Sociology essays

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Homicide: First Degree Murder

The most serious and punishable crime someone can commit is first degree murder. The importance of first-degree murder is deciding whether someone deserves the death penalty, or life in prison for the crime that was committed. When a person chooses to commit murder, the deciding factors that make it first degree are if the person deliberately planned, premeditated and willingly acted out the killing of another person. Sometimes first-degree murder is argued to fit justified murder because the defendant can...
4 Pages 1734 Words

The Social Contract, Economic Instability, And The Textile Industry

In examining questions of legislation and civics in the works of James Hogg and Walter Scott, it would do well to examine which legal and philosophical framework they were writing in the wake of. John Erskine of Carnock is particularly useful in this regard as he sought to systemise Scots law in its entirety, based on his expertise as a jurist and legal scholar. The Institutes of the Law of Scotland was completed and published posthumously, in 1773, by Erskine’s...
7 Pages 2994 Words

Gender Equality In 21 Century

Although gender equality can be measured in many ways, we must question what the possibilities are. Women can be discriminated against in the work place by not being allowed to perform the same duties as men, and if they do these jobs, they do not always receive the same pay. Women have long been trying to earn their place in the political world, whether it is a city council seat, state senate or vice president position. Yet society uses various...
4 Pages 1833 Words

Social Media and Mental Health Essay

Introduction Social media is a revolutionary platform on internet which drastically changed overall view of the world and has become an integral part of our society. Due to evolution and expansion of technology social media is becoming a vital tool for daily social interaction. The significance of social media in our world can be realized by the fact that nearly 2.65 Billion people on internet use this platform and this number is estimated to grow in upcoming years (Clement, 2019)....
3 Pages 1203 Words

Social Classes In The Works Of Willy Russell And Carol Ann Duffy

In Willy Russell’s Blood Brothers, the Johnstones are portrayed as a lower social class in comparison to the Lyons. Russell does this by expressing the importance of money, even just to get basic items such as milk. This is shown through Mrs. Johnstone being told “no money, no milk” even though she has seven children. As Mrs. Johnstone is a single parent in the patriarchal society, she has less money than many other families, leaving her unavailable to afford necessities...
3 Pages 1286 Words

The Effectiveness And Limitations Of Social Contracts In Rousseau's Works

My goal in this article is to examine whether the ideal political society proposed in Jean- Jacques Rousseau’s book successfully resolve the problems of three types of the dependence identified in his book. To examine the effectiveness and the limitations of Social Contract in regard to the problems of dependence, I will look closely into botH. On the one hand, I will start by identifying three types of dependences, addressing the origin, and defining the consequences in society. On the...
3 Pages 1352 Words

Symbolism In The Play Trifles

In the dramatic play “Trifles” written by Susan Glaspell, it goes through without specifically stating the cultural diversity in the 1900’s that women had to face. Although, it presents itself as to how the men back in the day believed that the tasks and job duties their wives and other women did and anything regarding their own thoughts were not necessarily important. In fact, the men basically considered that the women had very little to no meaning and their roles...
3 Pages 1220 Words

Living With Gender Roles And Stereotypes In The Story Boys And Girls

Stereotypes have existed for as long as people could assume things about one another. Good or bad, they are the foundation that people view each other as. It was only recently that society began to dismiss said stereotypes as fact, and instead began to see one another as they truly are. This change did not come fast enough, as the story Boys and Girls by Alice Munro was mostly based around the stereotypes surrounding men and women. The story at...
3 Pages 1247 Words

The Problem Of Smoking In Public Places

Inhaling smoke has been proven to cause a myriad of detrimental effects, ranging from increasing one’s risk to common coughs and asthma to more life threatening diseases such as lung cancer and pneumonia. Knowledge of these ramifications have resulted in the common consensus that smoking is bad for not just the smoker’s health but those around him. Therefore, the discussion of whether or not we ought to ban people from smoking in public areas and fining them has surfaced. Although...
2 Pages 795 Words

Intersectionality On The Example Of Black LGBT Stand Up Performers

All of us know that if a person is Black or Gay or disable or belongs to another social group, which is often discriminated, it means that their life is way harder than the life of a white straight man, for example. Such people, who I mentioned before face discrimination/misrecognition every single day. Nevertheless, what happens if the person is, for instance, Asian Trans disabled? Which type of oppression does he cope with? The answer is: this person struggles with...
2 Pages 1071 Words

E-commerce In Terms Of Globalization

I read an article/blog entitled “Future of Ecommerce in 2019: 10 International Growth Trends.” With the arrival of e-commerce, many consumers and businesses in the world are now able to compete, buy and sell in global markets regardless of language, culture and distance. This helps countries become known globally and grow economically. An entrepreneur can sit at his/her table and create a business all through e-commerce. You can buy almost anything online, just by clicking a button, it is one...
1 Page 535 Words

Historical Movement Of The Waves Of Feminism From 1960 To Nowadays

Throughout history, women have fought hard for equal rights, after centuries of oppression and discrimination. Women in the past did not have rights to an education, freedom of speech, to equal pay (Reference). To understand how feminism has changed from the 1960s to today, it is important to define what feminism is. “Feminism is a theory of how theorization of dominance and submission creates, gender, creates women and man in the social form in which we know”. To present, women...
4 Pages 1649 Words

Cultural Appropriation As A Form Of Business In Modern World

‘’If you don’t understand cultural appropriation, imagine working on a project and getting an F and then somebody copies you and gets an A and credit for your work’’ Cultural appropriation is defined as the ignorant adoption of the styles, patterns or designs of a minority group or society, by a majority society, (e.g. the West). For hundreds of years multiple cultures have been exploited for their native designs and styling while the fashion and media industry have remained ignorant...
6 Pages 2907 Words

The Main Factors Of Poverty In America

Rising childcare cost, shortfall of federal housing assistance, and stagnant or falling incomes among the poor communities are some challenges we face in developing effective programs, services, and responsive social policies. “As a result of these trends, most poor renting families now devote over half of their income to housing costs, and eviction has become commonplace in low-income communities”. 2 Poor single mothers with young children, particularly African Americans, are at especially high risk of eviction and unable to find...
2 Pages 724 Words

Class System In Drama Normal People

Nowadays any attempt to consider social group identity means that social class cannot be avoided for long (Weltman, 2008). Indeed, class is one of the few concepts that we are able to recognise, understand and employ in every context (Biressi et al, 2013). Social class refers to divisions in society that are ultimately based on economic and social status. As social class is an issue that is so rampant in society and is “lived, formed and challenged” everyday (Scharff, 2008:332),...
6 Pages 2584 Words

Gender Differences In Anxiety Disorders

In general, when it comes to the biological aspect of anxiety there is still more to learn and examine. For example, there should be more studies that focus on the environment and other risk factors. Even though some risk factors indicate one specific sex there should be more for both sexes. Basic and clinical studies are also needed to review the role of testosterone during fear extinction. The research about the adult female and male Long-Evans rats showed how imported...
1 Page 479 Words

The Peculiarities Of Gossip In Communication

As humans, we often seek to find the imperfections of other people to make ourselves feel better. Salacious gossip about celebrity cheating scandals, chit-chat about new employees, or even conversations about a stingy neighbor occur daily and pique the interest of everyone. Researchers have confirmed that gossip is good for people, as it releases the hormone oxytocin and allows them to vent their frustrations. Although the goal of both Walter Winchell and Harvey Levin was not to gossip for their...
2 Pages 805 Words

Overpopulation As The Main Reason For Global Crisis

Sitting in your class right now may only be 30 people, and when you get home there might be 4 other people in the house. Your community or school many seem small, but the world population is growing at an alarming rate. In twelve years from 1999-2011, one billion people were born in this world. Just alone in the 20th century, the U.S population tripled (“10 key facts and statistics about overpopulation”). These numbers might not seem astonishing but with...
2 Pages 1136 Words

Gender Intersectionality With Race Or Class

Intersectionality describes the position of women of colour in the social hierarchy, of females. Gender is ultimately a constellation of norms given to a culture based on biological differences however, are performative expressions dictated and controlled by our conventional norms, thus resulting in conventionalised behaviours. With these two phenomenal beings combined only creates an intersection with the issues of race and gender which political discourses often ignore due to supposed complexities, as well as ignorance on the matter. Generalisations made...
5 Pages 2157 Words

What Is Advocacy? Concept, Evolution And Barriers Of Advocacy

Advocacy has been defined as the process of helping the cause of, speaking, or writing in favour of a person or group as well as interceding on behalf of the person. (Segens Medical Dictionary 2012). According to Segens Medical Dictionary 2012, advocacy provides information and acts as a tool to provide self-empowerment for patient’s health and social care as well as helping patients obtain needed services. Evolution of advocacy The active support of a cause is advocacy and therefore advocacy...
4 Pages 1852 Words

Aristotle’s Theory Of Friendship: Pleasure, Goodness, Utility

It is fair to say Aristotle’s treatment of friendship (philia) has received relatively little attention, and yet there is little doubt that Aristotle provides in books VIII and IX what remains one of the richest and most enduringly useful accounts of friendship in Western philosophy. Its lasting value is evidenced by the fact that his threefold distinction between the types of friendships - friendships of Goodness, Pleasure, or Utility - is still used in many contemporary works on friendship as...
3 Pages 1280 Words

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