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General Overview of Women's Suffrage Movement: Descriptive Essay

This is the same fundamental principle that men have been instilled into women mind. That means in summary: if I can put someone down even in my social class or race then I can stay in power but importantly on top; that is the definition of 'white privilege' that is illustrated from the previous readings listed above. Not only did separate race women but race became the definition of social classes; that meant where one immigrated from defined an individual...
2 Pages 885 Words

Patient Violence and Verbal Abuse: Issues of Nursing in Psychiatric Ward

Some jobs represent a greater risk of employment than others. Working in a psychiatric ward is one of them. Nurses assigned to the psychiatric unit are well aware of the threats that can occur on a daily basis, including abuse, violent attacks and emotional outbursts. However, his desire to care for and recover his patients with mental illness is essential. Work-related risks are much more important for psychiatric nurses. According to Marian Villanueva and John Bernardo, experienced psychiatric nurses at...
3 Pages 1530 Words

Drunk Driving As a Major Issue in the World: Argumentative Essay

Drunk drivers are a worst nightmare to a loving family. If an accident ever occurs the life of an entire family will be struck with lifelong hardships. Not only financial oppression like medical bills or possibly a loss of a vital income, but the emotional tolls will be relentless. Those who must deal with the agony and the thought that the accident was preventable is truly hurting.o I know this because I experienced it first hand, although I didn’t personally...
2 Pages 754 Words

Critical Analysis of the Issues of Gun Violence and Its Control

Gun violence stands for usage of guns in an attempt to harm someone or cause any sort of casualty intentionally or unintentionally. The discussions with regard to the ownership of firearms and proposals for combating gun violence have been largely controversial and have amassed divided public opinions as well as conflicting constitutional claims. In an attempt to tackle this problem, conflicting interpretations of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (“the right of the people to keep and bear arms...
6 Pages 2835 Words

Analysis of Satire Campaigns to Represent Black Lives Matter Movement

In 2017, a US Teen was accepted into Stanford University after writing #BlackLivesMatter 100 times on his University application, with the university stating that they were inspired by the sheer passion, determination and courage shown by him. Black lives Matter (BLM) is an international activist movement campaigning against the ill-treatment of African-Americans and was founded following the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman. Boasting both heavy approval and criticism, many satirical images and videos flowed around the internet reaching...
3 Pages 1373 Words

The Growing Dangers of the Limitation of “Freedom of Speech” in America: Argumentative Essay

From the 1970s, up until the last decade, free speech as been allowed without relatively any danger and no issues, however, recently that has all changed and traditional free idea exchange/speech has been challenged. This may have rooted from the term: “Political Correctness,” this term was only used infrequently until the 1980s, whereas the “The American New Left” began to frequently use this term, however it was still only used ironically and not very recent. In October 1990 an article...
3 Pages 1519 Words

Representation of Racism within the Criminal Justice System in Just Mercy: Analytical Essay

Introduction to Injustice in the Criminal Justice System The criminal justice system is an important component within the government to enforce the laws, the courts and the corrections to succeed in achieving social order. Without the justice system, problems regarding the law can heighten. Without the system, citizens will be living in a lawless chaos. Despite the obvious need for the justice system, there has been occasions where it has failed to accomplish its main goal. I say this not...
4 Pages 1929 Words

Analytical Essay on Black Lives Matter Movement: Analysis of Advertising Campaign of Pepsi in 2017

For our advertising campaign I chose to compare it to the 2017 Pepsi campaign featuring Kendall Jenner as the leading lady. I chose this advert to use as a guideline on what not to do, in my opinion this Pepsi campaign embodies everything advertisement should avoid, due to the plethora of moral issues. There was so much backlash surrounding the commercial that Pepsi was forced to remove it from viewing platforms. During two thousand and seventeen, participating in activism progressively...
3 Pages 1422 Words

Issue of Gun Violence in the US and Its Complicated Nature: Analytical Essay

Intro to the issue: This case study will focus on the issue of gun violence in the US and its complicated nature. The presentation will analyze how human rights play a part in an issue that seems to be less complicated than it is. This is an issue of security on a national level, that ties into the Peace and Conflict and the Human Rights unit. History: (18th century) Gun ownership and guns themselves have been part of American identity...
3 Pages 1431 Words

Essay on the Concept of Prejudice: Critical Analysis of Sources

Prejudice has created a negative feature that possesses an adverse affect on many individuals. It is an obstruction of the mind set that has conducted a blindness of how we view the world we live in. Prejudice behavior is often linked to stereotyping individuals based on their characteristics, which many individuals have experienced. At one point or another, there are times we often engage in prejudice or participate in stereotyping individuals due to the way they are judged by people...
5 Pages 2216 Words

Racial Themes Concept of Discrimination in the Novels of Richard Wright: Analytical Essay

Richard Wright is an African American author whose literature typically concerns racial themes. His literature especially relates to the plight of African Americans who suffered discrimination and racism during the 19th to mid-20th century. Through his novel, Native Son, Richard Wright is able to reveal the destructive nature of society as a whole. Wright suggests that one’s position in society can play a larger and more important role in a person’s decision making then we expect, giving us only partial...
3 Pages 1207 Words

Social Network Analysis Methodology Paper: Case Study of Black Lives Matter Movement

Short history & key studies where it is used The social network analysis method for research began as an analytical tool to describe relationships within a community by structural anthropologists and sociologists, but is now an extremely useful tool for so many other social (and even nonsocial) sciences due to its versatile and relatively accessible nature. Social network analysis has become increasingly popular in studying social movements, where the collective mobilization of the group quite literally depends on/grows out of...
3 Pages 1557 Words

Analytical Essay on White Privilege: Effect on People and Ways to Solve the Problem

Introduction White Privilege is a systematic advance of white individuals in society, with work and social as well as cultural situations. White Privilege is an issue that isn’t talked about because it isn’t felt by the minority in society who happen to be the most powerful and richest population in society. White privilege is not the assumption that everything a white person has accomplished is unearned; most white people who have reached a high level of success worked extremely hard...
4 Pages 1980 Words

The Migration From Lynching to Opportunity: Analytical Essay on NAACP

The Fight Towards True Freedom The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People also known as the NAACP was founded on February 12, 1909. The main cause of the creation of this group was a riot in the city of Springfield. The Springfield riots were the mistreatment and severe assaulting of African Americans by the white community. Another cause of the foundation of the organization was the ending of the Niagara Movement. This was a movement led by W.E.B...
3 Pages 1314 Words

Death of Dissent Versus Freedom of Speech: Argumentative Essay

Death of Dissent What it takes to raise a dissent? What is it that you feel so strong within, that you raise a dissent? Well, knock your sleeping conscious and ask “Do I agree”? “Do I accept”? If your conscious says “NO” well then, that is your dissent. Dissent is the inner voice within you that often coerces the logical mind with an emotional and ethical farrago and implores you to put forth your contradicting opinion. In recent times, I...
4 Pages 1897 Words

So You've Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson: Critical Analysis

Some say this day in age, jokes can be misconstrued and have a deeper meaning behind the person actually saying them. The Author Jon Ronson goes into depth with people about how they’ve handled being publicly shamed and how they’ve given public shame. Justine Sacco became victim to what it was like being publicly shamed and humiliated. Many people got involved in this case of Justine Sacco, like Sam Biddle who essentially started the trend because he shared it to...
3 Pages 1472 Words

Analytical Essay on Gilded Age: Issues of Politics, Economics and Slavery

The Gilded Age (the Late 1860s - 1890s) was the time period following the Civil War that brought in much-needed Industrial, populous, and economic growth for the United States of America. Although this period garnered essential evolution, this state-wide technical progression brought upon political, economic, and social issues with it. Problems of the era included “Political Machines”, marginalizing the vote of the citizen, poor treatment of Industrial workers, and a few more to name. Resolutions to bring much-needed reform was...
3 Pages 1341 Words

Critical Analysis of Sharp Training Program In US Army

The Army as a whole has actively been taking measures to prevent sexual assault and harassment. Training modalities have changed over the past four to five years with the main focus remaining the same: How do we prevent sexual assault and sexual harassment? Semantics on a large scale. We must move forward by each of us considering ourselves to be in one of the three (3) proposed basic roles when approaching sexual assault and harassment: Victim- all of us are...
1 Page 559 Words

Drunk Driving: Critical Analysis and Summary of Relevant Sources

Source 1: Drunk driving and the law Koch, A. (2019). Drunk driving and the law - Driving under the influence in South Africa. [online] Insights into The Law in South Africa | Welcome to Go Legal. Available at: [Accessed 17 Feb. 2019]. Summary In the article written by Alicia Koch, published by GoLegal, it was said that South Africa is the worst country in the world judging by the fact that South Africa has the highest percentage of Driving...
6 Pages 2673 Words

Critical Analysis of White Supremacy and White Privilege in American Society

Have you ever heard of the term white privilege? In case you haven’t, or if you’re not sure what it is exactly, white privilege is all of the societal privileges that benefit white people and that non-white people do not experience. If you are white, your first thought might be to say, “Well, that’s not real. I don’t experience any special benefits that non-white people do not.” But it is real and you do. When you are watching a film,...
3 Pages 1533 Words

Analysis of the Advertisement against Drunk Driving: Special Campaign of BMW

The advert is against driving under the influence of alcohol, produced by BMW a well-recognized automotive brand. This technique of using a known brand will surely be more effective as the brand has influence to the relevant public. The features of the advert is a picture of an individual missing a leg passing a pictorial image of an accident. This message is most probably under the assumption that the accident was as a result of an accident correlated to drunk...
1 Page 656 Words

Issues of Freedom of Speech in Canada: Analytical Essay

Freedom of speech, our right to say what we please without the fear of being censored or persecuted, one of the most essential conditions of any free society. Protected by laws, constitutions, and in Canada by our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the freedom of speech is considered an integral concept of modern liberal democracies. As the years have progressed our freedom of speech has seen limitations put on it by bodies of power, using these restrictions for personal gain...
2 Pages 789 Words

Review of Related Literature and Studies on Drunk Driving

Review of Related Literature and Studies The literature and studies cited in this chapter tackle the different concept, understanding, and ideas, generalizations or conclusions and different development related to proposed system entitled SafeDrive: An Android Application for Alcohol Sensing Alert System and Automatic Engine Disabling for Merchandisers Riders Club Philippines. Technical Background It gives details the hardware and software requirements specification including information technology innovation that has been used in the integration of the proposed system Hardware Requirements Hardware is...
10 Pages 4459 Words

Arguments against Drunk Driving: Opinion Essay

You are a sibling, cousin, child, grandchild, partner, niece or nephew, aunt or uncle, friend. Your life means something in this world. Imagine that you decided to go out, have a good time, one thing led to another and… Now you’re dead. Your ‘friend’ was driving, it was in the middle of nowhere and now the car is totalled. He had time before the ambulance came. Time to pull your dead body into the driver’s seat because he survived and...
1 Page 591 Words

The Harlem Renaissance and Activity of NAACP: Analytical Essay

Introduction to the Harlem Renaissance and Its Impact The Harlem Renaissance had a huge impact on the music, education, and the daily life of African Americans living in Ghetto Harlem. One of these Harlem thinkers was Langston Hughes, who went to college at Columbia University near Harlem. During the Renaissance, the African Americans showed their frustrations of discrimination within their music and writing, this helped them get through the tough times. Hughes played a key role in the realistic portrayal...
4 Pages 2079 Words

Success of Reformers and the Federal Government during The Progressive Era: Argumentative Essay

The Declaration of Independence, signed in 1776, drew out new views relating to equality and liberty in an effort to achieve justice for their society and freedoms. In establishing equality among the citizens of the United States of America by extending the right to vote, it’s progressive message soon came to protect the national government’s duty to defend its citizens by providing the appropriate resources and beneficial force required in order to create a safe life for each citizen. The...
3 Pages 1388 Words

Critical Analysis of the Effects of Gun Violence

Sadly, Susan’s story is not uncommon. According to an Associated Press analysis of FBI and Florida data, an average of 760 Americans was killed between 2006 and 2014 with guns by their spouses, ex-spouses, or intimate partners (Foley, par. 6). In 2003, the American Journal of Public Health conducted an eleven-city study to identify the risk factors for women in abusive relationships. According to the study, if the abuser has access to a gun, the victim is five times more...
2 Pages 815 Words

Terrorist Attack on 9/11 As a Defining Moment: Argumentative Essay

9/11 occurred on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. 9/11 was an extremely unprepared for event and caused for the United States of America to be a very vulnerable target. The morning of September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists were able to hijack four planes that were departing from the Boston’s Logan airport, they choose planes that had farther journey’s ahead of them knowing that they would be filled with enough fuel to carry out their attack. The terrorist’s main mission was to...
3 Pages 1278 Words

Reflection on Female Genital Mutilation: Opinion Essay

Picture yourself as a girl or young woman, tied up to stop you from resisting, as respected adults wound your body with a sharp instrument. This is an act of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The removal of a female’s potential for promiscuity is one given reason for this act, but children and young adults upon whom this violent act is perpetrated lose much more. Their right to a fulfilling sexual life is removed as their basic rights are lacerated. FGM,...
2 Pages 836 Words

Description of Historical Events That Mark Canadian History: Woman Suffrage movement, Vimy Ridge, and insulin

Canada is a great place to live, it is multicultural and has many proud Canadians. Canada has come very far over the last 150 years and has many historical events that mark Canadian history. When people ask what makes Canada so great, there are many responses but, the knowledge of defining moments in Canadian history support why it is so great. Firstly, Canada has accomplished a lot but, the Woman Suffrage Movement marks how great Canada really is. Secondly, Canada...
4 Pages 1639 Words

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