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Analysis of Martin Luther King Jr.'s ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’ and Thomas Jefferson's 'Declaration of Independence'

4 Pages 1931 Words
In this work, I will analyze the works of Martin Luther King Jr. and Thomas Jefferson and review the strategies used in their works. Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’ is addressed to several Clergymen, explaining the actions that led him to the jail. Fellow Clergymen called King ‘unwise and untimely’ for his work and ideas of...

Analysis of Effect of Martin Luther King's Speeches in the Movie 'Selma': Essay

2 Pages 903 Words
This essay will explore the effect of Martin Luther King’s speeches in ‘Selma’. His emphasis on community power shows the success of peacebuilding from the bottom-up. Indeed, the technique of non-violent protests and the media’s portrayal of the aggression protestors faced forced political action at the highest levels to occur. In ‘Selma’, King delivers his speeches in the distinct Southern...

Analysis of the Causes of University Students' Discontent in France in 1968

5 Pages 2240 Words
May 1968 saw some of the largest protests in contemporary French history witnessing a month of demonstrations, university buildings being taken over and economic standstill resulting in a snap legislative election. An article published in The Guardian on May 13th highlighted a number of reasons why these protests had broken out such as a lack of lecturers, the expansion of...

Persuasive Speech about Animal Rights and Need to Defend Them

2 Pages 721 Words
The animals on our earth seriously need our help. For animal rights activists, recent years have shown an outpour of emotion and pledge for help as millions of animals face the suffering of animal cruelty and testing every day. Many campaigns and organizations have been put together on social media and online to reinforce the importance of putting a stop...

Critical Analysis of 'Mona Lisa Smile' through Feminist Theory

4 Pages 1825 Words
Introduction to Feminist Perspectives in "Mona Lisa Smile" Set in the years of 1950, the film ‘Mona Lisa Smile’ directed by Mike Newell is an inspirational picture that explores life through feminism; marriage and education lead by a modernist teacher at the end of a traditional era. The film is shown to be very true to the time period it...

A Stray': Movie Review

1 Page 555 Words
The movie, ‘A Stray’ was released on October 21, 2016. It was created by the writer and independent filmmaker, Musa Sayeed. It was directed by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun. The two were inspired to work on the film following a Somalian refugee because they are both Somali-Americans. The movie was even shot in the neighborhood where the director grew up. The creator,...

Gay Rights Movement Essay

6 Pages 2537 Words
The Gay Rights Movement - A Historiographical Analysis Homosexuals have been despised for much of history, but only in the latter half of the 20th century and the 21st century have gay people gained greater visibility and acceptance. In the United States, this could happen because of the Gay rights movement that originated in the 1950s. Some historians address the...

Affluent and Black and Still Trapped by Segregation

4 Pages 2041 Words
Everyone at some point in their life has to move, it can either be for university or for work-related purposes. There are many elements a person considers when it comes to deciding where they would want to rent/buy a house. These elements could be the closeness to their work building, the rate of crime, the price of the house, or...

Pros and Cons of Segregation

3 Pages 1202 Words
Together sixty-five percent of kindergarten classrooms are made up of African Americans and Hispanic individuals. On the contrary, only eighteen percent of them are being admitted into gifted and talented programs (par. 5). America's school system and student population remain segregated, by race and class. Inequalities still remain in schools; this is not just the result of poorly managed schools;...

Modern Segregation in America

2 Pages 1025 Words
The United States has continuously been a diverse but segregated nation. This has developed American politics extremely. Danah Boyd's article, “Why America is Self Segregating”, he briefly explains the unraveling of two historical institutions through social, racial, and class-supported differences of social networks. “Displacing Democracy Economic Segregation in America”, by Amy Widestrom she discusses that less forunate residents are at...

The Physical and Psychological Impact of Misogyny in The Handmaid’s Tale

1 Page 675 Words
Organizations like MeToo and TimesUp have recently become important movements that shed light on sexism and misogyny. In October 2017, the hashtag #MeToo stood out in the news universally, inspiring women from around the world to openly share their experiences with sexual harassment or assault. The movement gained momentum after sexual assault charges were alleged against movie producer Harvey Weinstein....

The Importance of Me Too Movement

1 Page 667 Words
There is an extended number of severe and challenging social issues that people try to but cannot eliminate. One such problem is abuse and harassment, and the Me Too movement aims to reduce the rate of assaulting people regardless of their age, gender, and race. The article “Me Too Founder Tarana Burke: Movement Is Not Over” discusses the actual goal...

Solutions are Needed to Help Reduce Homeless Deaths

3 Pages 1293 Words
Homelessness is a serious problem in USA. There are approximately 650,000 people experiencing homelessness every night and every year more than 1.6 million Americans has to sleep in shelters or transitional housing for at least one night (Hwang, Stephen W, et al.). As appeared in Wikipedia, about 12,500 homeless people sleep on the streets or in shelters in Seattle King...

Social Media as a Tool for Social Movements

2 Pages 827 Words
In this article, the authors offer convincing arguments regarding the use of social media to influence social movements. Such technological innovations provide the best environment for participation and encourage people to focus on issues that affect them directly. Individuals who rely on social media platforms will have higher chances of pursuing a wide range of initiatives, thus becoming an important...

Handmaid's Tale Research

6 Pages 2539 Words
A Feminist Modernist Dystopia Feminism began in the mid 1960's as the First Wave of Feminism hit. It is the idea that women should be capable of doing and should be allowed to do anything men can do. Feminists believe that neither sex is naturally superior and stand behind the idea that women are inherently just as powerful and scholarly...

Feminism in Harry Potter

2 Pages 753 Words
Harry Potter series basically deal with a binary opposition between good and evil. The protagonist of the series: Harry Potter “is a representation of all the best qualities in our society: courage, intelligence, athleticism, and loyalty. He is the standard Classic Hero, the best of the best, the cream of the crop. The guy everyone knows will succeed.”(joe bunting).. A...

Abortion: My Body, My Choice

2 Pages 953 Words
Earlier this month, Alabama's governor, Kay Ivey, signed into law the most restrictive abortion legislation in the United States. The legislation bans abortion in nearly all circumstances, including rape and incest; with the only exception to the ban being when a woman's health is at serious risk. However, due to ongoing legal challenges, these bans have yet to be put...

“Me Too” Ramifications in India

2 Pages 852 Words
Introduction: #MeToo movement was founded by Tarana Burke but began as a much needed social phenomenon in October 2017 as a hashtag started by American actress Alyssa Milano who shared her story of sexual assault against Harvey Weinstein. The hashtag caught like wildfire when women from across the world began talking about their survivor stories. In India, however, this MeToo...

The Importance of Trans Inclusivity in Schools

3 Pages 1368 Words
In the Murky discourse that surrounds “Bathroom Bills” the overall humanity of the subjects of such bills has been lost. We’ve moved away from empathy and dived headlong into specious claims and assertions with little to no backing. It is important to keep in mind the worth and value of trans people and their right to human dignity. In this...

Feminism Beyond the Binary

4 Pages 1864 Words
Whether it is conscious or subconscious, people often understand the fight for “gender equality” as being a fight for equality between men and women and a fight that must take place within the gender binary. Feminist discourse tends to centralize the struggle of women and, in turn, the feminist movement has sought to dismantle the barriers for inclusion of women,...

Essay on Slavery in Latin America

2 Pages 816 Words
There is a big question about the true intentions of Spanish policy towards indigenous peoples, as they claimed that their main intention was to add the continent of South America under the rule of the Spanish Crown, which would mean that they would be subjects of Spain. Therefore, it would be against the law to force them into slavery. But...

ISIS in Syria and Iraq

3 Pages 1169 Words
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is shocking; it seems impossible to be true. ISIS is a Sunni jihadist group with violent ideology that calls itself a caliphate and religious authority. Organized rebel militias were engaging in combat with government troops in cities around and near Syria and Iraq. ISIS is known for public executions, crucifixions and other acts...

Dire Situation of Women in Argentina

2 Pages 878 Words
“In 2016 alone, 254 Argentine women died from gender-based violence… that amounts to one woman killed every 34 hours” (Andres). This is called a femicide; femicide is when you target females specifically and hurt them for their gender. People in Argentina do this because there is nothing to stop them, no consequences. They say that it is allowed because the...

Challenges of North Korean Refugees in South Korea

1 Page 569 Words
‘My Escape from North Korea’, a speech by Hyeonseo Lee, a North Korean defector, and activist, describes a North Korean’s experience as a refugee and the challenges she faced while settling in South Korea. The famine in the 1990s forced countless to escape from North Korea despite risking their lives. Today, North Korean refugees have settled down in various countries,...

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