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Revenge and Morality in Wuthering Heights

The Victorian Age was a period of remarkable development, growth and change for England. Dramatic changes happened in all spheres: economy, culture, trade, science and particularly literature. Due to the advancement of printing press and the increase of literacy, there was a boost in the literary culture. Among other genres, the English novel is the form that flourished the most in this period. With many novels being published, certainly a few have been irreplaceable and have resisted time, ‘’Wuthering Heights’’...
1 Page 412 Words

Why It Is Important To Know And Understand How Discrimination And Bias Affects on the Life Of Others

Bias affects people in so many different ways. Some of those ways include feeling unsafe, having missed opportunities in both employment and education, and physical problems down the road. First thing is first to figure out how discrimination and bias affects the life of others we must first understand what discrimination and Bias is and how it happens. The author of The Power of Knowing states that Bias is quick judgement for or against someone, something, or a group that...
2 Pages 792 Words

Students’ Perceptions And Experiences Of Social Media In Higher Education

21st Century higher education institutions encounter remarkable social, economic, and technological transformations guaranteed to transform students’ educational experience substantially. Analysts ought to proceed with monitoring contemporary and emerging technologies as a way of seeing what equipment have considerable abilities in the classroom, and how open-minded students are to utilizing the identified tools. This assessment takes out a single component of the crucial technological switch within universities by examining how social media is being used in higher education. The current study...
3 Pages 1532 Words

The Entrepreneur’s Economic Intelligence

Economic Intelligence can be thought of as “the skill to understand the marriage of accessible evidences so as to lead the action in the direction of a wanted objective.” Wilensky (1967) describes the “organizational intelligence” as “the difficulty of bringing together, preparing, deciphering, and connecting of the material necessary for making decision. The Entrepreneur’s choice is associated with executing decisions by finding out the finest option which can bring about important and realistic compensation. The notion of economic order must...
2 Pages 783 Words

The Story Of Alzheimer’s Disease And CAV1

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is amongst the main causes of morbidity and perhaps mortality in the older population1. Alzheimer’s disease pathology has over the years bordered on the deposition of the protein beta- amyloids (Aβ) and the subsequent involvement of tau plaques in the brains of patients. However, there has been evidence to suggest the involvement of vascular and endothelial factors 2 but this association is not clear. Writing in the journal of neuroscience, Bonds et al report that the reduction...
3 Pages 1300 Words

The Necessity of Free Will Against Forced Morality

Free will is the capability of acting out of one’s own judgment. However, the major problem with this is the social, natural, or religious restrictions that inevitably controls humanity. Where freedom is a widespread desire, it has also been proven to portray the worst impulses of those with power. This is confirmed yet again in Anthony Burgess’s dystopian novel A Clockwork Orange. Set in an oppressive state, Alex – a teenager who has a history in crimes – has his...
2 Pages 731 Words

Strategic Approach To Atychiphobia

Understand, accept, realize, and dwell with the fact that failure is not fatal. There is a way to correct most of the mistakes we make, and most of them have a second chance you can use to right your wrongs, so you don't have to fear failure. Each time you try and fail, you're left with the wisdom to learn from your mistakes, which gives you a step ahead of those who never tried. Nevertheless, never start a task with...
2 Pages 993 Words

The Extent Press and Media Influence and Shape Public Perceptions of Crime

Social media was created in 1997 and since then it has been one of the most pervasive forms of control over the public’s perceptions of crime. The press has shaped and influenced the public’s perceptions of crime for decades now as the public learns about crimes from many different sources, such as: the news/newspapers, magazines, movies, TV shows, books and many other forms. Usually these sources don’t present the complete reality of those crimes. ( Media, Process and the Social...
1 Page 530 Words

Does Morality Depend on Religion?

Introduction The relationship between religious beliefs and morality is morality and religion. Many religions have useful mechanisms for personal conduct that direct followers in the determination of right or wrong. In this essay we will discuss that Is morality based on religion. Why does this happen? Can morality not depend on religion? Why not? Why not? Is it desirable to rely on religion on our moral rules and principles? Does it need to be? Many people think that the morality...
3 Pages 1227 Words

Could Poor Dental Hygiene Be A Risk Factor For Alzheimer’s Disease?

Introduction This review will be investigating how poor dental hygiene can be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). AD is a progressive brain disorder that results in a decline in cognitive functions such as thinking, memory and behaviour (Holmer et al., 2018). It is the most common type of dementia (Gaur & Agnihotri, 2015) and is categorised into 3 main stages: mild, moderate and severe. A hallmark for the disease is brain inflammation (Rogers, 2008) and the presence of...
4 Pages 1969 Words

The Relationship of Crime and Drug Use

There is a strong relationship present between criminal activity and drug use which consistently appears within academic literature (Moore et al, 2007). Several academics have made numerous arguments that the volume of crime is linked directly to the use of drugs. Although, it must be noted that the drug use and crime relationship isn’t as simple as it seems. It is regularly linked to unemployment problems, health issues and inequalities within the socio-economic state. Additionally, the relationship between drug use...
3 Pages 1482 Words

The Theories Of Motivation

One of the most intricate concepts to grasp in human psychology is the concept of motivation. It seems that the more one studies this subject, the more complex it becomes. Since motivation is behaviour, directly observing this concept on a global scale is a difficult task to achieve (Pakdel, 2013). In this essay, I aim to highlight and analyse three of the most well-known theories of motivation in relation to social class disparity within the UK workplace, and try to...
4 Pages 1629 Words

Can Capitalism Be Moral after the Financial Crash?

The 2008 financial crash was as much a moral crisis as a financial one. It exposed a major weakness in the capitalist system, and it was not principally financial, but human. Markets have an effect on morality, and this led to the financial crash. In its aftermath, ethics within economics has yet to be resolved. This failure to hold accountability will result in another crisis. There must be a re-evaluation at the heart of what economics stands for. Markets leave...
5 Pages 2212 Words

Examining The Effect Of Short-term Mindfulness Meditation On Executive Function

Introduction Ongoing research suggests mindfulness enhances executive function, although long-term interventions are time consuming and an unrealistic reflection of real-life. More recently, the benefits of short-term mindfulness have been highlighted, despite Anderson, Lau, Segal and Bishop (2007) observing no improvement in attentional control. This study aims to clarify the effect of short-term mindfulness on executive function and provide support for previous findings. A total of 98 participants listened to mindfulness meditation, mind-wandering meditation or an audiobook. Subsequently participants completed the...
5 Pages 2379 Words

Concept of Perseverance In Chinese Cinderella

Chinese Cinderella is a compelling autobiography written by Adeline Yen Mah. Chinese Cinderella is an extraordinary book that shows the reader how cruel we live in. Many wise lessons are woven into each sentence. While reading, the reader connects the book to the world, making the audience realize how cruel society and the world we live in can be. This novel is based on a child yearning for acceptance and love in a flawed and deliberated family. In the Novel...
2 Pages 943 Words

Stanford Prison Experiment And The Era of Unethical Research

The malpractice and distrust of physicians, Doctors, and clinical researchers has caused for uneasiness on both sides of the argument on medicine and clinical research. The topic of malpractice is not limited to practicing medicine, of course. Many researchers conduct experiments in order to attain the wealth of knowledge; however, this different path may not always dissuade them from any type of malpractice. There have been many studies that have been subject to different types of malpractice and unethical research...
6 Pages 2600 Words

Revenge In Romantic Relationships

Revenge in romantic relationships typically has negative consequences and is considered immoral, but it can also be considered beneficial. Revenge can cause unexpected and unintentional consequences that can be destructive in a relationship, but it can also be constructive and help regulate a relationship. It can encourage empathy and avoid future offences by showing the consequences of when one partner is vengeful. This study intends to analyze the costs and benefits of revenge in romantic relationships. The participants were assigned...
1 Page 560 Words

The Role Of Science Fiction In Imparting Eco-Consciousness

Abstract Today the people all over the world are affected by the far-reaching results of the catastrophic environmental crisis. Global warming due to ozone depletion is the major factor behind the drastic climate changes and the rising of sea level. Irrespective of the branch of knowledge, everyone is aware of the terrible environmental issues and discussing about the various ways through which they can do something to tackle this problem even up to some extent. The social responsibility of the...
3 Pages 1603 Words

Gender Bias in the Classroom

Abstract Gender is a dynamic concept. Race, class, economic circumstances, age- all of these influences what is considered appropriate for women and men. This study determined the level of gender biases among Education students along learning materials, subject matter, learning evaluation, and teaching evaluation. The descriptive method was employed using quantitative data. This study was conducted at Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon. A total of 80 respondents participated in this study, representing the 4-year levels of Education Students, both...
7 Pages 3094 Words

Problem Solving Process In Company: Scenario Analysis

Introduction Problem-solving is the thorough process of determining, defining the problem at hand, figuring out the cause of the problem, identifying, rectifying, prioritizing, and finding a solution and alternatives to work on the eliminate the problem at hand. Problem-solving is one of the basic skill set that we all have by default. It is only a matter of how good and proficient one is compared to others and what have you done to strengthen it. We are constantly working on...
3 Pages 1523 Words

Effect Of Multi-Sensory Teaching Strategies In Enhancing Problem Solving Abilities Of Higher Secondary Students In Mathematics

Introduction The use of educational technology has been emphasized in both the national policy of education, 1986 and revised NPE, 1992 to improve both the quality and quantity of education for the first time in the history of Indian education. No earlier document of national significance had pointed out the importance of educational technology so clearly and as strongly as it has been done by the NPE, 1986. Spelling out its deployment, the NPE, 1986 has observed, “educational technology will...
3 Pages 1564 Words

Age, Problem Solving, & The Monty Hall: Does Age Affect Problem Solving Abilities

The Monty Hall Dilemma (MHD) first made its appearance on a gameshow “Let’s Make a Deal” hosted by Monty Hall. Contestants would be given the choice of three doors and two had a goat behind them and one had a car behind it. Contestants were then asked to choose one of the doors, hoping to choose the car. When they made a choice, Monty would reveal one of the goats and then contestants were questioned about if they wanted to...
3 Pages 1355 Words

Cognitive Bias In Decision-making Process

If faced with a dire decision to be made in but a fraction of second, could this action be trusted to be rational and logical? The human brain, when faced with such situations, tends to take mental shortcuts to make dire decisions and judgments based on the context of information the brain is given. These mental shortcuts, or cognitive biases, cause the decision-making process to be faster but cannot be relied upon for objectivity. Often the brain prefers not to...
2 Pages 720 Words

Conformity Assignment: Whether People Will Conform To A Group Norm In An Ambiguous Task

Conformity is an area of psychology classified under social behaviour. It focuses on social influence within a group involving altering behaviour or beliefs in order to fit in with others. There are three types of conformity proposed by Kelman (1958), including compliance, identification and internalization. Compliance refers to conforming in a group setting, adopting various behaviours and opinions of other group members, but only when in their company and not when alone. Identification refers to conforming to a group both...
3 Pages 1237 Words

Perception and Global Processing Bias

Introduction The nature of perception has been a long-debated topic in psychology. Gregory (1966), as cited in Holt, 2002) argued that people’s perceptions of an object is basically a hypothesis of its nature. The prominent question in this debate is whether perception is analytic or holistic? Gestalt theorists were of the first psychologists to study perception arguing that our instantaneous perception of an object is as a whole before we perceive its individual feature. Navon's (1977)’s global precedence hypothesis is...
2 Pages 968 Words

Experiences And Realities Used By Intersectionality To Understand Marginalized Groups And Individuals

Originally introduced as a concept to challenge a feminist analysis which spotlighted a woman’s gender experience while seemingly rendering invisible and irrelevant her other experiences and realities intersectionality is now used to better understand the plight of various marginalized groups and individuals. Intersectionality plays an important role in unpacking how the lives and experiences of an individual’s multiple identities influences how they perceive and interact with their world and conversely how their world perceives and interacts with them. It recognizes...
4 Pages 1807 Words

The Concept Of Black Consciousness In The Movie Named Sankofa

In the movie named “Sankofa” made by Haile Gerima, was technically about an African-American woman who traveled back in the time of slavery and experiences the life of enslavement. In the beginning, it shows a woman named Mona she is colonized and brainwashed which lead to her being separated from her origin. She was on a trip to Ghana, in that trip Mona went was in a old cave, that cave was one of the places in which Africans were...
2 Pages 888 Words

Negotiations: Approaches To Solving A Problem

Negotiation is an operation that involves bargaining with someone having goals, requirements, and viewpoints different than yours. There are different approaches to solving a problem, depending on the situation, and the level reached. These include rational and emotional aspects and psychological factors such as how comfortable parties involved feel about the conflict or how they perceive or misperceive each other. Parties must look into how important or unimportant the problem is to meet their needs and the other parties’ needs....
2 Pages 757 Words

Motivation And Leadership In Different Organizational Structures

It is necessary for a company in this day and age to have a basic structure that determines the function of its operations, both internally in terms of the relations between the employees, managers and the objectives of the organization, and externally, as it will also influence its business relations with suppliers and customers. Each organizational structure differs from one another in their main values, the importance given to the chain of command and the degree of centralization of power...
2 Pages 959 Words

General Overview of Business Analytics and Business Intelligence Tools

Introduction Many business entities in the world today are confronted with huge amount of data relating to their transactions. The capability of storing, retrieving, updating and analyzing such data determines the accuracy and efficiency of their internal decision-making process and also their level of aggressiveness to the market. The mechanisms of storing business data and retrieving it is critical in the survival of a modern business. There are many solutions that are available for processing business data. The choice and...
3 Pages 1472 Words

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