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Baby Blues Vs Postpartum Depression

Pregnancy is a massive switch in a woman's life, and a mix of new emotions, both mentally and physically. Nothing creates more happiness to a women than holding her new born but it also comes with lots of responsibilities. Nurturing a baby is not a easy task, you need to be alert subconsciously as it is rightly said “a mother is never off duty”. Childbirth accompany a lot of changes in woman’s life such as new responsibilities, sleep deprivation, fatigue...
1 Page 487 Words

Methods That Can Help To Cope With Stress

Stress. Stress. Stress. Stressing about this and stress about that. We stress about every single thing and go crazy because of it. Everyone has experienced stress at least once in their lives; that is what we all have in common. What do we define stress as? The psychological definition of stress is that it is a feeling of strain and pressure. Managing stress is what everyone needs to learn to do. Some may think that from all the stress people...
4 Pages 1603 Words

Marijuana As A Catalyst Of Creative Thinking

Every garden receives unique care from its gardener. In Michael Pollan’s The Botany of Desire: A Plant’s-Eye View of the World, he emphatically expresses how marijuana growers are the best gardeners because they grow a plant every cannabis user wants. Pollan does not promote or hinder the use; however, he does confirm that marijuana is an extremely powerful mind-altering drug. Furthermore, he asserts that marijuana is a product that allows one to exceed an everyday physical experience and achieve a...
3 Pages 1332 Words

The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Unequal Status Of Marriage And Financial Independence

“The Yellow Wallpaper,” a short story written in 1892 by Charlotte Perkins Gilman was intended to bring attention to the women facing the oppressive nature of gender roles. The author, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s project, “The Yellow Wallpaper” is to make readers aware that women suffer post-pregnancy given that the author herself suffered nervous disorders post her own pregnancy. Gilman had a successful life and much of her works were meant to implement on women’s unequal status of marriage and financial...
1 Page 566 Words

Universal Health Care In The USA: Pros And Cons

Universal health care can be defined as a healthcare system that provides coverage to “90% of citizens, typically paid for by the citizens of the country via taxes” (, 2019). This form of healthcare ensures that all members of a country or region are medically covered no matter where in the world they roam. Universal Health Care is important, but with that, questions of the quality of care given overseas can arisen . According to the World Health Organization, “The...
3 Pages 1369 Words

The Problem Of Children And Youth Sex Trafficking

What does sex trafficking mean to you? Is your definition of sex trafficking the same as mine or the person sitting next to you? The answer is yes, but how we think and define it is completely different for the each of us. Sex trafficking is when women, men, and children are made into slaves who are at times kidnapped, sold, and forcefully involved in sex acts. Sex trafficking doesn’t only happen to minors but can happen to adults as...
3 Pages 1361 Words

Themes Of Woman Roles And Depression In The Bell Jar

Happiness: a complex limitation. Something Sylvia Plath struggled to achieve her entire life and incorporated into her novel The Bell Jar. As we read, we go into the depths of her life and how sexism, a lack of moral support, and her constant feelings of failure cause her to slowly fall into a deep state of depression that dominates her life as she knows it. Esther is a very unstable character which synches with this very unstable novel. Before and...
3 Pages 1530 Words

Hysteria in the Play The Crucible

In matters of life or death, people do whatever it takes to not be hanged. In times where accusations, regardless of their accuracy, determine one's survival, people do what is necessary to survive. In Arthur Miller's, The Crucible, a constant string of allegations leads to people convicting the innocent of witchcraft. Ultimately, this leads to those convicted people accusing more innocent people and so on. This leads straight to a town full of nothing but mass hysteria. Danforth’s convictions, Parris’...
2 Pages 1065 Words

The Ways To Prevent Deaths From Bulimia

Mental disorders consist of a range of ailments that usually have different symptoms. Mental disorders are generally characterized by an expression of abnormal behavior, thoughts, relationship, and emotions with others. There are several mental disorders attributed to general medical conditions, such as catatonia, acquired agraphia, general paresis, eating disorder, acquired alexia, personality disorder, dysphoric disorder, and interracial psychosis (Sachdev et al., 2014). This research expounds on eating disorders and lays focus on Bulimia. Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions...
3 Pages 1302 Words

The Advantages Of Universal Health Care In The USA

Imagine a world where nobody has to worry about stressing to find the money that they do not have after leaving the doctor’s office. A world where all people have access to the medical attention that they need and deserve. All people including the ones that are in financial struggles; the ones that are shying away from getting treatment in fear of not being able to pay. This is the idea of universal health care: a system in which the...
4 Pages 1897 Words

Teenage Drug Abuse: Types And Reasons

The teen years are a time of rapid growth, exploration, and onset of risk taking. Taking risks with new behaviors gives teens the opportunity to test their skills and abilities and discover who they are. But, some behaviors have risks, such as drug abuse. Abuse is defined as “the use of a drug to experience psychoactive effects instead of for its medical indication.” 23 percent of teenagers have consumed alcohol by 8th grade. Teenagers just do not understand the consequences...
4 Pages 1638 Words

Psychological Impact Of Breastfeeding On A Mother And A Child

Having a child is one of the most transformational events a person can undergo. It comes with a rally of new anxieties, surprises, problems and joys, to name a few. One of the many new skills that a new mother may choose is to breastfeed. It is a well-known fact that breastfeeding is the ‘gold-standard’ feeding method for new-borns, providing an optimally nutritious meal packed with developmental and immunologically advantageous substances. This is exemplified by the WHO and American Academy...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Simple Rules To Keep Your Vision Healthy

Introduction Human bodies are capable of doing amazing things every single day, which we often neglect. One of the most underestimated organs is the eyes. They are our window to the world yet a large number of people are not interested in how they work. This can lead to a misunderstanding and lack of knowledge about how to take proper care for them. In turn, this can have fatal consequences. If you finally have understood their importance and you want...
2 Pages 962 Words

Physical Exercise: Great Impacts On The Human Body

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, to be fit is to be “sound physically and mentally.” Physical fitness is measured through flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and body composition. These components may appear intimidating at first, however, simply getting up and exercising daily will satisfy being fit! Involving fitness into a regular lifestyle is not difficult at all. Spending at least 30 minutes a day exercising the body will lead to incredible results. Simple exercises include yoga, riding a...
2 Pages 701 Words

Dyslexia Challenges In Education And Social Life

Is the world ready for you if you have a disability? Dyslexia is one of the learning challenges that are categorized within the disabilities. Learning challenges are not taken seriously the way it should be. In fact, it is a struggle for a dyslexic person to enroll in one of the schools. Furthermore, Diagnosing dyslexia in its early stages is quite challenging. There are enormous difficulties facing the dyslexic person and the people around him/her such as understanding the situation...
2 Pages 1030 Words

Abortion The Most Contested Issues In The World

In medicine, an abortion is a loss of pregnancy due to premature exit of the products of conception (fetus, fetal membranes & placenta) from the uterus due to any case. An abortion may occur spontaneously (miscarriage) or maybe medically induced. The miscarriage of three or more consecutive pregnancies is termed a habitual abortion or recurrent pregnancy loss. Abortion, as far as social and moral obligations are concerned, remains to be one of the most contested issues in the world. Here,...
2 Pages 831 Words

The Ways Of Treatment And Sentencing Sex Offenders

Due to the nature of their crimes, sex offenders are often the most loathed criminals. Even within the prison population, sex offenders children, families, and the general public are impacted when a sex offendeer is released. The affect of sex offenders in the community varies depending on an individual’s line of thinking, but overall both sides can acknowledged that their crime has had serious consequences. Some believe that the crime was detrimental to the child, family and all parts of...
4 Pages 1865 Words

Physician Assisted Suicide: Should It Be Legal?

The topic that will be examining is physician assisted suicide, a well-known ethical dilemma which presents a multifaceted situation between moral imperatives. (PAS) is an extremely controversial topic such as abortion, death penalty, and cloning. Although these topics deal with different issues at hand, all four present contra claims on the matter of life which can be emotional and perplexing for many people. In this report I will cover the various claims that revolve around (PAS), as well I will...
3 Pages 1406 Words

Polonium And Lung Cancer

Natural resources are simply the naturally occurring of resources where. People use these natural resources like water, woods, coals, lead, and many more in their daily lives for medical and construction purposes. This has benefited in the lives of many people and also has advanced in the evolution of the industries and modernization of the world. However, with the modernization and overexploitation of natural resources, it has affected the environment and human health in the past years. This evolution in...
2 Pages 1018 Words

Dental Public Health Professional Development

The importance of aligning education with career choice cannot be underestimated. Given the importance of passion for work, it seems much easier to develop passion by being successful and being a good person. Choosing a career that you enjoy can ultimately focus your attention on pursuing your career path. While choosing a degree major that aligns with my personality, my career dreams and vison, the university also play an important role in providing coursework, support and creating a learning environment...
5 Pages 2368 Words

Sex Dreams From The Point Of View Of Sociosexuality, Gender And Erotophilia

Previous research was preformed surrounding the topic of sex dreams and why they occur. “Although dreams have been a source of fascination for people throughout recorded history, many questions remain about what dreams are, why we dream, and what informs the content of our dreams” (Hmidan &Weaver, 2019, pg 5). The study identifies the reasoning behind a person’s brain related to sex dreams and how a person responded to these dreams based on several factors. The hypothesis takes a further...
5 Pages 2352 Words

Breast Feeding Duration And Cognitive Development: Review Of Observational Research In Childhood

Search Strategy Systematic search was carried out using PsychInfo Database. ‘Advance-Search’ option was used and the resources ‘APA PsychInfo’, ‘Journarls@Ovid Full Text’ and ‘APA PsychArticles Full Text’ were enabled for a more precise search. Firstly, tittle and abstract searches were carried out for “breast feeding” (4441 results), “breast adj3 feeding” (4901 results), “breastfeeding” (12925 results) and “breast fed” (1883 results). To combine these searches, a Boolean Operator (OR) was used which produced 18305 results. Secondly, a similar process was done...
3 Pages 1287 Words

Social Justice In Education: Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

The social justice in education module made a significant impact on my attitudes and behavior towards children with disabilities and special educational needs. This is one of the concept that I have not come across in my teaching career in the past seven years. The Special educational needs and disability can be defined as, “A child or a young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for...
2 Pages 1111 Words

Children Nutritional Interventions In Kenya

Nutritional intervention is put into place to correct an issue at hand. The major concerns that are presented could be low birth weight children, school performance or etc. When nutritional intervention comes into place it provides support to overcome the obstacles at hand to make the situation better. Within this intervention, the ones involved and the people assisting the ones infected educated about the current circumstances as well. It basically cleans up the atmosphere of those infected. Per Andeal (2019)...
2 Pages 784 Words

Types Of Abuse And Their Effects

Introduction In this assignment, it will describe and explain the different types of abuse. Abuse is when someone is treated with violence or cruelty on a regular or daily basis. In this assignment neglect, physical, emotional, sexual, financial and domestic abuse will be touched upon. It will talk about the different signs, how people may have received these types of abuse, the effects and how you can prevent different types of abuse. Neglect is when carers or employees fail to...
6 Pages 2558 Words

Definition Of Asthma, Its Common Signs And Treatment

What is Asthma? Asthma is an often chronic (i.e.-long term and persistent) medical condition, that causes difficulty in breathing. It develops as a result of inflammation and muscular contraction within the (small) air passages inside the lungs. This restriction, combined with excessive mucus production, causes the symptoms associated with asthma. Asthma can be genetically inherited or triggered by environmental factors. Trigger factors (factors that can cause asthma) include amongst other things: Infections (chest/colds), other medicines (aspirin/Ibuprofen), pollen spores, exercise, cigarette...
2 Pages 944 Words

The Human Endocrine And Nervous System

The Brain The brain is protected by the skull and is made up of soft tissue, which includes grey and white matter, containing nerve cells, non-neuronal cells, and small blood vessels (Medical News Today, 2018). The brain controls the thoughts, memory, speech, and movements of the body, such as arms, legs, and organs. The brain and spinal cord are the bodies central nervous system, the brain is the command centre for the body and the spinal cord is the pathway...
5 Pages 2441 Words

Immune Evasion Of Cancer Cells Review And Cancer Therapy Targets

In recent decades, the amount of scientific knowledge available related to cancer has grown exponentially. The publication of the Hallmarks of Cancer deserves a special highlight in this history and its revision provided further insight into the main features of cancer cells and reflected the advances in research so far. The hallmarks are still an extremely valuable framework for researchers across the world and an invaluable contribute to our understanding of the pathology of cancer. Each hallmark offers numerous research...
4 Pages 1985 Words

The Surrogacy Market And The Way Surrogate Mothers Should Be Treated

Mistreatment of Surrogate mothers Surrogate mothers are like our mothers too, they deserve the same amount of respect and kindness we give to our mothers, however, surrogate mothers around the world today are still being mistreated. On 8th October 2015, a surrogate mother in the US was the first to die from surrogate pregnancy. An Idaho woman named Brooke, served as a surrogate three times when carrying twins, reportedly for a Spanish couple. These women are being paid to give...
3 Pages 1258 Words

The Affordable Care Act Or Obamacare: Pros And Cons

In 2010 President Barack Obama unveiled a new healthcare package The Affordable Care Act, nicknamed “Obamacare”. This new healthcare module was to help the currently uninsured find and afford the healthcare they were lacking. “ObamaCare expands health coverage. It does this by expanding Medicaid to single adults, expanding employer coverage, requiring insurers to cover preexisting conditions, offering cost assistance on plans sold on state and federal Health Insurance Marketplaces, letting young adults stay on their parents plan until 26” (obamacarefacts,2019)....
2 Pages 944 Words

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