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The Laws For Sex Workers: Application Of The Nordic Model Of Prostitution In India

6 Pages 2875 Words
Introduction The regulation of sex markets has long been controversial, and the debate was recently re-ignited in 2015 when Amnesty International’s took a stand to support worldwide decriminalization of all aspects of sex trade including supplying, demanding, and mediating i.e pimping transactions. On one hand, critics worry that decriminalization facilitates and boosts sex trafficking. On the other hand, voluntary sex...

The Impact Of Work-life Balance On Wellbeing Of Employees

6 Pages 2921 Words
Introduction Problem Statement The task of satisfying key employees is intense. High level of satisfaction and minimum level of conflicts at workplace and home has been shown to be momentous to the development of an organization in terms of gaining competitive advantage as well as wellness of society. Now a day, Level of frustration among people due to socio-economic issues...

Impact Of Work-life Balance Issues On Performance Of Pharmaceutical Sales Managers

5 Pages 2350 Words
ABSTRACT In terms of Indian context, the concern over work-life balance is gradually becoming a common talk. When employees go back to their homes, they should not carry any organizational stress with them. An individual has two roles to play- personal and professional; each role having different set of demands. When such role demands overlap, multiple problems are faced leading...

Labor Market: Job Location And Internal & External Issues

1 Page 677 Words
Introduction For the job description that I developed last week, selecting a labor market where the job will be located is need to be done. This paper describes the labor market examining the principles of market demographics for the labor market. It further explores the alternative approaches for designing jobs and increasing employee efficiency and motivation including job analysis. Two...

Changing Opportunities For Unqualified Crowd Workers

7 Pages 3243 Words
Introduction The current situation of the US economy shows that already more and more people are preferring to work in the gig economy, meaning that they do not have an official working place for a certain organization. The majority of the population prefers working as independent workers rather than being hired (Petriglieri, Ashford & Wresniewski, 2018). The predictions are that...

Work Life Balance Of Employees In BPO Industry: A Case Study of WNS (Holdings) Ltd

3 Pages 1170 Words
INTRODUCTION One of an important attribute of a successful organization is its satisfied Workforce. The term “Work Life Balance” has become the new “buzzword” in today’s Corporate world. The concept of ‘Work Life Balance’ helps employees of an organization to balance their personal and professional lives. It encourages employees to divide their time as per the priorities and maintain balance...

The Roles Of Nurse Practitioner

3 Pages 1315 Words
Over the last decade, Advance Practice roles have gained a tremendous amount of popularity. The role of a Nurse Practitioner first gained its popularity back in 1965, when a public health nurse named Loretta Ford, a pediatrician, would establish the first NP certification program. It was then; primary care physicians would slowly start to move outward from a general practice...

Does The Law Stand For Police Brutality?

2 Pages 854 Words
The consensus of most people is that people who are facing police brutality are the ones who are “committing the crime” that deserve the punishment. Where does the law stand with what is police brutality and what is not? How does everyone figure out what punishments deserve this? Well, in America, there are several different categories that fall under the...

Principles Of Service Operations & Organization

4 Pages 1636 Words
Summary Service quality is defined as the outcome of a comparison between the expectations of a service and what is perceived to have been received (Li, 2012). The need for service quality in hospitality has grown exponentially, which has led to customers to have higher expectations for the quality of service than ever before. This paper seeks to evaluate the...

Interface Between Farmer And Consumer By Using Big Data

3 Pages 1266 Words
Abstract If we develop the relationship among farmers, government and consumers using the technology, the middle men’s role could be easily thrown out from the whole scenario. We can easily overcome the problems being faced by farmers in selling their goods in the market. We need to maintain this relationship with one friendly user interface, which can be used to...

Work-Life Balance Benefits And Challenges

3 Pages 1264 Words
​Work pressure can create critical issues in employees’ careers and social lives. Work/Life Balance (WLB) policies can be defined as adjusting how work is completed to suit employees’ circumstances such as flextime, job-sharing and onsite childcare centers. The work load and task list of employees are becoming more and more complex. For employees who are part of multi-national companies, time...

Student Perception And The Value Of Studying And Working Abroad

6 Pages 2646 Words
Introduction The world is narrowing down. Nations, previously accustomed to a high degree of disunity, have now become closer than ever, as a result of rapid technological progress, improved infrastructure and ever-expanding communication networks. Due to the enhanced interaction between completely different societies and the rapidly growing orientation to the global market, the acquisition of international experience in cultivating a...

Team And Team Performance Evaluation

4 Pages 1994 Words
Team and Types of team According to the corporate perspective, Team is nothing much it’s a group of people work together to achieve a common Target. According to our discussion, we found out that, there are multiple kind of team in an organization. And it based on the purpose, time, category and the work culture. Some of the common Types...
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Chemical Engineer: Types And Work Peculiarities

2 Pages 840 Words
Chemical engineers can be divided into two subgroups. One, are those who conduct tests and research to develop new or improved substances for various products. Two, are those who design, manufacture and operate plants and their machinery for industrial chemical, biological or related process. ( K ) Some chemical engineers do both, but most all will work with other engineers...

Filipino Citizens Working Purposes

1 Page 297 Words
Many of the Filipino citizens are migrating to other country for working purposes. Working abroad may bring consequences to the children left at home. Some parents are dreaming of having a high paid job for the good of their family but they did not notice the possible outcome of being far from their children. OFW or Overseas Filipino Worker is...

How Each Of Us Supports Child Labor

2 Pages 895 Words
Introduction We were given a independent investigation project and the goal of this project was to research a question,create notes,write a report and present a presentation.The question that I researched was What regular items could you find in your home that might have been produced through child labor? How would you know? I picked this question because many people don’t...

The Process Of Filling Labor Shortages

2 Pages 1100 Words
Since 1997, Australia has been one of the most attractive countries to overseas students because of its truly world-class education, advanced economies as well as improvement in the setting of policies benefiting foreign students along with meeting the needy parts of its labor market. Policy changes during this stage include building links between international students and permanent skilled migration programs...

The Peculiarities Of Compassion in Nursing

3 Pages 1484 Words
According to the NHS, the 6C’s of nursing are the guiding principles for anyone working within the healthcare sector (NHS England, 2012) In March 2016, a 3-year study named “Compassion in Practise” was concluded, and a framework of recommendations and best practice called “Leading Change, Adding Value” was created to guide healthcare staff with the work they do. The 6Cs...

Contemporary Professional Social Work Challenges

3 Pages 1417 Words
Particular challenges of contemporary professional social work practice currently are austerity and ethical decision-making that affect social workers. In this essay, I will discuss what impact these will have upon me as a student social worker and ways to help me overcome these challenges. A challenge faced by social workers presently is austerity due to the demanding economic conditions and...

The Types And Peculiarities Of Stakeholders

5 Pages 2441 Words
Stakeholders are groups or individuals that have an interest in a business. Stakeholders are important and can affect the running of the business. There are two types of stakeholders; internal and external, with different interests and priorities. Internal stakeholders are for example employees, managers and shareholders(owners). Examples of external stakeholders are customers, suppliers, government, local community and trade unions. Internal...

Who Is A Software Architect And Why He Cannot Make Project For Your Barn?

1 Page 536 Words
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”- is the question most of us have encountered at some point in your lives. It is one of those things that trickle down from one generation to another. Some who were once kids now question their offspring of the same. It is a never-ending cycle that will probably last forever....

Labor Market: Segmentation, Division And Unemployment

7 Pages 3181 Words
Labor Market Segmentation The exertions marketplace is one of the most essential sectors of our market financial system. It has a very direct effect on our lives due to the fact, at some level or any other in lifestyles, nearly anybody will participate in it. thus, governments have to examine key labor market signs that influence one of the economic...

The Importance To Balance Personal Life And Work

2 Pages 702 Words
In a world where more and more people are working in roles that could be considered as 'always at work', how do they achieve and maintain a balance between work and personal life? How do companies and leaders do to promote this way of life? Every day millions of people struggle with these questions. At the same time, leaders fight...

Inspiration From Nature’s Structure: Coloration Of Bird’s Feathers

2 Pages 1031 Words
INTRODUCTION With the advancement in technology and the enhancement of biological knowledge over time, many scientists and researchers extract numerous design ideas and methodologies from the preexisting nature structures. Biomimicry has evolved as a vital field of study to make sustainable advancement in technology by adapting nature’s principles into engineering application. Many living organisms (example, birds, butterflies, etc.) have a...

Do Large Companies Abuse Their Power Over Stakeholders?

1 Page 426 Words
The term ‘stakeholder’ has many meanings and is a term that can be used to describe virtually any group of people related to an organisation. Large Companies, like many other companies, aim to make profit and so the main stakeholders would be the owners and shareholders, but according to Freeman (1951) this is not the case and large companies are...

The Return Of Customs Duty After Brexit: How Will It Affect Trade Efficiency?

2 Pages 962 Words
Introduction Being a part of the European Union, it’s easy to forget that we may be subjects to customs duty. Free trade zones allowed us to lose the concern about any additional cost of importing from the EU, but unfortunately not anymore. Now, as Great Britain exits the agreement, the state of the matter is very uncertain. In this essay...
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Difficulties Encountered In Coordinating Teamwork

2 Pages 791 Words
The most common problem students are dealing in teamwork coordination is lack of contribution of team members. For example, some members tend to remain silent and do not participate in tasks with full commitment. This is due to the fact that delegating unfair mark on workload contribution (Labeouf., Griffith &Roberts, 2016, p.18). When a group submits their work, all the...

Understanding The Civil Engineer Community

3 Pages 1467 Words
As we can see, the spectrum of working field is very wide, from analyzing the soil to analyzing the air quality. There are various fields within this engineering branch which you can pursue to have a Civil Engineering career. Also, we can separate Coastal Engineering, Tunnel Engineering, and Earthquake Engineering as sub-disciplines for water resources, transportation, and geotechnical engineering, respectively....

Stakeholders Engagement: Pros And Cons

1 Page 697 Words
Stakeholders are able to gather individuals who can generate capital investments in order to secure growth of the business for long time. They have a great interest in how the project turns out, whether it succeeds or fails. There are both benefits and disadvantages of stakeholder engagement in IT projects for businesses. Some of the advantages stakeholders possesses are as...

The Differences Of Men And Women In Workforce

1 Page 655 Words
Women, for many years, have been deprived of many fundamental rights and opportunities. Women’s unwillingness to speak made men confident of their authority and power over society. And If a woman even tries to speak up, men crushes them into silence and intimidates them and eventually doubts herself and loses self-confidence (Solnit 12). Race is also a big factor why...

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