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Possible Limits Of Intelligence

Is there a limit to what we as humans are capable of understanding? Is our capacity for complex thought limitless? Are our brains well-enough equipped to understand all the truths of the universe? Good morning, my name is Madeline Briddell and today I’ll be sharing with you my thoughts about the limits of human intelligence. We live in an age of tremendous scientific success. We’ve mapped out grand schemes of how the physical world works on scales that range from...
3 Pages 1546 Words

Who, If Either, Showed Greater Resilience: Oedipus Or Hamlet?

As Confucious points out, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall” ('Confucius Quotes'). Both Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Sophocles’ Oedipus are tragic heroes and, therefore, are designed to have low resilience. A resilient character would have traits such as optimism, control over their emotions and less dependence on fate. Even though Hamlet seems to be a more resilient character, both heroes lack the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and overcome their traumas....
2 Pages 999 Words

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Ethical Judgement

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to review the study done on the relationship between emotional intelligence and ethical judgement for people in managerial roles. This study focuses on understanding the factors that contribute to the ethical challenges faced by today’s business environment. The researchers statistically analyzed data from two online surveys to examine the interconnection between emotional intelligence and ethical decision making. The research found that emotional intelligence and ethical judgement are strongly related to relativism and the...
2 Pages 787 Words

Emotional Intelligence in Students

Abstract Many studies exhibit that Emotional Intelligence (EI) improves academic performance (AP) in medical undergraduates and secondary schools. This study aims to examine whether there is a direct link between EI, expected workload and AP and amongst business students. The theory comprises of final year undergraduate students having higher EI in TEIQue-SF and final examination than the 1st and 2nd year students. The study consists of cross-sectional research among 732 (350 females, 382 males) undergraduate students in business doing their...
2 Pages 1137 Words

Findings In Academic Procrastination VS Personalities

Procrastination exists almost as long as humanity exists, which makes me wonder which characteristics in human that contribute to this long-lasting incurable 'disease'. Based on my self-exploration and conversation with friends, I assumed there were two categories of reasons behind this symptom: personalities and tasks. Like the clear distinctions between the personalities of morning birds and night owls, there is a solid line between high procrastinators and others. People are more likely to find similarities in a group of people....
2 Pages 971 Words

Science Behind Procrastination

Have you ever promised yourself that you won’t procrastinate? That you will finish your home works and projects as soon as possible, but you always end up scrolling down on social media and lying down in your bed. You said that you will start reviewing for the exam ahead of time but you then end up with reviewing the night before the exam. This kind of situation makes you stressed and pressured, and it affects your health. So you can...
1 Page 569 Words

The Pomodoro Technique In Time Management And Procrastination

Pomodoro Technique The Pomodoro Technique is a method that is designed to help with time management and procrastination. As modern life increases, more stress tends to build in every person’s life. As human beings, we tend to procrastinate from doing a task, because of many other distractions. The Pomodoro Technique keeps you focused on any task by eliminating all distractions for a certain time limit. (Young, 2019) This technique has been proven to help almost anyone that has trouble with...
3 Pages 1471 Words

The Relationship Of Self-Control To Procrastination

The general attitude towards procrastination is usually negative, and often viewed as a bad habit by society however, the idea of procrastination is not so shallow. Angela Chu and Jin Choi introduced the idea of Active Procrastination to the world in 2005 in an effort to encourage scientists to look deeper into procrastination and realize that there are differences between those who procrastinate passively and those who procrastinate in a calculated and purposeful way, (Chu & Choi, 2005). The idea...
4 Pages 1820 Words

Definition and Elements of Emotional Intelligence

Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success or happiness. Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ by Daniel Goleman was named of the 25 most influential business management books by Time Magazine with 5,000,000 copies in print worldwide and translated into 40 languages. In this book Daniel Goleman expands the model of what it means to be intelligent and puts emotions at the center of aptitudes for living. He brings up the idea that emotional...
2 Pages 795 Words

Can Intelligence Be Measured?

The ever-evolving intelligence of mankind has assisted the human race in segregating themselves from other species by allowing us to make our environment adapt to us instead of vice versa. The article, What is Intelligence? What Do IQ Tests Really Measure? (Part 1) written by Futurism, claims that Dr. C. George Boeree described the general definition of intelligence as “a person’s ability to learn and understand information, apply that information to solve problems, and engage in abstract reasoning.” Psychologists have...
2 Pages 1027 Words

Behavior Modification on Procrastinating

As a first-generation college student my ultimate goal is succession within my education, in order to obtain an ultimate future that was unfortunately not accomplished by my family. Therefore, coming from this background holds a major impact in the way one conducts many tasks. However, as any student barriers are encountered, personally one has always been a self-driven individual throughout previous school years due the ambition to become a better version of myself. As a current sophomore, procrastination has recently...
2 Pages 921 Words

Media’s Negative Impact on Women's Body Image

Thesis Statement: ‘Body image is the perception that a person has of their physical self and also the thoughts and feelings that result from that perception. These feelings can be both positive and negative, and are influenced by both individual and environmental factors.’(PSYCHALIVE,2019). I believe that the media has negatively impacted women's body image. Traditional and Contemporary Media's Impact on Body Image The ideal of what is deemed as ‘beautiful’ has changed over the years. Previously, the ‘ideal female body...
3 Pages 1278 Words

The Psychological Factors That Influence Procrastinating Behaviours

Ancient Egyptians had two verbs which had the translation of procrastination. The two meanings denoted are: valuable habit of avoiding unnecessary work, or negative habits of laziness in finishing jobs or tasks (Ferrari et al 1995), which in simpler terms could be identified as passive and active procrastination. In this essay I will explore some identified factors which affect procrastinating behaviours such as self-efficacy, motivation and self-esteem. One factor that affects procrastinating behaviour is perception. Procrastination is most likely to...
3 Pages 1189 Words

Should Artificial Intelligence Replace Judges?

The introduction of artificial intelligence in the judicial systems can aid judges with the necessary resources needed to make their work easier but it will never replace the existence of Judges and their expertise. What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is an advancing field of Computer Science that enables a machine to respond to its sorroundings independently while performing tasks that would normally require human intelligence and decision making process. Offers assistance to Judges It is indeed a debate all...
2 Pages 784 Words

The Slender and Obese: Body Image Representation in the Fashion Industry

This paper will discuss the different body types of woman and the way in which this is presented in the fashion industry. Throughout this paper both ends of the spectrum of the female form will be investigated, from the slender body to female obesity, with consideration to factors such as the male gaze, and how this influences how we approach the question of skinny or fat. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the ever-changing ideal body of...
8 Pages 3709 Words

The Influence Of Gender On Perceptions Of Intelligence

Abstract Past research has found that males estimate their own intelligence higher than females, and that in general, individuals estimate their father’s intelligence to be higher than their mothers. This study aimed to examine these gender differences in the perception of intelligence through a methodologically similar survey to Hogan’s (1978) study on IQ estimations, and found that females consistently estimate their IQ lower than males, and both males and females estimate their mother’s IQ lower than their father. This could...
3 Pages 1573 Words

Challenges And Opportunities Of Business In Artificial Intelligence

From numerous years technical advancements are the major drivers of monetary development. The most vital universally useful technology of our period is Artificial Intelligence. AI is very nearly turning into a basic piece of each business foundation, settling on it crucial for company leaders to see how this technology can, and will, upset traditional business model. The impact of AI is increasing in manufacturing, retailing, transportation, finance, health care, law, advertising, insurance, entertainment, education. This paper offers a point of...
6 Pages 2575 Words

Artificial Intelligence: Where Are We Today?

I'm super excited to talk to you today about the present and future of artificial intelligence. Whenever there's a buzzword and a complex subject matter it's usually good to start with a definition but it's actually a little tricky because the definition of artificial intelligence seems to be constantly moving. We are in the world now where research has actually shifted largely from playing games, which is still an important area and can feature some things - things that we...
2 Pages 860 Words

Social Media and Body Image

With reference to some sources, more than 87% of women and 65% of men were negatively influenced by social media. Social media is a platform for people from different walks of life to connect with each other across distances. Some platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have portrayed unrealistic standards in terms of body image. It could be argued that social media has changed the way people look and feel about themselves. Although social media can be a platform...
1 Page 427 Words

Emotional Intelligence As A Predictor Of Academic Achievement

In the African context, a number of studies have been done and according to the literature reviewed emotional intelligence was reported to have a significant positive correlation with academic achievement. Ogundokun and Adeyemo (2010) designed a study in Nigeria to investigate the influence of emotional intelligence and academic motivation on learning outcomes of students in secondary schools. The study used descriptive survey research design using a sample of 1563 students (826 male and 737 female) between the ages of 12...
2 Pages 897 Words

Artificial Intelligence In Radiology: Promise Or Pitfall?

Objective To determine the positive and negative outcomes of artificial intelligence in the healthcare system, specifically radiology. Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligent processes by computer systems. These processes include learning, reasoning and self-correction. Artificial intelligence can identify patterns in data more effectively than humans. Medical artificial intelligence uses computer techniques to perform clinical diagnoses and suggests relative treatments. The primary aim for AI in healthcare is to analyze potential treatment techniques. The primary driver behind...
1 Page 543 Words

The Aspects Of Ambient Intelligence

Abstract In this computing world full of technologies, ambient intelligence makes reference to electronic environments that are sensitive and susceptible to the presence of people. Ambient intelligence makes an eyeshot on the future of consumer electronics, telecommunications and computing that was originally developed in the late 1990s. Introduction This article deals with an emerging discipline, ambient intelligence that brings the runtimeactivities and the environments thatis sensitive to us.It opens up the world with unprecedented experiences and would impose major challenges...
2 Pages 838 Words

Impacts And Benefits Of Artificial Intelligence In Today’s World

Artificial intelligence -- it’s in just about all the technology we use today. It’s in your phone, television, on your laptop, your tablet -- it can even be in your refrigerator! But as AI continues to advance and grow, people have started to question its capabilities in both positive and threatening lights. The hypothetical threat artificial intelligence (AI) imposes on today’s society should not be menacing and only creates new opportunities that push our society towards a positive, more efficient...
3 Pages 1339 Words

Artificial Intelligence & Taxation In India

Abstract Can India take the big step by combining artificial intelligence with taxation? The major source of revenue for the Government is through taxes. So, can we move towards a system wherein AI will help taxation system to be clear, easy and more compliant? Extensive use of AI & ML will definitely help our tax authorities to be vigilant about the defaulters and create a more comprehensive and transparent system. Can India move towards a taxation system where AI/ML is...
4 Pages 1976 Words

Examining the Team and Managing Emotional Intelligence

As a manager handling emotion is very important in gaining the respect of your employees (Deutschendorf, 2016). When a manager is unable to control their emotions, it causes problems within the workplace such as employee morale, retention and more (Deutschendorf, 2016). Knowing just the right amount to share without being overly emotional, it is healthy for a leader to have some emotion, because they are not a robot and do not have emotions (Deutschendorf, 2016). Managers and leaders must use...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Positioning Emotional Intelligence Aor Project Managers

When times are difficult, leaders are isolated and brought to prominence. A project manager’s push into prominence as a result of the change in the client requirements, the economy, technology, and so on. The above can apply to project environments. An important concept that any project manager or organization has to comprehend is that people's needs have changed as they are expanding and evolving their perceptions of what is meant to be human in this dynamic global economy. It would...
2 Pages 990 Words

How Artificial Intelligence Trained To Analyze Causation

When something unexpected happens, it is our intuition to ask questions and try to understand why it has happened. If we can determine the reason of that unexpected event, it may be possible for us to prevent such an outcome next time. However, the ways we, humans try to understand, and reason things are sometimes superstitious, and we cannot explain what is really going on. Correlation which can only state that an event happened around the same time as another...
3 Pages 1345 Words

Artificial Intelligence Applied To Medicine

Introduction According to the report of the McKinsey Global Institute, “Notes from the frontier of the IA”, from April 2018, the impact of artificial intelligence on the value of companies by sector will affect tourism (128%), followed by transport and logistics. (89%); retail trade (87%); automotive and assembly, high technology, gas and oil , chemical industry , media and entertainment, raw materials, agriculture, and banking (50%); health, public administration and telecommunications (44%); pharmaceutical products, insurance, semiconductors, the aerospace and defense...
4 Pages 1763 Words

What Is Peculiar About The Era Of Artificial Intelligence

First of all let’s look at some facts that we have managed to accomplished with digital technology. We have improved magnificially in medical technology by creating vaccines and antibiotics for as many sickness that could of possibly be deadly in the past. Also if not because of Alexander Graham Bell creating the very first telephone we wouldn’t of seen a drastic change of how our communication has changed, such as having Mobile cell phones to call friends and family members...
3 Pages 1149 Words

Grades Do Not Measure Intelligence

In today’s society the average parent’s main focus is to ensure that their child does remarkably well in school. With the basic grading scheme being “A” for excellent and “F” for failure, can this be used to measure someone’s intelligence? How many of the A grades you have achieved in school helped you with your job today? Did finding “x”, or finding Pythagoras Theorem helped you to figure out what to say to your big marketing meeting? While growing up,...
2 Pages 973 Words

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