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Prevalence of Obesity: Genetics, Diet, or Environment

2 Pages 901 Words
Good health is the key to carrying out one’s functions in the society. Hindered with this vital property of life, maximizing one’s potential growth and questing for one’s personal objective would be a difficult endeavor (Importance of Good Health, 2017). May the aspect be on occupational success, socio-emotional space, or personality building, health touches the over-all well-being of a person....

Dance Movement Therapy And Parkinson’s Disease

1 Page 657 Words
More than one million people in this country are living with Parkinson’s disease (Parkinson’s Disease Foundation), and by 2030, the number of people living with PD is expected to double (Dorsey ER, Constantinescu R, Thompson JP, et al 2007), its symptoms including bradykinesia, rigidity, tremors, freezing, problems in gait and impaired balance and coordination. Coupled with this are also several...

Adolescence and Smoking: Reasons, Factors and Effects

6 Pages 2605 Words
Adolescence is a time in someone’s life that can shape the future and who they are as a person. Introduce smoking –a highly addictive habit- to an adolescent at this time of rapid growth and change, that could negatively impact their life forever. Despite the fact that not all adolescence choose to smoke, for the ones that do, it can...

The Peculiarities Of Vision Development

1 Page 608 Words
There are several aspects of the optical system which contribute to normal visual development in infants, and retinal development is essential for this. Retinal factors take 4+ years to reach full adult maturity. Receptors are found in the fovea and peripheral parts of the retina. Vision rapidly improves after birth due to changes in the size, shape and density of...

Surrogacy: Positive and Negative Sides

4 Pages 1655 Words
The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. In today’s world, progress is developing at a very fast rate. We see scientific progress medical advances, cures for illness, cloning, enhancement of drugs, genetically modified organisms. We also perceive...

Effects of Marijuana on Mental Health

3 Pages 1463 Words
As of this moment, 21 states or territories have either fully or partially legalized cannabis. Uruguay became the first nation to fully, recreationally legalize it in 2013, with numerous states following suit, most notably Canada in autumn 2018. The approach towards cannabis differs greatly from nation to nation, and sometimes even within nations, as in the U.S. and India. While...

The Peculiarities Of Alzheimer’s Disease

5 Pages 2437 Words
Abstract Alzheimer’s is a progressive degenerative disease that ultimately leads to death due to the degeneration and plaque build up within the brain. Memory is an important aspect of daily life and for performing every day activities and when that is hindered it could be detrimental to the individual and how they are able to function throughout their life. Alzheimer’s...

Segregation and Stigma of HiIV Positive Prisoners

3 Pages 1478 Words
Human immune-deficiency virus HIV (human immuno-deficiency virus) is a virus which damages a person’s immune system and weakens the ability of a person’s body to be able to fight infections (Haas, 1993). Segregation of HIV positive prisoners was a common practice during the first discovery of the disease, due to added pressure on prison officials to reduce the growing spread...

Introduction To Alzheimer’s Disease And It’s Prevalence

2 Pages 1088 Words
A German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer first observed some strange behavioral symptoms, including short-term memory loss in his patient Auguste Deter. Upon her death, he carefully studied her brain and found some anomalies, of what later became known pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a common form of dementia that is associated with progressive decline in memory, cognition...

Child and Adolescent Obesity in the USA

3 Pages 1249 Words
In the United States, the percentage of children and adolescents affected by obesity has more than tripled since the 1970’s. There are many reasons for this increase, but the most impactful causes are usage of modern technology, unhealthy eating patterns, and lack of exercise. Although there are many ways young children can prevent obesity, they still continue with unhealthy habits....

The Sociology of Obesity

4 Pages 1938 Words
Obesity as defined by WHO (2018) is having ‘’abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health ‘’. Most commonly measured using Body Mass Index (BMI) -which is based on height and weight-a score of 30 or more is considered obese. It can lead to several serious and potentially life-threatening conditions such as: type 2 diabetes, heart disease,...

The Legalization of Medical Marijuana

3 Pages 1595 Words
Would you prefer marijuana for medical use? Does your country support or allow marijuana? What diseases can this plant cure? Can this medication be the answer? Marijuana is also known as Cannabis. It is a psychoactive medication from the Cannabis plant. This plant is utilized for therapeutic or recreational purposes. The primary psychoactive piece of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one...

Nutritional Behavior On Adolescence

5 Pages 2265 Words
Adolescent is the transition period between childhood and the adulthood - age range from 10-19 years where child undergoes emotional, physical and social changes, nearabout 16% of the world population is made up of adolescents. (UN, 2018). Healthy dietary behavior and the lifestyle acquired during these stages may have a greater influence on their growth, health and wellbeing; high intake...

Seven Pounds: Glamorizing PTSD And Suicide Through Cinematography

3 Pages 1270 Words
Tim Thomas portrays a character suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder throughout the Seven Pounds film. But what happens when someone with a real-life case of mental health issues watches this film? Does it accurately portray mental illness to the watcher? While the heart within this movie is correct place, the special effects in the movie might not portray what real...

To What Extent Does Political Corruption Impact Malnutrition In Children?

6 Pages 2775 Words
Abstract Political corruption influences various state welfare sectors, thereby impacting various socio-economic and public health areas, which affect millions of people around the globe. One of these focus areas is malnutrition among children, which this research design proposal investigates the relationship into. With support of existing literature in related fields and publicly available data, this work aims to answer the...

Why Marijuana Use Should Not be Legalized?

3 Pages 1346 Words
Marijuana has long been known as one of the most popular drug uses. While the pros and cons of utilizing marijuana as a recreational substance remain controversial, it would be more advantageous for not legalizing this drug legal under the law enforcement. To some extent, it could not be denied that legitimatizing marijuana trade is beneficial for taxation purpose. However,...

Marijuana for Future Alternative Medicine to Treat Certain Medical Conditions

3 Pages 1561 Words
Strong opinions of this drug called Marijuana will never be extinct for both parties of pros and cons. Cannabis and often called as Marijuana has two purposes either for medication or recreation. Thousands of decades ago, this plant was medically used around the world mainly because the innovation of medicine has not yet discovered by that time. The usage of...

The Reasoning and Causation of Anxiety Disorders

4 Pages 1668 Words
Mental illnesses, as a whole, in today’s society have a reputation for making a person seem weak or seeking attention from others. It is surrounded by a negative stigma, and so often goes untreated. Of the mental illnesses, anxiety is one of the least recognized and least treated. There are an estimated 30 million Americans that suffer from some form...

Health Promotion For Dehydration in Older Adults

4 Pages 1757 Words
Dehydration is a fluid intake or retention that is less than what is needed to meet the body’s fluid requirement resulting in fluid volume deficit, especially plasma volume (Rebar, Ignativicius & Workman, 2018). Dehydration may indicate an actual decrease in total body water due to minimal intake of fluid or higher loss of fluids; however, relative dehydration can also occur...

An Anthropological Look at the Socio-cultural Factors Influencing HIV/AIDS

3 Pages 1187 Words
HIV/AIDS is a precedent setting epidemic faced by humanity. This epidemic is dually medical and social in nature. Medically, it is a serious, fatal disease with numbers far greater than the norm. Socially, it is an event that disrupts the life of communities. The epidemic of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first recognized in the United States in 1981...

Reducing STI and HIV Risk among the Elderly

1 Page 403 Words
The, diseases contracted in human bodies are responsible for interfering with the homeostatic immune mechanisms in the body and this decrease with age. AIDS and STIs are viral diseases that weaken the body immune response and are transfused by direct sexual intimacy between partners. Currently, they are the most frequent diseases among the seniors due to a number of factors...

How does Smoking Contribute to the Risk of Getting (and Worsening) a Chronic Respiratory Disease?

3 Pages 1479 Words
Introduction Chronic respiratory diseases and risks factors Chronic respiratory diseases (CRD’s) is a term used to describe diseases of the airway and other lung structures, some examples of CRD’s are: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema and the most common one being Asthma [3]. There are many risk factors which can contribute to the risk of getting a...

Suicide In The Untied States

2 Pages 766 Words
Suicide is one of the most tragic things that can happen to an individual and can be a very sensitive subject to talk about. Suicide is the act of causing your own death. When I chose this topic, I had my own theories on ‘why people commit suicide in the US and how it may impact everyone else in society?’...

The Prevention of HIV/AIDS in Kenya

2 Pages 1128 Words
Abstract Kenya is a low-income country located in east Africa. Although Kenya has been making slow strides in trying to end poverty, it is still a low-income country that is facing both communicable and noncommunicable diseases. Kenya’s income per capita is about $1,640. With an income this low it makes it hard to get proper treatment and sustain good health....

Differences between HIV and AIDS

2 Pages 1058 Words
Do you know how health experts are always on people to eat good and balanced meals? Well, that is so they can live a happy and healthy life. There are a lot of things you stand to benefit from eating right; one of them is a strong and functional immunity to diseased. It is extremely important for fighting infections and...

Health Promotion Theory Critique

2 Pages 1128 Words
Health advancement is nevertheless one of the essential objectives in the present day nursing. Wellbeing elevating practices can prompt a patient’s generally speaking feeling of prosperity as well as assurance from ailment and interminable diseases. Pender’s health advancement hypothesis offers a comprehensive perspective on the patient, surveying the patient’s foundation and self-perceptions to enable the attendant to mediate and build...

An Introduction To Music Psychotherapy

1 Page 517 Words
This essay is about providing a clear unified methods to examine the music psychotherapy and came up with a written rules for it that can make it easier to practice it, but the “Kenneth E. Bruscia” says that in term to reach that we should ask the following questions: What is psychotherapy? How is music used for psychotherapeutic purposes? What...

Obesity as a Leading Health Indicator

2 Pages 1020 Words
One of the Leading Health Indicators of Healthy People 2020 is nutrition, physical activity, and obesity. Throughout the progress of Healthy People 2020 from 2010 until now, the target for this indicator is 20.1% for Adults meeting physical activity and muscle-strengthening Federal guidelines, the rate in the most recent year is 20.6%. However, for obesity among adults, children, and adolescents’...

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