, rescue and breeding programmes. The negatives are animals may suffer physically and mentally, the environment doesn't meet their natural habitat....
1 Page 549 Words

Why Zoos are Important? Essay

A zoo is a place where animals live in captivity and are put on display for people to view. The word “zoo” is short for “zoological park.” Zoos contain wide varieties of animals that are native to all parts of the Earth. Though people have kept wild animals for thousands of years, those collections have not always resembled modern zoos. The first zoos were created as private collections by the wealthy to show their power. These private collections were called...
4 Pages 1690 Words

Why Animals Should not be Kept in Zoos? Essay

Do you want animals to die out quicker? If not, I positively believe that animals should not be kept in zoos because animals suffer in captivity and many zoos fail to provide even a minimum standard care lastly healthy animals are killed. Firstly, Animals suffer in captivity because Captivity is living hell for animals, who are meant to be free. Enclosures in many zoos and safari parks are on average 100 times smaller than the minimum home range for animals...
1 Page 421 Words

Animal Cruelty in Zoos Essay

For the question that “Are our zoos cruel to wild animals” I am agree with this statement up to some extent. Zoo is the place where animals are kept within enclosures be displayed to the visitors for the awareness about wild animals. Zoo is like the second home of the animals. Zoos are considered a great teaching center about the animals and their behavior. We cannot imagine our society and environment if we destroy the animals that are our ecosystem....
2 Pages 999 Words

Why are Zoos Bad for Animals? Essay

Are animals being saved from extinction by living in zoos or homes? Well, not exactly many incidents show that zoos and homes cause animals to have health and adaptation problems. Additionally, having animals in captivity not only makes it harder for the animals to survive and adapt to the wild but also causes animals to make bad habits. Having animals as pets may also disturb the ecosystem it lives in and ultimately cause more animals to go extinct. Saving wild...
1 Page 652 Words

Zoos are Bad for the Animals, They’re Only For Us

Are zoos really created for what people think they do; conserve, research and education? Zoos have been around for a very long time since the 18th century, and I assume that you have either visited the zoo, heard of one, or seen one, at least once in your life. Personally, I strongly believe that the principal goal of conservating animals has changed into entertainment for humans, giving absolutely no respect for animals, therefore, we should not have zoos anymore. First...
2 Pages 830 Words

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