Mental Health Essay Examples

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Cognitive Dissonance: Conceptualization and Research Summary

5 Pages 2138 Words
Cognitive Dissonance According to Hinojosa, Gardner, Walker, Cogliser, and Gullifor (2017, p.173), Cognitive Dissonance Theory (CDT) exists when an individual experience conflicting or contradicting situation between two or more cognitions, in which results in dissonance that causes unpleasant feelings of one’s self. The core of this literature review revolves around Conceptualisation and Research Summary, which includes Antecedents and Outcomes, of...

Sociological Imagination: Problems of African University Students

3 Pages 1275 Words
1. Introduction In this essay I will be discussing ‘The Sociological Imagination and the Problems of University Students in African Countries.’ Firstly, I will be defining the term ‘sociological imagination’ as well as defining personal problems and social issues and how they differentiate from one another. I will further discuss suicide within the youth and how it is a personal...

Suicide of Megan Meier: Role of Myspace Account

3 Pages 1525 Words
1. Megan Meier Case: 1.1 Introduction of Case: On October 17, 2006, a 13 year old American teenager, Megan Taylor Meier, committed suicide by hanging herself from a fan in her room. Megan had always been a victim of depression and anxiety. When social networking sites were on the rise, Megan wanted to be on popular site Myspace. Megan’s mother...

Cognitive Dissonance Theory and Self-consistency Theory

4 Pages 2023 Words
The various revisions and amendments to the original cognitive dissonance theory have less to offer than the original theory itself. Critically evaluate this claim using one or two examples of such alternative theories. The theory of cognitive dissonance was first introduced by Leon Festinger in 1957, establishing dissonance and consonance as a replacement for the more general terms, inconsistency and...

Suicide, Knowledge And Immortality

4 Pages 1757 Words
What is the reality of suicide? What is the meaning of obtaining truth and knowledge? How can we know if the soul's immortality is fact or fiction? Do people know what is good? These types of questions follow the spectrum of ideas and methods used in the first ethical Greek philosopher, Socrates’ way of thinking. These are things that often...

Medea: Empathizing With A Murderer And Psychopath

2 Pages 972 Words
For 2,448 years, “Medea” has been a notable playwright and story, thanks to Euripides’ craftsmanship and eloquent characterization of the infamous main character, Medea. Even though Euripides writes Medea as a complex character having many characteristics, there is one characteristic that dominates all the others, and for a good reason. Throughout the entirety of “Medea,” Euripides depicts Medea as hopeless...

Genetic Factors in Human Behavior (Huntington, Schizophrenia, Autism)

5 Pages 2450 Words
Introduction Behavior is commonly characterized as a response to stimuli, regardless of whether internal or external, that changes an organism’s response to its habitat. Animals run, stay still, or counterstrike to predators; in response to external and internal stimuli birds construct complex and distinguished nests; plants show positive phototropism; and humans behave in both simple and complex ways depending on...

Suicide: A Cry For Moral, Legal Or Medical Help?

7 Pages 3039 Words
Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. The risk factors are numerous and the signs associated and reasons varies. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) every year there are close to 800 000 deaths by suicide which makes suicide the 10th leading cause of death in the world. As stated suicide is the act of intentionally...

The Aspects of Bipolar Disorder

2 Pages 1036 Words
“It’s a disorder NOT a decision.” Bipolar Illness is a health issue that creates imbalanced mood changes with a certain amount of time and strength of each emotion. Some may call the mood changes mood switches or even an episode. This mental disorder can influence the person who may have been diagnosed and whomever cares for that person. It usually...

Stress as the Biggest Part of Being a Lawyer

3 Pages 1155 Words
What is stress? Everyone has a different way they define stress. The dictionary definition of stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. A person is very unlikely to find a job where you won’t have stress. Everyone experiences stress in different ways. Whether it is just from being overwhelmed with...

The Psychosocial Elements of Schizophrenia

2 Pages 1101 Words
Abstract Schizophrenia is not a common mental illness so scientists today still do not know how exactly schizophrenia manifests. The main theory of how schizophrenia comes about is through genes. Although there is no specific gene that causes the disorder itself, it is believed theinterplay of genes plus an individuals environment combine to determine if schizophrenia develops. The environmental factors...

Morality of Suicide and Euthanasia

2 Pages 852 Words
Suicide is when someone willingly ends their own life. Euthanasia is when a physician assists in ending a person’s life. Reasons for suicide include Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), bullying, mental illness, and substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, etc.). The reason for euthanasia is usually terminal illnesses or old age. The morality of dying in either of these ways is a heavily...

Suicide Attempts Among Patients with Schizophrenia

3 Pages 1381 Words
Schizophrenia is a severe form of psychological disorder and is considered to be a psychosis. People with schizophrenia are out of touch with reality and tend to not understand what is going on around them and how to interact. People with schizophrenia generally have a hard time interacting with others as their diagnosis gives them severe impairments in thinking; which...

Should Assisted Suicide Be Legalized In The U.S.?

3 Pages 1154 Words
Matthew Donelly appreciated the life he was given. But unfortunately, Matthew wanted to die. After losing his nose, two fingers, and jaw due to skin cancer, Donelly was left blind and slowly deteriorating. Donelly begged to be put out of his misery, but no one ever answered. So one day, his brother Harold used a .30 caliber pistol from his...

The Physician Assisted Suicide Dilemma

6 Pages 2807 Words
Abstract Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) is when a physician provides a lethal medication that is used to end life. With an ever-increasing responsiveness of physician assisted suicide across the world, it is important to understand the beliefs and reasoning for those for and against PAS. There has been a long debate regarding the ethics surrounding these issues. PAS has a...

Understanding Anxiety: A Comprehensive Look at the Disorder

9 Pages 4258 Words
Just because an illness cannot be seen, does not mean it does not exist. While a physical illness often manifests itself in ways that are clearly visible such as coughing, sneezing or vomiting, the same cannot always be said for mental illnesses. People with mental illness can often put up a front, so much so that it is difficult to...

Mental Illness and the Justice System

2 Pages 988 Words
This paper will identify how and why mentally ill individuals have come to be overrepresented in the criminal justice system and highlight the remarkable challenges this has become for police, corrections, and courts. Mentally ill individuals are characterized incorrectly in all aspects of the justice system, from being apprehended to incarcerated. It's been discovered that 20% of state prisoners and...

Teen Suicide: Does Exposure to Suicide Content Trigger Behavior?

2 Pages 1105 Words
Suicide continues to be a serious public health issue across the world. Reporting and portrayal of suicidal behavior in the media may have a potential to negatively influence and encourage suicidal acts to predisposed teens when exposed to such stimuli. Evidence continues to accumulate on the significant impact of media coverage on suicide ideation. Ayers et al. (2017) conducted a...

Sleep hours and stress levels in undergraduates

4 Pages 1671 Words
Abstract Past research suggested that undergraduate students experience academic stress, and on top of that they have to manage sleep. This study was performed to see if there was a correlation between sleep and stress. Stress was split into seven items: family life, academics, relationships, finances, overall health, and the total impact on their daily lives. Sleep was split into...

Suicide And Religion: Can It Be Reasonable To Commit Suicide?

6 Pages 2786 Words
Suicide rates are expanding significantly. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that every year roughly one million people die from suicide, which speaks to a worldwide death rate of 16 people per 100,000 or one death every 40 seconds. It is anticipated that by 2020 the rate of death will increase to one every 20 seconds. Over the most recent...

Mental Health and Anxiety Disorders in India

5 Pages 2231 Words
ABSTRACT This short paper is about mental health and why it affects teens the most as well as why mental health isn’t taken seriously in India. This is something that’s very interesting and it’s also something that’s really displeasing as mental health issues should be given equal importance just like any other health problem/sickness. Raising awareness can help defeat the...

Adolescent Suicide: The Dangers And Seriousness Of Taking One’s Own Life

6 Pages 2804 Words
Throughout the ever changing world, and the innovations of technologies substantially increasing, there is seen to be a direct correlation between that and the increase of personal responsibilties and social pressures. These pressures and responsiblities of the individual, in some cases can be too much to handle. More Specifically, with the change of society there are higher pressure on adolescents...

SAD and Negative Processing of Positive Facial Expressions

5 Pages 2411 Words
Summary The fundamental skill of being able to process facial expressions is crucial in being able to socialise within everyday life. One clinical disorder which is often linked with atypical facial processing is social anxiety disorder (SAD). The majority of previous research investigates a link between SAD and a hypersensitivity to negative expressions. However, there is a lack of research...

Bees and Bipolar Disorder

2 Pages 745 Words
B is for beehives and buzzing and bipolar and bloodlines and Bryant, my mother’s maiden name. My great-grandfather, the beekeeper, died from taking too much from the hands that feed him, from the bees. My great-grandfather, the beekeeper, spent a lifetime bee-keeping to quiet the buzzing in his mind. And although he has since passed, he also passed down this...

The Effects Of Physician-assisted Suicide On Family Members

5 Pages 2133 Words
Composition Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) has been a controversial subject in the medical field for the past decade. It seems, however, that many people are unaware of the actual meaning of the phrase. PAS is commonly mistaken for euthanasia. Euthanasia is defined as 'a physician administers a lethal drug to a suffering patient'. A second action by physicians that is...

Cannabis Use as a Risk Factor for the Development of Schizophrenia

5 Pages 2397 Words
Introduction Mental disorders refer to conditions in which patients exhibit altered behavior and thought processes, emotional instability and limited social capacity; different illnesses being presented with different combinations of symptoms. Psychotic disorders, of which schizophrenia is the most studied, are considered by the field of psychiatry to be one of the more severe forms of mental illness. (Radhakrishnan, Wilkinson and...

The Features Of Physician-Assisted Suicide

2 Pages 1064 Words
Within the field of medicine, there are new innovations everyday that seemingly bring people, science and medicine one step closer to a better quantity and quality of life for their patients. Whether a person has breast cancer or sickle cell anemia, there are a variety of problems within the medical field that have no cures or temporary solutions, and sometimes...

Stress Management and its Techniques

5 Pages 2198 Words
Abstract Stress is one of the most predominate challenges people face every day. According to the anxiety and depression association of America, seven out of ten adults in the United States say they experience stress daily, and some say it interferes at least moderately with their lives (Stress is an inevitable, 2018). Stress is defined as a situation where a...

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