Philosophical Concept essays

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Othello': Illusion Or Reality

4 Pages 1641 Words
There is a fine line between illusion and ideals and reality and truth. This line is easily manipulated. Ideals give the individuals drive and allow them to set goals for themselves. These goals provide purpose to each individual and, consequently, allow each individual to achieve their own sense of personal happiness. Being pragmatic, on the other hand, gives individuals a...

The Reality Behind Media and Information Technology

1 Page 451 Words
In today’s generation, it is evident that media and information technology is widely used by people all across the globe. Kids and teens are taking massive amount of it everyday. As I grew up, I became more and more interested on media and information technology. I constantly engage with it. It played a vital role in my day to day...

Happiness Through Stoicism

1 Page 399 Words
Mankind’s superfluous yet multifarious hounding for felicity has been a constant throughout history. Singapore’s stressful lifestyle and long working hours often leave one little time to indulge. Yet, contrary to Aristotle’s Nicomachean ethics, I believe happiness is achievable by all without the dedication of one’s entire life. Happiness is intrinsically important for me as a source of motivation, productivity or...

A Study of The Functions of Virtual Reality

2 Pages 845 Words
Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with the help of technological innovation and presented to a user in such a way that they create a very different understanding, which is very different from the real life as we are used to.The ability to view images in 3-D has been enabled through the invention of virtual reality. This...

Laws of Life and a Person’s Conscience

2 Pages 812 Words
What are our ‘Laws of Life’? They are what we live by, what we base our decisions on, and what we abide by. We follow these decisions based on what we believe is the right thing to do. My central law of life, is that I follow what my conscience tells me. A person’s conscience can be their strongest weapon...

Representation of the Idea of Bad Faith: Tolstoy Versus Sartre

3 Pages 1132 Words
Tolstoy is not fully associated with existentialism, although in his work many existential themes are expressed. Tolstoy’s (1993) ‘How much land does a man need?’ looks into the existential idea of authenticity in relation to land ownership. Sartre is a major part of the existential discipline, with two important works which are ‘Existentialism and Humanism’ (2007) and ‘Being and Nothingness’...

Philosophy of Life: Smile, Laugh and Love

1 Page 434 Words
My philosophy in life could be different to others. Cause our philosopy will be depending on our different experience in life. I've experience of sometimes lossing someone, and feeling of doesn't have anything in life and not all could experience on it. There would be many people that have similar philosophy on life but not all of them would be...

Philosophy of Life in Knowledge of Oneself

2 Pages 731 Words
We all know that we have a different understanding about philosophy but for me philosophy is about knowing yourself. There are many philosophers but among those philosophers Socrates is the one who really drawn my reflections in life`s realities or experiences and also my view in life. He is the Father of Western Philosophy in the Western Era. Socrates thought...

Freedom as a Philosophy of Life

1 Page 555 Words
Each person has own different philosophy in life. It will depend on the experience we have in life. There are people will have seen life in the same way but no one will be exactly similar philosophy in life. The way we have experience in life has changes, it may think once but it will change again. So, I will...

My Philosophy of Life: ‘I Think; Therefore I am’

2 Pages 752 Words
Philosophy, etymologically, came from the word ‘Philos’ which means love and ‘Sophia’ which means wisdom. Hence, it literally means love of wisdom. There are certain individuals that engage in philosophy called philosophers, that is, a lover of wisdom. These individuals, called philosophers, are the people who question the very being and origin of Man. They are trying to know and...

Personal Identification with Transcendentalism

1 Page 655 Words
To me, transcendentalism explores the pursuit of endless happiness and adventure. After observing the actions and beliefs of the infamous Chris McCandless, I can connect through our shared urge and fantasy of traveling isolated in the innocent, tranquil wilderness. After years of elongated education to please society, McCandless felt as if his true path to success was exploring the great...

The Rise Of Robots

5 Pages 2182 Words
The word ‘robot’ can be defined as “a machine that can navigate through and interact with the physical world of factories, warehouses, battlefields and offices” (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, 2014). To famously quote Warren Bennis, “The factory of the future will have two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will...

Personal View on the Philosophy of Education and Its Main Purpose

5 Pages 2121 Words
Introduction to the Philosophy of Education Education may be described as a collective and a social manner which incorporate skills, beliefs, attitudes and philosophies. The triumph and enhancement of education result in the appropriate society. So, the purpose of education is to inculcate in children the knowledge, skills and values required for them to convey tremendous adjustments in their life...

Essay on Robots in the Future

2 Pages 971 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Before knowing about the future of robotics, let’s understand what is robotics? Robotics is a branch of engineering that deals with synergy mechanics, computer science, information science and electronics. Robotics deals with the construction, design and control system for controlling movements of robot by perceiving the environment. The idea of robot was first introduced in a movie. The first ever...

Tralfamadorian Life Philosophy as an Earthling Doctrine

6 Pages 2597 Words
Introduction to Tralfamadorian Philosophy Philosophy of life is an informal concept that varies in meaning among differing societies as well as the individuals within them. In Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Slaughterhouse Five’, fictional World War II soldier Billy Pilgrim is allegedly abducted by aliens and taken to the planet Tralfamadore where he subsequently learns about Tralfamadorian life philosophy while being held captive....

Will There Be Robots That Capable of Having Emotions in the Future?

2 Pages 1035 Words
Is an AI, artificial intelligence, capable of having emotions in the future? In the past century, robots have shown to be able to replicate human characteristics. Artificial intelligence and human intelligence demonstrate a distinct relationship in the area of a human's mental process, like emotions and instincts, because AI is being programmed to have human-like, emotions, intelligence levels, and instincts....

Albert Camus's and Friedrich Nietzsche's Views on the Meaning of Life

1 Page 468 Words
The ‘The Myth of Sisyphus’ and Nietzche’s concept of “the camel, lion, and child” discuss the meaning of life. Their topics debate whether life is meaningful and if it is, how does an individual find it. Both authors share their belief of existentialism. While Nietzsche explores the possibility of life having meaning, Camus proposes a new idea of accepting and...

Benjamin Franklin's Quest for Moral Perfection

2 Pages 709 Words
Benjamin Franklin was more an ideological person then more a partaker of a sector of a religion. Although he was raised as an Presbyterian and exhibited some quality of it in that there is one God and that your actions of goodness should be a constant part of one’s life. This lack of religious belief was truly exemplified in ‘the...

My Philosophy of Education

3 Pages 1273 Words
“The great world, the background, in all of us, is the world of our beliefs. That is the world of the permanencies and the immensities” - William James. Education from Socrates to Dewey has been an attempt to find the secrets of this natural world. The definition of education is a basis for all the philosophies of all these great...

How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Future? Essay

2 Pages 2593 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction When you hear the word ‘artificial intelligence’ the first thing that comes to mind is robotics, but what truly is artificial intelligence and what does the future hold for it? According to Wikipedia, artificial intelligence also referred to as machine intelligence, is any device or machine that mimics cognitive functions humans associate with the human mind such as learning...

Assisted Suicide Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 1038 Words
Introduction  In the United States, the right to die is a controversial and often emotional topic. There are two main sides to the argument: those who believe that people have the right to end their lives when they are suffering from a terminal illness or are in pain, and those who believe that this is a decision that should be...

Argumentative Essay about Lying

2 Pages 730 Words
Introduction Lying is something that everyone has done at one point or another in their lives. Whether it was a white lie to avoid hurting someone's feelings or a more serious lie to cover up something, lying is a part of human nature. However, there are also many arguments against lying. Some people believe that lying is always wrong, no...

Concept of Truth in James Frey's Memoir A Million Little Pieces: Critical Analysis

6 Pages 2772 Words
According to the Webster dictionary, truth is “a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality”(Merriam-Webster). Is this definition the real meaning of truth? Yes, this definition explains truth very well, because truth is not always what people think it is; truth lives in its own reality. Truth is different to every single person depending on his or her perspective of events. Actually,...

Analysis of the Nature of Man: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1239 Words
Through countless actions man has proven themselves to be the most dangerous and evil species to ever walk on this planet. Man rules the world, dominating millions of living things, they are immoral egotistical animals known as humans. Man has been starting chaos and have brought death to earth since the big bang and later morphed themselves into the society...

Essay on The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare: Critical Analysis of Petruchio’s Philosophy of Life

1 Page 615 Words
Is it true that having an obsession with money could lead to making radical decisions? In the play The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare, there is constant decision making on who or whom not to marry. In particular, Petruchio, one of the main characters in the play, is specific about who he marries due to his obsession with...

Critical Analysis of Richard Taylor's Article “The Meaning of Life”: Examples of Sisyphus, Glowworm and Cicada

2 Pages 743 Words
The article I decided to read and master for this week is written by Richard Taylor titled “The Meaning of Life” on pages 560-569. I think everybody at some point in life will ask the question, what the meaning of life is or what is my purpose. Taylor has a different approach to answering that question, he wants us to...

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