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Effect Of Multi-Sensory Teaching Strategies In Enhancing Problem Solving Abilities Of Higher Secondary Students In Mathematics

3 Pages 1564 Words
Introduction The use of educational technology has been emphasized in both the national policy of education, 1986 and revised NPE, 1992 to improve both the quality and quantity of education for the first time in the history of Indian education. No earlier document of national significance had pointed out the importance of educational technology so clearly and as strongly as...

Cognitive Bias In Decision-making Process

2 Pages 720 Words
If faced with a dire decision to be made in but a fraction of second, could this action be trusted to be rational and logical? The human brain, when faced with such situations, tends to take mental shortcuts to make dire decisions and judgments based on the context of information the brain is given. These mental shortcuts, or cognitive biases,...

Juvenile Delinquency: Programs and Impacts

7 Pages 3311 Words
Juvenile delinquency has always been considered as a psychological problem rather than a legal challenge which it particularly is. The question though remains, how can it be solved? Juvenile delinquency also known as “juvenile offending” is the situation where the minors engage in illegal activities. Juveniles are the young people who are below the age of the majority as the...

Conformity Assignment: Whether People Will Conform To A Group Norm In An Ambiguous Task

3 Pages 1237 Words
Conformity is an area of psychology classified under social behaviour. It focuses on social influence within a group involving altering behaviour or beliefs in order to fit in with others. There are three types of conformity proposed by Kelman (1958), including compliance, identification and internalization. Compliance refers to conforming in a group setting, adopting various behaviours and opinions of other...

Emotional Intelligence: Definition And Its Characteristics

1 Page 669 Words
Introduction There are number of different types of intelligences which play an important role in one’s life and “Emotional Intelligence” or “Emotional quotient” is one these types of intelligences. In this paper I am going to write about the word “Emotional Intelligence”, its characteristics, history and how it became relevant in the twenty first century. I will also highlight my...

Disturbance in Body Image: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1753 Words
Body image is a complex construct of self-attitude in relation to a person's own body, shape, appearance, and size (Walters-Brown & Hall, 2012). Thus, body image affects how one sees and values his or her self. This paper will discuss my family’s experience as to how a chronic illness such as cancer disrupts a person, such as my grandmother’s body...

Critical Reflection Paper: Perspectives on Librarianship

4 Pages 1648 Words
Introduction Draw to the field On an individual level, Liz McGlynn Bellamy writes about her draw to librarianship, as well as her journey of understanding more than just the theory and practical knowledge she was learning in library school, but rather the “underlying purposes propelling” her “to act in the first place” (McGlynn Bellamy, 2015). McGlynn Bellamy also writes that...

Perception and Global Processing Bias

2 Pages 968 Words
Introduction The nature of perception has been a long-debated topic in psychology. Gregory (1966), as cited in Holt, 2002) argued that people’s perceptions of an object is basically a hypothesis of its nature. The prominent question in this debate is whether perception is analytic or holistic? Gestalt theorists were of the first psychologists to study perception arguing that our instantaneous...

Experiences And Realities Used By Intersectionality To Understand Marginalized Groups And Individuals

4 Pages 1807 Words
Originally introduced as a concept to challenge a feminist analysis which spotlighted a woman’s gender experience while seemingly rendering invisible and irrelevant her other experiences and realities intersectionality is now used to better understand the plight of various marginalized groups and individuals. Intersectionality plays an important role in unpacking how the lives and experiences of an individual’s multiple identities influences...

The Concept Of Black Consciousness In The Movie Named Sankofa

2 Pages 888 Words
In the movie named “Sankofa” made by Haile Gerima, was technically about an African-American woman who traveled back in the time of slavery and experiences the life of enslavement. In the beginning, it shows a woman named Mona she is colonized and brainwashed which lead to her being separated from her origin. She was on a trip to Ghana, in...

My Childhood Friend: My Best Memories

2 Pages 798 Words
Reviewed double_ok
My Childhood Friend Sometimes we can never know the true value of the moment until it becomes a memory. Childhood is the best practical demonstration of this theory. Making new friend, living every moment, enjoying every second, exploring unique experiences, etc are not just coincidences of childhood. It is a process of making memories; long-lasting and everlasting. Albeit there are...

Negotiations: Approaches To Solving A Problem

2 Pages 757 Words
Negotiation is an operation that involves bargaining with someone having goals, requirements, and viewpoints different than yours. There are different approaches to solving a problem, depending on the situation, and the level reached. These include rational and emotional aspects and psychological factors such as how comfortable parties involved feel about the conflict or how they perceive or misperceive each other....

Motivation And Leadership In Different Organizational Structures

2 Pages 959 Words
It is necessary for a company in this day and age to have a basic structure that determines the function of its operations, both internally in terms of the relations between the employees, managers and the objectives of the organization, and externally, as it will also influence its business relations with suppliers and customers. Each organizational structure differs from one...

General Overview of Business Analytics and Business Intelligence Tools

3 Pages 1472 Words
Introduction Many business entities in the world today are confronted with huge amount of data relating to their transactions. The capability of storing, retrieving, updating and analyzing such data determines the accuracy and efficiency of their internal decision-making process and also their level of aggressiveness to the market. The mechanisms of storing business data and retrieving it is critical in...

Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture

3 Pages 1524 Words
Architecture and Urbanism journal entitled Questions of Perception, is a combination of three separate essays by the architectural scholars, Steven Holl, Juhani Pallasmaa and Alberto Pérez Gómez. The three essays are thematically linked and each one tries to explain the role of man's perception plays in architecture and also explores phenomenal accounts. Their combined articles and precedents in the content,...

Application of Federal Government Funded D.A.R.E Drug Prevention Program in the USA

4 Pages 1811 Words
The US Congress needs to recall control over suppliers of prescription pain medication. When there is no different choices offered prescription pain medication can causes drug addiction. I will be disgusting legal prescription pills, which stated by the CDC has now killed more people than cocaine, meth and heroin combined (CDC) When an perso becomes hooked on painkillers, they develop...

Big Five Personality Traits: Complexity Amongst Self, Acquaintance, And Close Others

3 Pages 1192 Words
Abstract We explore the influence of Big Five personality traits of self, an acquaintance and close other, on the complex understandings we develop of them and ourselves. Based on previous research, we hypothesized that among the three target groups, acquaintance would prove to show the lowest complexity when compared with self and close other. We conducted this study by distribution...

Relevance of the Resilience Concept in Development Theories and Practices

6 Pages 2745 Words
1. Introduction The climate is changing and the steadily growing human pressure on the Earth is considered the main driver of environmental change. In this new geological epoch defined by some scientists as the Anthropocene (Crutzen and Stoermer, 2000), questions about future sustainability have therefore became crucial. Several scientists have studied the anthropogenic interactions with the surrounding environment as Rockstöm...

Psychological Mechanisms Of Depression: Operant And Classical Conditioning Behavioral Approaches

6 Pages 2702 Words
1.0 Introduction Depression is a common mental illness caused by a consistent feeling of sadness and a general loss of interest in events individuals commonly enjoy, followed by an inability to perform everyday tasks for a prolonged period of time. Moreover, Individuals with depression generally exhibit the following characteristics; Lack of Energy and fatigue, changes are eating and sleeping patterns,...

Effect Of Emotional Intelligence Of Managers On The Effectiveness Of Conflict Management Styles And Interpersonal Relations With Subordinates

4 Pages 1704 Words
Thesis How does emotional intelligence of managers affect the effectiveness of conflict management styles and interpersonal relations with subordinates? Introduction Theory on emotional intelligence Very often, there is a strong emphasis on the academic intelligence of an individual when looking at the fit for a job. However, there are multiple aspects that decide the best fit for a job besides...

Themes of Bias in Twelve Angry Men, Antigone by Sophocles and in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

4 Pages 1762 Words
Reviewed double_ok
While we always like to believe that we are rational and logical, we are commonly and constantly influenced by constant bias in our lives. Sometimes these biases are easy to recognize and sometimes they are far more difficult to notice. Bias affects our decision-making process throughout the entire day and influences how we think, how we feel, and how we...

Serial Killers Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, Harold Shipman, and Dr. Jack Kevorkian: Nature Versus Nurture

4 Pages 1949 Words
A serial killer is defined as a killer who kills three or more people in the same way. By looking into the early lives and years of Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, Harold Shipman, and Dr. Jack Kevorkian the answer to the question “Are serial killers born or raise” is never truly uncovered but the direction it points is apparent. Most...

Impacts of the Media on Body Image and People's Lives

4 Pages 1800 Words
Introduction Body image is the perception that a person has of their physical self and the thoughts and feelings that result from that perception (McShirley, 2015). In our lives today, technology, media in particular, plays a very important role in the decisions we make on a daily as it clearly gives us an overview of how things should be and...

Representation of Persuasion, Ability to Judge and Perseverance in Literature

5 Pages 2237 Words
One of the most significant traits of being human is convincing ourselves or others of what we want to believe. This trait generally occurs when a person has experienced death. You may also see this trait develop with fear, control, manipulation, and regret. With fear this trait usually develops in humans in their early stages of life. Some fears are...

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