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Physical Appearance Discrimination in the Professional World

1 Page 641 Words
The word discrimination is widely used to criticize actions that disadvantage groups of people because of certain traits such as sex, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, but also disability, weight, age or genetic constitution (Heinrichs, 2012). In this basic sense, to discriminate against someone is to treat her disadvantageously relative to others because she has or is believed to have some...

Critical Reflexive Analysis Concerning Whiteness

2 Pages 1124 Words
Whiteness has, until recently, been an issue which has laid dormant in my mind for almost my entire life. And when one considers all the times I didn’t have to think about it, for example when I was not arrested for public intoxication, having a party at my house, or driving with loud music, this fact makes more sense. I,...

The Fourth of July Is not an Important Day for Everyone

3 Pages 1344 Words
Throughout American history, there have been many incidents of oppression regarding the people of the United States especially African Americans. Frederick Douglass’ speech ‘What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?’ shows that The Declaration of Independence is not only historically important, but it also has faults. Both documents briefly discuss the British crown and freedom in both cases....

Jon Meacham’s View of Thomas Jefferson as a Significant Figure in American History

3 Pages 1541 Words
Jon Meacham’s ‘Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power’ takes a look into the life of the 3rd President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson. However, his story does not begin there, Jefferson was a well-known individual before his presidency. He was a man of culture, philosophy, and politics. Jefferson defied the original thinking of having to be either a person...

Video Games Make Kids Violent

2 Pages 1011 Words
Violence can be manifested in various ways, although the most frequently used is attacking, which means disrespecting in rude manners to the people around a person. Video games and violence has been a main topic in todays world revolving around the younger generation. Video game addiction also known as gaming disorder is generally defined as problematic, and a compulsive use...

Black Lives Should Matter

2 Pages 807 Words
African Americans struggle daily with racism or racial slurs. Black lives should be respected and not taken as a joke or being harm by other races. By the color, of their skin, etc. African Americans are being attacked everyday by police or sociality. It should not happen because we are all equal. It does not matter by the race or...

Hate Speech Legislation in Sri Lanka

4 Pages 1681 Words
Here in Sri Lanka, the response to recent communal riots was to temporarily ban social media. An extra-ordinary move indeed. We should ask ourselves whether it was Facebook that caused the riots in 1915, the 1970s, the 1980s. Or is it a convenient excuse to stifle criticism of the Government’s handling of the crisis and to ignore the root causes...

America's Social, Political, and Economic Rise in the Late 1800s and Early 1900s

2 Pages 978 Words
Progression has been the number one goal throughout American history. With this progression, it caused many changes through the economy, social structure, and the political structure of America. This allowed America to be one of the top empires of its time. The reason why it allowed America to be one of the top empires of its time was through the...

Equality and Diversity Models in the Context of Disability

3 Pages 1337 Words
There are two models that are used in the discussion of equality and diversity, the medical model and a slightly newer model which was developed in the 60s within the paper of Paul Hunt, ‘A Critical condition’ named the social model. The differences between the medical and the social model create different impacts on the professional role and how they...

Freedom to Speak, Freedom to Discern

2 Pages 888 Words
America prides itself on being the ‘Land of the Free’; however, as strange online activity and conspiracy mongering enter the public spotlight, the kind of freedom we so cherish must be decided. Are we entitled to a freedom to speak however we would like, or entitled to a freedom to be sheltered from harmful and false ways of thinking? As...

In the Footsteps of Christian Leaders

3 Pages 1376 Words
Christianity has remained one of the strongest and well-known religions for ages dating back to Jesus’s birth. Christianity is the religion established on Jesus Christ the person, his teachings and story. Numerous people partake in and follow Christianity, however there have been individuals who lived their whole lives faithfully and expressed their religions values and beliefs through Christ like actions....

White Privilege of Modern American Society

3 Pages 1227 Words
America’s demographic has been skewed to the advantage of white people throughout its history. From slavery to Jim Crow laws, the systems in place has always valued the white majority. As recently as 2018, the US census has shown that white people make up around 62.4% of the United States. As a result of this, people began to believe that...

White Rage Privilege in Judicial System

1 Page 542 Words
Many skinheads and racist whites have been prosecuted for violence against African Americans, Asians, and other racial or religious minorities. People are not aware of any of them arguing that they should be acquitted because of their hatred of other races or religions. However, there is a famous case in which white rage was a determining factor and which allows...

The Irony of the Concept of Race

1 Page 575 Words
Race is an aspect that impacts our lives on a daily basis, whether it be negatively or positively. This is largely due to the hierarchy of the races that exists in the United states. In the 19th century, scientists and scholars began attempts to scientifically justify the existence of races and the inferiority of non-white races compared to their white...

Integrating Major Bible Themes into Jane Addams' Career and Personal Life

2 Pages 804 Words
There are some important questions to ask ourselves as followers of Christ. What types of actions will help us maintain our relationship with God? This question is most simply answered as the 12 spiritual disciplines. I will be focusing on the discipline of service and how Jane Addams was an incredible example of how God wished to see His people...

Title IX's Restrictions on Women Athletes of Color

2 Pages 929 Words
Sports participation and scholarships opportunities for all women athletes, including colored women has increased due to Title IX. However, there is still work to be made for women of color to gain equal representation and opportunities in athletics. In the textbook, ‘Women and Sports’, Ellen S. Staurowsky introduces emerging sports by defining it as, “NCAA Institutions increased women’s sports opportunities,...

Changing the Native American World by European Pioneers

3 Pages 1152 Words
The years 1620-1760 caused immense changes to the North American continent. The Native Americans first encountered European pilgrims, and in the blink of the eye, saw their world change by European pioneers. Not only did the Europeans venture to the Americas, but they also traveled to Africa. There they established a transatlantic slave exchange. This slave exchange would begin a...

Key Ways to Stop Gun Violence in Modern Society

3 Pages 1133 Words
Gun violence tends to happen in every country but recently it has been occurring more frequently in the United States. No other country has even half the number of gun deaths as the United States and none come close to half of the number of firearms that circulate and flow within our boarders yet there seems to be no urgent...

Frederick Douglass's 'What a Slave Is the Fourth of July?' Speech: Uncomfortable Points

1 Page 405 Words
Fredick Douglass, born into slavery in 1818, in Talbot County, Maryland. Douglass is in fact known for giving an astounding speech. In 1852, Douglas was invited to give a speech at Independence Day celebration. His speech, 'What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?' was delivered at an event commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence, held at...

The Underestimated Method of Fighting Back

3 Pages 1394 Words
Ever since the first human civilization was established, the imperfections of humanity are prone to give birth to injustices amongst ourselves. With the inveterate inclination for humans to take the best of everything for themselves, throughout history, stories of oppression from one party to another are common. However, when the exploited party becomes aware of the inequality, people begin to...

Disadvantages of Standardized Testing and Effective Alternatives to It

1 Page 435 Words
Michelle Obama, most would describe her as a very successful and intelligent individual with all of her accomplishments including graduating from Princeton University as Cum Laude with a bachelor's degree in Sociology and continuing her education at Harvard University law school. Mrs. Obama once stated “if my future were determined just by my performance on a standardized test, I wouldn’t...

Reflection on Oppression and Privilege from Personal Experience

2 Pages 786 Words
In the words of Marilyn Frye (1983), “The word ‘oppression’ is a strong word. It repels and attracts. It is dangerous and dangerously fashionable and endangered. It is much misused, and sometimes not innocently”. In this reflection statement I will try to define what oppression is and how it intersects with privilege in my personal life and experiences. I will...

Gun Violence: The 2020 Election

2 Pages 784 Words
The United States' presidential elections have held much weight in recent years, especially with a new competitor entering the scene with no prior experience in political matters: Donald Trump. With Trump representing the Republican Party and the Democrats backing Hillary Clinton, the 2016 election was one of much suspense and surprise with the newcomer, Trump, taking the nation by storm...

Let's Fight Gun Violence Before It's Too Late

2 Pages 983 Words
There has never been a shortage of violence in society for as long as humans have existed. It predates back to a time even before civilization with some religion such as Christianity having recorded incidents. The bible has several documented historical passages depicting a cycle of violence towards one another for various reasons. Millenniums later the situation has not changed...

The Changes in Global Politics Since the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

5 Pages 2082 Words
Then: “It is very important that Americans understand that the threat we face is not part of the Islamic faith” (Peters et al 1998). Now: “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” (Heilpern 2017). Both are controversial, both leading to different intra-state views, both affecting global politics and actions. One...

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