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Harmful Effects of Alcohol Consumption

1 Page 542 Words
Alcohol is the term we use for ethanol the substance reasonable for individuals to drink. Another kind of alcohol is methanol and it is hurtful to individuals. It is the result of solidifying sustenance substances like grapes or grain with sugar and yeast which allow them to age. People use alcohol in various structures and inside various social settings. In...

Golden Rice: Revolutionary or Perilous

3 Pages 1228 Words
For eight millennia, rice has been the most domesticated crop due to large scale industry of rice crop farming. Rice has achieved its prominence due to the simplicity of gathering seeds and growing the plant, making more than 70% of Asia's diet (Willis, 2019). However, it has little nutritional value, and no micronutrients. Vitamin A deficiency is prevalent in third...

GMOs: For or Against

2 Pages 961 Words
Imagine if we could produce crops that do not require any pesticides, grow quicker than normal, and are produced with vital nutrients not previously found in them. This isn’t fantasy, as we already do all of the above through GMOs. According to the World Health Organization, GMOs or genetically modified organisms, are defined as organisms, such as plants, in which...

GMOs: Benefits and Potential Risks

2 Pages 1073 Words
The coloration of the foods is what captivates the eye, the taste is what draws the cravings, and the texture encourages sensational options of fresh foods. At a young age we are told to eat our fruits and vegetables, just so that we can grow big and strong. Nevertheless, how much do we really know about what we consume and...

GMOs in Today's World

2 Pages 729 Words
Everyday, citizens go to their local grocery store to buy food. Many foods claim to be healthy to eat and provide the most nutrition. Some of these foods could contain a label showing ‘GMO’ or ‘non-GMO’, and this can be confusing for some people. What do these food labels mean to everyday people, and should genetically modified foods be required...

Giving Up Chocolate Might Be Difficult

4 Pages 1945 Words
Chocolate is one of the most liked and craved foods as it combines the sensuous feeling of melting cocoa with the innate preference for a sweet taste and creamy texture (Visioli et al., 2009). However, chocolate is often subject to a love-hate relationship as, despite how tasty and satisfying it may be, it also comes with a high sugar content...

Genetically Modified Foods: Golden Rice

2 Pages 1023 Words
Genetically modified foods will enhance food security. Food security is defined as 'when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life' (World Food Summit, 1996). Genetically modified foods (GM foods) are used in the agricultural industry to...

Genetically Modified Food Products

2 Pages 954 Words
With Earths large population of over seven billion people, it comes to no surprise that we have had to resort in producing genetically modified foods. Food is the fuel for our bodies; food helps keep us alive, it’s a source of energy that give us the ability to take on internal and external tasks. Genetically modified foods, also known by...

Genetically Modified Crops: Advantages, Needs, Safety and Future Trends

2 Pages 1167 Words
Traditional breeding techniques have been used for years to alter the genomes of plants and animals. With the progress of science and technology, many achievements have been made by humans in the field of biology. Advances in genetic engineering have made it possible to precisely control the genetic changes introduced into an organism. Crops are the most frequently cited examples...

Genetic Modification and GMOs

3 Pages 1164 Words
Genetic modification is the action of changing the genetic material (DNA) of an organism using engineering techniques. For thousands of years people have been modifying the genes of plants and animals by introducing new pieces of DNA into other organisms’ sequences of DNA. This can be done by taking DNA from the same species, a different species or synthetically making...

From Stress to Peace of Mind

2 Pages 935 Words
Many may describe peace of mind as the state of mental and emotional calmness, with no worries, fears or stress, the mind is free of any overcoming issues and is in a positive, up lifted mindset. Achieving peace of mind may feel impossible to many due to the amount of stress and negative factors that play a role in straying...

Forensic Dentistry and Its Importance

3 Pages 1408 Words
Forensic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that collides with the legal system. It is defined as an investigational part of dentistry where professionals examine, evaluate, analyze and present dental evidence for recognition of human identity. Adding to that this field can be split into forensic odontology which is the study of prostheses, jaws, teeth, dental appliances and bite marks...

For or Against Genetically Modified Food: Essay on Personal Position

1 Page 577 Words
Genetically modified food (GM) can be defined as food produced from natural organisms with manipulated genetic material, in other words with modified DNA. GM foods first appeared on sale in the last century, in 1994, in the US with introduction of so-called ‘Flavr Savr’ tomatoes which had decreased ripening rate (Plumer, 2015). With advances in genetic engineering in the last...

Food Addiction to Chocolate

2 Pages 1001 Words
Addictions are a very serious topic of discussion which has recently flooded the media. There are several types of addiction, each with a respective magnitude, and food addictions fall into this category. Food addiction is often pushed to the side by addictions deemed more detrimental by society. This accusation of food addictions not being detrimental does not accurately represent the...

Essay on Cancer Gene Therapy

1 Page 577 Words
Gene therapy is an experimental method for correcting faulty genes that cause disease to develop. Gene therapy attempts to treat illness by altering a person's gene expression, with the ultimate goal of curing or preventing genetic diseases. Gene therapy aims to solve the problem at its source by inserting the right gene or repairing an existing one. Genes are the...

Essay on Bone Cancer

2 Pages 1033 Words
Cancer involves the uncontrolled division of the body's cells, which cancer can cause in any tissue of the body, and each type of cancer has its own unusual characteristics. Cancer begins when a cell breaks free from conventional restrictions on cell division and begins to require motivation to proliferate. “All the cells conveyed by division of this to start with,...

Effects of Chocolate on the Neurological System of Adolescents with Depression

4 Pages 1900 Words
The main objective of this paper is to determine, the increase of depression in adolescents aged 16-19 years, in Mexico City, from 2014 to 2018, according to the 'Morbidity Yearbook' of the General Directorate of Epidemiology, to understand the importance of focusing our attention on This type of suffering, given that there is currently an increase in this type of...

Effects of Alcohol on the Brain

3 Pages 1200 Words
The brain plays a major role in controlling various body functions such as movement, sensation, thinking, memory, and speech. It is divided into two halves with specialized functions. The right-brain’s functions include controlling the left side of the body, visual and spatial skills, memory storage, feelings and intuitions, holistic interpretations, and creativity. The left-brain’s functions include controlling the right side...

Effects of Alcohol on Eye Health

4 Pages 1830 Words
Alcohol is one of many psychoactive drugs with addictive potential, which has a significant impact on public health and individuals in society (Crocq, 2007). Alcohol is a modifiable lifestyle factor that has intentionally inflicted and unintentionally acquired injuries (Iranpour and Nakhaee, 2019, p. 132) that has resulted in hospitalization and is most widely used as a recreational drug in the...

Effects of Gluten-Free Diet on Food Intake of Second-Year Bachelor of Nutrition Science Students

5 Pages 2310 Words
In today’s world, diet has become an important part of one’s life. Food is related to a person’s well-being. High or low levels of specific macronutrients can lead to different types of problems. Different diets have different impacts on different bodies. Gluten is a part of protein family called prolamins (glutenin and gliadin) which are the storage parts of protein...

Eating Junk Food: Cause and Effect Relation

2 Pages 820 Words
Eating habits have changed greatly over time as the world develops. Unlike in the past when most people ate healthy food prepared at home, today more and more individuals are eating junk food such as French fries, cheeseburgers, pizza, and milkshake among others. Whereas the dark side of such fast foods is a widely known fact, the popularity of the...

Descriptive Essay on European Red Fox

1 Page 621 Words
The European red fox is a keystone species that reduces biodiversity and impacts on the survival of native prey over large areas of entire ecosystems. The red fox is most commonly referred to as the European red fox however, its scientific name is Vulpes vulpes. Background Information It was purposely introduced to Australia for recreational hunting and in the early...

Depression among University Students

3 Pages 1372 Words
Depression is a mental illness that affects 11.3% of adults in Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2016). Although seemingly a low percentage, depression affects people of all ages at different parts of their life. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), 50% of the Canadian population will have, or have had, a mental illness by age 40 (Public...

Dental Materials and Their Compliance with Standards

8 Pages 3685 Words
This assignment will critically analyze the differences of various governing bodies. There are three main governing bodies. Such organizations are the International Standard Organization (ISO), the European Commission (CE) and the British Standard Institution (BSI). The ISO is an organization that sets standards of materials worldwide. The BSI and CE govern standards across Britain and Europe accordingly. Although, each governing...

Dengue Prevention Campaign in Costa Rica

2 Pages 705 Words
To begin, the epidemic of dengue has become an increasing global public health concern in developing countries in the regions of Central America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. However, Costa Rica presents the largest amount of cases, which enhances the probability of a person contracting the hemorrhage form of the disease that may lead to death if not properly treated (Lopez,...

Coping with Child's Cancer

3 Pages 1318 Words
Coping with a child who has a disease, such as cancer, can be a complex, psychological, and behavioral process that affects not only the patient, but the family as well. Cancer can cause emotional distress such as anxiety, stress, and difficulty coping. This quantitative article examines the coping strategies, religious attitudes, and optimism of mothers who have children with cancer....

Commercialization of Junk Food as a Problem

2 Pages 1009 Words
Have you ever had a theme song stuck in your head from a commercial or advertisement of some sort? This is how companies and food industries convince you to buy their products. Commercialization persuades the audience of targeted civilians watching it to purchase the food/product being advertised. We can agree that American diets need to improve significantly. The best way...

Circulating Tumor DNA Cancer Detection Method

2 Pages 1073 Words
Over 8.2 million people die of cancer each year due to the bad accessibility to detection methods and treatment. The problem is that people are finding out they have cancer too late which makes it harder to treat. Cancer is the 4th most leading cause of death between adults 20-39 years old in the United States. Nearly half of people...

Chocolate in Ivory Cost

2 Pages 683 Words
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) is located in West Africa and it is one of the world’s top cocoa producers. They produce cacao beans which are very treasurable and important for the country’s financial management and consistency. The cocoa bean is the dried and fermented seed of Theobroma cacao tree and the basic ingredient of chocolate and develops in the tropical...

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