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The Meaning of Animal Testing

2 Pages 759 Words
Animal Testing Imagine that you are an animal housed in a laboratory, and from the day you were born, you have been stamped with a number and used as a research subject. Could you fathom having your body tested for the next cure of cancer? Could you envision having your body slaughtered? Throughout history animals have been used in scientific...

The Correlation Of Racism And Discrimination

3 Pages 1344 Words
Racism is something that has been fought for many decades in the past and many more to come. A couple hundred years ago many pilgrims made their way to the America to escape racism and start practicing their own ways without any consequences. Years later the same racism that these pilgrims faced back in Europe followed them to the America....

Is Obesity a Mistake in Evolution?

5 Pages 2051 Words
Evolution claims : natural selection, Tthe mechanism of survival of the fittest. However, we can attribute some serious human health problems to the 'accidental deviations' in human evolution, such as obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In 2009, a Gallup poll announced that 44% of Americans in the past 100 centuries believed that people like this were created by God...

Anomie Theory And Juvenile Delinquency

5 Pages 2214 Words
Abstract There has always been an increase in cases of crimes among children under the age of 18 years. This trend led to more discussions, which include the causes and impacts it has in society. Psychologists and other scholars were involved in the development of theories that described how children ended up breaking the law. One of them is Robert...

Animal Testing should Be Banned

2 Pages 801 Words
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Introduction Imagine watching scientists insert various needles into you while you are sitting there, wide awake, in excruciating pain, knowing very well that there is nothing you can possibly do to remove yourself from this situation. Well guess what? That is exactly what animals such as mice, rats, hamsters and monkeys frequently go through. Therefore, I strongly believe that animal...

How Coronavirus (Covid-19) Affects the Society

2 Pages 761 Words
COVID-19 causes fear and anxiety to people around the world, its affecting people’s lives, for example, their work, school, and their social interactions. Panic will only cause more damage and it can make people make rash decisions that could be harmful at such a time, people should be aware and alert but they also should avoid panic. The effects of...

Nanotechnology in Biomedical Sciences

2 Pages 1154 Words
Targeted Drug Delivery Targeted drug delivery has improved cancer therapy drastically over the decade. There has been successful development in cost-effective anticancer drugs mostly based on liposomes and polymers. Targeted drug delivery is an important biomedical application that aims to deliver anticancer drugs to the specific site of the tumour and avoid damage to surrounding healthy cells. Currently, Iron oxide...

Artificial Intelligence: Will Machine Be Smarter Than Us In The Future?

3 Pages 1467 Words
Introduction Starting from Turing test in 1950, Artificial Intelligence has been brought on public notice for decades. It flourished and stagnated over times in the past, which followed Gartner hype cycle. However, because of the development of big data, machine learning and deep learning technology, Artificial Intelligence returns back to the stage again in the 21st century, and play a...

The Peculiarities of Language in Brave New World

2 Pages 853 Words
Aldous Huxley, in his lexis and syntax, have proven his proficiency in language through the successful delivering of the layering meanings behind “Brave New World”. The book, “Brave New World”, has certainly stood different from other books, especially with the challenging set of vocabulary it requires of the reader to wholly understand its meaning. Worthy and reflective of the author’s...

The Opportunity To Save Animal Lives in Cosmetic Industry

6 Pages 2756 Words
Studies in the beauty industry have shown that the over 170,000 vulnerable rabbits have experienced pain in laboratories around the U.S. annually (Nava-Martinez 53). Animal testing in the cosmetic industry consists of chemicals intentionally being seeped in numerous places of an animal's body to monitor any damage to the body that may occur (Doyle). An initial thought of animal testing...

The Important Solution to the Coronavirus Pandemic

2 Pages 862 Words
With the fear of the second wave of coronavirus infections in China emanating from imported cases and rumours that local transmissions might still be ongoing, it's becoming crystal clear that there is no end to this battle with the unseen enemy which is running into four months now. Lockdowns, testings, quarantine, self-isolation, social distancing, and medical treatment have proved to...

Literature Review: How Technology can Help Humanity and its Future

5 Pages 2250 Words
The Problem and Its Investigation Software development is becoming more and more important in our everyday lives. With the spread of technology to banking, public transportation, and even entire university classrooms, software is required to make money, get places, and get an education. However, this ubiquitous requirement for technology would not be satisfied without the technology that exists in space....

Coronavirus: Why are We Afraid?

2 Pages 791 Words
The coronavirus epidemic is present on all continents. A collective fear sets in and changes our relationship with one another. Since December 2019, the new coronavirus has infected over 180,000 people for 7,000 deaths. This global virus is changing our relationships and our behavior. Why and how does this phenomenon transform our way of thinking? In the recent period, there...

The Correlation of Coronavirus & Children

3 Pages 1223 Words
Infections are germs that can make individuals and animals debilitated. Infections cause chickenpox, foot, colds, mouth malady, hand, influenza and numerous different illnesses. Coronaviruses are a group of infections that can taint the respiratory tract and cause manifestations like a runny nose, high-fever, sore throat, and short of breath. Toward the end of 2019, a virus named called COVID-19 started...

Conflict Theory and Resolution

1 Page 416 Words
Conflict is a very usual aspect in any society. In fact, it’s a main branch in the philosophies of sociology. Relations between human beings are bound to eventually involve conflict, either subtly or strongly. The construction industry is not spared of this vital challenge in human engagement. Conflict theories are perspectives in sociology and social psychology that emphasize a materialist...

Horrific Negative Effects of Animal Testing

1 Page 599 Words
Every year, over 100 million animals are killed by horrible testing in U.S. laboratories due to animal testing (PETA). Facial Botox is a common beauty enhancer that is frequently tested on animals. The animals are injected in their stomach with different dosages of the toxin in order to see which dose kills the animals. Then, while they are fully awake,...

Origin, Evolution and Development of Vaccine of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

2 Pages 700 Words
On the 31st of December 2019 in Wuhan city Hubei province of china there were multiple cases of patients presenting pneumonia due to an unknown virus. Chinese authorities had then confirmed they had identified the virus by utilising next-generation sequencing. The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is the name that had been given to the viral pathogen. Currently there are cases...

The Effects of Animal Testing on Economics

3 Pages 1256 Words
Reviewed double_ok
All medical products and drugs require preliminary testing to prove their effectiveness and safety for public use. This testing is conducted primarily on animals to prove their safety, then transferred to human subjects. Animal testing is not only safer than using human subjects, however, it is also more cost-effective. Businesses forced to undertake this animal testing by the FDA gravitate...

The Necessity Of Engineering Ethics

1 Page 503 Words
Ethics is the formal study of morality. Engineering ethics are the standards of an engineer. Engineering ethics helps to improve my decision making skills. It also helps to improve my public and private behavior when interacting with people. Codes of ethics teach me to put the safety, health and welfare of public at first and makes me a responsible engineer...

The Solution To Domestic Violence

1 Page 547 Words
Nowadays force becomes a significant drawback. force will embrace murder, rape, statutory offense, robbery, and aggravated or straightforward assault. additionally to the physical hurt, victims suffer force leads to emotional hurt to victims and their kids. There area unit many alternative effects of the abuse. Victims and their kids expertise the strength of the psychological trauma of abuse, suffering anxiety,...

Why You Should Read Animal Farm

3 Pages 1391 Words
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a communist society? George Orwell wrote Animal Farm using the metaphor of animals on a farm to talk about communism. Animal Farm is based on the Russian Revolution and many of its characters are based on real people. Some examples of this are Napoleon representing Stalin, Snowball and...

The Significance of Engineering Ethics: Chornobyl

5 Pages 2139 Words
Introduction Engineering is the application of principles in mathematics and physics in order to design, analyse and manufacture systems. It is crucial for an engineer to consider the ethical implications during every stage of creating a system, therefore it is vital to understand the definition of Ethics: a system of moral principles that govern people’s behaviour and decision-making. For example,...

Ethical Issues in Biomedical Science

2 Pages 908 Words
Abstract This report includes a definition of ethics and morality. I combined them and how can it be embodied in biomedical engineering. Then I will give 2 examples --Biomedical Imaging and Neural Engineering, Which contain the main challenges they face in ethics. Introduction What is ethics? The term ethics comes from the Greek ethos, meaning “custom.” It means human relations...

The Relationship of Crime and Drug Use

3 Pages 1482 Words
There is a strong relationship present between criminal activity and drug use which consistently appears within academic literature (Moore et al, 2007). Several academics have made numerous arguments that the volume of crime is linked directly to the use of drugs. Although, it must be noted that the drug use and crime relationship isn’t as simple as it seems. It...

The Theories Of Motivation

4 Pages 1629 Words
One of the most intricate concepts to grasp in human psychology is the concept of motivation. It seems that the more one studies this subject, the more complex it becomes. Since motivation is behaviour, directly observing this concept on a global scale is a difficult task to achieve (Pakdel, 2013). In this essay, I aim to highlight and analyse three...

The Most Damaging Impact Caused by Obesity and Weight Bias

6 Pages 2654 Words
Causes Obesity is characterized as a chronic condition as the result of an excess amount of body fat and it is defined by body mass index (BMI). A person’s BMI is determined by their height and weight (Balentine, 2019). However, to properly understand the impact of obesity, we need to look at what actually causes obesity in the first place:...

Importance of Pythagoras’ Theorem in Gaining Knowledge

3 Pages 1340 Words
People learn in different ways all the time. From the simplest of things like riding a bike to the complexity of creating new mathematical equations uses a different way of knowing then constructing furniture. The strive for knowledge using different networks lead to significant discoveries. This essay will discuss how Mathematics, Arts and Human Sciences uses Reasons, Imaginations, Sense perception...

Positive Selection In Human Evolution

3 Pages 1431 Words
Human Evolution has become a very prevalent topic of conversation over the past number of decades, with various ideas of how humans came to be who we are today. From a time where it was once thought that humans were a very close-knit evolutionary group, to now understanding that we do in fact, derive from apes. It is now believed...

Novel And Short Stories Teaching English Language In Malaysia

6 Pages 2536 Words
Teaching English language in Malaysia can be nonetheless possessed its own challenge to ESL teachers. Malaysia made up of three main races have that tendency of embracing their own identity including the language that spoke on daily basis. Well, ESL learning was expectedly having its own sets of difficulty to be taught in a multicultural community. As Malaysia moving into...

General Overview Of Human Evolution: Critical Analysis

4 Pages 1589 Words
All species are unique and special. Our uniquely evolved intelligence has pushed us as a species to rely on technology – something unique to human evolution. We do many things because we are the original architects behind science, engineering, and culture. From these developments, we have discovered the study of genetics, a process in which we can better understand where...

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