Social Issues essays

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Youth Engaging In Political Activism

3 Pages 1519 Words
Identification of the issue The youth today use the means of advocating their rights of freedom of speech by actively rioting and professing their position on the issues they are fighting against or siding with. Youth activism usually starts when the major problem of the government affects greatly or even a smidgen connects with any youth, albeit their school, social...

Privacy In Press And Internet

3 Pages 1416 Words
A discussion about privacy and its definition is as old as mankind. Everything started with the protection of individual’s body and house, which continuously evolved into controlling individual’s personal information. History proves that evolution and also makes clear evidence of an undoubtedly strong relationship between privacy and the technology development. This is the reason why I chose to discuss, analyse...

Life Imprisonment As An Alternative To Capital Punishment In Australia

3 Pages 1315 Words
Capital punishment has always been told to decrease capital crime, but modern day statistics show that this is no longer the case, therefore, the argument of this punishments use is unacceptable, and it must be removed from the legal system completely. I am humbled to be here today to talk about capital punishment and how it needs to be removed....

Postpartum Depression In Immigrants And Refugees

6 Pages 2597 Words
Introduction Paying attention to the postpartum period is important for women to fully recover after childbirth. Women who do not receive proper postpartum care have a high risk of developing postpartum depression (PPD). As well as having negative effects for the mother, untreated PPD can contribute to delays in the development of newborn infants. The effects of PPD are not...

Sexual Harassment And Violence In Athletic Programs

6 Pages 2851 Words
Introduction With the increase amount of student athletes, sexual harassment and violence has increase in athletic programs across the country. Sexual harassment and violence in athletics increase the risk of student athletes, athletic directors, and institutions to be held liable in a civil suit. There should be a more active role for athletic directors in preventing sexual harassment and assault...

Syrian Female Refugees At Risk For Mental Health Issues In Canada

4 Pages 1924 Words
Syrian refugee women are more likely to experience mental illness due to various obstacles and barriers. Some of these barriers are from past physical and mental trauma, feelings of isolation from lost family support, language and culture difficulties, and the social stigma associated with mental illness. Imagine you’re a pregnant, female Syrian refugee, being forced to relocate from the war-torn...

The Effects Of Elder Abuse Essay

4 Pages 1778 Words
Abuse is mistreatment of individuals at any age and any gender such as mistreatment among children, women, adult and older population. Abuse can occur at any vulnerable age, where individual is dependent on others. With modernization, the levels of compassion, love and humanity are decreasing which results in negative attitudes towards others, especially older population putting them at risk for...

The Color Purple By Alice Walker: Difficult And Trifling Aspects Of The Life Of African American Woman

3 Pages 1447 Words
The Color Purple, by the American novelist Alice Walker, is not only intense and insightful, but a very thought-provoking book to read. By intense and thought-provoking, I am speaking about how the book touches and analyzes incredibly difficult and trifling aspects of the life of a poverty-ridden, African American woman under oppression in the early twentieth century. The book is...

African American Slaves: Factors And Effects

4 Pages 1634 Words
In the 17​th and 18​th centuries, many labor market institutions and companies developed to enhance the movement of labor in reaction to the opportunities created by American factors of proportions. While some immigrant's servants migrated on their own to America, as adventurers or African slaves. African American Slavery was introduced in West India at an early date (the 1530s). In...

The History Of Child Labour

2 Pages 1081 Words
Although working conditions for children have significantly improved over the years, the inequality between rich and poor education continues to result in the exploitation of children in the labour industry. 1.2 What is child labour? Child labour refers to the exploitation of children through work and employment that deprives them of their childhood, their potential and their dignity. (, 2019)...

A Decrease In World Hunger With An Increase In Food Production

3 Pages 1314 Words
Introduction In Bjorn Lomborg article, The Truth About the Environment, he discusses the four big environmental fears that environmentalists worry about although he argues that environmental conditions are better now then they have ever been in the past. Lomborg makes the argument of there being more food produced in the world now then there has ever been throughout the history...

Blacks Are Not Allowed To Make Mistakes In America

2 Pages 795 Words
Systematic racism in America hurts people of color worldwide, especially young black kids and teenagers. Our system is set for African Americans to fail. Standards are doubled, rules are broken, and stereotypes are made. Young African Americans have higher standards compared to young Caucasians. During school, blacks are expected to participate in learning white history and be proud of our...

Equality Impacts On The Education In Australia

2 Pages 865 Words
To this day in Australia, there are still one in sixth Australian children and young people living in poverty. Research has shown that these young people living in a disadvantage have access to fewer educational supplies, therefore creating a major impact on their future lives. How is Australia supposed to be one of the richest countries when in reality, we’re...

Reasons And Policies To Stop Homelessness At Different Levels

3 Pages 1408 Words
Being homeless is a state when a person does not have anything to survive. When there is no shelter to live in. According to sociology theory, it is a serious issue in the world and our society. There are various causes behind this issue. Major causes of homelessness are Family disputes, imminent eviction, poor governmental policies, bad addiction, debt, and...

If There is No Struggle, There is No Progress Essay

2 Pages 811 Words
Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without thunder and lightning”. This quote summarizes Frederick Douglass’s trials and tribulations throughout his life. Frederick Douglass impacted American Literature tremendously throughout his life with powerful writings and speeches. He’d change many views of slavery throughout America about slavery in the 1800s. Abolitionist Frederick Douglass’s...

The Solution Of Gang Violence In Major Cities

2 Pages 801 Words
The Issue A gang is a group of criminals that takes control of a specific area and engage in either individually or collectively, in illegal, and possibly violent behavior. Gangs are involved in homicides, drug trafficking, robbery/theft for the purpose of making money. Similar to the Italian mobsters they are a group that try to take control of the city...

Female Oppression In A Streetcar Named Desire And A Thousand Splendid Suns

3 Pages 1325 Words
The notion of gender is fundamental to both the texts of A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams and A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. They each centralise female characters who face oppression at the hands of their superior male counterparts as well as the pressures of surrounding society. Despite certain similarities, the unique responses of these characters are...

Rape Culture Is Not A Myth, It Is Real And Dangerous

2 Pages 1063 Words
By definition, “rape culture” is an environment and sociological concept that rape is not only pervasive but also trivialized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality shaped by customs and stereotypes formed by society (Waweru Nduta, 2018). Although the term was generated recently, this horrendous pattern of ignorance reflects on an already existing custom that dates back to medieval...

Postpartum Depression In The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman

2 Pages 899 Words
The story of “The Yellow Wallpaper” discusses how depression will drive the mind to experience conflicts that will eventually lead to a mental breakdown. When Charlotte Perkins Gilman got married and had a baby what is considered the norm. The husband was isolating her by keeping her locked up in their home away from any social interactions with others. Gilman...

Racial Profiling In Media And Uprising In The Book The Hate U Give

2 Pages 1078 Words
“That's the so-called gun,” Ms. Ofrah explains. “Officer Cruise claims he saw it in the car door, and he assumed Khalil was reaching for it. The handle was thick enough, black enough, for him to assume it was a gun.” “And Khalil was black enough,” Daddy adds. A hairbrush. Khalil died over a fucking hairbrush.” This is the story that...

Distracted Driving: Eyes Off The Road

2 Pages 746 Words
Distracted driving is an activity where the driver takes his eyes off the road and diverts his or her attention. Distracted driving includes texting, using a cell phone, eating or drinking, reading, talking to passengers, looking a the GPS, etc. There are 3 types of distraction while driving Visual, Manual, and Cognitive distraction. We need to make distracted driving laws...

The Approaches To Overcome Inequality

2 Pages 974 Words
Inequality can be described as the uneven distribution of opportunities, prizes, and power between individuals, households, and groups (Turner, 2006). This division, based on differences between people, is the fundament of every modern and class-divided society. Inequality has risen across the world for several decades; some countries have decreased the numbers of extremely poor people, but economic differences have increased...

Catholic Teaching And The Capital Punishment In The Movie The Green Mile

3 Pages 1176 Words
The use of capital punishment is one contested issue within today’s society and is present within the movie ‘The Green Mile’. ‘The Green Mile’ tells a story of an unusual inmate who possess many inexplicable healing powers. The man who possess the special powers, named John Coffey, was convicted of killing two young girls however later on in the movie...

The Moral Aspects Of Dumpster Diving

4 Pages 1629 Words
All human beings are in this world are equal. They had been created equal but their economic fame may additionally not. Not every human have an identical situation, same economic reputation, and equal health problems but as a human, we must all come together and help each different. We should value each other as humans, not by what we have...

The Moral Response Of Christians Towards Same Sex Marriage

7 Pages 3187 Words
Introduction This essay is about the moral response of Christians toward people who identify as a sexual minority. Like the lesbian woman in the opening quote, many sexual minorities experience rejection from their churches. Why do some Christians support same-sex marriage when others do not? For the first time in recorded history, several nations have officially recognized that a significant...

Freedom Of Expression As A Fundamental Right

4 Pages 1608 Words
Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states “everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” (United Nations) This unlimited freedom has created numerous controversies over time, with different media and...

The Civil Rights Movement: An Extension Of Progressivism

2 Pages 778 Words
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was a beloved figure of freedom and a controversial figure during the rise of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950’s and 60’s. Claybourne Carson, editor of 'The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr' had accumulated hundreds of documents, and audio recordings to create this autobiography that allows the reader to get into the deepest...

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