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Burned Out: A Phenomenological Study On Stress Among Senior High Student Athletes

Abstract In today’s society students are exposed to stress. Stress is a process in which when an organism’s welfare is threatened or challenged by environmental events, prompting the organism to respond to that threat (Gatchel, 1996). Student Athletes experience different stressors depending on their athletic status such as time demands, injuries and conflict with their coaches or teammates (Humphrey, Yow, & Bowden, 2000; Papanikolaou et al., 2003). The main focus of the research is the experiences of Senior High Athlete...
4 Pages 2025 Words

Effects Of Nutrition On Oral Bacteria

While researching for this paper, I’ve learned a little bit more about the history of dental carries and its effects on us even in the early days. I found a few authors who took time to really study the behaviours of oral bacteria that lives in our mouth. This paper also tells the importance of being well educated regarding our oral health. As we all know that bacteria were the first living things on Earth way back a few hundred...
3 Pages 1528 Words

The Causes And Contributing Factors Of Language Learning Anxiety On ESL Learners

Introduction The main goal of educators of English as a second language (ESL) is to enhance the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers. The acquisition of the English language has been a necessity, taking into account that competent users of the language provide advantages, especially in education and employment particularly in the Philippines (Incirci, Turan & Ă–ztĂĽrk, 2018). English in the country is used extensively in the daily lives of Filipinos, and it has already established new norms that...
6 Pages 2694 Words

Solution To Enforcing Vaccination

Anti-vaccination is a serious thing to enforce about. You got religious people or crazy moms that don’t want to vaccinate their own child because they fear of that kid getting autism. Even though there are no proven facts about it. If there is a kid that has autism, it is from generic or drugs. By making laws to enforce vaccination, there will be least dangerous diseases like the measles and the pertussis (just to name a few). If you are...
1 Page 487 Words

Types And Effects Of Injuries In Basketball

Injures is one of the most common ways an athlete can end his career. Injuries are truly something athletes try to avoid. There are some cases where athletes that get injured don’t come back as the prime player they were. Kobe Bryant, for example is one of the most or was one of the best basketball players that ever stepped on this earth. Around 2012 or 2013 he got injured with a fractured knee cap, after coming back from this...
2 Pages 710 Words

The Effectiveness Of Different Therapies In Treating Borderline Personality Disorder

Abstract Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a highly stigmatized and complex disorder affecting 2-6 individuals in every 100, which makes it the most popular of personality types (Van Den Bosch, et al 2005). There is very little evidence-based theory to suggest the best treatment however there have been at-least 17 randomised trials carried out since 1991. Trials have suggested DBT to be extremely successful in reducing tendencies of self-harm (Stepp et al, 2008). However, there is little said about its...
4 Pages 1989 Words

The Peculiarities Of Crop Cultivation On Mars

The success of humans on Mars will largely depend on the growth of plants as a food source and as such, one must determine whether this is possible given the harsh Martian environment. In this essay I will discuss the potential problems to cultivating crops on Mars as well as possible solutions. Atmospheric conditions: hypobaria and elevated CO2 Atmospheric pressure on Mars is ~0.6 kPa, significantly less than that of Earth which is insufficient for photosynthesis and water vapour pressure...
2 Pages 910 Words

Recombinant DNA Technology & Cloning

RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY Recombinant DNA Technology refers to the process by which DNA molecules of two different species are joined together and then inserted into a host for the production of new genetic combinations which are valuable to science, medicine, agriculture and industry. Steps involved in this process are: 1. Isolation of genetic material The genetic material in living organisms is generally nucleic acids. Whereas in most of the cases it is DNA and sometimes it is RNA. The first...
2 Pages 861 Words

Heart Attack: How It Happens

Up until about two years ago, the idea, or anything about myocardial infarction (a heart attack), had hardly ever crossed my mind. I didn’t really know much about them, nor did I have any relatives or close friends that had been directly affected by them. All I was aware of was that it was something that could be fatal. It wasn’t until this heart condition impacted my family directly that I became somewhat knowledgeable on the subject. After only being...
7 Pages 3246 Words

Body Guilt And Shame As Predictors Of Isolation And Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is the dread of social circumstances that include association with others. The uneasiness and nervousness of being contrarily judged and assessed by others is called social anxiety. The physical symptoms of social anxiety include Muscle tension, rapid heartbeat, Stomach trouble and inability to catch breath etc. (Teng, Gao, Huang, & Poon, 2019). Moreover, the role of social anxiety for the body shame is very significant and symptom of these are the fear of judgment based on one’s appearance...
3 Pages 1287 Words

The Correlation Of Coffee And Running

Put those sneakers on and tie them twice, we’re going for a run - a run with coffee! Not an actual run with coffee for that would be dangerous, a metaphorical one of course. INTRO At the large picture, it might seem odd to picture coffee and running in the same scene. After all, it would be quite impressive if someone could actually run and drink coffee at the same time, that is of course without spilling the coffee everywhere....
3 Pages 1201 Words

The Reasons Why Romeo Is In Charge Of Their Fate In The Play Romeo And Juliet

In the story, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Romeo is the architect of his own doom. The inevitable death of Romeo and Juliet was caused by Romeo's traits: he is impulsive, he is immature, and he is sad and depressed mostly because of his desire to love and be loved. Firstly, Romeo's impulsiveness and hastiness lead to his death because of three reasons: Romeo rushing his relationships, Romeo rushing his marriage to Juliet, and rushing his death with getting...
3 Pages 1219 Words

Martin Luther King Jr. Death As Most Impactful Assassination

Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated on 4th April 1968. He was an activist who organized peaceful demonstrations to seek for the freedom and the rights of the minority populations in America particularly the people of color. Before and after him, there were other activists killed in America but his assassination stood out among many others because fifty years later, its impacts could still be felt (Seeger, and Reiser). America is still under recovery after the death of Martin Luther...
4 Pages 1611 Words

Faith’s Impact On Substance Abuse

According to the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and the transtheoretical model of change, “for most people with substance abuse problems, recurrence of substance use is the rule not the exception” (Enhancing Motivation for Change, 1999, p. xvii). Relapse can and most likely will occur in recovery, and should be recognized as well as anticipated by substance abuse recovery counselors. The significant challenges to counselors are bringing a client successfully and securely through a relapse and eventually preventing relapse from...
6 Pages 2718 Words

Plant-Based Diet Can Help Prevent Obesity In Middle-Aged Adults

Abstract Middle-Aged Adults have so much to be mindful about from the concerns of income, housing, employment, marriage, health concerns and to top it off how to maintain a healthy lifestyle through diet that would help prevent obesity. With the hype over so many new and so-called improved diet plans that can help some lose weight that can help control cravings, to low carbs, low fat, just to name a few. The new trend is that more Middle-Aged Adults are...
5 Pages 2154 Words

Stress And Its Factors In Athletes

High school is supposed to be a time where teens get to have fun with little to worry about. However, teens today just feel a large amount of stress that is associated with having too many things to do. Between extracurricular activities, advanced classes, responsibilities at home and part-time jobs, teens are beginning to get burnt out. They do not want to be underprepared for their futures in college or in the workforce, so teens believe that they have to...
2 Pages 1134 Words

Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative And Suicide In Society

The worth of human life is the most invaluable asset in human societies. Nevertheless, suicide raises some moral questions. While various theories elucidate the reasons why some individuals decide to attempt or commit suicide, there is a need for philosophical examination to justify such actions. Today, human beings are faced with numerous problems, some of which ultimately lead many individuals to prefer death to life. A significant body of literature documents different reasons that make these individuals commit suicide. These...
6 Pages 2826 Words

Plant Based Burgers

The purpose of this C.T. is to find solutions to reduce the impact of human activity in the world and we are going to try to find positive solutions that could help change the human activity in the world. The problem that we chose to solve is to reduce the amount of meat we eat.We chose this topic because we want to show that something that doesn’t use meat like plant-based burgers , can help our environment in many different...
3 Pages 1314 Words

The Anti-vaccine Movement Infecting Modern Medicine

Vaccines save lives; fear endangers lives. While opposition to vaccines is as old as the vaccines themselves, vaccines work. They have kept children healthy and most importantly, alive. Most vaccines given in childhood years are around 90-99% effective in preventing disease. So why would you keep such an advantage away from your child? The anti-vaccination movement has become a global epidemic, spreading across social media and poisoning people’s minds along the way, resulting in an exponentially increasing number of parents...
3 Pages 1182 Words

Parkinson’s Disease In Neurodegeneration

The term neurodegenerative disease contains different conditions that affect the neurons in the human brain. Neurons are the nerve cells in the nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. Neurons usually don’t reproduce so when they get damaged they die off and can’t be replaced by the body. This is why neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s can’t be cured. These diseases are progressive and get worse over time, causing the brain to not function the way it is...
1 Page 577 Words

Apoptosis And Necrosis Through Differential Staining With Hoechst 33342 And Propidium Iodide

Apoptosis and necrosis Cellular death is a naturally occurring phenomenon. Cells often die due to a harmful environment or through a regulated process of death, with the former termed necrosis and the latter termed apoptosis. While apoptosis is regarded as cell death resulting from normal healthy processes, necrosis results from external factors or disease. (Fink and Cookson, 2005) When cells are exposed to toxins or extreme conditions, damage of the internal cellular environment occurs. Environments such as increased temperatures or...
2 Pages 982 Words

Vaccination: Save And Grace Or Death And Mourn

Six pounds, seven ounces, nineteen and a half inches. Brown eyes and a full head of blonde hair. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. You spring out of bed to hear your newborn has awaken. She is your new pride and joy. Every morning when you lift her from her wooden crib, you feel your heart grow warmer. Each look into her eyes makes you feel at home. Her cute little smile brings you an immense amount of joy that...
4 Pages 2047 Words

Borderline Personality Disorder: History, Symptoms, Treatment And Prognosis

Abstract Mental health has been a hot topic over the last couple years, and when we study mental health and begin to have more conversations about it we can bring more awareness. Many people have succumbed to the trap that is a mental illness and many people over the years have lost their battle with some of the very major disorders such as anxiety and depression. 1 in 5 people have had some experience with a mental illness, and suicide...
4 Pages 1819 Words

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Features And Peculiarities

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that mainly affects joints in the hands and feet but can affect other joints such as the hips and knees [1]. An autoimmune disease is a disease where your immune system attacks its own body. In Rheumatoid arthritis the immune system attacks the synovium of the joints and can destroy the cartilage and the bone. [2]. Inflammation may become visible on the joints of the hands and feet. Rheumatoid Arthritis may also affect...
2 Pages 930 Words

EMS And The Orthodox Jewish Patients

Orthodox Jews are considered the most traditional members of the Jewish community. They live their lives by the Torah, which are the first 5 books of the Jewish Bible. Orthodox Judaism has made a point not to change its observances and has kept close practices such as daily worship, dietary laws, traditional prayers and ceremonies, regular study of the Torah, and separation of men and women in the synagogue. It also preaches strict observance of the Sabbath and religious festivals...
1 Page 605 Words

Overcoming Gym Anxiety

The thought of joining a gym can cause anxieties to surface in some people. If this statement rings true for you, you’re not on your own. Many of us get worried or scared when they go to the gym. Gym’s like Energybase are working hard to create inclusive spaces where people have an environment and support network to overcome these issues. Some of the reasons why people get anxious about going to the gym include: Feeling intimidated by other gym...
3 Pages 1439 Words

How Parents Can Interpret And Deal With The Signs Of Child Abuse Trauma

Trauma caused by child abuse can take many forms. The key is to identify it, interpret it and deal with it. This is often left up the caregivers of the abused child/children. The main question that we are going to focus on is: How can these caregivers interpret and deal with the signs of child abuse trauma? But first we must see what the definition of trauma is and what Child Abuse trauma looks like. According to the Meriam-Webster dictionary...
3 Pages 1341 Words

Rheumatoid Arthritis Energy Conservation & Joint Protection Benefits

Abstract This paper is intended to give the reader an insight of what difficulties a person diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis can face whether its pain inflammation, swelling. This research holds various ways on how OT can help with treating, decreasing pain so that the patient can return to their daily function or close to what they use to be able to accomplish. INTRODUCTION Occupational therapy is a vital part of care for clients with RA, because occupational therapy practitioners work...
4 Pages 1664 Words

How A Plant Bases Diet Can Decrease Your Carbon Footprint

The topic of reducing your carbon footprint by adding a more plant-based diet is pertinent to the environment. Eating a plant-based diet is a diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes. Eating a vegan diet does not include any type of animal product; a vegetarian diet does not consist of animal products except for items such as milk, honey, and eggs. Everyone has a carbon footprint, but it is up to us to reduce our carbon footprint as...
1 Page 583 Words

Plant Based Diet: Is It The Future?

A plant-based diet is composed of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. It is highly encouraged by the government and health organizations because it can have a positive impact on animal welfare as well as climate change. Plant-based diets are also known to have numerous nutrients and minerals which are known to do wonders physically and mentally for the human body. The population is growing rapidly thus the consumption of food and resources has been increasing at an alarming rate....
2 Pages 974 Words

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