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Essays about Gratitude

5 Pages 2165 Words
Gratitude Essay 1 (100 words) Gratitude is the rare jewel that graces our lives with a warm glow, signifying our appreciation for the gifts we receive daily. An essential virtue is the magical thread that binds us to the universe and its many wonders. The purest form of acknowledgment, gratitude, can transform our outlook on life. This gratitude essay emphasizes...

Gender Nature Vs Nurture: Essay

3 Pages 1545 Words
The emergence of the transgender movement has raised many questions for psychologists as to its root causes of it. We find ourselves asking, much like homosexuality, is gender dysphoria a product of your environment, or are there underlying natural causes? While we still don’t know the specific cause or causes, we have been making great headway into understanding these individuals...

Essay on How Should Intelligence Be Assessed

1 Page 416 Words
Intelligence testing is the testing of someone’s cognitive ability that can help diagnose people with any method of disabilities that may hinder their everyday life. However, influence testing every day is susceptible to barriers such as patients not following up, proper scoring, and miscommunication. Intelligence Assessments are a type of evaluation to classify an individual’s cognitive function and mental thinking...

Who I Am: Defining My Self-Concept

4 Pages 1998 Words
Reviewed double_ok
The question, ‘Who am I?’ is simple yet profoundly difficult to answer. Oftentimes, I thought I already have a definite picture of who I am, but when pushed to articulate it I falter and fail to form a clear overall picture. I could respond with my name, aspirations in life, gifts I possess, and talents I have perfected but these...

Who Am I? Post-Course Reflection

2 Pages 920 Words
I used to think that I was a strong person. In the face of difficulties and challenges, I would overcome the difficulties without fear of hardships and move forward alone, but later I found that I was wrong. Great achievements can never be achieved by one person. We need partners, we need allies to support each other, and we also...

Unrealistic Beauty Standards Lead to Unrealistic Standards of Life

5 Pages 2244 Words
The Harsh Reality of Unrealistic Beauty Standards Karen is a seventeen-year-old girl who has been affected by the effects of having a negative body image (Phillips, Atala, and Albertini, 1995). She frequently compared herself to others and obsessed about many of her body features that she thought of as imperfect (Phillips et al., 1995). Karen’s negative body image was detrimental...

Theodore Melfi and Bruce Dawe's Challenge to Conformity in ‘Hidden Figures’ and ‘Teaching the Syllabus’

2 Pages 1033 Words
The concept that we conform to other people and what they approve of isn’t a new one. Humans as a whole have a common habit of adopting beliefs and ideas to follow behaviors of mainstream society and use this as a shortcut for decision making and problem solving. Rather than pursue personal desires, people choose to conform to society because...

Use of Psychoanalytic Concepts in the Treatment of PTSD: Article Review

2 Pages 738 Words
Traumatic experiences are a terrible thing for anyone experience. But they do happen to people. When these events transpire, it is possible that the victim of the incident will start showing symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The DSM-5 lets us know that some of the people who are most likely to be affected by PTSD are the “survivors of...

Taste of My Childhood

1 Page 590 Words
My hometown is Guangzhou. Guangzhou is well known for its dim sum and all kinds of refreshments. One of my favorites is chicken feet. Since childhood, I have been fond of eating my grandfather's chicken feet. A lot of people get to ask me, why do you love eating so much? Because it's soft and sweet. Every time I went...

Influence of Alcohol Marketing on Youth

4 Pages 1682 Words
Every day, through various ways and with the use of media, young adults and children are endlessly induced to healthy, harmless and positive images of alcohol and its benefits. They are lured with the demonstrations through marketing of brands and products which are effectively injurious and predominantly causing harm to young adults. Absence of strict rules and regulations protects young...

Importance of Food

7 Pages 3288 Words
There has been research-proven by scientists that there needs to be a balance between stress levels. If it is too much, it can either lead to dangerous side effects like depression, heart disease, fatigue and much more, however, having a low to moderate amount of stress is actually necessary for growth. According to, eighty percent of adolescents have stress...

Reflections on Optimism and Its Value

2 Pages 706 Words
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world”. True words from Holocaust survivor, Ann Frank. Everyone at some time in their life is once told to be optimistic about something. Many of us have been told an analogy of optimism is to think of a glass half full instead of it...

Reflections on Emotional Maturity

2 Pages 1049 Words
A few days ago, I had an unpleasant experience. But like all situations in life, he left me a precious lesson. Some social networks can form groups where people meet if they have the same taste. In a group of those in favor of a film, the majority of those present mentioned the death of one of the most beloved...

Physical Beauty Vs Inner Beauty

2 Pages 954 Words
Beauty is mostly referred to how people thought about themselves. If people are revered of their outlooks or intelligence, their self-esteem will cumulatively increase, and they would feel beautiful. However, most people recently are being insecure about their appearance and start to make-up, color their hair, purchase stunning dressing or even seek for cosmetic surgery in order to emulate other...

Personality Analysis of Andrew Clark from 'The Breakfast Club' through Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Development Theory

3 Pages 1481 Words
Andrew Clark, in ‘The Breakfast Club’, seems to be the obvious movie jock, specifically a wrestler. He is a popular guy in school, so naturally, he seems to be interested in the popular girl, Claire. He is the movie’s ‘good guy’ – the opposite of bad boy, John Bender. Andrew tries to prove he is a good guy on multiple...

Parenting Style and Child Development

2 Pages 1101 Words
Parental control differs from family to family. Clinical psychologist, Diana Baumrind, contributed to the empirical study of types of parenting and its effects on child and adolescent development (Gfrerer, Kern, Curlette, White, & Jonyniene, 2011). Her longitudinal research composed a model of three specific styles: permissive, authoritarian, and authoritative (Gfroerer et al., 2011). Characteristics observed throughout a child's development can...

My Journey through Human Development

5 Pages 2117 Words
Development is defined as a pattern of change that begins at conception and continues through one’s lifespan (Santrock, 2018). In this paper I will discuss my observations on five different stages of human development. These five stages include a six-month-old, a two-year-old, a ten-year-old, a seventeen-year-old, a forty-nine-year-old mother, and an eighty-four-year-old. I have applied the knowledge gained in my...

Jean-Paul Sartre's Portrayal of Ideas of Ontology and Consciousness in 'No Exit' through Irony and Characterization

3 Pages 1375 Words
In the play ‘No Exit’, Jean-Paul Sartre implements the ideas of the philosophy of ontology and consciousness. In exploration of these philosophical ideas, like ontology, which is the ‘study of what exists’, the author works to emphasize the importance of self-awareness. Ontology, itself, categorizes the nature of existence into three states of being. These states of being include: being-in-itself, being-for-itself,...

Effects of Chocolate on the Neurological System of Adolescents with Depression

4 Pages 1900 Words
The main objective of this paper is to determine, the increase of depression in adolescents aged 16-19 years, in Mexico City, from 2014 to 2018, according to the 'Morbidity Yearbook' of the General Directorate of Epidemiology, to understand the importance of focusing our attention on This type of suffering, given that there is currently an increase in this type of...

Effects of Alcohol Use Among the Youth

1 Page 633 Words
Alcohol use has grown significantly among the youth ranging from adolescence through to young adulthood. The legal age for drinking alcohol in many global policies is between 18 and 21 years, and this is a period considered as the youth. Underage drinking is illegal and restricted in nearly all countries. However, it is still an epidemic and may go as...

Critical Overview of Social Exclusion and Its Effects on Health

4 Pages 1835 Words
The article, entitled ‘Spatial Analysis of Social Exclusion from a Transportation Perspective: A Case Study of Ankara Metropolitan Area’ by Fahriye Nihan, Özdemir, and Sönmezb, defines social exclusion as the state where different groups of individuals cannot fit into the community or the society due to political, social or economical disadvantages. One example of social exclusion in today's society would...

Concept and Risk of Social Isolation

1 Page 409 Words
Isolation behavior comes as subsection of relationships problems and to be exact it’s a problem concerning the misbehavior of the individual with himself with respect to other individuals. Isolation behavior is a behavior caused by many reasons. They can be mental or physical, but the cause that has a huge impact is social isolation. Social isolation is a condition of...

Chocolate and Cognitive Function

1 Page 458 Words
Chocolate is consumed worldwide with 7.2 million tons of chocolate being consumed in 2009 (Statista, 2015). There is a large quantity of research investigating the impacts of large chocolate consumption such as research investigating cardiovascular benefits of eating chocolate. Dietary trials have found improvement in insulin sensitivity (Grassi, Lippi, Necozione, Desideri & Ferri, 2005), blood pressure (Grassi et al., 2007)...

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