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What’s Luna And Solar Eclipse And How They Are Correlated With Mathematics

7 Pages 3293 Words
The great astronomers Galileo wrote in his book Il Saggiatore, also named the Assayer: “Philosophy [i.e., physics] is written in this grand book — I mean the Universe — which stands continually open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it is written. It is...

Lunar And Solar Eclipse Meanings In Different Cultures

4 Pages 1895 Words
Introduction “The moon deserted her course and the sun at once veiled his beam threatening, no longer to give you light, if Cleon became general...” [8] This was the first western written record of the lunar eclipse by Aristophanes. Before that, people usually misunderstood it as some unnatural power controlled by witches or prediction of a city’s demise. The person...

Hubble Telescope And Contributions To Research On Astro-Distances

2 Pages 883 Words
Astronomical distances recognized simply as astro-distances or more frequently as light years, present fascinating reasons to make ongoing explorations about the macrocosm. However, the history of astro-distances should receive close attention to understand how various calculation approaches evolved. From the development of the Hubble telescope, the existent form of calculating astro-distances means that an explicating macrocosm should present opportunities to...

The Role Of Motivation In Language Learning

1 Page 706 Words
Generally, motivation has been accepted as the main reason of increasing life conditions,prosperity and pleasure(Iguisi,2009).Motivation relates to promote somebody or be included in an activity, also it has a role in order to clarify why people pursue a goal while somebody avoid(Schunk et al(1992) cited in Al Kaabi(2016).Ryan,(2002)cited in Al Kaabi,(2009)that it has been included in different aspects science such...

Eugenics And Bioethics

2 Pages 946 Words
Bioethics is the study of the ethical issues emerging from advances in biology and medicine. Bioethics blends issues concerning ethical questions that come from a multitude of areas, from life science to biotechnology, medicine, medical ethics, politics, law, and philosophy. It is a rather young academic field that has emerged rapidly as questions about basic human values such as the...

Code-switching From Idhna's Dialect To Hebron's By Idhna Students

3 Pages 1467 Words
Abstract In this study, the researcher is investigating the reasons behind changing one's dialect to another, in particular, from Idhna's dialect to Hebron's by Idhna students at Hebron University. Since dialects vary now from one place to another, the researcher decided to study why his town students make changes when they moving to Hebron. Therefore, The researcher collected data from...

Role Of Computers In Linguistics

1 Page 693 Words
As we all know that computers have a marked influence on linguistics.In the near future computers would be providing more help to linguists. Computational linguistics studies how computers are related to linguistics and also deals with techniques of computers that assist us in interpretation of language. To facilitate linguists to explore and interpret natural language with the help of computers....

Epidemiology And Biostatistics With Special Reference To Social Epidemiology

2 Pages 728 Words
Introduction Social structures or networks such as access to education, employment, inclusion in society and so on are important prerequisites in shaping the health of people in any given circumstances. The extent to which we incorporate these factors coupled with biological agents explains why disease are produced (Berkman, Kawachi, & Glymour, 2014). For example people with good education have access...

The Impact Of Social Media On English Language Self-Learning In Vietnam

7 Pages 3027 Words
Introduction Social media has substantially modified human’s manner of residing in diverse aspects including communique, expertise alternate, commerce and education. With the development of social media sites, people keep finding more area of study English to be able to explore it further. There no denying that social media and its use have become obvious in field of education which may...

Interplay Of Genetic And Environmental Factors

4 Pages 1801 Words
The process of “how much” genetic versus environmental factors matter has recently been replaced by questions about the processes that may mediate the relationship between the genome and social/environmental phenomenon (Spinath and Bleidorn,2017) For many years there have been debates on nature versus nurture but in contrast, we will be looking at how these two aspects work in unison to...
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IELTS As A Condition For Employment In English Language Teaching Field

4 Pages 1878 Words
We all have knowledge that education is very important nowadays. And every advanced country has improved education. Teaching Field is one of the most substantial things in each country. And English language teaching is one of these things. Nowadays to work in the teaching field in any educational institution, school or in universities there are some requirements must implemented. And...

Hydrogen Fuel Cells In Energetics

2 Pages 1054 Words
Background Electricity is generated when coal is crushed into fine powder and burned in boilers to heat water and that in turn produces steam. The steam is directed onto blades of a turbine to make it spin. This in turn spins the magnetic rotor inside the coil to generate electricity. This process emits harmful gases and produces harmful bi-products that...

The Peculiarities Of Endangered Languages

4 Pages 1778 Words
Introduction A language is considered moribund or endangered if it is at risk of being forgotten due to the emergence of another language. language shift occurs when speakers change to a more widely spoken or a more social-economic powered language. Once this occurs, the language is passed to children by fewer native speakers than expected and with time, therefore, the...

The Aspects Of Language Varieties

2 Pages 1002 Words
In today global communication, language has the power to blend intense emotions. It can motivate, inspire and amuse audiences. Unfortunately, it can also generate negative feelings: hostility, defensiveness and prejudice. This is because language varies in many ways and what is appropriate at one time or place may not be at another. For instance, English language is the most tremendous...

Language Preferences: Spanglish In Advertisement

6 Pages 2495 Words
Introduction The Hispanic segment is the fastest growing minority with an estimated 57.5 million living in the United States (Facts for Features, 2017). Due to a growing population and increasing purchasing power, advertisers are constantly looking at how to better appeal to this audience (Rodriguez, 2015), however Hispanics are not a homogenous group even though many advertisers take them to...

Hoffman’s Language Acquisition

2 Pages 891 Words
Being incapable of understanding a target language can sever or strengthen the direct link between cultures and human nature. Sometimes, people are not even aware of what they’re lingusuitc or nonlinguistic speaking process. In Eva Hoffman’s Lost in Translation, adaptability and malleability take hold of young Eva as she eventually discovers and experiments with her linguistics process. Ultimately, it is...

Plant-Based Diet And Its Effect On Public Health

3 Pages 1564 Words
Plant-Based Diet Nutrition is an extremely important aspect of public health with so many diseases and disorders branching from poor diet and nutrient consumption. Diet and people’s nutritional habits can either cause or prevent almost all diseases that are plaguing the western societies but most dramatically is the United States. In most of the world people consume some sort of...

Speech Language Therapy Service In School In Malaysia : Challenges And Future Direction

2 Pages 915 Words
In Malaysia, people are still wondering what Speech Language Therapy is compared to other developed countries such as as United States, Australia, United Kingdom and New Zealand. It is a new or still-developing course in a Malaysia which there is only 3 universities that provide this courses which are Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti Islam...

Garbage Enzyme: Its Characterization, Microbial Composition And Growth Promoting Activity

2 Pages 839 Words
Abstract Garbage enzyme as additive in synthetic grey water treatment. Fermentation products are kitchen waste, water, Brown sugar. Reduce the pollutant in grey water, used for various household purposes. Garbage enzymes also have antimicrobial activity. It is an eco-friendly biotechnology approach to waste water treatment. Introduction Industrialization revolutionized the world as it brought along with technological leap. Due to change,...

The Importance Of DNA Amplification And Analysis

2 Pages 735 Words
The key goals in performing this study in-lab was to determine how PCR can be used to amplify desirable segments of DNA, examine how agarose gel electrophoresis can separate DNA fragments via size, and analyze DNA fragments on agarose gels to determine our PTC diplotypes. The collection of this data was done by gathering a sample of cheek cell DNA,...

Unicef And The Diffusion Of Innovations Theory

3 Pages 1442 Words
In the present times, the world is developing at a fast rate as such we see the formations of organisations that take it upon themselves to participate in the overall development of the world. Because of the above mentioned fact, we find that there is a response to everything that happens regardless of whether the catalyst is good or bad....

The Ethical Considerations Of Human Genetic Engineering

3 Pages 1347 Words
Genetic engineering is the process of directly manipulating an organism’s genes in order to modify a desired set of characteristics. Humans have been altering the genome of species for thousands of years through selective breeding and artificial selection, however, it wasn’t until the discovery of recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid in 1972 that DNA could be directly manipulated. For several decades, scientists...

How DNA Clock Can Help Predict Your Lifespan

3 Pages 1278 Words
DNA is the inheritors and carriers of the organism. DNA plays a unique role in the flow and evolution of heredity. Originally DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is composed of three types of material. These are Phosphate, Deoxyribose sugar and 4 types of Nitrogen Alkaline. The Nitrogen Alkalines are Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. DNA contains our primitive generation, our previous history,...
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Discourse Analysis And Semiotics

9 Pages 4287 Words
All art, regardless of shape or form, is inherently political. This is a simple fact. Ryan (2018) asserts that art cannot exist within a vacuum of apoliticality, for “[the artist’s] ability to create art is shaped by [their] political environment just as much as art itself is.” This is especially true for art created within recent decades, where more and...

Indian Sign Language To Text Conversion

4 Pages 1893 Words
Abstract Communication is the exchange of information by speech, visual signals, writing, or behaviour. Deaf and dumb people communicate among themselves using sign languages, but they find it difficult to expose themselves to the outside world. There is a need for research in this field to bring deaf-mutes more into the light of society and to increase their interaction with...

Relationships Among Plant-Pollinator Interactions And The Impact On Coevolution Amongst Species

6 Pages 2945 Words
Abstract Many different variables influence the relationship between plants and pollinators. Their mutualistic relationship drives a coevolutionary force among species. They rely heavily on each other for survival and reproduction, each exploited the others resources for their own benefit. With plants requiring insects and animals for pollen transfer and reproduction, new adaptations have arisen in response to pressures exerted on...

The Description Of Gene Cloning

2 Pages 747 Words
Gene cloning is a biotechnology in which a section of DNA is isolated and extracted before being cloned using bacterial plasmids. To execute this process, a restriction enzyme isolates a specific gene from a strand of DNA and the plasmid, and then cuts the gene creating complementary sticky or blunt ends. These are joined to form recombinant DNA, which is...

Audio To Sign Language Translation

1 Page 504 Words
Abstract Sign language is a visual language that is used by deaf and dumb people for communication. It is achieved by simultaneously combining hand shapes, orientation and movement of the hands, arms or body, and facial expressions. So this topic is based on converting the text or speech using text to speech api.for that Natural Language processing is used for...

Decolorization Of Azo Dyes Using Contact Glow Discharged Electrolysis

7 Pages 3146 Words
ABSTRACT Contact Glow Discharged Electrolysis (CGDE) is a plasma electrolysis methode has proved to treat organic wastewater effectively. The objective of this study was to investigate decolorization process of the textile dyes Remazol Red RR, Remazol Yellow FG and Remazol Brilliant Violet with an air injection using CGDE method. Air injection was increased a percentage of decolorization Remazol Red RR...

Do UFO And Aliens Exist?

4 Pages 2077 Words
Introduction: The Enigma of UFOs and Alien Life “Each year, thousands of people report UFO sightings to various authorities. By one count more than 100,000 sightings have been reported since 1905,” (Par 9). There's no way that we are the only living organism in the whole universe, by that fact we can't ignore that we are not alone in the...

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