Crime essays

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The Horrific Event at Guantanamo Bay

3 Pages 1265 Words
The American Psychological Association was formed in 1892 and spread quickly after World War II. The APA is one of the largest scientific and professional organisation representing psychology in the United States. In 2017, the APA (American Psychology Association) settled a case against two psychologists who allegedly utilised the CIA’s ‘enhanced interrogation’ techniques in the aftereffect of 9/11 and violating...

Armed Robbery in Victoria

1 Page 430 Words
In this essay, I am going to analyze armed robbery as a type of criminal act in the state of Victoria, Australia. Definition of Armed Robbery in the State of Victoria Under the Crimes Act 1958 Section 75A, armed robbery is defined as an offender committing robbery and being armed at that time with a firearm, imitation firearm, offensive weapon,...

Ned Kelly as Vigilante and Tragic Hero

2 Pages 843 Words
Allow me to challenge your perspective of the once defined scoundrel, Ned Kelly. However, before we begin let’s define a cultural icon. A cultural icon is the embodiment of a particular idea, belief or way of living which one deems rememberable. Ned Kelly is one of the most controversially well-known folk heroes within today’s society. For decades he has had...

The Most Common to Detect Deception

1 Page 600 Words
Many people believe that they know how to detect deception. They rely on nonverbal cues or actions that often speak louder than words. Indeed, there are body language signals that can help determine if a person is telling the real story. It is often believed that you can tell if the person is honest or not by looking at his...

Catfishing: Background and Main Causes

2 Pages 788 Words
The way that people interconnect using the Internet has truly transformed since 1990. Social media has introduced new means for people to communicate with each other and stay connected. People chat with one another and share memes via Facebook, post pictures on Instagram and Snapchat, etc. Technology has significantly altered the way that people search for love. In this modern...

Impact of Jurisdiction on Cybercrime Prosecution

2 Pages 1037 Words
In the prosecution of cybercrime one of the most problematic issues is jurisdiction. Cybercrime presents difficulties in prosecution because it’s borderless. Cyberspace has made it possible for criminals to commit crimes anywhere in the world with ease of movement across geographic borders unmatched by law enforcement. Many of these criminals are not committing crimes in their country of origin which...

The Benefits of a Body Camera

5 Pages 2143 Words
Police Body Worn Cameras or BWC's have been a vigorously talked about point in law requirements over the previous five years. Because of prominent police utilization of power occurrences, for example, the passing’s of Michael Brown and Tamir Rice, it has called for expanded cop responsibility and straightforwardness from legislators, political activists, the media, and people in general on the...

The Issue of Lethal Force by the Police

2 Pages 886 Words
In 1982 James and Kelling proposed the idea of broken windows. The theory ties disorder and hatefulness within the society to subsequent events of serious offence. One of the principles represented in the broken principle of windows is that there is little empirical evidence that conditions are causing crime when left unchallenged. Law enforcers tend to concentrate on serious crime...

Examining the O.J. Simpson Murder Case

2 Pages 902 Words
The high profile case that I have decided to research is the case involving O.J. Simpson. I picked this case because it involved a former NFL running back and the NFL is my favorite sport to watch. Also, this case received a lot of media coverage and was talked about across the United States. The People of the State of...

Sex Crimes in America

3 Pages 1258 Words
I accept that sex crimes have a real impact on the victims but it is noted and no longer taken significantly. Sex crimes are often overlooked because it isn't considered to be a serious crime because of the lack of consequences handed out to those who commit these crimes and the fact that it is simply not understood. In this...

Police Brutality and Justifiable Violence

4 Pages 1771 Words
American police brutality and use of excessive force in the 1990s was a major problem, primarily because of the racial prejudice that has come with it. By definition, excessive force refers to force in excess of what a police officer reasonably believes is necessary (Legal Information Institute). Officers of the law would attempt to justify these immoral actions by claiming...

FBI Profiling as the Most Influential Method of Offender Profiling

2 Pages 741 Words
Offender profiling is a tool that is used primarily by law enforcement in terms of investigating. This method helps to identify the personality, behavioural and demographic characteristics of offenders based on the findings from analysing a crime scene. This investigative tool is used to generate possible findings as well as narrowing down the list of possible suspects; this is successful...

Online Child Sexual Abuse: Current Risk Assessments and Treatments for Online Offenders

4 Pages 1880 Words
Internet sex offenders are described as those who commit sexual offences online. Child sex abuse is a growing concern. Two main forms of cyber-enabled sexual abuse against a child are grooming and proliferation of indecent images of children (IIOC). Online grooming is the use of digital technologies to facilitate either online or offline sexual contact with minors. IIOC Incorporates the...

Overview of Criminal Profiling Methods

3 Pages 1225 Words
It is the primary concern of the police to safeguard the protection of the community this also includes the apprehension of offenders. Law enforcement agencies are seeking the help of psychologists that specialize in human behaviour when conducting a criminal investigation in the search of a suspect. Criminal profiling often known as offender profiling which was coined by the Federal...

Reflective Essay on Bad Day: The Spark of School Shootings

3 Pages 1271 Words
Bang, bang, the sound echoes throughout the school. Screams coming from every direction, students running trying to escape or even hide. Parents fearing for the worst. Asking themselves and the police is my child okay? Is he/she alive? This essay will argue the Columbine High School massacre of 1999, is just an event is just of many that shows and...

Critical Analysis of Doubts about the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Ability to Provide Domestic Intelligence Security

3 Pages 1404 Words
Subject: Domestic Intelligence Security would be better fulfilled if a unified domestic intelligence agency were to be created and the FBI returned to its original mission. Purpose Policy critics have voiced serious doubts about the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)’s capability to competently assume the role of intelligence gatherer for the Intelligence Community (IC). (Session 5 Lecture, 2020) With all...

Critical Analysis of the Essence and Applicability of Sociological Imagination

5 Pages 2524 Words
Introduction to Sociology Norms can be simply defined as behaviours, thoughts or values that most people share within the same society. They are unwritten rules or standards that provide us with an expected idea on how people should and should not behave in various social situations (Shah, n.d). Typical social norms in society consist of, saying hello or shaking someone’s...

Assessment of Policing Transnational Organized Crime: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1808 Words
1. Introduction Globalization and growing economic interdependence have optimistic and promoted transnational crime outside borders in all parts of the globe. Enhanced communications and information technologies, increased blurring of nation borders, greater mobility of people, goods and services across countries and the crisis of the globalized economy have moved crime advance gone from its domestic base. The natural world of...

Analytical Essay on the Functions of International and Local Police to Control Transnational Organized Crime

5 Pages 2264 Words
Introduction This paper is an article review analysis with local and international police functions to control transnational organized crime’ articulated by different authors. In this review objective of the each author on the cases, the central idea that was discussed and issue raised and the drawback of the authors and, review of the article will end with the conclusions and...

Organization of Local, International and Transnational Organized Crime Policing and Research Issue

5 Pages 2420 Words
Introduction This review is try to assess the Organization of Local, international and transnational organized crime policing and research issue. Policing is always necessary in all societies for the protection of order, safety and social relations. Approaches to policing vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, organization to organization (Interpol, UNPOL, and AUPOL (AfriPol) and country to country (Reiner, 2002). Police officers...

Role of Transnational and Local Policing in Organized Crime Prevention: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2121 Words
Article review Alice Hills(2009) the possibility of transnational policing, Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 19:3, 300-317, DOI: 10.1080/10439460902871363 Ben Bowling (2009), Transnational Policing: The Globalization Thesis, a Typology, and a Research Advance Access Publication: 21 April 2009Policing, Volume 3, Number 2, pp.149– 160doi:10.1093/police/pap001 Stan Gilmour and Robert France (2011) local policing and transnational organized crime,...

Rise of Sexual Assault Violations despite SHARP Program: Analytical Essay

1 Page 413 Words
Why do sexual assault (SHARP) violations keep rising despite all the training? SHARP stands for Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention. Sexual assault has captured the attention of the media for a long time. It is persistent in the Army and does not seem to stop soon. SHARP violation rises in the army regardless of all the training. The report has...

Critical Analysis of the Issues of Gun Violence and Its Control

6 Pages 2835 Words
Gun violence stands for usage of guns in an attempt to harm someone or cause any sort of casualty intentionally or unintentionally. The discussions with regard to the ownership of firearms and proposals for combating gun violence have been largely controversial and have amassed divided public opinions as well as conflicting constitutional claims. In an attempt to tackle this problem,...

Rise of Organized Crime in the 1920s: Case Study of Al Capone

3 Pages 1591 Words
In 1920s America, a rise of consumerism had emerged, as well as many new rebellious sentiments. As a younger generation began to rebel against societal norms, different aspects of society would also experience changes that would eventually transform American into a modern society. In an attempt to uphold the morality of society, the government passed the Prohibition Act in 1920...

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