Social Issues essays

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Women Should Have Equal Rights

The following significant historical figures have played an important role in achieving equality for women. Women like Sojourner Truth, who was a former slave, helped advertise the movement. Truth did not only want to help herself and white women, but she wanted to help former female slaves as well. She conveyed a speech “Ain’t I A Woman” at the Seneca Falls Convention using religious examples from the bible and stating how Jesus was brought to the earth by a woman...
1 Page 465 Words

Freedom of Speech Controversy

The debate between our country trying to protect our freedom of speech and when it goes too far and crosses the line into hate speech, is not a new debate. However, it seems more recently that the debate has been more heated as we have seen a more divisive and polarized nation. It has even gone as far as some states wanting to enact legislation to criminalize speech that is considered hateful, which is a move comparable to what other...
3 Pages 1586 Words

Dolores Huerta and Her Major Achievements for the Society

Dolores Clara Fernandez Huerta is a living human rights hero for several Latinos, especially for women. She spent the majority of her life as a political activist who strived to get better working conditions for farmworkers. Her focus was to help out the conditions of the families of farmers. Her main help towards The Farmworkers' Movement has been dominated by Cesar Chavez. Cesar Chavez was her lifetime colleague and co-founder of what someday would become the United Farm Workers of...
3 Pages 1542 Words

The Death Penalty in the 21st century: Archaism or Necessity

The existence of the death penalty has been existing throughout age of mankind as far as history can remember. It is not a new phenomenon that the 21st century scholars attempt to tackle and understand its place in a world of Human rights and the value of life; however, it has been existing throughout in different forms. In ancient cultures, most notably those from African tribes such as the Mandinka under Samoure Toure or the Zulu Kingdom under Shaka Zulu,...
5 Pages 2360 Words

An Examination of Women's Restrictions in Virginia Woolf's 'A Room of One's Own' and Jane Miller's 'Seductions'

“Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman”, wrote Virginia Woolf in ‘A Room of One’s Own’. Based on an analysis of misogynist prohibitions, solid ramparts of male superiority whose reality seems seriously shaken, Woolf defines the conditions of existence and the specificities of artistic creation for women. However, from the very first page Woolf already explains that she will not be able to fulfil the objective of every lecture to “deliver a pure nugget...
4 Pages 1642 Words

The Influence of the Media on the Perception of BLM's Demonstrations

Blacks is a reflection of lawlessness and engagement in crime. The nexus between such a view and the reflection of the blacks as criminals is reflected in the following contexts. Dukes and Gaither (2017) indicate that persons of color are often reflected in the media as criminals. The prevailing social stereotype is that blacks are inclined to crimes. Since such stereotypes are socially constructed, they need a system that perpetuates them. Dukes and Gaither (2017) reflect that a biased reflection...
2 Pages 808 Words

Bullying Children with Mental and Physical Disabilities

Bulling is a social problem that leads to negative outcomes among the individuals involved. People with mental and physical disabilities are likely to be bullied more than normal students without any form of disability. The risk of bullying among the people under these groups is much higher. Individuals suffering from mental disabilities are likely to develop poorer mental health once bullied. It is probable that they will experience anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and other risks that are associated with bullying....
2 Pages 725 Words

A Detailed Analysis of Frederick Douglass's 'What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?' Speech

Introduction to Douglass’s Rhetorical Strategy Douglass uses the second person pronouns with words including “you” and “your” instead of the first person plural “we” and “us” because Douglass is primarily delivering this speech to his “fellow citizens” which not only includes his fellow slaves but also some of the Americans and figures responsible for writing the Declaration of Independence. By doing this, Douglass is able to emphasize that while many of the whites and Americans who fought for independence from...
6 Pages 2943 Words

Various Forms of Social Prejudice in Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' and Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird'

‘Prejudice presents itself in multiple different forms in society'. In light of this view, compare and contrast the ways in which the novels of ‘Frankenstein’ (1818) by Mary Shelley, and ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ (1960) by Harper Lee present prejudice. Both ‘Frankenstein’ (1818) and ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ (1960) are examples of gothic novels, with ‘Frankenstein’ being a classic gothic novel produced at the height of romantic literature, and ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ is a Southern Gothic narrative. Both authors...
6 Pages 2595 Words

Jane Addams - the 'Mother' of Social Work

In the 1800’s, despite the fact that Social Work did not exist as such, Jane Addams (born in 1860), was illustrated as a feminist and activist, she believed in her own instincts and learned from her past experiences when with working with individuals who had desperate and complex needs for high quality care due to their current situations. Because of this she was most recognised as the ‘Mother’ of Social Work. Jane was inspired to recreate Toynbee, the world's first...
1 Page 585 Words

Don't Close Your Eyes to the Racial Discrimination of Modern Society

I’ve been interested to see a flurry of activity and debate over the past few weeks within our local community regarding Black Lives Matter and racism in general. I have contributed my opinions and debated with people, been pleased that so many are actively discussing issues and ways to eradicate racism and equally dismayed to realise that some people are opposed to the fight against racism. Once again, I have been told “f you don’t like this country, why don’t...
2 Pages 885 Words

Reasoning for the Need to Abolish the Jury System

Are you guilty of making judgments of off initial appearance? Maybe it’s an unconscious bias, but this discrimination in a court case can cause the defendants an undeserved sentence or in some cases death! 4% of death row inmates are likely innocent and over 1,500 people have died being wrongfully executed. Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias is one of the main causes of wrongful convictions in court, and mainly come from the uneducated members of the jury. The extremely high...
3 Pages 1274 Words

Online Child Sexual Abuse: Current Risk Assessments and Treatments for Online Offenders

Internet sex offenders are described as those who commit sexual offences online. Child sex abuse is a growing concern. Two main forms of cyber-enabled sexual abuse against a child are grooming and proliferation of indecent images of children (IIOC). Online grooming is the use of digital technologies to facilitate either online or offline sexual contact with minors. IIOC Incorporates the use of digital technologies to produce, distribute or possess offensive or indecent images of children. However research suggests that a...
4 Pages 1880 Words

Benefits of Celebrating Racial Diversity for American Society

It is due to these matters that it is important to expand on how these various influences can take their part in creating a questionable environment, that is considered controversial and sensitive to discuss, which is also directed against those who have been seeking citizenship within such an environment. Profound issues exist in American society against its own citizens which in turn and application could also be extendable to those people of similar groups and social labeling who are progressively...
3 Pages 1459 Words

The Critical Look at the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

This essay will be discussing terrorism, using the event of 9/11 as its main case study. To be able to approach this analysis effectively it will discuss the nature and nurture of the crime as well as focusing on the four main concepts that which include: boundaries between national and international, crime and war, the powerful and powerless and public vs. private. Nature of the Crime Nineteen men commandeered four fuel-loaded US business planes that headed for west coast destinations....
5 Pages 2216 Words

Mass Incarceration As A Substitute For Slavery in the Book Just Mercy by Bryan Steven: Analytical Essay

Introduction African Americans have struggled in the U.S. for 450 years. This paper traces that development and harms done to African Americans and how we feel about living in a terrorist society. The police chased an innocent black man named Prince Jones from Washington, D.C. to his home in Alexandria, Virginia and killed him in front of his girlfriend’s apartment. He did not have to die, but he did die as part of the terrorism that infects the culture of...
12 Pages 5386 Words

The Impacts and Consequences of Prejudice: Argumentative Essay

Prejudice can damage a soul and sip it dry, Imposing very overwhelming barriers or invisible barriers on individuals’ lives. Prejudice makes it hard for certain individuals or groups to succeed in this day and time in society. The consequences of prejudice go beyond the shaping of relationships between people. People are assaulted daily due to acts of prejudice. Some people having a higher status of power and greater privileges than others leading to social stratification resulting in unfair treatment referred...
3 Pages 1297 Words

Pam Grier and the Empowerment of Exploitation: Analytical Essay on Black Power Movement

The phrase ‘blaxploitation’ already implies the medium was used by Hollywood to exploit blackness, or black bodies, through stereotypical characterization and glorification of violence in these films (although few characters were depicted as heroes). The films Shaft and Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song, is credited for the invention of the genre, but its inception began further back with films such as Uptight, as they depicted Black Power ideology on screen in earlier periods. These films brought light to the black experience...
7 Pages 3169 Words

Essay on Modern American History: Analysis of the Product of Violence in Video Games

The Bobo Doll experiment demonstrated that children were able to learn through following their adult role models. They used an inflatable doll and placed it, along with other toys in a room with a preschool aged child. He would then either have an adult come in and beat up the bobo doll, have the child watch a non-aggressive adult, or simply let the child play. He found that nearly 90% of those who witnessed violence decided to become aggressive toward...
4 Pages 1827 Words

The Freedom of Speech and First Amendment: Analytical Essay

2017 was considered an important year for the freedom of speech and first amendment advocates. News outlets and social media all over the nation would mainly speak about white nationals’ rallies. the take a knee movement was born sparking controversy all around the country if not the world. college campuses were not the exception. across the country they were at the center of the debate. For several months we heard the same story repeatedly in the news and social media....
3 Pages 1186 Words

Analytical Essay on Planning of 9/11 and Analysis of Days Leading up to 9/11

Planning 9/11 When someone says 9/11, what is the first thing you think about? Is it the images of the gaping hole in the World Trade Center? Is it the images of a plane deliberately slamming into the south tower of the World Trade Center? Is it images of people, covered in dust, looking up, into the beautiful blue sky, pierced with smoke thinking. Most people think of where they were on that fateful morning. But wait a minute, before...
4 Pages 1654 Words

Corpus Analysis Essay: Investigation of the Corpus of Violence in Video Games

Corpus Analysis is a semantic approach to analyzing a corpus – a set of methodically or arbitrary collected and electronically stored ‘real-life’ language samples such as speeches, magazine articles, and texting messages – with a goal to discern certain rules of language use, grammatical or lexical patterns, for instance, that are pertinent to a particular genre or type of text, serving as a valuable source for dialectology, sociolinguistics and other related fields. Corpora are investigated through the use of dedicated...
4 Pages 1901 Words

Impact of Gun Violence on American Society: Discursive Essay

Gun Violence leaves a devastating impact on our society. Every year millions of people around around the world are affected by gun violence. Each attack related to gun violence has sparked awareness and has been a signal; one after the other for a change in gun restrictions. Over the past year, the gun violence movement has been heavily talked about after the tragic shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School. On February 14, 2018, seventeen people were killed tragically from gun...
3 Pages 1529 Words

Concept of Real Freedom in The Metamorphosis and The Bell Jar: Comparative Analysis

Freedom is always an interesting and important topic. In the United State, every citizen is supposed to be free. According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, citizens have many rights such as freedom to express yourself, right to vote in elections for public officials, and freedom to pursue 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'. In this analytical paper, my topic is describing what freedom means in The Metamorphosis and The Bell Jar. I argue that Kafka and Plath...
6 Pages 2580 Words

A Counter Narrative of the 9/11 in Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist: Critical Analysis

Mohsin Hamid has very skillfully highlighted the issues of mimicry and quest for identity in the character of Changez. He is presented as a man from outside world who follows his colonial masters with the hope to make place in their society which never came true. Furthermore, America in the novel is depicted as a colonialist country. People are attracted toward America, but in response they kicked them out. As a result of this disgust people return to their own...
1 Page 660 Words

Long-lasting and Profound Impact of the 9/11 Attacks on American Society: Argumentative Essay

There have been many horrific incidents in history, especially in American history, there have been many major events, such as civil wars, assassinations, and the raid of Pearl Harbor by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service during World War II times. However, in the day September 11th, 2001 an unprecedented devastation happened in American history, it also caused many changes that lead up to today’s society, the occurrence of the attacks by terrorists on September 11th, 2001 once again brought...
4 Pages 1965 Words

The Layers of Swift’s Alleged Misogyny in ‘Gulliver’s Travels’: Analytical Essay

Loaded with exceeding evident detestation of the female body and follies, Jonathan Swift’s most works serve largely to contributing towards tarnishing the Dean’s reputation as a misogynist male writer. However, before passing such a crude judgement upon the Dean, it is crucial to take into account some of his other writings; including those that he did not perhaps intend to publish throw accurate amount of light upon his latent reformative intention of the overwhelming vices of women in general. The...
10 Pages 4471 Words

Influence of Hip-Hop And Gun Violence in the United States: Analytical Essay

Background To The Study Gun violence is a extensive issue not only in the United States but around the world. The gun violence epidemic has been on the rise for the last decade. In the United States, gun laws are not heavily enforced in numerous states making it easy to get your hands on a gun. The Hip Hop community has heavily impacted gun violence, in ways which they promote gun violence and use their lyrics to glorify the use...
6 Pages 2708 Words

Analytical Essay on Ethical Issues of Violence in Video Games

Abstract This paper aims to explore video game controversy, its significance and how it ethically impacts people. The ethical issues of violence in video games, as well as gaming addiction will be evaluated and determined if they are ethical issues or not. Influence of video game controversy in other countries will be discussed as well. Video Game Controversy 1. Introduction In 1971, the first video game ever released was the simple tennis inspired arcade game named “Pong” [1]. Ever since...
4 Pages 1901 Words

Rise of Sexual Assault Violations despite SHARP Program: Analytical Essay

Why do sexual assault (SHARP) violations keep rising despite all the training? SHARP stands for Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention. Sexual assault has captured the attention of the media for a long time. It is persistent in the Army and does not seem to stop soon. SHARP violation rises in the army regardless of all the training. The report has indicated that the most incidences of sexual harassment occur in the military and the airbases. Workers in this field experience...
1 Page 413 Words

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