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Suffering As The Concept Of Modern Society

Suffering is an important concept in the end of life care which diminishes quality of life and it tends to be widespread in terminally ill patients. Dame Cecily Saunders coined the concept of ‘total pain’ and outlined some of the various physical, psychological, emotional, existential, social factors contributing to suffering. While these factors may contribute separately to suffering, a synergy often occurs among them. As a result, when one dimension of a person is threatened, this can provoke or add...
3 Pages 1580 Words

Nation Building In India

'We shape our buildings and afterwards, our buildings shape us” (unquote Winston Churchill) Nation building is the process of the conception of a country that functions, encompassing the bits of a non-functioning one. It’s an evolutionary progression, not revolutionary, as it takes a long period of time. Despite the movement of people from the present to the future, they continue to maintain links from their past, which is what paves the path for this evolution. The beauty of the term...
2 Pages 933 Words

Perspectives, Gaps And Uncertainty On Global Climate Change Attitude And The Implications For Australia

Abstract Understanding the complex human behaviours in response to climate change (CC) is important to undertake mitigation measures. The objective of this paper is to review the attitude, gaps and uncertainty of global climate change and the implications for Australia. While Australia is the most vulnerable country to climate change, an inevitable dismissive audience segments belief that climate change is not happening and strongly oppose the climate change mitigation action to archives low carbon future. Therefore, a comprehensive and continuous...
4 Pages 2047 Words

The Contribution Of People, Schools Of Thought And Ethical Teaching To Judaism

Judaism, as a living religion has grown and developed over time and influences the lives of its adherents through aspects of their principal beliefs and core ethical teachings. This is due to significant people such as Moses Maimonides and core ethical teachings such as sexual ethics, which heavily contribute greatly to making Judaism a living religion as it allows adherents of Judaism to deeply interact with these characteristics of the Jewish religious tradition Moses Maimonides (1135-1204) significantly contributed to the...
3 Pages 1578 Words

How Shakespeare’s Use Of Universal Themes Still Manages To Engage Modern Audiences

William Shakespeares’ play Romeo and Juliet continues to engage audiences over 400 years after its release through the use of timeless universal themes. Shakespeare was born in 16th-century England. Living through the reformation and the renaissance period influenced Shakespeare’s’ writing was influenced greatly by his surroundings. The gender roles portrayed in Romeo and Juliet, whilst being that of a blatantly patriarchal society, are still relevant to modern audiences. Modern society, though less blatant, is still a predominantly patriarchal society. The...
2 Pages 1128 Words

Sport And Recreation In The Community

Sport sector There are four main sectors of the QLD recreation industry, one of them being sport. The sport sector is very competitive. The sport industry is a market in which people, activities, business, and organizations are involved in producing, facilitating, promoting, or organizing any activity, experience, or business enterprise focused on sports. The sports sector industry is very popular due to how everyone wants to watch and listen to the most talented people in the word, playing national rugby...
1 Page 591 Words

Contemporary Police Practice

The Standard Model of Policing Strategic shifts in operational police practice have seen significant shifts strategically over the last two hundred years. The standardised traditional police approach to law enforcement needed to be expanded in response to deficiencies. The 1970s and 1980s was the catalyst in the development of proactive policing (Drew & Prenzler 2015). Weisburd & Eck (2004) in their typology that the standard traditional model of police practice lacked in empirical support and the response based operational policing...
5 Pages 2307 Words

Different Ideas On Past Life And Life Today

I have a lovely grandmother who talks about difficulties of the past all the time. She states that today life prepares everything ready for you! She told me that everything was tough when she was a child whether going to school or getting marriage. She shared her experience that she had grown up with low facilities and even low income. But how about now? she said. Today's world provides everything for you and permit you to accomplish your responsibilities as...
1 Page 536 Words

Contemporary Social Work Practice Environment

This paper seeks to conscientiously analyze and interpret the contemporary social work practice environment using a contemplative analysis of society and culture to ascertain if and how different types of oppression and inequities in widespread capitalist societies causes social problems. The discussion will center more on child protection and removal, and the need for social workers to be culturally competent and to comprehend the political, social and economic effects surrounding this issue. The writer shall then conclude with a consideration...
3 Pages 1164 Words

The Influence Of Globalisation on Agricultural Biotechnology

In a bid to aid globalisation, the Australian Government established liberal trade policy agreements with low wage economies. However, according to a manufacturing report released in 2018 by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, it suggests liberal trade policies are hampering the growth of Australia's manufacturing industry instead of fueling economic growth. Australia’s manufacturing industry contributes 6% to the Australian GDP, however the utilisation of manufacturing has declined considerably over recent years. The Australian manufacturing industry exports $96.1 billion...
4 Pages 1561 Words

English Language For Global Communication In Asian And Western Communities

The goal of this essay is to showcase the lexical varieties of the English language used in different cultures, with an analysis of the differences between the Asian and Western use of the English language. The novel “Fire on the Mountain” was written by Anita Desai in 1977 which belongs to the late modern English era. She is one of the famous novelists of contemporary India. The main themes the novel deals with are existentialism, sexuality and the Indian patriarchal...
3 Pages 1531 Words

The Role Of The Industrial-capitalist Revolution In The Modern Age

Modernity is a term used to explain the historic period known as the modern age. In human history, this period involved innovations in scientific thought, increased individualism, and rapid industrialization as opposed to relying on supernatural and metaphysical beliefs. There is no official consensus on the precise moment when modernity commenced. Most history accounts from Western Europe suggest that the modern age arrived in the 18th century as most colonial invasions ceased. For this analysis, three revolutions will undergo scrutiny...
4 Pages 1676 Words

The Role Of Personal Beliefs In Human Life

Our beliefs are the fundamentals of our experiences, decisions and patterns in our lives. By changing our beliefs, we can change our experiences, and create our own realities. Have you ever stopped to reflect about what ‘you’ think about yourself? Are you aware of the impact that low self-esteem and a rapidly decreasing self-worth can have on your mind? Have you ever tried to challenge your own antiquated, deep rooted belief system? The truth is that our core beliefs, which...
4 Pages 1972 Words

The Meaning Of Dance Through Modernisation

Since time immemorial, dance has been recognised as a unique art form which allows for pure self- expression, generating an exchange of movement dialogue between individuals and communities (Kogan, 2013). However, through modernisation, dance has evolved into a theatrical spectacle, with audiences racing to see a perfectly presented dancer leap across the stage (Anderson, 2001). Although beautiful to watch, this then establishes a question regarding the confined notions of what it means to be classified as a dancer?. Evidently, through...
3 Pages 1530 Words

Community Gardening In Canberra: Benefits And Challenges

Introduction All around the globe, there are a large number of gardens for instance, in North America community garden ranges from the victory garden areas to street beautification planters. Additionally, in many places around Europe, there are various places which have ``allotment gardens`` whereby there are a dozen of plots each of which measure hundreds of square meters and are generally rented by the same family for a period of time (Alaimo, Beavers, Crawford, Snyder, & Litt. 2016). The overall...
3 Pages 1376 Words

How Does The Media Affect Society’s Perceptions Of Women’s Sports In The Modern Era?

The media affects society’s perceptions of women’s sports through either conforming to or challenging conventional gender norms and generating interest. Sport has traditionally been considered a male-dominated area and many people hold the belief that women’s sports simply aren’t as interesting. However, is this a reflection of the skill of female athletes or of the media coverage they receive? Especially in the modern context, the media, as the primary source of information, shapes societal thought. In recent years, women’s sport...
3 Pages 1328 Words

Do The Old Testament Stories Have Significance In Modern Life?

The Old Testament has many stories in it, and every single one of them has significance, even now. We learn forgiveness, loyalty and using talents, plus many, many more from the stories it tells. They most definitely have significance and this is why. Forgiveness is shown many times in the Old testament. Forgiveness is very important in life. If people mess up, they ask for forgiveness, and most times people receive it back. But when people ask someone that that...
1 Page 510 Words

Is Biotechnology Important For Society?

Biotechnology is unavoidable in today’s society. From household products to medical procedures, biotechnology is ubiquitous. Defined as “something that harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and to help improve lives”, ( There are three primary fields where biotechnology is used: medical, agricultural and industrial. Development in each of these fields is progressing at an exponential rate, with hundreds of new applications created each year. With progress in this area moving so rapidly, it is important to take time...
2 Pages 1130 Words

Are Romeo And Juliet Relevant To Our Modern Society?

“To be or not to be, that is the question.” Romeo and Juliet in this day and age, is obviously not to be.” William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet has utterly no relevance in our modern society. Many may believe this play is the greatest love story in history, but most need to look beyond the language and the complex meanings and realise the real impact this play is having on us students. The tragedy ending is just another way of...
1 Page 618 Words

Vaccines Are Not Required For The Overall Health Of Society

Rationale World Health Organisation (2008) published an article that allegedly suggests that “Vaccination greatly reduces disease, disability, death and inequity worldwide.” This article gives a detailed insight into the effects, eradication and control vaccine has on diseases, hence shining a positive light on vaccination to showcase the benefits of it on health, society and life expectancy. With thorough research, a broad research question was formed from the initial claim: “Does the use of vaccine reduce the amount of disease in...
5 Pages 2352 Words

The Crucible: The Perfect Representation Of Hypocrisy In Society

You enter the lecture room, and the lecturer states the strict rule about no phones. You swiftly switch on the silent button and slip your phone into your pocket. Soon, you’re listening to the voice of your lecturer, writing notes for your midterm test when suddenly a phone rings, making you flinch. Next minute, you realise the lecturer has picked up his own phone and is talking to his friend about what time he will be arriving at his dinner...
1 Page 663 Words

A Study On Impact Of Cricket On Indian Society

Abstract In a country like India Cricket is not just a game, it’s beyond that. The board of cricket control is considered as the world’s richest cricket sporting body and Indian cricket team as most followed cricket fans in the world. And from the beginning phase of the cricket till now it is playing an immense role in the society of India. This research article studies the impact of cricket on Indian Society. The data regarding the study was collected...
6 Pages 2690 Words

Global Inequalities And Social Work

Globalization is generally understood as a natural evolutionary process resulting from developments and breakthroughs in computer science and telecommunications but Stiglitz (2002) prefers to see it as the globalization of the economy and the removal of barriers to ‘free trade’ . The writer and activist Susan George suggests that neoliberalism, the economic ideology which has been promoted over the past two decades by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation is based on a set...
4 Pages 1999 Words

Role Of Architecture In Nation Building

Nation-building refers to the process of developing a national identity using the facilities of the state. The aim is the unification of the people in a society with different origins, histories, languages, cultures and religions, within the boundaries of a self-governing state, forming a unified constitutional and legal dispensation. Such examples are the national public education system, an integrated economy, shared symbols and values. This could work towards eradicating the divisions and injustices of the past and foster unity by...
6 Pages 2734 Words

What Role Does Sporting Success Play in a Nation Development?

Achin Bhattacharyya (2019) states that the feeling of nationalism is indispensable to the idea of building a nation. Bahattacharyya (2019) states that apart from religion, sport is the only common thread that binds people together and helps in developing a feeling of patriotism and unity that can counter regional factionalism and sinister design of various separatist forces. There are many examples of when sport brought a nation together such the 1995 Rugby World Cup. According to The South African Government...
2 Pages 1009 Words

A Holistic Approach To Hinduism And Vedas Simplified For The Modern World

Introduction To begin with, when we think about Hinduism, we think about the holy scriptures like The Bhagavad Gita, The Ramayana, Mahabharata, when we read this we get lots of confusion, so many superficials things which do not make any sense and then most of us lose interest. The sole reason for this is because we are reading a book of Shakespeare without knowing the basic English language or Alphabets. So due to our own ignorance of the basics we...
5 Pages 2491 Words

The Aspects Of True Happiness

It is probably okay to say that everyone in the world wants to be truly happy and that they want to enjoy their time on earth, but mainly everybody struggles with being truly happy. It is just something that doesn’t come naturally for many. Happiness really depends on your own way to feel joy, to have certain people around you or doing something you love like a hobby, or something that brings meaning and purpose to your life. Happiness does...
3 Pages 1379 Words

Social Work Reflection As A Career Option

Social work is one of the top choices for career options for a lot students (Humprey, 2011). Many people go into the social work profession because it “can provide job satisfaction and contribute to our sense of meaning and purpose in life” (Humprey, 2011). This what it felt like for me when I was deciding what career I wanted to pursue after high school. I want to go into social work because of my personal experience and I thought it...
3 Pages 1420 Words

The Role Of Dance In Human Society

Introduction Dance, a vibrant art form, embodies the rich tapestry of American culture, reflecting its diverse and dynamic spirit. It transcends mere movement in the USA, narrating stories of heritage, innovation, and unity. This essay delves into the multifaceted world of American dance, showcasing its evolution and the influences that have shaped it. Each style mirrors a unique aspect of American life and history, from the rhythmic footwork of tap to the expressive gestures of contemporary dance. We explore the...
4 Pages 1360 Words

The Features Of Industrial Social Work

Social work developed as a service to the people. The International Federation of Social Workers defines social work as a practice based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Industrial social work is an area of service delivery in the industries and in addition in social work activities. Industrial social work is influenced by a number factors such as the cultural, historical and socio- economic factors. It...
3 Pages 1348 Words

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