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Nature As A Source Of Inspiration Of Architectural Forms

Dragomirescu examine that Bionic as a key field to make connection between biology and the world of engineering is getting more and more interest from many different industry; also needs of it in education appears as some university are opening some course in this field like Politechnica university of Bucharest in one of their conferences mentioned about this subject under the name of bionics in engineering. As Neumann defined bionic as, “Bionic is the scientific discipline, which is in charge...
1 Page 400 Words

Why Community Service Is So Important For College Admission?

There are high chances of losing an opportunity to join the college of your dreams due to many reasons out of which, community service is one. It is considered that there are many students who will be wanting to join the same college as you, thus making the competition too high. Are you wondering why community service is so important and what is the impact it causes on your college admission? Then here is an article for you guys to...
2 Pages 1068 Words

Why Do Athletes Get Paid More Than Doctors

We are living in a world today where being a doctor is no longer one of the most appreciated fields in the world. Today athletes, basketball players, football players and baseball players are given more appreciation than doctors. As a matter of fact, they even earn more than doctors. If you want to make a lot of money, you can be a doctor and if you want to make even more money than a doctor, become an athlete. These days...
1 Page 659 Words

Building High Performing Teams Through Coaching

We can go writing many pages about the great benefits that any coaching program can bring to organizations. However, we will highlight in this section how coaching the teams can build high performance leading to better results. How often did we hear of competent individuals who cannot perform in teams? Team coaching programs come to put into effect the new belief of: things are better done together. It is through encouraging and enabling the team members to manage their own...
2 Pages 743 Words

The Concept Of Duty To Live

Introduction Survival is a tactic we try to put up with each day despite the circumstances that pin us far from it. However, instances arise where living causes more burdens than we anticipate (Cholbi, 2010). John Hardwig points out that in such a case, then a person’s duty to die prevails. Hardwig’s Central argument In his theory, Hardwig believes that humans have to die. For instance, in cases of extreme illnesses, people ought to make choices that favour the loved...
1 Page 448 Words

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Labour Unions

Labours with the same or similar collective interests are united and workers' rights are also protected by the labour union. Labour unions are formed globally, covering some countries around the world, such as China, Chile and Belgium. The National Education Association (NEA) is the largest labour union in the United States, with 3 million members. The benefits and drawbacks of the labour union emergence have been already assessed by experts for several years. It attracted social attention and became a...
1 Page 649 Words

Public Administration: Ethics Vs. Morality

We understand that ethics refer to the principles that form one’s behavior. (Oxford,2020). Ethical behavior is every important in a sector because the society believes that one should act consistent on what the society typically thinks are good values .It represents respect for key moral, principles that include honesty, fairness, equality, dignity, diversity and individual rights. (WebFinance Inc, 2020). The four principles of health care ethics are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. These are also referred to as “the 4...
2 Pages 988 Words

Why American Firefighters Deserve Pensions

Firefighters are American heroes and deserve all the financial compensation they recieve. Firefighting is a very tough job, and one sacrifices a lot to be a firefighter. Firefighters work schedule consists of a couple days on duty then a couple off duty. They have to be ready for the worst possible situation at a minute's notice twenty-four hours a day. Also, becoming a firefighter is very brutal because the physical training and mental tests push their mental and physical strength...
5 Pages 2455 Words

Why I Want To Become An Engineer

At first ,instead of answering this question 'Why I want to become an Engineer? ' I would like to tell you that I love this stream of engineering . I completely love this field of engineering and the journey I need to lead ahead to become an engineer. I went in the field of engineering because of my fondness to Maths and Physics. I wanted to learn more of it and also wanted some workplace where I can apply them....
2 Pages 1163 Words

Why I Want to Be an Engineer Essay

“The scientist discovers a new type of material or energy and the engineer discovers a new use for it.” This was given by Sir Gordon Lindsay Glegg, British engineer. The term engineer is derived from Latin word ingenium, meaning “cleverness” and ingeniare, meaning “to contrive, devise”. Word Engineer tells us how he/she can change the world. From childhood I was fascinated in logical thinking, application of basic scientific principles in our lifestyle. Engineers are the people who use the brain...
3 Pages 1208 Words

The Problem Of Overworked Nurse

Sarah E. Jorgensen RN, left the nursing profession after being a part of the emergency field for seventeen years. In her article “Here’s why I left nursing” she talks about how the field took a toll on her. “Leaving the nursing profession is bittersweet. My heart left nursing a while ago when I came to the realization that nursing left me first. It never was a two-way relationship. The profession left me without acknowledgement of work-related stress, specifically post-traumatic stress...
5 Pages 2485 Words

The Role Of Service Sector In Economic Development In India

In any nation financial advancement relies upon the development and development of the three divisions of the economy. Anyway as of late the service area developing at an exceptionally quicker rate in the creating nations and is contributing a significant offer as far as yield, pay and business. Indeed, even the profitability per laborer is getting higher in service division when contrasted with horticulture and modern segments. As of now the service segment is prevailing in the created nations. In...
3 Pages 1508 Words

Women In Post-war Europe Workforce

During World War II, the working women of Britain experienced a significant increase in their freedoms and independence, as they assumed the occupations left vacant by the men at war. When the war came to an end there was a dramatic return to domesticity within the family unit. The societal expectations put on postwar women - derived from gender constructs - affected their newly established careers. Many of the women who proved capable of doing a “man’s work” were relieved...
4 Pages 1825 Words

The Features Of Industrial Social Work

Social work developed as a service to the people. The International Federation of Social Workers defines social work as a practice based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Industrial social work is an area of service delivery in the industries and in addition in social work activities. Industrial social work is influenced by a number factors such as the cultural, historical and socio- economic factors. It...
3 Pages 1348 Words

Police Officer As A Career Path

Growing up, I went through thousands of career choices until one day I concluded being a policeman. As I grew older and as I matured, it made me realize that I should choose a career that I love and will enjoy for the rest of my life. That is why the research topic that I had been chosen is being a policeman. I chose this topic because I want to be in this profession and I was inspired by the...
1 Page 513 Words

The Peculiarities Of Labor Process

When the pregnancy is coming to an end, around gestational age of 40 weeks, the body prepares for labor. The fetus has grown and is prepared to survive outside of the uterus. Labor represents the end of the pregnancy and it is divided into four stages. During these stages, it is at the utmost importance to closely monitor both mother and fetus, watching for any signs of distress or complications. The labor process is divided into four main stages which...
6 Pages 2551 Words

Motor Vehicle Accidents Involving Food Delivery Drivers

In many ways, the continuing revolution involving the Internet and the constant changes in the use of smartphones has changed the way a lot of people do business. It used to be that, if you wanted restaurant food delivered to your home, your choices were limited to pizza or Chinese food. Over the last few years, however, the food delivery industry has undergone a major revolution, to the point that it's possible to get food from virtually any restaurant or...
3 Pages 1442 Words

An Overview On American Labor Unions

America has not always been as free as it is viewed today. Events occur in the United States constantly many view as unjust. A big portion of this started when America began to industrialize. The farming in society slowly became less of the most popular job. Many factories were built, and started requiring more hands on workers to get things produced. There were no laws put into place to protect who worked, so many kids were placed into factories to...
1 Page 624 Words

Religious And Personality Difference In Nursing

Religion versus treatments is a noted by disputed concern in nursing and medical field. Religious beliefs are totally regards some practices and procedures that are recommended for through the medical institutions. For instance, healthcare facilities supports the procedure of blood transfers as it helps in saving person’s life but some religion come up against it. Religion also is not going to sustain problems like abortion and the process of issuing sedatives to the very mentally ill persons. A healthcare facility...
2 Pages 713 Words

What Are Toxic Relationship With Workers?

In 21st century, where technology is growing on fast pace it is still hard to replace human labour. Most of the industries still rely on human labour for their production. In countries like china, India and Vietnam they are still facing problems like labour violation rights and low wages in all the leather and footwear industries. According to the survey in north and south India “low wages of 100 euros per month, lack of regular employment relationships, lack of employee...
1 Page 409 Words

Symptoms Of A Bad Pilot Bearing And A New Pilot Bearing Install Direction

The largest part of back wheel drive and some front wheel drive automobile with manual transmissions utilize a pilot bearing or bushing. The pilot bearing or bushing is responsible for offering ÂŹsupport to the alternator input shaft and clutch disc. When the clutch is detached, the pilot bearing permits the flywheel, also called balance wheel, to ÂŹmaintain engine RPM even as the input shaft is halting. There are different types of pilot bearing or bushing. They include: Conventional ball bearings...
4 Pages 1873 Words

Multitasking Information Behavior And Information Task Switching: An Exploratory Study

Objectives The aim of this study is knowing the nature of an information seeker’s multitasking information behavior and information task switching. The researcher wants to scrutinize the way information seeker carry out multitasking information behavior, to look into the model of multitasking information behavior and information task switching, to check the mix techniques of data collection such as observation, diary, and interview. Design A Qualitative, exploratory study using observational, diary and interview Setting: 1 Public library (2 visits) Subjects/Participants: A...
3 Pages 1259 Words

The Features Of Collegiate Volleyball Player

Volleyball is a sport played with two teams consisting of six players on each side of the court divided by a net. The players use their hands to hit the ball back and forth over the net until it cannot be hit by the opposing team and hits the floor or goes out of bounds. This report will be analyzing a freshman female athlete playing volleyball at the collegiate level. The athlete has been playing volleyball for seven years, consisting...
2 Pages 1097 Words

Life Of A Nurse

The Role and Character of a Registered Nurse The character of a nurse is just as important as the knowledge she possesses. Registered nurses comfort and assist us so we can feel more comfortable and enhance our care. As a registered nurse I can influence the world by providing advice and emotional support to patients and their families. The challenge in nursing is not the hard studying but the stereotypes, harassment and pay gap. There is a lot of studying...
4 Pages 1835 Words

A Study On Work Life Balance Of Working Women With Special Reference To Kumbakonam

ABSTRACT This study is to analyze how women balance their life between the work life and personal life and their satisfactory level in their work. The work life balance is poles apart for each of the women because of different priorities and different lives. To analyze their effectiveness of balancing work and life a well well thought-out questionnaire is designed and 50 samples were chosen randomly for this study. The tools used in this study are frequency distribution, spearman liker...
1 Page 639 Words

Role Of Public Administration In Democratic States Of Pakistan

ABSTRACT The Public administration field focuses on public administration as a process. Historically and conventionally it has been primarily concerned with problems of how to apply or effect law faithfully, honestly economically and efficiently. The process of public administration consists of actions involved in intent of government. It is continuously active business part of government carrying out the law made by legislative bodies and interpreted by courts through process of organization and management and its function varies accordingly to form...
5 Pages 2483 Words

The Analysis Of Work Life Balance And Its Effectiveness

ABSTRACT The study focuses on work life balance in GAIL. The concept of work-life balance has now become centre of attention for almost all companies, political institutions, research institutions, families, individuals and trade unions at both national and international level. Work life balance is an important topic in human resource management that means to combine work and life in a way, that both are achievable. Work life balance is generally related to role overload, time management, time pressure, job satisfaction,...
4 Pages 1773 Words

Collegiate Lacrosse Leader Transformed Successful Nurse

One of the eight essentials of the Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice considered fundamental for all graduates of DNP programs regardless of specialty or focus area is “organizational and systems leadership for quality improvement and systems thinking” (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2006, p. 10). Reflecting back, and considering events and/or time periods in which both organizational and personal leadership influenced my development, collegiate lacrosse rises to the top of the list. Four years of...
3 Pages 1196 Words

Challenges Of Choosing A Pediatrician As A Career

Doctors are very important and are a key role to society. Not only are they needed with adults but young adults and children rely on the care of Pediatricians when something is wrong. Initially parents go to these doctors and are the first to be consulted when something is wrong with their child since they are reliable to go to. Pediatricians not only help treat you when you are ill or have an injury, they can also consult you and...
3 Pages 1251 Words

Factors Influencing Work-Life Balance Of Doctors

ABSTRACT In modern era, maintaining work life balance has become a more laborious task. Helping employees to attain a good work life balance will definitely increase work satisfaction. It is a tough job especially for the professionals like doctors who work 24/7 for the welfare of the people. This paper makes an attempt to measure the factors which influence work life balance of doctors. INTRODUCTION The term ‘work life balance’ refers to maintaining a healthy balance between the work and...
3 Pages 1447 Words

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