Mental Health Essay Examples

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Dissociative Identity Personality Alters & Counseling Treatments

The area of interest I chose to base my research project on is dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder. It is recognized as a complex psychological disorder, characterized by possessing two or more distinct and separate personalities, which are termed alter types or states that appear outside ones conscious control. Each “state” has its specific knowledge of the way it perceives and identifies with the self and acquires varied roles to serve the purpose of assisting...
3 Pages 1396 Words

Psychopharmacology Inventions For Insomnia

The DSM-V (20103) devotes an entire domain to Sleep-Wake Disorders. Specifically identified is Insomnia Disorder (G47.00), Hypersomnolence Disorder (G47.10), Narcolepsy, Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea (G47.33), Central Sleep Apnea, Sleep-Related Hypoventilation, Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorder, Non-Rapids Eye Movement Sleep Arousal Disorders, Nightmare Disorder (F51.5), Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorders (G47.52), Restless Leg Syndrome (G25.81), Substance Medication Induced Sleep Disorder, and various unspecified categories. Following is a discussion regarding the major types of drug interventions available for sleep disorders. Additionally, contained in...
2 Pages 904 Words

Moral Of Physician Assisted Suicides

The topic of suicide and physician-assisted suicide has been one of the most polarized and debated topics in philosophy for hundreds of years. Suicide is such an important subject of philosophy because of how it can reveal the most important differences in similar moral systems. A philosophical examination of suicide is extremely important to conduct due to how negatively physician-assisted suicide is seen in the United States. In America, only nine states have legalized physician-assisted suicide. By examining the moral...
3 Pages 1323 Words

The Impact Of Mindfulness Practices To Treat Anxiety In Teenagers

Research shows the efficacy to treat many stresses in today’s life that result in anxiety in Latino teenagers (Edwards, et al. 2014). Mindfulness interventions have become more popular in the last decade in working with teenagers' research (Edwards, et al. 2014). Mindfulness meditation techniques support teenagers to focus on the present helping them to recognize the trigger for their anxiety (Perry-Parrish, Copeland-Linder, Webb, and Sibinga, 2015). Research results have demonstrated that teenagers who practice mindfulness develop awareness and this reduces...
3 Pages 1253 Words

Postpartum Depression: Symptoms And Treatment

What You Should Know? Pregnancy and motherhood are the happiest periods in a woman’s life. The baby birth can cause a jumble of powerful emotions, right from excitement and joy to anxiety and fear. However, it can also cause in something you might not imagine- depression. Having a baby is very stressful, no matter how much you love your baby. Considering the sleep deprivation, lack of time of taking care of yourself, newer responsibilities, there is no surprise that many...
2 Pages 842 Words

Silver Linings Playbook: Mental Illness (Bipolar Disorder) Essay

Bipolar Disorder as Presented in Silver Linings Playbook Bipolar Disorder is a serious mental illness that affects approximately 5.7 million adult Americans. It is so serious in fact, that on average, it results in a 9.2-year reduction in expected life span, and as many as one in five patients with bipolar disorder completes suicide (DBSA, 2009). Bipolar Disorder is complex, and patients often suffer from a broad spectrum of symptoms. Treatment for bipolar disorder often requires medication, therapy and even...
5 Pages 2315 Words

The Reasons Why Depression Appears To The Majority Of The Young People

In the past, talk about healthy, we just know some physical problems that can be seen or identified and we do not know about the psychological matters which can affect a lot of our life. Recently, with the vigorous development of science, scientists research many diseases in human minds especially depression which is common now in society with young people. There are many reasons why depression appears and why the majority of the youth suffer from this emotional illness. In...
1 Page 496 Words

A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner: The Mental Illness Of Emily Grierson

In the short article by William Faulkner named A Rose for Emily, the leading character Emily Grierson displays an eccentric personality trait throughout the story by her actions and lifestyle. Her bizarre behaviors promptly steer people to create assumptions about her mental and physical health, although Miss Emily physically seems fine. According to the townsfolk in the story, they describe Grierson as very pretty when she was young and passed away because of an illness but one never came to...
2 Pages 717 Words

Multidimensional Perspective Of The Etiology Of Psychological Disorders

Psychological disorder or an abnormal behavior refers to “a psychological dysfunction within an individual that is associated with distress or impairment in functioning and a response that is typical or culturally not expected” (Barlow et al., 2018). The causes of mental disorders are often unclear and an attempt towards etiology results in emergence of new models of abnormality (Hooley et al., 2017). Etiology refers to the study of causes or reasons that lead to the development of psychological disorders. It...
4 Pages 1811 Words

Autism: Symptoms, Reasons And Treatment

Have you ever seen a child or adult who is acting weird and not their age? It is not their fault but they have a genetic disorder called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In this paper, the reader will have a good understanding of what autism is. This paper contains a lot of information regarding this topic. Autism, for some reason is starting to become more common in the United States with a 1 in 59 ratio. What is Autism? Autism...
3 Pages 1453 Words

Mindfulness And Its Impact On Happiness

When someone asks what the meaning of life is, it might be really easy to answer, “find happiness,” but that answer only poses more questions. What is happiness? Why does everyone strive for it and how does one obtain it? Is it even obtainable? People can be happy one moment and sad the next. Is there a logic behind happiness? How do we prevent these emotional roller coasters? These are all questions people have tried to answer throughout time, but...
3 Pages 1567 Words

Stress Management: Why It Is Important For Employees And Employers To Deal With This Issue

In 2017, 56% of British workers felt very or quite stressed due to their jobs. (Evans, 2017). In 2018/19, according to the Labour Force Survey (2019), 1,800 workers in 100,00 suffered from work-related stress, anxiety or depression. Even that mental health and stress are current topics in society and between companies, these numbers show how it still is a lot to work on. This essay will, firstly, define what stress and work-related stress are. Secondly, it will explain the causes...
4 Pages 2010 Words

The Social Determinants Of Mental Illness In The LGBT Community

Introduction Sexuality differing from the ‘hetero-norm’ has a complicated socio-legal history within the UK, with legal developments key to LGBT acceptance. The first act of equality was the 1967 Sexual Offences Act in which (private) homosexual acts were legalised for those over the age of 21 in England and Wales (Scotland following suit in 1981 and Northern Ireland in 1982). The age of consent in homosexual activity was then reduced to 16 in 2000 and homosexuality was legally made equal...
4 Pages 1874 Words

A Causal Analysis Of Dissociative Identity Disorder In Humans

It is quite unfortunate that a majority of persons living in the world have encountered childhood traumas which often led to this long term mental health situation known as the “Dissociative Identity Disorder”. Formerly known as the multiple personality disorder, this mental health situation has been known to cause an alteration in the accurate recalling of events and certain personal information (Johnson JG, Cohen P, Kasen S, Brook JS, 2006). There are several reasons which usually orchestrate this mental health...
3 Pages 1216 Words

Bulimia Disorder: Theories And Treatment

ABSTRACT Lots of people, at some point in life, worry about their weight. But for some people it leads to really serious health problems. The role of social media, in our perception of beauty, is significant in explaining noticeable the increase in the number of people diagnosed with eating disorders. His report is going to consider number of explanations for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, and evaluate treatments for it. The DSM-5 classification recognises two specific diagnoses of eating disorders:...
6 Pages 2722 Words

Stress And Factors Which Can Influence Health

Stress is a common problem in the modern world, it is a problem that most people face on a daily basis. The definition of stress can vary, psychologists define stress “as any uncomfortable, emotional experience accompanied by predictable biochemical, physiological and behavior change.” Stress can be defer depending on an individual, stress can be beneficial as one may take it for motivation however, too much stress can be harmful to our health. In this essay, I will be looking at...
3 Pages 1296 Words

Effect Of Mindfulness Practice On Human

We will see the effects of mindfulness, as it is that an ancient activity used by different religions does our mind so well, with this practice the world is no longer seen in the same way, the details of nature are more appreciated The things that hurt you have left aside and above all, you know yourself, as well as how the structure of our brain changes to become more creative, more intelligent. Mindfulness is not reasoning or a theory...
2 Pages 1043 Words

Does Postnatal Depression Influence A Child’s Cognitive And Motor Development?

This essay will explore the influence postnatal depression may have on an infant’s cognitive and motor development, and whether the infant’s behaviours may be affected according to the way the mother interacts with the child. It is common for some mothers to experience postnatal depression (PND) both during their pregnancy and after childbirth. Postnatal depression can sometimes be confused for the “baby blues” which are mood symptoms, 30-80% may experience such issues after child birth and it can develop between...
4 Pages 1681 Words

The Secret Of Stress And How It Impacts A Human Body

Many people go through stress once in their lifetime. Many people have never experienced the strong effects that stress has on the human body. Well, stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. In other words, stress is when the mind has to take more than it can handle. Stress can overburden your mind with incessant worries. Frequent stress decreases your immune system. Having stress can have a negative effect on how the body...
2 Pages 879 Words

The Problem Of Postpartum Depression

This is a complicated mixture of things that occur in a woman body which are physical, emotion and behavioral, and usually takes place between four to six weeks after giving birth. The encouraging news is that it is treatable. Before delivery it may be very possible to identify the women at high risk of getting postpartum depression. this group will be given more concentration by a health professional during the period when they are almost giving birth. One of the...
1 Page 420 Words

Effects Of Stress To All Human Body Systems

Introduction Have you ever stressed over that one exam that kept you up all night studying for? Have you ever stressed over your choice of what major you should study in college? Have you ever stressed over where would you be in 10 years from now? I’m pretty sure that we have all experienced stress at some point or another .stress is a regular reaction and its effects can be good or bad or a mix of both. For example,...
3 Pages 1373 Words

Mindfulness As The Plan To Manage Anxiety

Introduction In recent decades the Mindfulness has had a significant boom in society. It is related to the word 'sati' in Pali of the vernacular language that dates from the time of the teachings of the Buddha, towards the years 2500 B.C. It has been used as a meditation technique, in different religions and another branch is aimed at improving physical and mental health, from the point of view of psychology. In the last 30 years, the mindfulness technique has...
2 Pages 900 Words

Stress Management: Work Related Stress And Major Health Concern

Stress is a major health concern in America today, and it is especially prominent among American workers. Studies have shown that over 94% of American workers have reported work-related stress and that over 61% of these American workers are ready to quit their jobs because of it (Milenkovic, 2019). Occupational stress poses different physiological effects involving hormones as well as pathological effects because of the suppressing of the immune system. It also leads to decreased productivity at work, increased costs...
7 Pages 2955 Words

Essay About Stress

Stress has affected people in a harmful way throughout time. It is identified when the individual passes through a certain tragedy or uncomfortable moment in their life, the body can automatically identify if the situation the person is going through is either threatening or non-threatening to them, and stress can either affect them long term or for a short amount of time. Stress factors also depend on the person’s gender, age, personality, etc. the individuals will react in different ways,...
1 Page 632 Words

Sociology Of Suicide: Most Enigmatic Of Human Behaviors

Suicide is a subject that is not openly talked about in society. The act of taking one’s life of their own causing death results directly or indirectly act of the victim themselves which they know the consequences of. According to Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC 1960), the attempt to die by suicide was a criminal offense, however, the Indian parliament in MCHA 2017 has implied the change of word for mental illness into severe stress that has...
4 Pages 1922 Words

Sleep Deprivation In Toddlers

Is your child not getting enough sleep? What is the main reason behind this? Indeed all of us know that an adult can sleep anytime but if it is a toddler he needs to sleep on an average 13 hours and 30 minutes sleep. Good sleep is equally important for the good health of a baby. As the baby grows older the time or duration of sleep decreases to a good extent and this is natural. If your toddler is...
1 Page 548 Words

Depression In Older Adults Due To The Loss Of A Spouse

The elderly population is especially vulnerable to depression because of numerous factors linked to the aging process, including loss of independence and freedom as well as a decrease in memory, speed, health, and skin elasticity. In fact, one of the most imperative factors is the fact that at some time in his or her life, an older person will most likely end up losing his or her spouse, leaving him or her spousally bereaved (Cleiren, 2019). Spousal bereavement is a...
3 Pages 1293 Words

The Difference Between Anxiety And Depression: Signs, Types And Therapy

It is estimated that 45 per cent of Australians will experience a mental health condition at some point in their life. Anxiety accounts for the highest mental health illness affecting over 2 million Australians yearly, and depression is estimated at 1 million. Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia affecting one in three women and one in five men in their lifetime. Everyone feels stressed, worried and anxious at times. Anxious feeling are a response to pressure...
3 Pages 1320 Words

Main Disorders That Cause Sleep Deprivation

As a ploy of Television and movies, sleep deprivation is often thought of when discussing torture, brainwashing or hostage negotiation techniques. In reality, sleep deprivation is at an epidemic level in the United States. The purpose of sleep is to allow the body to heal and recharge itself from any damages done throughout the day. Sleep helps the body to repair tissue, bone and muscles, replenish the immune System, balance hormones and eliminate free radicals from the body. The brain...
6 Pages 2653 Words

Understanding Why Someone Would Commit Suicide

Every day, millions of people experience it. For most individuals, it is within reasonable limits and usually somewhat healthy. However, as the world continues to advance in technology and competition for school and work increases, stress levels are at an all-time high. These levels of stress can be dangerous for all people. In some cases, immense stress can be fatal causing victims to commit suicide. From school to adulthood stress is everywhere. In historical sources and research studies, stressors in...
5 Pages 2120 Words

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