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Brutality of Japanese Imperialism

3 Pages 1220 Words
Imperialism is a practice used by countries to extend its sovereignty and power over other developing countries or territories by gaining political and economic influence over them. Japan was one of the first to develop imperialism throughout the 20th century, which was later dissolved during the US occupation after World War II. Japan’s imperialism developed with anti-Western, anti-colonial themes against...

Should Andrew Jackson Be on the $20 Bill? Essay

1 Page 598 Words
According to Kimberly Amadeo, “65 percent or around $580 billion U.S. bills in circulation are currently used outside the U.S. 75 percent consisting of $100 bills, 55 percent $50 bills, and 60 percent of $20 bills”, which have Andrew Jackson’s portrait on them. To foreign eyes abroad, President Jackson represents our country, our treasury, and our countries financial backbone or...

The Unsuccessful Florida Expedition

4 Pages 1882 Words
Panfilo de Narvaez, a Spanish discoverer and soldier that helped defeat Cuba, also served as a captain and leader for the Florida expedition in the early 1500’s. The purpose of this expedition was to colonize Florida. Narvaez was able to lead this expedition by being a part of the Spanish court, which was granted to him by King Charles. Although,...

How Did Emperor Shi Huangdi Improve China?

2 Pages 750 Words
Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty who brought peace during the warfare between the Warring States of China, uniting China for the first time. The Qin Dynasty endorsed a system of Legalism which was basically a belief that all human beings are inherently selfish, and people are required to follow the stringent laws and be...

Andrew Jackson Good or Bad? Essay

1 Page 525 Words
After viewing the documentary ‘Andrew Jackson: Good, Evil, and the Presidency’, my attitude towards Andrew Jackson changed. I can conclude that Andrew Jackson had very serious anger issues and this could lead to some problems. Andrew Jackson had some very bad anger issues and this would lead to some problems. Jackson resigned from congress after a year of service and...

Essay on Unjust Japanese Internment Camps

1 Page 573 Words
World War II was a war fought between the Axis Powers and the Allies. Japan, part of the Axis Powers, bombed Pearl Harbor where the United States war ships were sanctioned which led to America joining the Allies. With the fear of another attack from the Japanese, Americans demanded action to be taken against the Japanese-Americans to ensure their safety....

Why Was Hoover Blamed for the Great Depression?

1 Page 428 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Hoover was the president of the United States at the time of the stock market crash. Months after the stock market crash Hoover believed that the best way to recover from the crash was to have confidence. Hoover said that the Great Depression was because of “world-wide economic conditions beyond our control”. He blamed it on that instead of problems...

Lenin's War Communism: An Essay

2 Pages 1108 Words
According to Pipes, the economic policies Lenin imposed were not in the best interest of the Russian people, it was a façade in a way to implicitly have control over the people. Pipes states that the Bolsheviks “were revolutionaries not for the sake of improving the condition of the people but for the sake of gaining domination over the people...

Conscription in Australia during World War I: An Essay

1 Page 600 Words
At the start of the World War I, Australia was getting so many soldiers volunteering to go over to fight because it was the first war that we were ever involved in. Number of volunteers would skyrocket up until the numbers of death recorded came back putting off so many from enlisting in the war. The Australian Prime Minister at...

Warfare and Weaponry in Ancient China: An Essay

2 Pages 729 Words
In this essay, I'll be talking about the meaning of warfare in ancient China and the way it led to the creation and innovation of weaponry and technology in every single dynasty, chronologically. Warfare in Ancient China meant gaining ascendency over other dynasties to extend border sizes, therefore the state can expand and protect its frontiers. Ancient China are often...

Should the Parthenon Marbles Be Returned to Greece? Essay

1 Page 545 Words
I strongly think that the Parthenon marbles taken by Lord Elgin form Greece should be returned back to Greece because Lord Elgin did not have permission to take the marbles. The Greeks couldn’t do anything to stop Elgin at the time as they were part of the Ottoman Empire. All the other museums are retiring stolen artefacts so why shouldn’t...

Essay on the Great Wall of China

1 Page 467 Words
The Great Wall of China is an eponymous collection of fortification that are over 2,700 years old. Unfortunately, only one third of the original landmark lingers. In 1987, the UNSCEO declared it a World Heritage Site. Around 220 BC, Emperor Qin Shi Huang, who yearned to keep the northern nomadic barbarians at bay, conceived the Wall. At the time, China...

Was the Bombing of Japan Justified? Essay

2 Pages 987 Words
The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th on 1945. These weapons were designed by American theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer and his six colleague scientists. Two distinct types of atomic bombs were developed Oppenheimer and his team: ‘Little Boy’ a uranium-based weapon and ‘Fat Man’ a plutonium-based...

Disneyland as a Major Discovery of the 1950s Discovery Decade

1 Page 564 Words
Discovery is a better name for the 1950s, thanks in part to the Disneyland theme park. The popularity of Disneyland helped Walt Disney spread happiness and joy during a decade of discovery. Disneyland in California was first opened in 1955 by WED Enterprises. Disney created his theme park to make his visitors feel that Disneyland was truly the happiest place...

Causes of the Holocaust Essay

8 Pages 3547 Words
The Holocaust was a horrific and traumatic event that will serve for the rest of time as a reminder of the terrible atrocities that mankind can commit when put under vulnerable and desperate circumstances. While undeniably a disgusting event in human history, the causes of the Holocaust are often highly debated by historians all around the globe. The two prevailing...

5 Paragraph Essay on the Crucible

1 Page 712 Words
The Crucible and Today's Society We are in the 21st century but the crucible is still relevant to today’s society after 50 years ago with writing but it includes many issues such as justice, reputation, hysteria, intolerance, empowerment, also revenge, pre- juices, jealousy, love, and hate was and still is behind all of that. The main lesson and reputation after...

Hamilton vs Jefferson Essay

2 Pages 688 Words
During the late 1700s, there was a heated debate between the Federalists and the Republicans. While both political parties had different ideas of what the government should become, it was ultimately Alexander Hamilton’s that eventually bested Thomas Jefferson’s vision. Hamilton was the first treasury secretary and had a great influence on President Washington over Thomas Jefferson. Alexander Hamilton was one...

Neoclassicism vs Romanticism

1 Page 635 Words
The ages of Neoclassicism and Romanticism brought completely opposing aspects of life, ideas, and lifestyles to our world through the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. When trying to understand the two time periods, it is easier to acknowledge and comprehend the differences by thinking of Neoclassicism as a linear style, and Romanticism as a painterly...

Homelessness in America Essay

2 Pages 1110 Words
The problem that we face in America today is homelessness, homelessness has paved its way through society since the early 20th century and is still present today. As a society, not only have we neglected the care of our people but we have neglected our community as well. With that being said, I am here to shed light on a...

How Did Sectionalism Lead to the Civil War Essay

2 Pages 927 Words
From many different aspects of the pre-civil war, the era was an immense amount of tension. Both sides could utterly be deemed as greedy for wanting more territory for their own benefits but it also served economic growth in both stances. The north was prospering in immense ways with industrialization, as well as urbanization in most of the Union territory....

Was Theodore Roosevelt President during the Great Depression

2 Pages 863 Words
The Dust Bowl, the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the Bank Crisis of 1932, and the Great Depression: were prominent matters at the forefront of one of America’s lowest points. They now remain recorded as devastating key issues in American history, recovery from which was thought improbable. However, immortalized alongside these impossible odds is the man who was able to...

Stalin or Castro: Compare and Contrast Essay

1 Page 460 Words
Reflection essay on corrupting power. This warning from Acton, a politician, and moralist, is as applicable today as it was in 1887 (Acton Institute, 2019), and can apply to individuals, organizations, and governments. According to Merriam Webster (2019), power is defined as the “possession of control, authority, or influence over others”. Power is that which leadership inevitably results in the...

Women's Role in American Revolution Essay

3 Pages 1489 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Before the American Revolution, a woman’s aesthetic was to maintain a perfectly pictured home for their husbands and care for their children while the men were expected to work and provide for their families. Yet, when the Revolutionary war hit the colonies and the men were drafted into war, the women had no choice but to step up and perform...

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