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Hypertension: High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

2 Pages 906 Words
Pre-eclampsia is a serious hypertensive complication that can occur during pregnancy. Hypertension only occurs in 10% of women during pregnancy and although pre-eclampsia complicates only 2% to 8% of pregnancies, it is still devastating and life-threatening for both the mother and the baby. It is estimated that pre-eclampsia causes death in approximately 76,000 women per year as well as 500,000...

Osteoporosis Occurs Through Lifestyle Factors And Genetic Factors

2 Pages 867 Words
Osteoporosis is a chronic disease that directly affects the growth of bone mass. On the genetic side, individuals are born with this disorder because it is programmed within their DNA. However, lifestyle factors like daily exercise, sufficient intake of calcium, limiting alcohol consumption, and even maintaining a healthy diet can help decrease the risk of being diagnosed later on in...

Exploring The Pathogenesis Of Alzheimer's Disease

2 Pages 1010 Words
In the exploration of pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, many studies have revealed the origin of the disease and the underlying cause of its deterioration. For a long time, we have known that pathological changes in the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease, such as the accumulation of amyloid plaques, occurred before the onset of symptoms such as memory loss. A...

The Effect Of Pregnancy On Epilepsy

3 Pages 1200 Words
Epilepsy is a common chronic neurological disorder that affects people of all ages. It is caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. A person with epilepsy experiences a sudden episode of seizures, which may include sensory disturbance, unconsciousness, and repetitive muscle jerking (Wlodarczyk et al., 2012). The treatment is the daily intake of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) regimen. More than...

Cerebral Palsy: It Will Never Be Fully Cured

2 Pages 750 Words
Cerebral Palsy, a neurological disorder, is common in babies throughout the United States. 8,000 babies are born with cerebral palsy each year. Many studies, treatments, surgeries, and other medical findings are being done to better the lives of cerebral palsy patients. Although there is not a cure for cerebral palsy, the patient’s quality of life improves as the patient ages....

The Causes Of Hypertension

2 Pages 746 Words
Hypertension can be described as, the level of blood pressure reached when treatment is advantageous to an individual. Ideal blood pressure is seen to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg1. Within the population, it is described as normally distributed2. People are not classified into subgroups of normotensive and hypertensive as many factors come into play2. There are two main types of...

The Social Determinants Of Hypertension In Ghana

6 Pages 2536 Words
INTRODUCTION The stable West-African country Ghana is a nation on the rise, recently being upgraded from a low- to a lower middle income country (1). However, economy and welfare are not exclusively rising in Ghana: hypertension and consequently cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are on the rise as well (2–4). Hypertension, defined by a blood pressure (BP) >140/90 mmHg, affects 1.13 billion...

Parkinson's Disease Essay: Symptoms And Effects

5 Pages 1450 Words
Introduction Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder that predominantly affects the motor system, leading to a wide range of physical and cognitive symptoms. Characterized by the degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain, particularly within the substantia nigra, PD manifests through hallmark symptoms such as tremors, rigidity, bradykinesia (slowness of movement), and postural instability. The onset of Parkinson's...

The Peculiarities Of Renal Tuberculosis

2 Pages 876 Words
Introduction Tuberculosis as we know it is a chronic, contagious, infectious disease that attacks our lungs. Apart from pulmonary tuberculosis there are also spinal tuberculosis, meningeal tuberculosis as well as the main focus of this assignment, renal tuberculosis. According to MacKenzie (2018:620) renal tuberculosis usually begins in one kidney and then it progresses towards the other kidney. Renal tuberculosis makes...

Childhood Obesity: Causes And Contributing Factors

3 Pages 1380 Words
Over the past two decades, the number of obese or overweight children has doubled in number due to a number of factors (especially with technological advances on the rise). A child is considered overweight or obese when they have accumulated weight/fat that may have a negative effect on the child’s health either soon in their teenage or adult life. Not...

AIDS: Causes, Pathology And Treatment

2 Pages 757 Words
The purpose of this paper is to educate you about Aids and how to prevent and the problems that come along with it. HIV/AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease that can be life threating. I will be talking about how it was discovered and if there is a cure or not. And we will look at how the disease came...
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The Problem Of Concussion In Football

3 Pages 1267 Words
Even though football players know the damage the game could bring them the still play and love the game. (Gibeaut, 2011) Especially in today's game with how rough it can be it is very easy to injury yourself. (Gibeaut, 2011) Players are jumping, tackling, and throwing their bodies at one another with no doubts of hurting themselves and the most...

Malaria: Plasmodium SPP, Epidemiology, Treatment And Prevention

4 Pages 1646 Words
INTRODUCTION The world Health Organization reports that of the top 10 causes of death in low income countries Malaria ranked at position 6, with an alarming crude death rate of 45,000 per 100,000 of the population.1 Malaria is a life-threatening mosquito-borne parasitic infection with protozoa of the genus Plasmodium that is transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquito. Primarily Malarial infections...

Understanding The Mechanisms Leading To Microvascular Dysfunction And Poor Cerebral Perfusion In Stroke

3 Pages 1304 Words
INTRODUCTION Thrombosis Research Group The Thrombosis Group at the Heart Research Institute (HRI) conducts experimental and clinical research into atherothrombotic disease. This research aims to establish the mechanisms that lead to platelet hyperactivity and pathological blood clot formation in healthy individuals. This experimental foundation can then serve as a starting point for the development of new approaches in treating and...

Effect Of Epilepsy On The Brain And The Nervous System

2 Pages 1008 Words
Epilepsy is a neurological and physical condition, meaning that it affects the brain and the nervous system. The brain is the control center of the body that regulates voluntary and involuntary responses. There is a normal electrical function constantly firing throughout the brain by communication of nerve cells. When a seizure occurs, the brain is temporarily interrupted by a spur...

Hypertension The Most Frequently Diagnosed Conditions

1 Page 574 Words
Hypertension is the most hazardous disease seen in the modern world today. It is also referred to as a silent killer due to its silent nature affecting the lives of several people. As per the research it is being stated that hypertension is not a disorder of separate characteristics however, its appearance exists as a symptom of some other disorders....

The Link Between Childhood Obesity And Trauma

2 Pages 922 Words
Over the years eating disorders have become more common in people of all ages. As more and more people find themselves facing the harsh reality of eating disorders I have decided that for my research project I’m going to look deeper into the causes of eating disorders and whether or not there is a link between traumatic experience and events...

Freedom Of Movement: High Rate Of Infectious Diseases Around The Globe

3 Pages 1535 Words
Freedom of movement, a term that has existed for many years is a civil right concept encompassing the right of individuals to travel from place to place. In this modern era, globalization and digitization connect people across great distances and bringing them together due to the growth of far recaching media convergence and broadened the horizon (UNESCO, 2016). People are...

Awareness For The Prevention Of Malnutrition In World

3 Pages 1181 Words
Malnutrition essentially comes in various forms, which include undernutrition, inadequate vitamins or minerals, and overweight to mention a few, however, most people only see malnutrition from the aspect of undernutrition. Notwithstanding research has shown that not only does malnutrition involve inadequate food supply, but also can be present in people with enough food supply but who lack the appropriate nutrients....

Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease

3 Pages 1309 Words
Imagine going home and seeing your father forget on how to tie his shoe, forgetting how to cook toast, or even solving a simple math problem and getting frustrated at himself for failing. You start to notice the signs of dementia, but you think he's only 50? You do some research and realize he has Early-Onset Alzheimer's. You take him...

Who Killed William in Frankenstein?

1 Page 558 Words
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In Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, the death of William Frankenstein, although he is not a major character, plays an essential role in the novel. His death signifies the creature’s transition from peace in finding a companion to destruction and hatred of mankind. William represents the creature’s first victim. This begins when the creature realizes that his creator abandoned him, and...

HIV/AIDS Virulence Factors. Symptoms And Preventions

4 Pages 2008 Words
INTRODUCTION How much do you really know about HIV/AIDS? How big of a consequence do you think it causes to the human body? 1 in 7 people living with HIV are unaware of their infection (, 2019). The first ever case of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was announced in 1981, while the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes...

HIV Risk Factors Of Women In Swaziland And Australia

3 Pages 1224 Words
There are significant disparities in the prevalence, morbidity and mortality rates of women in Swaziland in comparison to Australia when regarding human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) There are a multiplicity of risk factors associated with these significantly different statistics between the two, including education and gender, which also impact individuals in their respective countries. The current statistics in...
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Control Of Diabetes By Lifestyle Activities

2 Pages 907 Words
When people talk about epidemics, there are thousands of different diseases in the world and depending on the danger levels or the short or long term. One of them is diabetes disease. Diabetes is a long-lasting disease that can influence at any age. Family can be one reason for an individual to have diabetes. Not just adults have diabetes even...

The Intergenerational Cycle Of Malnutrition In India

2 Pages 1032 Words
Now, having a better understanding of ensuring food and nutrition security, it is very much important to understand the influence of the intergenerational cycle on the nutritional status of the community. We had been all the while stressing the importance of nutritional care to be given to pregnant women, but the bearing of it on the entire generation has not...

Sociological And Cultural Aspects Of Malaria Spread

4 Pages 2038 Words
For this assignment I have chosen to focus on malaria because it is a disease that I am not very well oriented with. I viewed this as an opportunity to better inform myself on this disease and started out by writing down a short list of areas and topics that I would like to look further into. I would like...

Strong Relationship Between Malnutrition And Infection

1 Page 509 Words
Although at times in certain individuals poor immunity is inherited by birth or some suffer from autoimmune disorders, for the majority of the population immunity can be improved by healthy nutritious food, maintaining standards of personal hygiene, and a sanitary environment. The strong relationship between malnutrition and infection was originally described by Scrimshaw et al. From this framework, many investigations...

Suicide: The Tenth Leading Death In The World

3 Pages 1313 Words
Suicide is a serious matter where people take their lives for so many reasons. With that being said many take their lives due to bullying, depression or emotions, relationships, hardships within families, or elsewhere. There are so many reasons why people decide or think it’s best to take their lives. Thousands of suicides occur within a year in nearly seconds....

Different Treatment Methods To Combat Infectious Disease

3 Pages 1391 Words
Infectious diseases form by pathogenic microorganisms for example microbes infections parasites or growths; the maladies can be spread straightforwardly or by implication starting with one individual then onto the next. Effective treatment for irresistible infections involves finding the sort of germ set off the disease makes it simpler for a wellbeing expert to complete fitting treatment. in cases that these...

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