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Obesity: Causes and Effects on High Blood Pressure

1 Page 620 Words
INTRODUCTION Obesity has been studied for years and is still being studied today (2). The leading cause of mortality worldwide is cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes, and this is associated with obesity. There are many contributing factors to obesity than one would think. Some of the health issues that could be life threatening are hypertension, diabetes, coronary disease, heart failure,...

The Characteristics Of Pediatric Diabetes

3 Pages 1556 Words
Abstract An increasing number of people are developing diabetes across the nation. The affect on children has become overwhelmingly high. Schools need to educate teachers on the signs and symptoms of the disease to insure the health of students. If school officials and teachers are aware of how diabetes affects children and the signs to look for proper treatment can...

The Impact of Obesity on Human Body

2 Pages 727 Words
In the debate on whether obesity is a disease or simply a body type that increases the risk for other health conditions, its classification as a disease is gaining more support. Medical professionals and organizations increasingly identify obesity as a disease on its own, separate from the conditions it leads to (Liu, et al., 2019, p. 322). Obesity is defined...

The Role Of Music Therapy In Curing Depression

4 Pages 1712 Words
In view of the fact, it has been known to cure depression . Music can help people cope and allows people to get in touch with inner emotions, and it gives people happiness. Comment by Darius McKnight: “I think the music is in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity . It's something were all touched by no...

The Peculiarities of Childhood Vaccinations

3 Pages 1144 Words
Exploring the debate on child vaccinations has been a controversy that has emerged in recent years. While most people that follow traditions support universal vaccinations because they believe that they can help fight off a variety of infectious diseases. However, others hold a different opinion in which they strongly believe that child vaccinations do more harm than good. CREATE THESIS...

Why People are against Marijuana Legalization

2 Pages 919 Words
Marijuana refers to the leaves, seeds, flowers and stems of the cannabis plant. Marijuana contains the mind-altering chemical THC, which causes either a mind or body high or both. Marijuana has been used for centuries, however, the United States criminalized it during a time in our history that was filled with discrimination towards colored minorities from both the Caucasian race...

Legalization of Weed: Medical Considerations

2 Pages 744 Words
We’re in a momentous time where a plant has attracted the attention of the American people. The legalization of marijuana has been an ongoing controversy that has created headway in policy-making, but by doing so has disrupted the relationship between state and federal government. There has been a change in attitude towards marijuana that has transformed the systematics of present-day...

Global Crime: Human Organ Trafficking In India

4 Pages 1700 Words
The prevalence of end-stage renal disease requiring transplantation in india is calculable to be between 151 and 232 per million population (Modi and Jha 2011). If a mean of those figures was taken, it is calculable that nearly 220,000 individuals need kidney transplantation in india. Against this, currently, only 7500 kidney transplantations are performed at 250 kidney transplant centers in...

The Peculiarities Of Physician-Assisted Suicide

4 Pages 1800 Words
November 1, 2014, Brittany Maynard ended her life. In January of that year, she was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. What was first a grade 2 astrocytoma, within four months, turned to a grade 4 astrocytoma (glioblastoma) with a prognosis of six months to live. After many failed treatments Maynard decided to take advantage of her right-to-die. Living in a...

Maternity Services and Surrogacy in India

6 Pages 2586 Words
Abstract This article majorly looks at three different works concerning women’s health and the taboos related to it, which includes the maternity services offered by dais in different parts of India and surrogacy. The three works are: Can Maternity Services open up to the Indigenous Traditions of Midwifery by Mira sadgopal, The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019 and two Bollywood films,...

A Literature Review of the Relationship between Social Class and Depression

2 Pages 984 Words
Introduction Health inequalities have been associated with social class for centuries: in 1842, the average lifespan for a ‘gentleman’ was 45 years, whereas for ‘labourers’ it was 16 years (Smith, Carroll, Rankin, & Rowan, 1992). Specifically, people from low socioeconomic status (SES) have higher odds of developing depression and anxiety than middle or high economic status groups. (Lorant et al.,...

Should Pregnant Women Go through Mandatory HIV Testing?

3 Pages 1401 Words
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency) is a virus that damage cells and our immune system. It also weakens the body ability to be able to fight infections and diseases. HIV can be primarily transmitted through the means of sexual intercourse. HIV is a virus that develops to AIDS if not treated as early as possible, the virus is most commonly passed from...

Biological, Psychological and Macro-sociological Perspectives of Obesity

3 Pages 1558 Words
In this essay, obesity will be explored in three different ways. First, from a biological perspective to consider how to identify if a person is obese and the different lifestyle factors that contribute to the risk of obesity. Second, from a psychological perspective to investigate the psychological barriers of following advice to lose weight. Third, from a macro-sociological perspective to...

Type 2 Diabetes And Socioeconomic Position

4 Pages 1820 Words
A systematic literature search in Nelson and CINAHL database for primary studies published in English were used to obtained articles ensuring reliability, quality and relevance (Aveyard, 2010) reason why Google and Wikipedia were not used. Sequence of key words such as: diabetes type 2, socioeconomic class/group/position, risk factors in UK, type 2 diabetes quality of care in the UK, type...

The Development Of Vision Over The First 12 Months Of Life

5 Pages 2366 Words
Over the first year of life, many developments in the body occur including speech advancements, fine and gross motor movements, facial expressions and the fusion of bones. One of these advancements includes the progression of our eyesight- vision is a powerful sight that allows us to protect ourselves from the environment by reacting to stimuli; there is no doubt that...

Diabetes Management In Patients With Renal Insufficiency

3 Pages 1378 Words
Chronic complications of Diabetes mellitus (DM), which are present in as many as 50% of the diabetic patients at the time of diagnosis, are a major burden for both the patients and the healthcare system at large. It is estimated that, more than two-third of healthcare expenditure related to diabetes is mainly attributed to chronic complications of the disease (Hahr...

Role Of Foot Screening In Patients With Diabetes

2 Pages 1069 Words
What is diabetes? Diabetes is a metabolic disease that is characterized by increased blood sugar or hyperglycemia. It can occur due to derangements in insulin secretion, action or both. This increased blood sugar state can affect different organ systems which include blood vessels, eyes, heart, nerves, kidneys, and foot. Long standing diabetes is known to cause damage, dysfunction, and failure...

The Significance of Health Promotion

3 Pages 1223 Words
Health promotion is a way in which information can be wider spread to individuals for them to make informed choices about choosing a healthier lifestyle. to consider taking actions to irradiate or prevent commonly known illnesses. Some of the models that have been constructed to help health care workers aid individuals in a way that is person centered these are...

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Doctors' Performance

1 Page 634 Words
There has been an increasing interest in the impact of sleep deprivation (SD) on doctors performance. Sleep deprivation can result in cognitive impairment and may also impair performance in tasks that require vigilance, decision making, and memory planning, which are commonly required in shift work (e.g., doctors and health care workers). Two articles deal with the issue of sleep deprivation....

Causes Of Alzheimer’s Disease And Current Treatments

4 Pages 1867 Words
The most common neurodegenerative disease worldwide is Alzheimer’s and impacts millions of people. This neurodegenerative disease is irreversible and there is currently no known cure: there are only palliative treatments to slow down ever worsening symptoms. The first discovery of Alzheimer’s disease was in 1906 by Dr Alois Alzheimer. It is primarily known for its most obvious symptom of memory...

The Link Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder And Domestic Abuse

6 Pages 2816 Words
'Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love... violence ends up defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers' - Martin Luther King Jr (1964) The life of every domestic abuse survivor is somewhat altered due to the aftermath of such a harrowing experience. When exiting from an abusive relationship, it is...

The Peculiarities Of Hereditary Schizophrenia

9 Pages 4224 Words
Introduction Schizophrenia has existed for hundreds of years but was more recognised as its own mental disease in 1887 by German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin who called it ‘dementia praecox’, meaning dementia in early life, this was changed to schizophrenia in 1910 by Swiss psychiatrist Paul Eugen Bleuler, where in Greek ‘schizo’ means split and ‘phren’ means mind. (Burton, 2012) The...

Smoking Cessation Support Activities Using Health Promotion

7 Pages 2921 Words
Promotion is a health strategy of the 21st century, which based on the new health perspective that WHO (World Health Organization 1986) proposed in the 1986 Ottawa Charter and re-proposed in the Bangkok Charter of 2005. It is defined as “the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health”. In recent years, growth of the...

Public Health Foundation for Health Promotion

3 Pages 1499 Words
BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS These involves the use anti depressants medications and the use of light therapy, electro convulsive therapy, diet and also exercise in promoting positive health promotion. In relation to the depression interventions explained above I related all my interventions which are the social interventions, psychological interventions, biological and physiological inteventions to the TANNAHILL MODEL OF HEALTH PROMOTION...

Health Promotion Project on Weight Management

2 Pages 1016 Words
According to the body mass index (BMI) calculator, a normal weight range for my height would be in between 107 to 140 lbs. and my BMI should be 18.5-24.9. However, I am classed as overweight based on BMI of 29, and I have a strong family history of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high cholesterol and sleep apnea. All this condition can...

The Development Of Infant Vision

3 Pages 1383 Words
This essay will explore the development of visual acuity and depth perception within the first year of an infant’s life. It explains the reason for the fast development of visual acuity within the first 6 months and the development of visual acuity based on how cone photoreceptors and the fovea mature to provide good resolution. OKR and VOR are also...

The Correlation of Schizophrenia and Crimes

5 Pages 2380 Words
Mental illness as a general term is defined as “any of numerous disorders categorised by impairment of an individual's thoughts, emotions, or social functioning”. Types of mental illnesses may include bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, psychotic disorder etc. It has been discussed that mental illness is linked to crime. As public opinion surveys highlight that mentally ill people are professed as...

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