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Nutritional Status Assessment In Children With Chronic Liver Disease

2 Pages 1000 Words
Introduction Chronic liver disease (CLD) occupies a major portion in pediatric gastrointestinal diseases. Around two third pediatric populations with CLD awaiting liver transplantation are malnourished.1There is a to and fro interaction between CLD and malnutrition. Majority of children with CLD are often malnutrition, and malnutrition adversely affects the course of liver disease1. Nutritional deficiencies are frequently noted in children with...

Starbucks and its Care for Employees during Coronavirus

2 Pages 733 Words
The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a pandemic which means that the virus has widespread over a whole country or the world. This problem not only affecting health of public but also has disrupted businesses and economies worldwide. Thus, the organization should play a big role in managing their human resource especially involving with...

Discrimination And Stigma Surrounding Coronavirus: An Era Of Crisis And Anti-asian Discrimination

2 Pages 1169 Words
Crises have a tendency to heighten tensions between communities. A spike in patriotism, nationalism, and racism occur in times of crises such as acts of terror, war and national catastrophes. The coronavirus epidemic, or COVID-19, reportedly originated from Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei province, in late 2019. As of April 29, 2020, the number of people that contracted the...

The Effect Of Obesity On Osteoporosis

1 Page 463 Words
Obesity is the disease of this era, its prevalence has grown so much in the last decades because of the sedentary lifestyle most of us live today, and with that came an increase in a lot of other diseases shown to have a correlation with Obesity and one of these diseases is osteoporosis. Osteoporosis occurs when bone resorption by osteoclasts...

The Major Malnutrition Issue In Bangladesh

3 Pages 1143 Words
Introduction Malnutrition is one of the major issues for child mortality in low and middle income nations (Kouam, 2014). Around 2 billion inhabitants globally suffering from a different point of malnutrition (Kamruzzaman, 2017). Malnutrition is a vital cause of death of almost yearly 45% children has died globally (WHO, 2018). It mostly occurs in the first five years of life...

Domestic Violence And Covid-19

3 Pages 1160 Words
The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has exposed and exacerbated many prevalent social justice issues. While social isolation plays a critical role in stopping the spread of COVID-19, it also has some negative effects. Regardless of their field of practice, social workers must adapt to the situation, which has many challenges, especially because social work practice most often involves in person...

The Correlation of Obesity and Osteoporosis

1 Page 412 Words
Obesity is a known and well-established risk factor for osteoporosis. What are the possible mechanisms by which obesity increases the risk of osteoporosis? It was previously believed that obesity and osteoporosis were two unrelated diseases, but recent studies have shown that both diseases share several common genetic and environmental factors.. Despite the lack of a clear consensus regarding the impact...

The Ways to Protect Small Businesses from the Negative Effects of Coronavirus

1 Page 583 Words
Coronavirus is an extremely contagious disease which has recently been declared pandemic. As a result, there are regulations imposing limitations on travel as well as sale and use of specified products, temporary restriction on the operation of institution, workplaces and bans on gathering and public events. The virus brings a host of legal issues for business. Most small business like...

Impact of Coronavirus on Canadian Society

2 Pages 849 Words
Abstract Corona Virus is a respiratory illness that spreads from person to person. It is also known as Covid-19. Its symptoms are quite similar to a normal cold or flu. There is no vaccine available that can cure the Corona Virus. Due to the Coronavirus, there are some social issues taking place in Canadian society such as Racism or discrimination...

Issues In Canadian Geography: Poverty & Malnutrition

2 Pages 1045 Words
Introduction What is poverty you may ask? According to Google poverty is “the state of being extremely poor” in other words poverty is having an insufficient amount of money to fulfill the basic needs of life. Many Canadians today struggle with the ongoing conflicts of provision of resources due to their social status. Canada is not unaware of the Canadians...

Coffee And Alzheimer’s Disease

3 Pages 1417 Words
There are many benefits to drinking coffee. According to a new study by the Krembil brain institute, there are many health benefits to having a good morning. In addition to boosting energy and concentration, drinking coffee may help reduce an individual's risk of developing alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. After human beings enter the old age stage, there will be a...

Knowledge And Attitude Of Osteoporosis Among Female Patients Attending Najran

3 Pages 1434 Words
Introduction The bone is a living organ that continues in growth before and after the puberty. Osteoporosis (OP) is characterized by deterioration in the micro-architecture of bone tissue that leads to increased bone frailty and susceptibility to fragility (low trauma) fractures. Preventive measures including patient education and exercise can reduce hip fractures related to osteoporosis. Background No disease has attracted...

The Rates Of Alzheimer’s Disease in the World

5 Pages 2345 Words
ABSTRACT Alzheimer’s Disease has been around for over 100 years and has no cure. It is a neurogenerative disease that leads to dementia in patients, where the episodic memory is impaired, along with a decline in cognitive skills. A report in the 2019 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures consisted a graph and table which indicated the number of annual Alzheimer’s...

The Impact of Food Advertisement on Child Obesity With Special Reference to Kumbakonam

1 Page 695 Words
Abstract This research is based on Children’s eating habits and their food consumption have direct relations with obesity, diabetes , cancers, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Television advertisements directly affect children’s eating habits and their food consumption. This study was conducted in order to examine television advertisements and children’s food consumption while watching television and their desire to purchase goods...

Various Treatments For Alzheimer’s Disease And Their Benefits

4 Pages 1676 Words
Abstract This paper will delve into a few published articles that discuss the various treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and the benefits they provide. The articles mention several treatments and assess their effectiveness. Some articles discuss similar treatments, but each article offers an interesting perspective on how effective they can be. The treatments mentioned in the article may not directly...

HIV/AIDS in the LGBTQ Community in Arizona

5 Pages 2071 Words
Introduction Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is credited with weakening a person’s immune system by killing crucial CD4+ T cells that fight off infections (CDC, 2019). If untreated, HIV can progress to the last and most serious form of HIV often referred to as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS. Some Americans are more likely to be at risk for HIV...

The Effects Of Malnutrition On Human Body

6 Pages 2543 Words
Abstract This paper offers knowledge into the key concepts behind not only nutrition, but key points regarding malnutrition as well. It speaks on how important it is to understand that an individual must take care of their body the correct way to avoid any unforeseen illnesses, and stresses the importance of understanding how vital it is to understand what role...

Psychological Disorders in Jane Eyre: Thoughts and Actions of Bertha Mason

6 Pages 2868 Words
Introduction Three of the world’s most concerning psychological disorders are Huntington’s disease, schizophrenia, and dissociative identity disorder (DID). Over ten million adults in the United States are affected by a severe mental illness. The difficulty people must face to cope with the effects along with the recovery of one of these diseases is a constant battle. Today, the concept of...

The Prevalence Of Malnutrition Among Children Who Attended Mwananyamala Regional Referral Hospital

5 Pages 2124 Words
INTRODUCTION Background Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and or nutrients. This means a condition which result from eating a diet in which one or more nutrients are either not enough or are too much to causes health problems. It is frequently part of a vicious cycle that includes poverty and disease. It...

Feeding the Youth Obesity Epidemic: Risk Factors Examined

3 Pages 1458 Words
Between the years 1978 and 2004 Canadian youth aged 2 to 17 became 11% more likely to experience clinical obesity (Childhood Obesity Foundation, 2015, para. 2). Even more frightening, in 2017, 30% of youth aged 5 to 17 were overweight or obese (“Tackling Obesity,” 2018, para. 1). Between 40% and 70% of obese youth become obese adults at risk of...

Is Body Mass Index (BMI) a Reliable Measurement of Health and Obesity?

2 Pages 772 Words
Introduction Obesity, or fatness, would be defined as the amount of excess body fat. This excess body fat has an influence on a person’s wellbeing (Prentice and Jebb, 2001; Bjorntorp, 2002; Gallagher et al., 1996). Fatness can be a risk factor for several illnesses including, but not limited to, heart diseases, strokes and, diabetes (Pi-Sunyer, 2002; Iliya Gutin, 2017). There...

Could The Human Population Be At A Greater Risk Of New Disease Outbreaks?

4 Pages 1634 Words
Increasing globalisation and continued human induced environmental degradation is enhancing the ability for infectious diseases to emerge and spread. Globalisation, climate change, urbanisation and livestock intensification are all features of the modern human society disrupting the natural ecological system and altering disease transmission (Patz, J.A. et al 2000). Changes in population size, density and distribution, aided by international migration and...

HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa

2 Pages 985 Words
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a recurring health issue with flu-like symptoms that continues to affect millions of people around the world, transmitted through bodily fluids and sexual contact. Additionally, the virus has the ability to progress into acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This sexually transmitted disease (STD) originated from a chimpanzee carrying the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV), known to be...

Alliance of Nut Consumption with Body Weight and Obesity

5 Pages 2234 Words
Abstract There has been growing awareness in nuts and their consequence concerning human well-being. The intake of nuts is mostly allied with lessening the risk factors of many chronic diseases as well as great effect on human body weight. There are many controversial between nuts and weight, because nuts are in high fat, energy-dense content of nuts may support weight...

The Features of Obesity Epidemic in Australia

2 Pages 986 Words
In Olivia Willis’ article “Obesity rates are rising in Australia but its where you live that matters”, the health reporter highlights on the issue of obesity in Australia and its relation to how wealthy communities are. When it comes to health and wellbeing, Australia matches or outperforms many other countries with comparable income. However, Australia’s level of obesity has slowly...

Implementing a Sugar Tax to Curb Australian Obesity

1 Page 616 Words
We seem to be ignoring that Australian’s obesity is rising and that it needs to be halted as soon as possible. Australia has to work together in order to curb this issue we have, one quote from the Australian Medical Association would be, “ Combating obesity demands a whole-of-society approach, requiring the participation of governments, non-government organisations, the health and...

The Role of Social Media in the Covid-19 Crisis

1 Page 486 Words
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented crisis throughout the global population. Western social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as their Chinese counterparts (such as WeChat and Weibo) are at the heart of this crisis. These platforms can act as multipliers and facilitators of COVID-19 related misinformation. This perpetration of misinformation encompasses outbreak response and...

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