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Use of Cognitive Dissonance for Improvement of Human-computer Interaction: Analytical Essay

10 Pages 4802 Words
Introduction In this current era, interaction between humans and computers has increased. Humans are surrounded by computers, so the question arises that how well humans and computers are mixing with together? Are they like oil and water which is a difficult match or they are like peanut butter and jelly which is a satisfying match indeed? Imagine that while you...

Diagnostic Challenges in Gastrointestinal Infections: Analysis of Yellow Fever As Tropical Infectious Disease

4 Pages 2034 Words
Travelling for business and pleasure is a small proportion of the total movement of people. Modern transport modes allow more goods and people to travel around the world at a faster pace; they also open up the airways to the transcontinental movement of vectors for infectious diseases. While travelling, people carry their genetic profile, immunological sequelae from previous illnesses, cultural...

Assessment of Ethical and Policy Issues that Affect the Coordination of Care in Nursing Homes

3 Pages 1249 Words
Ethical and Policy factors Introduction The elderly in nursing homes are among those who require the highest level of care coordination. However, various ethical and policy issues have been reported to be the primary factor affecting effective care coordination in nursing homes (Townsend et al. 2017). Even though most of the nursing care staff have reported low care coordination, minimal...

Measles Outbreak in Birmingham and Effectiveness of Vaccination: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2747 Words
Introduction Measles is a dangerous and highly contagious viral disease causing major morbidity and mortality among children and adults if not controlled by the vaccine (Gay et al., 1995). Measles is one of the most disturbing and unpleasant communicable diseases that can cause serious illness with many complications, including the caused of millions of deaths globally (Griffin, 2012). Before measles...

Multidrug-Resistant Pathogens of Pneumonia: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1933 Words
Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Acute Respiratory Infections (ARTIs) in infants and young children, mostly under 5 is one of the most distinct and dominant causes of mortality worldwide. Evidently, a significant portion of these casualties are caused by pneumonia which is a lower respiratory tract infection. According to a recent estimation, approximately 2 million children die every year globally...

Adolescent’s Motivation to Abstain from or to Use Drugs or Alcohol: D.A.R.E. Program

5 Pages 2250 Words
Adolescents, generally considered ages 11-21, all over America are exposed to drugs. It is not just a problem in the inner cities or urban areas. Adolescents in the US use illicit drugs (but not alcohol) more than adolescents in Europe. Teens do drugs for reasons including; to relieve boredom, satisfy their curiosity, self medicate depression and anxiety, to feel adult,...

Analytical Essay on Cognitive Dissonance under the Paradigm of Behaviorism in Education

2 Pages 890 Words
Introduction: Learning theories are important in learning because they allow for students and educators to communicate so that students have the best understanding of a topic as possible. Cognitive dissonance is when learners try to work together to have consistent beliefs, and alter their behavior or attitude so that it reduces “dissonance”. In his theory of cognitive dissonance, Festinger (1957)...

HPV and Cervical Cancer among Indigenous Amazonian Hunter-Gatherer Groups: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2263 Words
In 1999, Elizabeth Reichel looked at worldviews surrounding global religions based on the culture and the ecology that encompassed gender-based knowledge among indigenous Amazonian hunter-gatherer groups. The dynamic difference between gender-based knowledge among hunter-gatherer groups is tied closely in with cosmology and perception of their worldview. This is heavily worked into the social structure of these indigenous groups; their cosmology...

Research on HPV and Cervical Cancer among Indigenous Hunter-Gatherer Women

3 Pages 1467 Words
The idea of modern hunter-gatherer societies in the world today is a subject that often ignites the academic community. Trying to solve world problems and public health issues are also central topics of discussion among the younger academic community and the scholarly academic community. Debates ranging from subsistence consumption to disease patterns among populations have generated a plethora of research...

Review of Immunosuppressants in Organ Transplant: The Evaluation of Alemtuzumab

3 Pages 1495 Words
1. Abstract 1.1 Situation of organ transplant According to World Health Organization, there are as high as 100,800 solid organ transplants performed around the world annually, in which the highest percentage was found as kidney transplantations. However, it was observed in the past three decades that patients who have had a kidney transplant suffer dramatically from nephrotoxicity created by the...

Effects of Myoblast Transfer As a Way to Treat Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy

3 Pages 1231 Words
Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic disorder linked to the X chromosome that is caused by a deficiency in the protein dystrophin (Mendell et al., 1995). This disease weakens skeletal and cardiac muscles, and may pose obstacles when sitting, standing, walking, and speaking. Treatment by myoblast transfer showed promising results in animal trials. This method strives to replace dystrophin through...

Issue of Tackling the United States Opioid Epidemic: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2852 Words
Summary This paper’s intention is to deliberate the United States Opioid epidemic that has been going on for quite an extensive amount of years. This paper will also discuss the suggested recommendations to put in place targeting Overtown, Florida. This paper will explain why Overtown, Florida needs the enhancement of the policy, along with various opportunities for growth and bettering...

Power of Verbal Abuse in Causing Depression: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1146 Words
The main issue in the image that have chosen which is image 5 is depression problems are rising in the society. Depression is a very common and serious mental illness that may negatively affect people’s life. It is also known as clinical depression or major depressive disorder. This mental illness can affect any ages of people includes adults, children, adolescents,...

Connection between Brain’s Reward Pathway and the Development of Drug Addiction: Discursive Essay

6 Pages 2658 Words
Introduction Drug addiction is increasingly becoming a universal issue, both expense wise, but also the impact it has socially. With an estimated cost to the healthcare of $1 trillion, it is clear why there is a high demand for further knowledge and treatments (NIoDA, 2017). Not only does the cost of addiction put a strain on a country’s economy, but...

Strategies for Fight against Substance Use and Abuse: D.A.R.E. Program

1 Page 636 Words
Police departments utilized several tactics when it comes to substance use and abuse, possession, distribution, sale, and trafficking. Supply reduction, which includes “buy-and-bust, trading up, undercover work, and crackdown.” Also Demand reduction, which includes “drug education programs such as DARE” (Walker & Katz, 2018 p303). These programs and tactics where created during the late 1980’s “when drugs represented serious problems...

Analytical Essay on Sula by Toni Morrison: The Neglect of Trauma and Mental Health on Minority Groups

4 Pages 1865 Words
Upon reading Sula, by author Toni Morrison, readers are able to watch the discrimination that forms in the town known as The Bottom; however, as the story continues, readers must focus on how this discrimination perpetuates as they watch how the protagonists of the story, Sula and Nel, must learn to adapt to a society where the neglagance of mental...

Effects of the Opioid Epidemic on America and Individuals: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2781 Words
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a government branch that is responsible for addressing epidemics and other health-related issues. The CDC has provided a collaboration of many real-life stories of people who have struggled with opioid addiction, including Christopher's story. Christopher had an amazing life until he got in a very minor car accident when he was twenty...

Representation of Abuse in The Child Called It by David Peltz: Critical Analysis

2 Pages 987 Words
The Child Called “It” is written by David Peltzer and tells the story of his childhood and the abuse that he had to endure from his mother, terrible things from beatings to locking him in a room while it slowly filled with toxic gas. Peltzer talks about how he grew up feeling spite and anger towards people since they got...

The Concept of Neuroplasticity: Analytical Essay on Theoretical Background

5 Pages 2128 Words
Over the recent years, there has been more cases of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) being diagnosed (Teixeira, Pallas-Bazarra, Bolós, Terreros-Roncal, Ávila, & Llorens-Martín, 2018). The characteristics that make up AD are advanced cell death that can result in degeneration of particular brain regions (Teixeira et al., 2018). This can result in deficits that include memory loss and loss in cognitive control...

Analysis of the Concept of Neuroplasticity: Cognitive Flexibility

2 Pages 928 Words
Cognitive Flexibility. We basically have 2 types of brain cells. There are the actual neurons which are the basic functional units of our nervous system and through which information is passed along. Now next to that there are the lesser-known glial cells who take on a supporting role. There are all types of them microglia, oligodendrocytes, Schwann Cells, and so...

Concept of Hildegard E. Peplau’s Theory in Nursing Care Plan: Case Study

4 Pages 1715 Words
Introduction Hildegard E Peplau believes that nursing helps a person learn and grow during the time of illness by strengthening the person’s intellectual and interpersonal competencies through the process of nurse-client interactions. This assignment is going to discuss how to apply Hildegard E Peplau’s theory and how this theory could help me in reviewing and developing my own nursing practice....

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder within The Vietnam War Veterans: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1368 Words
The Vietnam War has many consequences and these consequences are either good or bad. The War occurred from November 1st, 1955 through April 30th, 1975. This war derived from the Cold war. It basically all started because Americans were trying to prevent the spread of communism throughout the world. Although Vietnam won the war, communism did not spread. After the...

Estimation of Prediction for Getting Heart Disease Using Logistic Regression Model of Machine Learning

5 Pages 2311 Words
Abstract- In the current era deaths due to heart disease have become a major issue. Approximately one person dies per minute due to heart disease. Data is generated and has to be stored daily because of fast growth in Information Technology. The data which is collected is converted into knowledge by data analysis by using various combinations of algorithms. Medical...

Injuries to the Hamstring Muscle amongst the Track and Field Athletes: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1781 Words
Introduction Injuries are the part and parcel of any sport, whether it is played on court, pitch, mat or field. Where hamstring injuries are being commonest concern of the athletes (Burkett, 1970). Several studies (Malliaropoulos et al., 2011; Junge et al., 2009) suggest that injuries to the hamstring muscle are popular amongst the track and field athletes. Recent evidence in...

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