Social Issues essays

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A ‘Battle of the Sexes’ in Shakespeare's Plays

A ‘battle of the sexes’ implies a conflict between a man and a woman regarding gender roles in a given environment or circumstance, or a more generalized battle for supremacy between men and women. The inequality between sexes can be found in any work of literature or film, and Shakespeare is no exception. Gender plays a huge role in social issues that Shakespeare touches on. With strong, domineering male characters and quick-witted, yet still meek, female characters, Shakespeare draws parallels...
5 Pages 2085 Words

The Female Voice in a Patriarchal Society

Violence agaisnt women continues to speculate across the media and within today’s society. Hannah Kent and Julie Turkewitz are both authors who liberate the stories of these condemned women whom are accused of witchcraft and deprived of their freedom and power. The subordinate status of women in a patriarchal society is inevitable to an extreme extent. This degree of female oppression has ultimately become entrenched by the beliefs and dictations of a society led by males; and thus, society fulfils...
1 Page 683 Words

Social Networking Impact on Relationships

Social networking has had a predominant impact on society in the 21st century, enabling residents to engage with each other in radically new and one of a kind ways. According to Brown (2011), we can fall in love online, create friendships, attend parties in other countries – all without leaving the alleviation (and anonymity) of our armchair. And while the Generation Ys and Xs in our society are main the adoption of the emerging social networking websites, it has been...
4 Pages 1614 Words

Where's the Free in Freedom of Speech

In a baffling Today Show monologue prior to the 2016 Australian federal election, television personality Lisa Wilkinson went on an outright tirade against opposition leader Bill Shorten, slamming him for the apparent sexist comments he made about the role of women in childcare decisions. Twisting his words, Wilkinson accused Shorten of being sexist by implying that he “confirmed the outdated belief that women take care of all things regarding looking after the kids”. This perverse interpretation of his words to...
2 Pages 926 Words

Effects of Video Games on Society

There is no simple black and white answer to this question, however we can make an educated guess based on a thorough analysis on every shred of evidence we have gathered on the topic over the years. First of all, what kind of benefits have video games given to the people who spend a substantial amount of play hours during any given week? Well, the most popular games that the majority of people play, require the application of many skills...
2 Pages 736 Words

A Look into Why Prejudice Continues to Occur

A physical dispute between a group of Middle-Eastern men and Anglo-Australian lifeguards sparked a race riot in the typically peaceful beach suburb of Cronulla, Sydney. On December 11, 2005 around mid-day the riots began, which saw violence against individuals that appeared to be of Middle Eastern decent. During a football game in South Africa during 1991 a vicious riot broke out between the supporters of the Orlando Pirates and the Kaizer Chiefs. A dubious decision from the referee triggered the...
4 Pages 1676 Words

Guns Don’t Kill People, People Do

What is violence? The definition of violence is behavior involving mental or physical force intended to hurt, damage, or destroy someone or something. There are many beliefs as to why man is violent. One belief is that man is born violent and knows no other way. Another being that man is born with no violence known to them and it is learned in many different ways and aspects. The last belief being that man is born pure but violence is...
2 Pages 726 Words

The Colonists' Struggle for Freedom

On April 19, 1775, the first battle of the American Revolution began in Lexington, Massachusetts. However, the idea of getting their independence from the British had been in the minds of the colonists for a long time. They felt that the British were controlling and abusing them in an unfair way and that they deserved to be free and to govern themselves and grow as a free country. The colonists made a good choice by rebelling against the British because...
1 Page 621 Words

Relationship Between Social Context, Attitudes and Prejudice

Abstract Previous research on the dual process model portrayed that right wing authoritarianism (RWA) and Social dominance orientation scale (SDO) predict prejudice in an independent context. RWA is believed to be in relation to threatening worldviews and SDO to be related to competitive worldviews. This study manipulates dangerous and competitive social contexts separately to gain a clearer insight to convey how RWA and SDO contribute to prejudice. The addition of two extremity scales (high vs. low) shows the influence of...
5 Pages 2183 Words

The Apartheid as a Major Human Rights Injustice

The term “Apartheid” is an Afrikaans word meaning “separateness” and is the name for the system of racial segregation that governed South Africa for nearly 50 years, where rules were put in place to protect the domination of the white South Africans over the non white South Africans in every aspect of life. The Afrikaans are Dutch white people who had settled in Africa in around the 17th century and spoke their own language derived from African. The Apartheid was...
1 Page 643 Words

The Horrific Event at Guantanamo Bay

The American Psychological Association was formed in 1892 and spread quickly after World War II. The APA is one of the largest scientific and professional organisation representing psychology in the United States. In 2017, the APA (American Psychology Association) settled a case against two psychologists who allegedly utilised the CIA’s ‘enhanced interrogation’ techniques in the aftereffect of 9/11 and violating some of their professional ethics. This horrific event took place in Guantanamo bay, a secret prison outside of the United...
3 Pages 1265 Words

Abuse of Racial Diversity to Maintain White Supremacy

Racial diversity refers to the variety of different races that differ from one another based on their characteristics and ethnicity. It is prevalent when a group of different races occupy the same space or area. For example, a racially diverse community contains citizens who are of different races and have different values. Currently, Papa New Guinea, Tanzania and Uganda are the most racially diverse countries in the world, and communities within those countries pride themselves on having a variety of...
2 Pages 688 Words

Violent Video Games and Potential Risks for Children Development

The World Health Organization (WHO), have recently made a decision to classify ‘video game addiction’ as a mental health disorder. Due to video games becoming increasingly popular and due to approximately 91% of children worldwide playing video games, it begs the question, are children imitating behaviors and actions seen in violent video games? A statement has been released by the American Psychological Association, stating that there is a relationship between participation in violent video games and heightened aggression levels, aggressive...
2 Pages 960 Words

Restrictions on Freedom of Public Speech

The question of public speech and its regulation presents itself as an enduring question for philosophical thinkers. To understand the nature of speech, and the extent to which it should be limited, this essay will take numerous steps. First, examining the reasons that freedom of speech is defended by philosopher John Stuart Mill in his work ‘On Liberty’. Second, analyzing the implications of Mill basing his theory in certain assumptions about reason and developing a new theory of speech immune...
3 Pages 1572 Words

Information Technology Revolution and Its Dark Side

The rapid rate of technological development during the information technology revolution is very significant to the functioning of our society today. The rise of the internet, social media and the video gaming industry are crucial in showing how our society has changed. The twenty-first century has experienced a technological revolution marked by rapid growth of information and communication technologies. Today’s children are growing up in an increasingly interdependent and globalized society, with unprecedented access to information, people, and ideas. The...
3 Pages 1366 Words

Refutation of the Idea that Violent Games Lead to Aggressive Behavior

Video games have increasingly become a favourite activity amongst a widespread of children and adolescents providing entertainment, social interaction and relaxation. The gaming industry has become a global phenomenon with an estimated worth last reported at $134.9 billion in 2018 (Batchelor, 2018). Video games are a programmed universe, which allows humans to interact with a user interface that produces a visual feedback on a two-or-three-dimensional scale. Since the launch of the first 2D video game (e.g. Pong), technology has rapidly...
4 Pages 1947 Words

The Struggle of African Americans Against Inequality and Racial Injustice

In the 1900s many African Americans suffered prejudice, violence, and the devastating effects of racism. During the 1950s and 1960s it was a time of growing groups of African Americans speaking out against inequality and injustice. This struggle lasted for decades. Many strategies were used by the civil rights activists and organisations, and all contributed to gain constitutional and legal rights, outlaw discrimination and put an end to segregation. Most of the strategies implemented were non-violent protests like the sit-in...
3 Pages 1159 Words

Diversity in the Modern Workplace at Australian Organizations

In today’s modern workplace, it is not uncommon for certain individuals or groups to feel excluded from their peers or potential job prospects. The term ‘Diversity’ is often considered to be the inclusion of both men and women, however the word is defined as “a range of different things”. This applies to the mix of religions, generations, abilities, and ethnicities, as well as just sex and gender. Diversity and inclusivity is a driving force behind any successful organisation. There are...
4 Pages 2048 Words

The Problem of Racial, Ethnic and Cultural Discrimination in South Africa

An issue that has faced society in South Africa is race/ethnicity/culture. The issue that we face is that because there is little understanding of the race/ethnicity/culture of and within the people of the country, those who are rich in these areas are often discriminated against. My dad is Tshivenda and my mom is Xhosa. The first language I spoke was IsiXhosa, however when I went to preschool, at the age of 3, it was evident to me that speaking my...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Case study of a Sexually Abused Child

This study is based on a 16 year old girl who was sexually abused by both of her parents with no one to turn to. The purpose of this study is to inform readers on different types of physical and mental distress children and young teens suffer from when they are sexually abused. Many adolescents suffer from sexual abuse and is usually assaulted by a family member. Therefore, it does not get reported. Children are less likely to speak up...
3 Pages 1230 Words

Significance of the 19th Amendment for Women's Equality

Women were denied many rights that men had and were discriminated because of their sex. They were seen as fragile individuals that were not capable of doing hard work without being hurt or to take decisions having conscience of what was going on. They are denied many job and educational opportunities and are taken away by the dream to be someone. They are also limited to the right to have power to have an influence in the laws and policies...
2 Pages 901 Words

Japanese Canadian Internment During World War II

With updates on the assault on the American maritime base at Hawaii on December 7, 1941, long periods of seething trepidation and hatred against Japanese Canadians detonated into frenzy and outrage in British Columbia. Inside days of the Pearl Harbor assault, Canadian Pacific Railways terminated all its Japanese laborers, and most other Canadian ventures stuck to this same pattern. Japanese fishers in British Columbia were requested to remain in port, and 1,200 fishing boats were seized by the Canadian naval...
2 Pages 931 Words

Living in the Digital Age

Since the beginning of television, research has been accumulating on its relationship to violence intake and tolerance. In an environment full of violence, it is beyond question that it impacts our behaviors. Living in the digital age has its perks, of course, but those hardly make a dent in the minds of our society. Media violence has been known to have long and short term effects on the youth of America as well as adults. It is a necessary precaution...
5 Pages 2280 Words

The Great Influence of Women on Canadian History

Women made great changes to Canada from 1910-1930, which has made it a better place to live. “I think women can save civilization” - Emily Murphy. “Canada’s earliest efforts to bring about women’s suffrage were led by a diverse movement of women and men across the country. Beginning in the 1870s, Canadians campaigned for women’s right to vote on equal terms as men, beginning with local government. They were met with determined opposition”. “The wrong of withholding the privilege of...
3 Pages 1431 Words

Representing Violence in Roderick Ford's 'Giuseppe' and Vicki Feaver's 'The Gun'

The juxtaposition between the surface presentation of violence in ‘Giuseppe’ by Roderick Ford and ‘The Gun’ by Vicki Feaver is immense, the writers explore the varying effects that violence brings within the individual poems. ‘The Gun’ creates an excited and admiring approach towards violence whereas ‘Giuseppe’ shows utter loathing and regret into events that unfolded in the past regarding violence. The presentation of violence in ‘The Gun’ is subtle, ominous and almost inferred whereas in ‘Giuseppe’ the blatant, rough description...
4 Pages 1630 Words

Relationship Between PTSD and Homelessness of Veterans

In this paper, I will focus on the topic of the effects of PTSD on the family and why veterans are returning to the country homeless. All across the United States of America, veterans are recognized and seen as heroes who have countlessly placed their lives on the line for this country, so why is it that many of them are returning to their country from deployments and services to ending up homeless? Homeless veterans initially came to the country’s...
3 Pages 1330 Words

Regulating Guns: Is It the Right Solution to Reduce Gun Violence Shootings or Not

The controversial issue of gun control has been the epicenter of discussion for the past decade. As a result of recurring mass shootings that have ended with tragedy and grief, gun violence has divided society into a heated debate to determine the best solution for gun control. On one hand, many individuals believe that restrictions must be enforced on guns. The opposing hand consists of people who do not think that regulating guns is the most favorable act. These individuals...
1 Page 535 Words

Freedom of Speech: North America Vs Latin America

The proper to free discourse is one of the keys and most major rights every inhabitant of the North America has. This is focal right considering the truth that it offers people with such an important risk to talk uninhibitedly their contemplations concerning any circumstance, character or undertaking. In the course of world history, this best used to be as fast as baffled commonly, anyway at present, it assists with improving individuals' lives and decidedly sway on numerous things. These...
2 Pages 1078 Words

The Significance of the Feminist Theory for Women

Contemporary Feminist Theory is a generalized, wide-ranging system of ideas about social life and human experience developed from a woman centered perspective. Working to describe and critically evaluate the world from the distinctive vantage points of women, Feminism investigates the various situations of women in everyday society. With a history of influencers including Jane Addams, Florence Kelley, Marianne Weber, Harriet Martineau, and Patricia Hill-Collins, women in history were labelled as activists rather than sociologists. Intending to discredit their education as...
1 Page 606 Words

Achievements of Victorian Women in the Struggle for Equality

The place of women in society and their struggle over the centuries for getting gender equality has been in the spotlight of history. Victorian women’s lives were differed significantly by its uniqueness, and during the entire 19th century with the women’s movement they managed to sign crucial achievements in the history of whole feminism. The day when Alexandrina Vitoria became the queen of the United Kingdom, the new era began in the history of Britain and it continued for 63...
7 Pages 3154 Words

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