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Key Questions to Myself: Narrative Essay

1 Page 567 Words
Sometimes, it’s funny to think that there are times where we take pride in ourselves that the one who knows about ourselves is ourselves as well. That often happens to me. But, to me, it also causes misunderstanding and eventually…we seem to come to the conclusion that what we are proud of is wrong. With the many and seemingly consecutive...

Argumentative Essay on Marriage

2 Pages 792 Words
“He took me out for dinner and suddenly he knelt, I was shocked. Of course, I said ‘yes, I do’. I loved him and he loved me. Time flew and before I knew it I was wearing my gorgeous white dress while your grandad waited at the altar. It was one of the most beautiful days of my life”, said...

Critical Essay on Intercultural Communication in the Workplace and Its Obstacles

1 Page 669 Words
Effective conversation is vital in the workplace as it encourages teamwork and will increase development in the company/organization. As we live in a very diverse world with multicultural backgrounds and specific beliefs, intercultural communication barriers may additionally surely affect the effectiveness of communication in the workplace, as it is very possible for an agency to have a numerous workforce. This...

Child Hunger in America: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 994 Words
Kids who do not eat enough in the first three years of their lives grow up at a serious disadvantage in life. They may be faced with conditions like asthma and anemia and have a higher chance of being hospitalized. Kids who grow up not getting enough food also struggle in school and other social situations. Growing up in this...

Meaning of Home: Narrative Essay

1 Page 567 Words
Home has many different definitions, some associated with physical structure where people live with family, friends and community. While others prefer to say home is not physical but rather is mental thing or living in solidarity where you feel yourself with or without anyone. Both are right because home can be in many ways, mostly it depends on your ideas...
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Home Is Where Your Heart Is: Narrative Essay

2 Pages 1144 Words
“The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned”. We’ve all heard about the disgusting and horrendous shooting in Christchurch. My question is how can one murder 50 innocents and continue to live? Where is the humanity in that? The constant worries of safety surpass me...
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Compare and Contrast Essay: Renting Vs. Buying a Home

2 Pages 803 Words
There’s been a long debate about which is better: is it better to rent or own an accommodation? Many of us have faced this hurdle in our lives or will soon, so the topic I’m going to discuss in this essay is what the benefits are about renting and buying, as well as the cons. I will also provide some...
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Heroism of Front-liners during the Pandemic: Critical Essay

1 Page 452 Words
As this time of crisis, frontliners are hailed to be the modern-day heroes. They are the health workers, military and police authorities, journalists, food deliveries, government employees, bank employees, janitors, garbage truck collectors, traffic personnel and people who choose to remain on the front lines. In this essay, I will discuss the heroism of healthcare professionals and other frontliners in...

Heroism and Its Cost: Critical Essay

1 Page 467 Words
You do not require strength and superpowers to be a hero. For some reason, a variety of people don’t support the notion of being a hero because of the association with danger. Individuals act heroically because of their concern for others, with the presence of personal risks and no reward. Although superpowers are not available, components that can contribute are...

Informative Essay on Heroism and Its Features

3 Pages 1249 Words
Whether it be sports, education, career, or even the general concept of survival, every individual wants to succeed at something. To achieve, they surrender some notion of liberty. Sacrifice is more important than achievement because without first sacrificing something, one cannot attain success. There have been many accounts of courageous actions throughout history, representing what they have done to achieve....

Theme of Selfless Help to Others in an Episode of 'Friends'': Critical Essay

2 Pages 802 Words
Earlier this semester, I took an accelerated course called ‘Introduction to Sociology’ where I learned about the structure and function of human society. Similarly, psychology studies the mind and the behaviors that are associated to our brains. Noticeably, based on their similar objectives of study, there is set to be some overlap of ideas. The main overlap that I have...

The Benefits of Helping Others: Informative Essay

2 Pages 689 Words
“People are more willing to give when they see generosity as part of who they are” – Dr. Summer Allen. Helping others is something inherent within each person, which gives anyone the desire to always strive to do good and spread it. Volunteering work, supportive actions or words, and even unplanned acts can do the biggest changes. It can also...

Reflections on Whether We Are Obligated to Help

1 Page 662 Words
The question I have proposed in this essay is whether we are obligated to help random people if it is in our power to prevent something bad, and if we do not, in general, sacrifice ourselves or injure ourselves. In his essay ‘Famine, Affluence, and Morality’, Peter Singer states: “If it is in our power to prevent something bad from...

Reflections on Helping Others and Its Importance

1 Page 400 Words
Caring about other people and their feelings can turn out to be a really good situation or a bad situation. It can be a great situation because you can end up helping the person and making them feel better, but it can be a bad situation because you can end up getting in their business and they start to dislike...

My Definition of Happiness: Narrative Essay

1 Page 410 Words
Have you ever thought about what truly is happiness? I believe that at one point in time everyone would have come across this question. Everyone would like to be happier, including me. Happiness is important to me because it helps to protect my mental well-being. In this essay, I would like to explain my definition of happiness, which is a...

My Goal of Improving the Quality of Sleep: Narrative Essay

1 Page 568 Words
As a third-year student going into my fourth year, my courses have been progressively increasing in the depth of content and difficulty in assessment tasks. These factors have seemed to affect my sleeping patterns and quality through the whole year. From doing some research by looking into studies and research papers, I have formulated a SMART goal to improve my...

My Goal and How I Am Going to Achieve It: Narrative Essay

1 Page 526 Words
Personal and professional interests are linked for me, and they go hand in hand. My goal is to be able to run a successful food truck business; it will not be easy because I have never run my own business before, but all I know is that I enjoy different types of cuisines and cooking, and I have taken multiple...

Application of the SMART Method to Achieve the Goal: Critical Essay

1 Page 409 Words
Goals are part of our daily work in life. They give a sense of motivation. By setting goals, we ensure their achievement. We have many personal and professional goals in our lives, and every day we strive to achieve them. Getting a degree, getting married, opening my own business - these are the general goals in my life. But how...

Analysis of the Set Goals through the S.M.A.R.T. Planning Model

1 Page 557 Words
When putting things into perspective with regards to planning and achieving our goals, the S.M.A.R.T. planning model can be a very useful tool. The acronym stands for ‘specific’, ‘measurable’, ‘attainable’, ‘realistic’ and ‘timely’. This model helps us set our goals based on these five measures, which makes our goals clearer, gives structure, and allows for better planning and execution. In...

Is It Fate or Is It Experience: Opinion Essay

2 Pages 1064 Words
In 1995, there was a fantasy book by fantasy author Garth Nix called ‘Sabriel’, which tells the story of a student named Sabriel who was forced to venture into the magical Old Kingdom in order to find her missing father. In the book she says: “Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?”. In our society, there...

Fate and Our Uncontrollable Life: Narrative Essay

5 Pages 1565 Words
Introduction Fate is an idea that is as old as society itself. Destiny and free will are two mysterious threads that run through people's lives. Philosophers, writers, and scholars have been interested in this topic for thousands of years. These writings try to explain the complicated relationship between the planned paths of our lives and the choices we make. Fate...

Ella Fitzgerald as One of the Greatest Musicians of All Time: Biography Essay

1 Page 455 Words
Throughout history the music industry has had a few people who have been able to change the sound or make-up of music. Whether it be for their virtuosic skill on their chosen instrument, or because of their revolutionary sound. One such artist that comes to mind is Ella Fitzgerald, who using her incredible singing skill was able to transcend into...

Eating Disorders and Challenges of Recovery: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1952 Words
Eating disorders are a complex and insidious mental health illness which has the highest mortality rate compared to any other mental health condition. The condition consists of anorexia nervosa restrictive food intake, bulimia, and binge eating disorder. Approximately 1.25 million people suffer from eating disorder. Many suffer in silence as they’re afraid to seek the help and support that are...

The Sound of Silence' Analysis Essay

1 Page 552 Words
The Sound of Silence was originally written by Simon and Garfunkel in 1964. When it was released, it was a commercial failure, leading to the disbandment of the group with Simon returning to England. The Sound of Silence was Simon’s way of expressing his angst towards his, and others, feelings of alienation in a post-modern world. This song is about...

Silence' by Shusaku Endo: Summary Essay

2 Pages 1048 Words
In God’s eyes, we are all thought of as His children, and like children we have differences. In a perfect world, there would be no reason for conflict, unfortunately, that just isn’t human nature. Because we carry the burden of sin, we have wars, we kill, and we are thrust into the pressures of persecution. These examples can be shown...

Role of the Human Service Professional in the Helping Process: Critical Analysis

3 Pages 1201 Words
Human service professionals play a big role in our community. Some people may not realize that certain professions are those of human service professionals. What are the duties of a human services professional in a correctional facility? Duties of human services include but are not limited to designing, administering, and monitoring services for clients (for facility units) immediate and long-range...

Reflective Essay on Professionalism in the Workplace

3 Pages 1508 Words
Professionalism is widely regarded as a key concept in all aspects of working society not only in the dental sector. Its meaning is well known but broad, each individual will have their own interpretation of what they see as a professional person. Most will agree with the attributes described by Mason (2016) that will qualify someone to be considered professional;...

Professionalism: Reflective Essay

3 Pages 1482 Words
Reflective learning is associated with looking back on experiences and understanding what actions could be taken in the future (Schon, 1983). Atwal & Jones, (2009) states that ‘reflective practice is a fundamental component of continuing professional development and is required by all regulatory bodies, in order to revalidate registration’; erasing complacency within healthcare. Reflection enables health professionals to share knowledge...

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