Psychological Concepts essays

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The Effects of Religion on Body Image and Satisfaction

6 Pages 2523 Words
Introduction In todayā€™s social world, the way oneā€™s body is seen is an important issue that haunts an immense group of people. Social standards affect body image and the way people view themselves and others. Religion controls and affects peopleā€™s lives in many ways, and body image may be an area also affected by it. Statement of the Problem The...

Emotional Intelligence: Definition And Its Characteristics

1 Page 669 Words
Introduction There are number of different types of intelligences which play an important role in oneā€™s life and ā€œEmotional Intelligenceā€ or ā€œEmotional quotientā€ is one these types of intelligences. In this paper I am going to write about the word ā€œEmotional Intelligenceā€, its characteristics, history and how it became relevant in the twenty first century. I will also highlight my...

Disturbance in Body Image: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1753 Words
Body image is a complex construct of self-attitude in relation to a person's own body, shape, appearance, and size (Walters-Brown & Hall, 2012). Thus, body image affects how one sees and values his or her self. This paper will discuss my familyā€™s experience as to how a chronic illness such as cancer disrupts a person, such as my grandmotherā€™s body...

Critical Reflection Paper: Perspectives on Librarianship

4 Pages 1648 Words
Introduction Draw to the field On an individual level, Liz McGlynn Bellamy writes about her draw to librarianship, as well as her journey of understanding more than just the theory and practical knowledge she was learning in library school, but rather the ā€œunderlying purposes propellingā€ her ā€œto act in the first placeā€ (McGlynn Bellamy, 2015). McGlynn Bellamy also writes that...

General Overview of Business Analytics and Business Intelligence Tools

3 Pages 1472 Words
Introduction Many business entities in the world today are confronted with huge amount of data relating to their transactions. The capability of storing, retrieving, updating and analyzing such data determines the accuracy and efficiency of their internal decision-making process and also their level of aggressiveness to the market. The mechanisms of storing business data and retrieving it is critical in...

Big Five Personality Traits: Complexity Amongst Self, Acquaintance, And Close Others

3 Pages 1192 Words
Abstract We explore the influence of Big Five personality traits of self, an acquaintance and close other, on the complex understandings we develop of them and ourselves. Based on previous research, we hypothesized that among the three target groups, acquaintance would prove to show the lowest complexity when compared with self and close other. We conducted this study by distribution...

Relevance of the Resilience Concept in Development Theories and Practices

6 Pages 2745 Words
1. Introduction The climate is changing and the steadily growing human pressure on the Earth is considered the main driver of environmental change. In this new geological epoch defined by some scientists as the Anthropocene (Crutzen and Stoermer, 2000), questions about future sustainability have therefore became crucial. Several scientists have studied the anthropogenic interactions with the surrounding environment as RockstoĢˆm...

Effect Of Emotional Intelligence Of Managers On The Effectiveness Of Conflict Management Styles And Interpersonal Relations With Subordinates

4 Pages 1704 Words
Thesis How does emotional intelligence of managers affect the effectiveness of conflict management styles and interpersonal relations with subordinates? Introduction Theory on emotional intelligence Very often, there is a strong emphasis on the academic intelligence of an individual when looking at the fit for a job. However, there are multiple aspects that decide the best fit for a job besides...

Impacts of the Media on Body Image and People's Lives

4 Pages 1800 Words
Introduction Body image is the perception that a person has of their physical self and the thoughts and feelings that result from that perception (McShirley, 2015). In our lives today, technology, media in particular, plays a very important role in the decisions we make on a daily as it clearly gives us an overview of how things should be and...

Social Psychology: Critical Analysis of Article

3 Pages 1211 Words
Article 1: ā€œHabit in Personality and Social Psychologyā€ by Wendy Woods Habit is one of the different features that human beings possess. Woods (2017) did thorough research on this topic and came up with crucial findings. The researcher mentioned that even though it would be expected for psychologists to do much more research on peopleā€™s habits, few social psychologists have...

Social Interaction Influence on Self Esteem from a Social Psychology Perspective

6 Pages 2773 Words
Self-esteem is defined as the positive or negative feelings that we have about ourselves. It can also be seen as the measurement of confidence in our own abilities. More positive feelings in ourselves have been found to be correlating with higher self-esteem and more negative feelings about ourselves correlating with lower self-esteem. One can usually experience positive feelings of high...

Procrastination: Ways To Avoid Negative Effects

5 Pages 2184 Words
Abstract Procrastination is a universal issue among scholars that hinders their academic performance. Many have wondered if it is possible to completely avoid procrastination. It is virtually not possible because everyone procrastinates at some point in time. However, you can reduce how much of it is done. By rewarding yourself or receiving rewards and clarifying your goals, it can be...

Dweck Recognizing Growth Mindset: A Critical Review

5 Pages 2132 Words
Abstract The human mind has historically been the subject of research on cognitive ability and ways to measure intelligence. In the early 1900s and throughout the twentieth century, an increased interest in this field would lead to the development of theories by prominent psychologists such as Jean Piaget, Alfred Binet, Charles Spearman, and William Stern who coined the term ā€œintelligence...

Importance of Both Resilience and Reflection in the Lives of Medical Students and Doctors

3 Pages 1471 Words
In the modern-day NHS, where pressure on doctors is growing, the importance of both resilience and reflection is increasing. This essay will discuss how these two factors are relevant to the lives of medical students and doctors. Reflection is ā€˜ serious and careful thought. ā€™ (Cambridge dictionary, no date ) Defining reflection is quite difficult because there are many different...

Impact of ā€œThin-bodyā€ Media on Body-image of Adults

5 Pages 2210 Words
Body-image is a multidimensional, subjective and dynamic concept that encompasses a personā€™s perceptions, thoughts and feelings about his/her body. It can be positive or negative. There are four dimensions by which the concept of body-image can be understood: Perceptual- The way an individual see himself. It is also called Body Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction and represents a global evaluation of oneā€™s body....

Essence and Development of Cultural Intelligence

9 Pages 4116 Words
Culture is characterized as the group mental programming of the human personality which recognizes one gathering of individuals from another. This programming impacts examples of reasoning which are reflected in the importance individuals append to different parts of life and which end up solidified in the foundations of general public. This does not infer that everybody in a given society...

Essence and General Overview of Developmental Psychology

4 Pages 1705 Words
Introduction Developmental psychology is concerned with age-related changes and inexperience and behavior,it aims to describe and explain development change from its starting point to old age Developmental characteristics studied include personality, development of relationships with other people, cognitive capacity and biological changes. In all these characteristics mentioned above, for instance, the level of biological development has an effect on the...

Importance of Critical Reflection: Benefits for a Practitioner upon Completion

5 Pages 2334 Words
Reflective practice is a process that practitioners undertake to encourage self-development and professional growth (Galea, 2012). To aid reflection, practitioners may use reflection models such as the Discroll Cycle (Discroll, 2007), Gibbsā€™s Reflective Cycle (Gibbs 1988), Schonā€™s Model of Reflective Practice (Schon, 1983) and Johnsā€™s Model for Structured Reflection (Johns, 2006). This essay will demonstrate my reflectional skills using Johnsā€™s...

Influence Of Big Five Personality Traits And Self-Efficacy On Person's Life

6 Pages 2739 Words
The three big questions that we are constantly trying to answer throughout our lives are, ā€œwho am I?ā€, ā€œHow do people differ?ā€, moreover, ā€œWhat is my future?ā€ These are the questions we regularly ask ourselves because we are never delighted with the answer each time. Personality psychology is an area of study within psychology that investigates how the major mental...

Resilience Paradigm and ā€˜At Riskā€™ Paradigm Essay

5 Pages 2097 Words
Introduction Resilience and the ā€˜at riskā€™ paradigm are both widely used frameworks that help address health issues in youth. Both have been used to help youth with addressing the issues found in sexual health. Therefore, the purpose of this essay will be to define the two paradigms, explain how they link to health, compare the main ideas, explain the shift...

Importance of Critical Reflection in Social Work

4 Pages 1824 Words
Critical Reflection plays a significant role in social work, when practicing social work, it is important to reflect on new but also old experience for present and future learning. In Gardnerā€™s Being Critically Reflective: Engaging in Holistic Practice she writes a section called ā€˜Theoretical Underpinningsā€™ which talks about the four theories that both Jan Fook and she ā€˜use the primary...

Critical Reflection of Teaching: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1430 Words
When applying at James Cook University for a Bachelor of Secondary Education I had to explain why I wanted to become a teacher. At the time that I submitted my application, my response was ā€œThrough school, I was fortunate enough to be exposed to some excellent teachers that were brilliant at what they did, people I aspire to and developed...

The Best Customer Archetype For A Car: Case Study Of Australia

5 Pages 2071 Words
Australia is about 25 million people where about half of its population possess a passenger car. It has been found that the best customer archetype for a car worthing around 25 000 AU$ are the young men between 25 and 34 years old. They represent 1.66 million people within the country and most of them lives on the Est-coast, when...

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