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General Overview of Yellow Fever Vaccine

1 Page 473 Words
Yellow fever is a staggering malady spread by the mosquito’s bites (and primates!) is as yet pervasive in Africa, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. The yellow fever infection has most likely existed in some form for a large number of years and is believed to have begun in Africa from other similar infections. Anybody planning a trip to...

The Role of the Healthcare Professional in Health Care Policy Making: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2690 Words
Policies regarding health are essentially plans that are subsequently put into action. These policies help to guide health care professionals in providing care to achieve specific health-related goals. (WHO, 2019). My personal interpretation of health policy is basically rules and regulations set forth by various government agencies to guide health care professionals in providing evidence-based, ethical medical care. A health...

Childhood Abuse in Poems “Daddy” by Sylvia Plath and “My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodore Roethke

3 Pages 1205 Words
Have you ever seen or had a bad relationship with a male figure in your life? Children around the world get abused every day, weather is physical or mental abuse leaving an impact on their lives forever. In the two poems “Daddy” by Sylvia Plath and “My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodore Roethke the main subject that the authors portray is...

Nonallele-specific Silencing of Mutant and Wild-type Huntingtin Demonstrates Therapeutic Efficacy in Huntington’s Disease Mice

6 Pages 2858 Words
Human Genetics and Genomics- Nonallele-specific Silencing of Mutant and Wild-type Huntingtin Demonstrates Therapeutic Efficacy in Huntington’s Disease Mice Huntington`s Disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease affecting 4-to-7 per 100,000 individuals. It is classed as a trinucleotide repeat disorder (Marcy et al, 1993) due to the fact that it results from an expanded CAG repeat which leads to a...

Immunocompromised ER Patient: The Clinical Clues to a Community-acquired Pneumonia

6 Pages 2740 Words
Learning objectives: On completion of this case study, the student/reader will be able to: Describe the etiology of Streptococcus pneumonia infection. Explain the clinical manifestations of Streptococcus pneumonia infections. Identify available treatment options and interventions to prevent Streptococcus pneumonia. History: A 54-year-old white male was seen in the emergency department. He gave a history of homelessness and chronic alcoholism. His...

Remedy New Hampshire’s Drug Addiction Crisis: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1651 Words
Drug addiction has been an ongoing crisis across the country for several years, but especially in New Hampshire, where drug abuse statistics have been on the rise since 2010. Drug abuse is prevalent across all socioeconomic groups, but many New Hampshire residents are unable to afford treatment. In order to address the issues New Hampshire’s residents are facing, New Hampshire...

Reflective Essay on My Experience of Huntington’s Disease

5 Pages 2232 Words
Narrative In my early 40s I began to have more difficulty concentrating, and I remember feeling unusually forgetful. For a while, I ignored these symptoms until I started to uncontrollably twitch and make fidgety motions. When the chorea started, it was clear to my doctor that I was dealing with something more than just forgetfulness. The fact that my mom...

Situation with Measles Virus: Analysis of Current Policies and Possible Solutions

4 Pages 1673 Words
Introduction/Statement of the problem Rubella (measles) is a multisystem, human-exclusive virus that has been determined eradicated in the United States since the 1960s. Measles is highly contagious, dealt with public health officials vaccinating nearly the entire population. However, the virus is prevalent in developing and developed regions alike today. Rubeola is an enveloped, single-stranded, negative-sense RNA virus (sense” describing polarity...

Pathophysiology of Multiple Sclerosis: To What Extent Can Sufferers Lead a Normal Life

4 Pages 2085 Words
In a world where human rights for every person are being discussed and fought for, whether it be a movement for women’s rights, rights for fathers or the LGBT community – this is all becoming normal in society – but what exactly is normal? Normalcy, like many things in the world is misunderstood – some may believe their traditions, values...

Analytical Essay on An ACT Relating to Screening for Hepatitis C

6 Pages 2752 Words
Kentucky S.B. 250: An ACT Relating to Screening for Hepatitis C Hepatitis C (HCV) is a chronic infection that attacks the liver and if not treated liver failure, cancer, and/or death can be the result. This infection is spread through contact with contaminated/infected blood and most individuals that are carriers of Hepatitis C have no symptoms. Typically, we know the...

Combating Gangs and Drug Prevention Programs: Overview of D.A.R.E. Program

1 Page 659 Words
Combating Gangs Today, fighting back against juvenile gangs proves to be a strenuous task in which it takes willful individuals to stand up to. The G.R.E.A.T program or Gang Resistance Education and Training Program, established in 1991 appears to be one the most effective ways to deter delinquents against gangs (Lab & Whitehead, 133). In researching, a lot of charismatic...

Comparative Analysis on the Stress Levels Experienced by IB Students during Different Periods: Winter Break

5 Pages 2050 Words
Aim/Rationale We as students go through many phases in our lives, some being times of joy, times of sadness and a lot more. But today’s generation Z, is mostly filled with times of depression with one of the main reasons being the competition levels in studies, these experiments being done on students leads us, into stress as the rule “Life...

Assessment of Adverse Drug Reaction of Injectable Disease-Modifying Drugs in the Treatment Of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients

2 Pages 959 Words
Introduction Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory, demyelinating and debilitating autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS),with Overcoming Woman gender which without effective cure and requires Lifetime treatment(1). The purpose of Treatment in MS is to prevent recurrence and reduce the rate of neurologic Destruction.(2). Doctors generally prescribe disease-modifying drugs (DMDs) to reduce the frequency and severity of relapses...

Research Review on Childhood Leukemia and Residential Proximity to Industrial and Urban Sites

4 Pages 1741 Words
Abstract The current trend is residential proximity of industrial and urban sites being a risk factor in causing leukemia. Although there are many risk factors that cause leukemia, the role of industrial and urban pollution needs to be assessed. People need to be aware of every possible risk factor in causing cancer. The study done is a population-based control study....

Analytical Essay on the Global Eradication of Smallpox

3 Pages 1357 Words
A vaccine is defined as a harmless derivative of a pathogen that triggers the body’s immune system response to act against the harmful pathogen. The history of the development of modern vaccines stems from the ground-breaking research undertaken by Edward Jenner, now more famously known as the father of immunology. His revolutionary and pivotal discovery of the smallpox vaccination laid...

Death of Dissent Versus Freedom of Speech: Argumentative Essay

4 Pages 1897 Words
Death of Dissent What it takes to raise a dissent? What is it that you feel so strong within, that you raise a dissent? Well, knock your sleeping conscious and ask “Do I agree”? “Do I accept”? If your conscious says “NO” well then, that is your dissent. Dissent is the inner voice within you that often coerces the logical...

Effect of Physical Environment, Social Environment, Knowledge and Attitude on the Incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

6 Pages 2759 Words
The World Health Organization (WHO, 2014) over the world every year more than 800 mothers die during pregnancy or maternity every day. Based on the Indonesian Health Demographic Survey (2017), the average maternal mortality rate (MMR) was recorded at 309 per 100 thousand live births. This death rate is higher than the results of the 2007 IDHS which reached 228...

The Risk Factor’s Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Incidence in Sorong City Papua Barat Province: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2379 Words
Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever continues to occur, including in Sorong City, which in the last three years (2016-2018) has experienced improvements that are influenced by the physical environment, social environment, knowledge, attitude, action, occupancy density and health services. Objective: To determine the risk factors for the incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Sorong City, West Papua Province. Research Method: observational...

Impact of Global Warming on the Risk of Dengue Fever: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 719 Words
In this investigation, I chose warmer climate could lower Dengue risk and Mobile phone records may predict epidemics of mosquito born Dengue virus as the survey object. As time goes by, our science has been improving and never stopped, so we have many new discoveries. It can make us know more about scientific advance. It belongs to the inquiry part...

Nursing Care Plan for Chronic Nerve Pain

2 Pages 945 Words
A nursing care plan allows a nurse to identify the most pressing concerns for a client, develop nursing interventions and evaluate them. This report details a nursing care plan for a client with liver cirrhosis presenting with unresolved chronic sciatic pain. My client D.R was a gentleman who presented with this disease. He is 75 years old and quite sharp...

Negative Perception of Nursing Homes in Society: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1208 Words
Imagine forty or seventy years from now, you’re in a beautiful home that you built for you and your family. Then your children and grandchildren try to convince you to go to a nursing home saying it’s better for you and you’d be taken care of better. It’s like a slap to the face, it hurts. Your own children that...

General Overview of Lupus: Descriptive Essay

2 Pages 1041 Words
Lupus What is Lupus? Lupus is a disease that occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your tissues and organs that can potentially damage many parts of the body. Lupus is a serious disease that can affect anyone. Inflammation caused by lupus can affect many different body systems – your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart, and lungs –....

Essay on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Definition, Classic Symptoms, Risk Factors and Causes, Prevention Methods

4 Pages 1889 Words
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder affects millions of people every day. It can affect everyone and anyone and they don’t have to have served time in the military. It can be a man, women, child, or elderly. In this paper, I will be going over the definition of PTSD, the classic symptoms, risk factors and causes, prevention methods, warning signs, treatments,...

Effectiveness of Teaching Methods on Knowledge and Practice of Food Hygiene among Almajirai in Nigeria

8 Pages 3634 Words
Abstract The study assessed the effectiveness of demonstration, discussion and recitation teaching methods on knowledge and practice of food hygiene among almajirai in tsangaya in Kano Municipal, Nigeria. A quasi-experimental design was adopted for the study. A sample of 147 participants was drawn using a multi-stage sampling procedure. Participants were assigned to three groups and lesson on food hygiene was...

Academic Essay on the Essence of Drug Addiction

1 Page 609 Words
Humans have a deep history with drug abuse because of using drugs for thousands of years. The earliest documented usage of narcotics dates back to 4,000 B.C, with medicinal marijuana being present in China around 2,737 B.C., as the modern era flows the cases of drug abuse got worst, one example is as of the year 2014, the users of...

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