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Analysis of the Defining Moments in Canada History: Women’s Suffrage Movement, Baby Boom of the 50s and 60s, Canada’s Path to Autonomy

Today, Canada is known as a peacekeeping, accepting, and welcoming country. This reputation was not given, but earned from the time the country was formed and throughout her history. She has fought and protected, failed and succeeded. Her government has made many choices and achieved many things that would affect Canada for decades to come. Over time, numerous events and people have defined what it means not only to live in Canada, but to be Canadian. Women’s suffrage during World...
3 Pages 1217 Words

Analytical Essay on Critics of Black Lives Matter Movement

#BlackLivesMatter is a movement that fights for the freedom and justice of black people in a world where these basic rights weren’t afforded to all. This movement was in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman. It’s an ideological and political movement in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted - a declaration of Black folks’ humanity and resilience in the face of deadly oppression. This campaign has existed as inspiration for countless black...
2 Pages 1051 Words

Ideals or Objectives of the Jane Addams Hull House and the Settlement House Movement: Analytical Essay

Question 1: Provide an example of a contemporary organization that reflects the ideals or objectives of the Jane Addams Hull House and the Settlement House Movement. Describe ways in which the values and functions of that organization are consistent with Marx’s Ideas. Answer to Question 1: Contemporary organizations are organizations that strive on independent team and worker function where the employees of said company are empowered to figure out problems on their own without need for centralized control and corporate...
1 Page 652 Words

Argumentative Essay on Violence in Video Games: Whether Video Games Harmful or not

Abstract This paper will investigate the evidence on whether or not video games are as harmful as they have been portrayed in the media over the years. It will discuss the history of video games over the last thirty years including defining the environment, the history with the media and how gaming and its impacts have changed over those years. In order to fully understand the impacts a discussion take places on why males involve themselves in the game industry...
7 Pages 3345 Words

Role of Philosophy of Life in Giving Freedom to Be Individual: Argumentative Essay

The text says that philosophical inquiry can give you freedom. What does this mean? Explain why you agree or disagree with this claim. At the start of life, we have no control. From the beginning, we are placed in the time and location that we are destined to be. We do not determine the generation we enter, nor do we choose the cultural atmosphere in which we are immersed. We are raised to accept the ideas and morals bestowed upon...
2 Pages 704 Words

Essay on Harriet Tubman: American Abolitionist and Political Activist

The word courage can be defined in many ways by many people. To some it means fearless or brave. How I define courage is someone who will risk their life for the people they love. To take action in a heartbeat without even thinking about it. Courage is a big word with different types of meanings. Here's why this is my opinion on courage. When you are living in a war zone with a whole family, how do you keep...
2 Pages 855 Words

Analysis of BMW Campaign to Prevent Drunk Driving

Luxurious, sleek, and sporty are some words that come to mind when I think of a BMW. I picture a speedy automobile with an aggressive look and the performance that backs it up. I do not think of is a person that has lost their leg due to a drunk driving crash. Every two minutes someone is injured in a drunk driving accident (MADD). BMW wants to do their part to try to decrease the number of drunk drivers on...
2 Pages 820 Words

Reflection on Watching the Gun Violence Live on Facebook

After watching the Gun Violence live on Facebook this event was about engaging the students about gun violence . I feel like this was a good forum, because gun violence is needed for us students on campus because it is not talked about a lot at all. It sucks that we have waited this long to talk about it, but with all this senseless and violence happening now we need to be educated with our legislators and police officers. Being...
1 Page 511 Words

Portrayal of Harriet Tubman in Durham's Work on Destination Freedom

Durham's work on Destination Freedom based on the verifiable methodology of Herbert Aptheker's momentous book, American Negro Slave Revolts, first distributed in 1943, which featured the steady nearness of obstruction among slaves in the US. Aptheker was remarkably a customary supporter of the arrangement. The arrangement was subsidized for the most part by WMAQ, a NBC partner (and amusingly a similar station that presented Amos n' Andy years prior)— a reality that made Durham's residency in charge overflowing with political...
2 Pages 856 Words

Argumentative Essay on the Necessity of Limitations to the Freedom of Speech

How has most part of the world changed since freedom of speech was allowed? The freeness of expression allows people to communicate more and made a lot of changes and developments. This paragraph will discuss why freedom of speech should be allowed. First of all, it maintains the right equality since people are able to give speech. As we know that we our appearances are different from one to one another; consequently, our perception couldn’t be the same at all...
1 Page 775 Words

Evolution and Current Status of the Equal Rights Amendment: Analytical Essay

The right of women to gain equality in the United States has been a rather tumultuous journey. They have had to overcome many obstacles on their road to impartiality - sometimes even among themselves. During the nineteenth and early twentieth century, the United States was undergoing a number of momentous changes within its borders. Changes in ideals, beliefs, and values that would later affect the lives of both men and women; but perhaps changes that were more paramount in the...
8 Pages 3554 Words

Sexual Assault As a Sensitive Topic in the Army; Analysis of SHARP Program

Sexual assault has always been a sensitive topic in the Army. The creation of the SHARP program has broken that stigma. Victims are now encourage to speak and males are taking a stand against these incidents. Although, the program lacks some training on areas that would help prevent many incidents. The program has proven to be successful and with a little improvement it could be the best prevention program the Army has ever seen. Having these type of resources help...
1 Page 435 Words

The Women's Suffrage Movement and Abolition Movement: Analytical Essay

It is often pointed out that the word history is a conjunction of the words “his” and “story”, but from a modern point of view, it is quite obvious that women have had a profound impact in shaping history. Historically, within American culture, women have been oppressed and subjugated to conditions alike to slavery. And yet, even with these deterrents and obstacles, they have made American Society what it is today. In the early nineteenth century, as societies within the...
4 Pages 1699 Words

Sexism Versus Feminism: Critical Analysis of The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir

Sexism - Feminism “No group ever defines itself as One without immediately setting up the Other opposite itself.” This statement is the beginning of The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir’s and is her description of the Other (woman.) “... it is not the Other who, defining itself as Other, defines the One; the Other is posited as Other by the One positing itself as One. But in order for the Other not to turn into the One, the Other...
3 Pages 1588 Words

Issue of Public Shaming in The Scarlet Letter: Analytical Essay

The story starts with a preface about how the book was written; the unnamed narrator was a custom house surveyor who, in the attic, found a manuscript and a gold-embroidered patch of cloth in the shape of an “A”. The manuscript was the work of a past surveyor hundreds of years ago; when the narrator lost his job, he decided to write a fictional novel of the events in the manuscript and The Scarlet Letter was the final product. The...
2 Pages 964 Words

Analytical Essay on 9/11 Internal Government Conspiracies

There are claims that the air force was ordered to stand down after no fighter jets were scrambled to help even though there were 28 Air Force bases within close range of the four hijacked flights. however, this isnt all true as on the day of 9/11 among the 48 neighbouring states there were only 14 fighter jets on alert. As well as this there is an assumption that there is an automatic alert that gets sent to the North...
2 Pages 673 Words

Critical Analysis of Youth Violence: An Individual and Societal Issue

Summary In 2016, the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) released “AOTA’s Societal Statement on Youth Violence” to address the prevalence of youth violence in society today. David-Ferdon and Simon (2014) state that violence is the second leading cause of death among youth. AOTA defines violence to include bullying, verbal threats, physical assault, domestic abuse, use of weapons to harm another person, and gunfire. The Societal Statement highlights a key point, that violence negatively impacts individual perpetrators, victims of violence, and...
3 Pages 1368 Words

Legal Consequences of Drunk Driving: Analytical Essay

It is a criminal offense to drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In case you find yourself drunk, it is advisable not to be in control of a car. Whenever you find yourself pulled over by the police you take a sobriety test. The test is done to establish whether or not the alcohol level in your system has exceeded the legal limit. An exceeded limit has legal consequences. You face jail time, paying a fine or...
1 Page 545 Words

Negative Racial Stereotypes in Zora Neale Hurston’s Essay “How it Feels to be Colored Me'

In the play A Raisin in the Sun, Lorraine Hanbserry brings forth many issues that African Americans face in the real world to the audience attention. In the book it is mainly about dreams that the main characters struggle to achieve because of the circumstances that rule their daily lives. This book is not only important, but also simple to comprehend because it addresses so many important issue that occurred during the 1950s and also today. In the book the...
5 Pages 2400 Words

Rodney King Beating and Uprisings in Los Angeles, California: Analytical Essay

As a young girl, I was raised in a predominantly black, latino, pacific islander neighborhood in the Bay Area. Growing up in what most people from the community and outside called the “hood,' always left a unsettling taste in my mouth because I understood at a young age that being from the hood was a lifelong fight for survival. Living in the hood, meant survival and one of the threats was the “ops” or the police. Police sirens, and the...
8 Pages 3759 Words

The Fantasy Genre and Sexism: Analytical Essay

Background: The rise in popularity of fantasy and historical genres in film and television such as Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and Handmaid's Tale while performing well with audiences and popular culture have continually portrayed women in ways that perpetuate gender norms and stereotypes. Historical fantasy's use of female subordinance or the portrayal of sexual dominance is often looked over or accepted by the masses, as the basis of its inspiration gained from the real European Middle Ages...
3 Pages 1307 Words

Necessity of Laws to Reduce Gun Violence: Argumentative Essay

Did you know that to this day, gun deaths are one of the leading causes of death in all of America. Shootings could be on purpose or on accident, however it is still never ok. Getting shot can change the lives of not only the victim, but also their family and friends forever. Surviving a bullet shot is highly unlikely, depending on the location of being shot, but nobody should ever have to be in fear for their life. A...
3 Pages 1461 Words

Gun Violence and the Second Amendment: Critical Analysis

Introduction The Second Amendment states that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep in bear arms, shall not be infringed.” This amendment protects the rights of citizens to bear arms such as guns to help prevent mass shootings. The Second Amendment is being brought up more and more due to gun violence happening more recently. When the second amendment was added to the constitution in 1791 they...
2 Pages 997 Words

Critical Analysis of the Historical Lessons of 9/11

On September 11th, in 2001, one of the most heart-breaking terrorist attacks in America occurred, four coordinated terrorist attacks aimed for several U.S government buildings in New York City. The attacks were unexpected, as it was a normal day in the busy New York City. Many people were on their way to work, walking swiftly as one in NYC does. No one expected or was prepared for such loss and ruin, until it happened. The first plane hit the North...
6 Pages 2560 Words

Importance of integrating Laws and Concepts to Control Gun Violence: Argumentative Essay

Every twenty minutes an American is victim to gun violence ending in death. The current theme of gun control is a very sensitive and controversial topic which is now in the spotlight of discussion. In the wake of recent tragic mass shooting governmental agencies from around the globe need to address this increasing issue of mass shootings and gun violence, enforcing some laws and investing in protecting citizens. This paper will be focusing on the US and why it is...
4 Pages 2033 Words

Analytical Essay: Ideas of Deterrence and Discrimination in Don't Shoot, Just Mercy, The Caging of America

Kennedy focused on the idea of deterrence in his book Don't Shoot. His intended goal was to stop the killings that was happening in the African American communities. The killings stemmed from guns and drugs. There was not a lot of attention that was given to these communities and people just let it happen. Kennedy decided that it was time for him to do something about the situation and that is exactly what he did. I strongly believe that this...
8 Pages 3652 Words

Opinion Essay: Reflection on Peer Verbal Abuse

$444 million. 444 3 bedroom houses in Auckland, 23,368 orders of avocado on toast, 17,760 of the latest Suzuki Swift, or the cost of cyberbullying in NZ. We all have stories. We all know stories. They’re just names, words. Apparently, they shouldn’t hurt. Brush them off, walk them off, “grow up”. That’s not true and the statistics don’t lie. If words don’t hurt then why is there such a high cost to verbal abuse? The age-old rhetoric “sticks and stones...
2 Pages 726 Words

Reflection on Equal Rights Amendment: Argumentative Essay

Equal Rights Amendment For new female voters or future female voters, it is important to understand how voting rights and equal rights for women have progressed. At the age of 27, “In 1912 [Alice Paul] promptly joined the National American Woman Suffrage Association” (Baron, 1995). Suffrage means the right to vote; therefore, the NAWSA was formed to gain voting rights for women. After several years of fighting, women’s voting rights were ratified and became the Nineteenth Amendment in 1919. Although...
4 Pages 2070 Words

Police Brutality In America: Activity of Black Lives Matter

Police brutality has been around since the 1900s towards all races, however recently minorities have been targeted by the police, especially black men who are “strikingly vulnerable,” (Khan). This is now a rising problem that has affected many states across the United States. This involves unnecessary and unjustified violence towards people by the police; in disregard, if they are breaking the law or not. Over recent years this issue has become more prevalent due to social media broadcasting these injustices....
5 Pages 2325 Words

White Privilege in Education: Analytical Essay

Abstract White privilege impacts the education system in many ways. It is known that colleges are mostly attended by white race. Colleges don’t want to be seen to discriminate so they allow a small percentage of their students be minority this includes black and hispanic students. Colleges often don’t spend time in enrolling any other race minorities and just focus on white students because they will get through graduation and focus in school. Education should be open to everyone equally...
3 Pages 1614 Words

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