Education Essays

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The Affordable Care Act and Universal Health Care Controversy: Essay

In December 2017, Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which eliminated the individual mandate penalty, effective January 1, 2019. The tax bill included a provision that revoked the individual mandate that was part of the 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA). The individual mandate requires most Americans (other than those who qualify for a hardship exemption) to carry a minimum level of health coverage. Under the ACA, individuals can purchase healthcare insurance that meets the minimum healthcare coverage standards...
2 Pages 998 Words

Why Do Empires Fall: Essay

One major core class young students are required to take in high school is History. Students learn a wide variety of subjects under this category, including ancient civilizations, past presidents, US history, and the great empires that once ruled the continents. The idea behind learning history is possibly to try to avoid it relapsing again. Students are taught in depth about the major empires of the world and what modern civilization stands to gain from learning about these empires. One...
6 Pages 2581 Words

Flying Superpower: Essay

Having superpowers is not genuine, it is just fiction. However, I am absolutely convinced that all of us at an early age, especially after watching famous superhero movies like Superman or Batman stories, have had the desire to have at least one of them. As for me, I have always wanted to have the superpower to fly. As a teenager, I often indulged in fantasy and imagined how I had this superpower and what advantages it gave me. The ability...
1 Page 398 Words

Why Do We Obey the Law: Opinion Essay

Every single day, one will see nationals standing to essential laws in each part of life. This is on the grounds that the law affects our everyday schedules. These laws can be minor traffic laws like halting at a stop sign or driving on the correct side of the street. Additionally, society should stand progressively genuine laws like not submitting a homicide and running someone else over with your vehicle in the event that they are disappointing you. The inquiry...
1 Page 632 Words

The Greatest Gift We Can Give Others Is: Essay

A tender embrace caresses our soul, warms and opens our hearts, heals emotional wounds, makes us feel better, gives us goosebumps, and through them, we feel at home. That's why I believe that a loving and honest hug is the greatest gift we can give others. When we embrace someone we love, we make him feel special, a unique and happy person. A hug warms us from the inside, allows us to drop, and commits us to take our time...
1 Page 458 Words

Evolution and Creation through Elliott Sober's Perspective: Compare and Contrast Essay

Elliot Sober's book on evolutionism and creationism examines the current debate about the differences between these theories and their attributes. In my essay, I want to compare evolution and creation through his perspective. Evolution is the idea behind the existence of the differences between organisms and the processes of how they came to be through the observation of early forms of life throughout history. Creationism is the opposite, where the belief is that the universe and its life forms have...
2 Pages 1117 Words

Why Do Words Matter: Persuasive Essay

It was at school that I first understood an important truth - words matter and quite often they can hurt. This resonated with me because I was a victim that got affected by what others said. You have to be cautious about what you say and think before you speak because what you say could affect someone without you even realizing it. Words can easily slip out of your mouth, especially when you're angry or sad, but the things you...
1 Page 483 Words

Why Do We Dream: Essay

Dreams seem to be influenced by our own typical lives. Dreaming occurs when one is asleep, and many strong dreams occur when the brain is more active, also known as REM sleep. Waking up from a long night's sleep and wondering if what you merely experienced was real or not, later finding out it was all just a dream. But why do we dream? One of the reasons why we dream is to simply satisfy our wishes. It's really no...
1 Page 462 Words

What is Architecture: Essay

Architecture’s output is a delicious recipe served on a plate that has different materials, colors, textures, purposes, and content. You simply can't separate any of these ingredients. The purpose of architecture is not to create a monument to help elect someone or to get them on a front cover page. It is about imagining a space, visualizing form, blending it with nature, inculcating light and shadows, using new techniques, and bringing it into existence. Architecture is called the mother of...
1 Page 667 Words

Reflective Essay about the Purpose of Teaching

As I reflect on teaching and its purpose, I continue to see how diverse the act of teaching really is. There are many definitions for a teacher. Wikipedia describes a teacher as someone who helps students acquire knowledge, competence, or virtue. While this is true, the teaching profession and the purpose of teaching is much more than that definition and encompasses many facets. To me, teaching is a continuous process that requires one to seek out ways and means of...
1 Page 654 Words

My Working Together Experience: Essay

Teamwork might be defined in simple words as a group of people who work together in a team to achieve a goal or work most effectively. I had the opportunity to evaluate its benefits during the last module of my studies and in this essay I am going to share my experience. Our module BUS156 focused on sustainability, social justice, and good governance as the three main challenges during the time of COVID-19. While working together in a team, I...
1 Page 663 Words

Why Did You Choose This School: Essay

A nice calm close to the beach and a forest environment is a place you would only think exists in movies. But somehow I'm in luck because that sounds like the campus of UC Santa Cruz. And it's a realistic school that I can actually attend because the GPA requirement is not 4.0 and up, it's a 3.76. I would love to attend this school because this campus is like a 'zoo' where you can always expect to see deer...
1 Page 565 Words

Why Biology Major Essay

Becoming a first-generation graduate has been one of my most honored privileges. I’ve learned to love the responsibility of being someone who inspires not only my family but others around me. My core biology classes, microbiology, biochemistry, pathogenic microbiology & immunology, bioinformatics, zoology, genetics, and cell biology have all ensured me I made the right choice to become a biology major. A master’s program in biological sciences will place me a step closer to pursuing a career in academic dentistry,...
1 Page 580 Words

Why I Decided to Go to College: Essay

The decision to enter college is a serious one for absolutely every student, and I too faced it in my life. After much thought and weighing all the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’, I decided to continue my education. In this essay, I am going to explain the reasons behind my decision. First of all, I decided to go to college because people with a college degree have a better chance of building a successful career and getting a high-paying job. Jobs...
1 Page 472 Words

Synthesis Essay on the Purpose of Education

Introduction: The focus of this essay is to discuss the purpose of education and how it is essentially a contested concept. Or, one that has a vast range of definitions, none of which is satisfactory, Harris (1999, cited in Bates and Lewis 2009, p.21). Education derives from two terms, the first is 'educare' which is to draw out and realize the potential, and the second is 'educere' which is to bring up and nurture (Jordan, Stack, Carlile, 2008, p.6). The...
6 Pages 2502 Words

Synthesis Essay on Effects of Smartphone Use on Mental Health

The overuse of smartphones may cause teenagers to have symptoms of depression anxiety, and emotional problems. Both Twenge and Campbell (2018) and Jensen et al. (2019) argue that the more screen time youngsters have, the more likely they have depression symptoms. According to Twenge and Campbell (2018), the risk of adolescents getting depression increases with screen use while Jensen et al. (2019) state that higher average depressive symptoms in teenagers are reported when the screen time for creating content is...
1 Page 563 Words

Synthesis Essay about Similarities

Introduction The similarities between these two leaders are reviewed and acknowledged in this paper. Authentic and Transformational Leadership are examined and their followers’ outcomes. The purpose of this literature review was to establish the theoretical similarities between two types of leadership. The first question in the research is through observing the follower's outcomes do these two types of leadership serve similar styles? The second question asks, what are the similarities of these leadership styles and why are they alike? The...
5 Pages 2111 Words

Synthesis Essay about Gender

First impressions last and clothing is a statement, presenting the wearer of the garment to the world as a person defined by their appearance and taste. Clothing and style have always been a factor in one’s identity. The length of one’s skirt is seen as a reflection of the wearer’s degree of modesty. The color represents what they identify as, having blue as an indicator of masculinity and pink for femininity. The way one dresses up reflects their lifestyle and...
5 Pages 2188 Words

Stress and Anxiety Essay

Abstract This study scrutinizes the relationship between stress and anxiety among college students. In the study, we tested and explored the relationship that exists in the students' levels of anxiety, and stress with the elements of the working hours among immigrantsimmigrants students and nonimmigrant students. The study was conducted among 67 undergraduate psychology students from Florida Atlantic University, with an average of 23.39 years. The members were requested to complete forms related to the study, such as their age, GPA,...
6 Pages 2720 Words

Sexual Assault on College Campuses: Problem Solution Essay

According to a study done by the university of Cincinnati and North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 14% of women have experienced sexual assault in one way or another, 5% percent of those assaults were physically forced. Yet 11% were done when the person assaulted was incapacitated, incapacitated can mean a lot of things so let us define it, incapacitated is when the person is in a certain mental or physical state that prevents him from defending himself, this can be achieved in...
1 Page 648 Words

Political Globalization Essay

The concept of globalization as used in this essay refers to the multidimensional, accelerated, and interconnected organization of space and time across national borders. Specifically with respect to political globalization, it concerns an approach to the social world that stresses postnational and transnational processes as well as a consciousness of the compressed nature of space and time. Political globalization has been much discussed in the globalization literature where the emphasis has been on the decline of the nation-state under the...
1 Page 331 Words

Globalization in South Africa: Essay

Introduction Globalization refers to the United States' broad interconnections with the resources of quite a variety individuals of households companies, geographical and technological, travel, lifestyle, and media. Globalization is a phrase used to describe the global economy, lifestyle, and populace growth, added about through translocated borders, for investment, technological information, and items and services. The US has constructed an economic affiliation to promote these strikes for centuries. This is the method of interplay and integration between human beings around the...
4 Pages 1874 Words

Extended Definition Essay about Love

I. Introduction For years, queries about Love have been a part of man's life and humans have shown great effort to fill in the gaps of knowledge about love. It required the wisdom of the ancient Philosophers and even the minds of the modern ones. As mentioned by Manuel Dy in his Phenomenology of Love, the philosophy of man is incomplete without the philosophy of man as loving. And so various definitions of such word have subsisted from the seven...
6 Pages 2929 Words

Exemplification Essay on Animal Characteristics in Human Life

Introduction In biology, a chimera is an organism that has genetically different cells in one entity. The different cells originate from distinct zygotes that can but do not necessarily derive from the same species. A hybrid, on the other hand, is an organism resulting from the sexual reproduction of two different species, all cells having just one genotype. Recent advances in genetic engineering allowing the creation of human-animal chimeras and hybrids have sparked an intense and vivid discussion about the...
4 Pages 1861 Words

Exemplification Essay about Bad Driving Habits

Impatience teaches disregard for others, and this can be found in a simple act such as walking or carpooling to the local school. Recently, an article on the cover of the Los Angeles Times pictured people, coincidentally including my aunt and two baby cousins in tow, in a crosswalk at Gould Avenue and Knight Way. My sister and brother walk the same route in order to minimize congestion and chaos at drop off. At any given moment, an irritated or...
2 Pages 919 Words

Descriptive Essay on Graduating High School

Albert Einstein once said, “What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right.” These days, a popular idea appears to be that four-year colleges and universities are the only option for high school graduates to find a meaningful career. Some school counselors, teachers, and other educators pressure their students to attend four-year colleges or universities. They seem to be remiss in acknowledging a crucial concept: attending four-year colleges may not be for everyone. Some...
3 Pages 1158 Words

Descriptive Essay about School Life

It was just the beginning of my secondary school life. I was just a snotty-nosed primary six student, stepping into a whole new daunting world. The first thing that struck me was how much bigger my new secondary school was. Standing in front of the massive, imposing founder’s statue at the entrance, I didn’t know where to go. And then there was a scary sea of humans all gathered in the canteen willy-nilly which further led to my confusion. At...
1 Page 626 Words

Descriptive Essay about My School

Most countries are changing the tasks, structures of schools, and the education system as a whole. These changes are strongly influencing the role of leadership within the schools and thus it becomes essential to select and develop appropriate candidates for these positions. As Guarino (2006) states an effective recruitment program depends on the following: Developing an attractive benefits package Rapid responses to workers' need Providing accurate information and knowledge to applicants Auditing recruitment process Providing an effective training Although these...
2 Pages 987 Words

Descriptive Essay about Home

Introduction Energy-efficient homes reduce unnecessary energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and demands for non-renewable resources. They simultaneously provide healthier living conditions and offer homeowners significant money savings over conventional homes. Many factors can comprise residential energy efficiency, and both new and existing homes can be improved with energy-efficient strategies and products. Energy Efficient Home Features: Orientation The main orientation of my house will be northern facing as will my windows; to allow for solar heat to reach the inside of...
4 Pages 1919 Words

Descriptive Essay about Classroom

Our environment speaks to us. The space we live and work in has vibes that affect our functioning as individuals. “Buildings are not simply visual objects. Buildings speak - and on topics which can readily be discerned. They speak of democracy or aristocracy, openness or arrogance, welcome or threat, a sympathy for the future or harkening of the past” (De Botton 2006, as cited in, The semiotics of entering: beauty, empathy and belonging in Reggio Emilia, pp. 208-209). Children learn...
6 Pages 2651 Words

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