Mental Health Essay Examples

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Sleep Deprivation Effect On Mental And Physical Health

Sleep deprivation alters our brain chemistry, making us feel isolated and irritable. We know that by our own experience by finding it hard to stay focus, to communicate, and to stay positive throughout the day when we have to wake up early in the morning. Most people, nonetheless, do not appreciate and value sleep time due to not knowing that there will be consequences that follow for people who do not sleep enough hours a day. In other words, insufficient...
4 Pages 1914 Words

Suicide: The Tenth Leading Death In The World

Suicide is a serious matter where people take their lives for so many reasons. With that being said many take their lives due to bullying, depression or emotions, relationships, hardships within families, or elsewhere. There are so many reasons why people decide or think it’s best to take their lives. Thousands of suicides occur within a year in nearly seconds. A matter like this should be prevented and paid close attention to those who could be led to suicide. Suicides...
3 Pages 1313 Words

ADHD: Reasons And Effects

ADHD is defined as Attention Defect/ Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a chronic condition that cannot be cured but can be treated and managed by medication and behaver intervention. ADHD affects 5% of Australian population which is equivlant to 1 in 20 people. 85% of people with ADHD is not diagnosed yet and boy are 4 times more likely to have ADHD that girls. Symptoms of ADHD include difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity, impulsive behaviour and is often accompanied with difficulty regulating...
3 Pages 1519 Words

Suicidal Thoughts: Internal And External Reasons

Suicide is the act of taking one's owns life deliberately. In most countries, it has been ranked as the number 10 cause of death. In recent times, the rates of suicide have increased due to a lot of reasons. There are gender differences in the way males and females carry out their suicide attempts, across the world, suicide rates are significantly higher for men compared to women. Another difference in gender is that men’s attempts being more violent and they...
3 Pages 1163 Words

Are Psychological Disorders Contagious?

Psychological disorders are claimed to be contagious. A recent cross-sectional study conducted by the US National Library of Medicine proposed the risk factors associated with the burden of family caregivers of patients with psychological disorders. The abstract of the study established a correlation between psychologically ill patients and ultimately, the increased risk of caregivers developing a psychological disorder. Souza (2017) implemented The Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) which is used to measure caregiver burden and psychiatric morbidity and consists of 22...
1 Page 406 Words

Recommendations For The Mental Wellbeing Of The Employees In Apple Company

As Apple is known as one of the world’s biggest organisations in regards to both computing hardware and software, but also as a lifestyle brand as well as based in Apple’s proud history, Apple’s purpose under Steve jobs was 'To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind'( as cited in (Farfan, 2019). As Apple has and continues to create tools that advance mankind and create change as Steve said, “Man is the...
2 Pages 956 Words

Dissociative Identity Disorder And Criminal Behavior

In the late 1970s, a young man named Billy Milligan, became a controversial public figure for being the first person in U.S. history, who was found not guilty of committed several crimes (including kidnapping, armed robbery, and raping three women), by reason of insanity, due to his suffering from multiple personality disorder. From the first moment Milligan was arrested and indicted, the results of his mental examinations made his face appearing on the covers of magazines and the front pages...
3 Pages 1369 Words

Bipolar Disorder In Canada: Symptoms And Causes

Introduction In any given year, one in five people in Canada will experience a mental health problem or illness, and about one percent of Canadians will experience Bipolar Disorder. (Mental Health Commission of Canada, 2013) Bipolar 1 Disorder formerly known as “manic depressive” disorder is characterized by one manic episode, which is usually followed by a major depressive episode but not always. “A person experiencing a manic episode often has feelings of self importance, elation, talkativeness, coupled with the characteristics...
5 Pages 2017 Words

Anorexia Nervosa Impacts On Mental Health In Australia

Emotional well-being is something that alludes to our perspective and our capacity to adapt to the regular things that are going on around us. Somebody with 'great' psychological wellness often feels fit for managing the distinctive ordinary circumstances that they end up in. A psychological well-being issue that will be further explained in more profundity of is anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is a dietary issue that effects around 4% of people in Australia (around 1 million individuals). There are numerous...
1 Page 638 Words

Depression: The Importance Of Mental Health Awareness

Mental health problem, as its name implies, is a condition where someone’s emotional and mental wellbeing is affected. Mental health problems and the factors contributing to this problem vary and can affect anyone regardless of age, race, and socioeconomic status. Although the type and degree of severity varies, some of the main types of Mental health problems are depression and anxiety. According to studies of various US organizations,19.1% of U.S. adults experienced mental illness in 2018 (47.6 million people). This...
3 Pages 1573 Words

Mental Illness Depiction In Flowers For Algernon

The short story Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keys follows the journey of mentally disabled, thirty seven year old factory janitor Charlie Gordon and his quest for intelligence through his diary entries. When Charlie’s adult night school teacher recommends him for a scientific study designed to triple human intelligence, Charlie is finally given the chance to become the person he’s always wanted to be. After completing several exams, many alongside Algernon, a lab rat whose intelligence has already been tripled,...
3 Pages 1462 Words

Risk Factors And Negative Effects Of Postpartum Depression. Interventions To Overcome It

Around the world, many mothers have very smooth postpartum experiences, but on the other hand, some tend to have unfavourable physical or mental health complications. When it comes to mental health and postpartum, a common disorder that affects mothers and their infants is postpartum depression. According to Bicking and Moore (2012), about 15 percent of women experience symptoms of postpartum depression while they are pregnant or within the first year after giving birth. It is very important for nurses to...
3 Pages 1298 Words

Temperature Regulation And Bulimia

Models of human thermoregulatory responses can predict how the body will react in nature. Comment by kristina nair: Way too broad – talk about it Humans react to extreme heat through homeostasis Function well 20+ Thermoregulation The claim ‘Human thermoregulatory responses can predict how the body will react in nature’ is ambiguous and non-specific. The research on human thermoregulation is still fairly new and therefore the amount of research is limited on the topic. Although there have been numerous trails...
5 Pages 2362 Words

Mass Hysteria Throughout History

Different mass hysteria events throughout history have displayed similar characteristics regarding their structure and characteristics. They each had a variation on the different components of a hysteria event, but can be vividly compared and contrasted. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the Red Scare/McCarthyism era, and the Chupacabra sightings each exhibit the irrational social behaviours and unique psychological states that instigate mass hysteria events; the growth of extreme paranoia that spreads pandemically; and the lasting impact they have on human conduct, laws,...
4 Pages 1950 Words

Dissociative Identity Disorder: Is It A Valid Diagnosis?

Sigmund Freud say’s “The individual does actually carry on a double existence: one designed to serve his own purposes and another as a link in a chain, in which he serves against, or at any rate without, any volition of his own.” Meaning that we have our own true self and then another self when our own self has been attacked or offended.Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) ,formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, is a rare mental illness characterized by having...
2 Pages 872 Words

Organization Approaches To Managing Stress

Stress management is conducive to reducing the excessive psychological pressure of employees. When employees are in a group, they can feel the power of the collective, so they are not lonely, afraid, and have a sense of belonging. Maintaining moderate pressure and interdependence among employees creates a sense of identity. Moderate pressure is the driving force of work, forming unique psychological habits and positioning role, which is the sense of role. The implementation of pressure management in enterprises and the...
2 Pages 1041 Words

Poetry Is Beneficial To People With Mental Health

Poetry has been around for centuries. Going back to the 2nd century. As poetry has been around for some time now. Poetry has a tendency of helping soothe the pain, suffering of mental illness and so much more. In “Will a poem a day keep the Doctor away?”, talks about the use of poetry and how today it continues to help people, especially women. So, I come to say that poetry is beneficial to helping people with mental health. Poetry...
4 Pages 1944 Words

Depression And Equine Therapy Treatment

Mental illness has always been somewhat taboo in society today. I believe now is the time to shed some more light on the subject to raise awareness. Studies have shown, “Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the U.S” (“Depression” 1). Out of all the mental illnesses, depression stands high above the rest with outrageous rates. To put this into perspective, depression stands as 99% of all mental illnesses (“Facts about Depression” 1). Depression has been rearing...
4 Pages 1959 Words

The Effect Of Improvisation On Mindfulness

The physical and psychological benefits of mindfulness have been touted by meditation gurus, academics, scientists, and business professionals for decades. Mindfulness has been linked to psychological well-being, relationship satisfaction, and effective communication. In the large majority of studies, mindfulness was primed in participants through the practice of meditation or the technique of bringing awareness to the present moment. There has been a lack of research concerning other suitable mindfulness techniques or practices. This study aims to add to the existing...
3 Pages 1381 Words

Psychological Disorders In The Last King Of Scotland

The Last King of Scotland is a film based on actual events in the African country of Uganda. The film is based on actual events that happened with Idi Amin. The film has a fictional physician though the conversation used was an actual event. While the character is fictional, I do think the physician was displayed in a realistic light. This is mainly because it is a normal occurrence to have people stick around other people even though their character...
1 Page 609 Words

Anxiety Is A Growing Disorder Amongst Teenagers

Your palms are sweaty, your heart is racing, your knees are weak, and yet you stand there in front of everyone while they just blatantly stare at you. The sweat building up on your forehead drips into your eyes. You stutter, trying desperately to remember what you are supposed to speak about. Nothing comes to mind and you can’t read the blurred words faded across the paper shaking in your hands. You walk off the stage with your knees feeling...
3 Pages 1191 Words

Types Of Anxiety Disorder That Causes An Individual Irrational Fear

Having an anxiety disorder can lead to serious complications in the life of a person, it can; increase the risk of depression, take away time and focus from other activities, impair the ability to perform tasks quickly and efficiently due to difficulty in concentration. It can also lead to or worsen some physical health conditions like headaches and migraines, heart-health issues, sleep problems and insomnia, chronic pain, and illness. Anxiety disorder often occurs along with other mental health problems like...
2 Pages 971 Words

The Signs And Causes Of Stress And Its Effects Whether Good Or Harmful On The Body

In today’s fast-moving world stress is a vague concept that every individual experienced at one time or another. Being under a lot of pressure or facing some big changes will cause the body and the mind to react to those demands and challenges hence resulting in stress which may lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed, it is an emotional state of psychological tension and confusion influenced by a variety of different common life events such as family, friends or...
3 Pages 1563 Words

Bipolar Disorder: Theories And Impact

Introduction to Topic Writing this bipolar disorder essay example, I will delve into the intricate ways in which positive and negative emotions, along with various personality traits, exert their influence on the daily life of an individual dealing with bipolar disorder. Another name for Bipolar Disorder is that it is a Manic-Depressive Illness. This illness is a type of brain disorder that influences many abnormal changes and or switches that affect moods, any sorts of activity levels, energy, and any...
3 Pages 1244 Words

Grudges And Personal Rivalries As The Basis For A Mass Hysteria

Have you ever been really mad at someone or jealous of them? Have you ever tried to do something mean to a person to feel better about yourself? Everyone has met at least one person in their life that they didn’t like. Maybe someone did something that angered you and you never got over it, or maybe someone really intimidated you. There can be personal rivalries from school, sports, or even family members. Sometimes these rivalries can cross the line....
2 Pages 876 Words

The Recommended Policies That Can Help You Cope With Stress

This is an emotional feeling or physical tension. It can come from activities that make you feel nervous, angry, or frustrated. The change or reaction in your body to word a challenge or demand helps in stabilizing the body especially when the reaction is helping you to avoid danger or meet a deadline. Stress is mainly caused by three main situations in life. The first is poor health, when an individual is diagnosed with chronic diseases and conditions like arthritis,...
2 Pages 793 Words

Cyberbullying Tarnishes The Mental Health Of The Youth

Everyone in the 21st century is addicted to the internet and technology. At first, we could not even imagine we would be able to talk to a person mile away but how we communicate with family and friends in a whole other country sitting at home as if they are sitting right in front of us. The Internet gave the world tremendous opportunities and possibilities but on the other hand, it also gave us new dangers. In today’s world, the...
2 Pages 710 Words

The Causes Of ADHD In Children And Its Treatment

Abstract ADHD known as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder may affect all aspect of a youngster's life. Excessive activity and distraction in children is one of the most common problems for parents, especially when accompanied by erroneous behaviors that affect their efficiency and scientific achievement. When is this diagnosed as satisfactory? Without a doubt, it impacts on the kid, as well as on guardians and kin, making unsettling influences on family and conjugal working. The antagonistic impacts of ADHD upon youngsters and...
3 Pages 1592 Words

Macbeth Mental Illness

In the play, Macbeth, Macbeth himself wanted nothing more than power. He was so obsessed with power that he would go as far as committing murder to make sure that no one would get in the way of him and his throne. Throughout the play, Macbeth showed many symptoms of various mental health disorders. This proved that Macbeth committed these murders and acted irrationally because of the disorders he suffered from. This essay will go into detail about the specific...
3 Pages 1266 Words

Dissociative Identity Personality Alters & Counseling Treatments

The area of interest I chose to base my research project on is dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder. It is recognized as a complex psychological disorder, characterized by possessing two or more distinct and separate personalities, which are termed alter types or states that appear outside ones conscious control. Each “state” has its specific knowledge of the way it perceives and identifies with the self and acquires varied roles to serve the purpose of assisting...
3 Pages 1396 Words

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