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Use Of Mapping Mode Data To Map Mars

1 Page 648 Words
Studying the Martian surface composition is essential to understand its past and current condition and pave the way to unveiling the nature of occurrences of detected minerals - be it weathering, precipitation, or of volcanic origin (Bandfield, Hamilton, & Christensen, 2000). Multiple instruments have been employed to carry out Martian surface studies. These include the Thermal Emission Spectrometer - TES...

Susceptibility Genes vs. Modifier Genes

6 Pages 2722 Words
Diseases come in various types and subtypes and they all possess diverse underlying mechanisms. A common factor in all of them is the influence of the genetic background that is unique to every individual. The presence of susceptibility genes and modifier genes in our genome provides insights into the way our bodies respond to disease-causing factors and the complicated gene-gene...
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Involuntary Sterilization As The Way Of Eugenics

6 Pages 2717 Words
Involuntary sterilization in the United states started with the Eugenics movement in early 20th century. Eugenics was a compulsory sterilization movement that was of decreasing non-favorable population, including disables, feeble-minded and non-Anglo people in US. (Barnett, 2004). Although the idea of manipulating human reproduction to improve the species has been traced back to Plato's Republic (circa 368 BCE) and beyond,...
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Microbial Biotech for UN Sustainable Development Goals

1 Page 594 Words
The UN Sustainable Development goals are goals set out to improve upon problems that are an issue on a global scale. There are 17 of these goals which set out to rectify their respective problems.1 For example, these goals include improving good health and well-being, obtaining affordable and clean energy, prevention of further climate change and improving conditions for both...

The Effects Of Hydrogen Peroxide

1 Page 621 Words
While there are many names for the synthesized compound H2O2, the proper IUPAC name is Hydrogen Peroxide. It is called Hydrogen Peroxide because scientifically, the prefix “per” is used in inorganic acids when they have the highest amount of the element talked about in the base word. Hydrogen Peroxide is a colourless chemical compound made up of hydrogen and water....
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Earth, Making A Life On A Tough New Planet Review

3 Pages 1185 Words
The novel “Eaarth, making a life on a tough new planet” focuses on the topics involving global warming written by Bill McKibben. It looks in depth of global warming causes, solutions and ideas to stop or slow down global warming. The novel was published by Henry holt and company on the April 13th of 2010 and the book itself contains...
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Effects of Temperature, Enzymes, and Substrates on Reaction Rate

4 Pages 1634 Words
Abstract The experiment that was performed over two weeks served to examine how the amount of enzyme, amount of substrate, presence of inhibitor, or the magnitude of temperature changes the reaction rate between the enzyme and substrate present. The enzyme used in these experiments was peroxidase which was extracted from turnips and placed in flasks to be transferred into tubes...

The Use Of Types Of Semiotics

2 Pages 1052 Words
Semiotics is an investigation into how to create meaning and how to communicate meaning. Its roots lie in the study of how meaning is generated by signs and symbols (visual and linguistic). It is a way of seeing the world and recognizing how we all collectively have a massive impact on the nature and society in which we live. Due...
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Horizontal Gene Transfer And Its Role In Evolution

5 Pages 2253 Words
Abstract Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has a great role as a driving force in the evolution of prokaryotes and eukaryotes and has occupied a major role in evolutionary thinking. Many studies have shown how prokaryotic evolution has been manipulated by HGT such as the spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. The importance of HGT in eukaryotes has long been eclipsed...
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Jejueo: A Language Or Dialect

3 Pages 1481 Words
The study of language has a unique history as modern linguistics began to develop in the 18th century, with work focused on reconstructing Indo-European studies. Current linguistics still practice reconstruction. However, further development has been issued on understanding why languages exist, and whether or not a certain form of speech is considered to be a dialect or a creole. Studies...

The Factors Of Cellular Respiration In Krebs Cycle

4 Pages 1640 Words
Cellular respiration is a process by which glucose is broken down in a complicated four step process to produce energy for cellular functions. Cellular respiration is vital for survival as it produces ATP which powers nearly all activities of all cells. Cellular respiration can be defined as “chemical mechanisms by which the cell converts the bound, radiant energy of the...

Soil Nutrient Identification And pH Value Using Node MCU

2 Pages 969 Words
Abstract This paper introduces internet of things which connects the whole world through devices such as sensors, actuators and other embedded devices. Internet of things can be used in agriculture for efficient crop production. India is very much popular for crop production. As day by day the population increases, production of crops has to be increased. To produce more efficient...
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The Role Od Bioengineering In The Stability Of Embankments

2 Pages 1128 Words
Introduction Storm water management plays a crucial role in maintaining the outlook of cities, structures and facilities in the event of precipitation. Natural, undeveloped land manages rainfall through a combination of evaporation, transpiration and infiltration (Brook 2013). Urban, developed land however contains many altered impermeable surfaces such as roads and buildings that create the need for storm water management. The...

Language Development As An Objective Indicator Of Neurodevelopment

4 Pages 1603 Words
Language development is an objective indicator of developmental and cognitive skills in children. It is also one of the fundamental pillars for a child to acquire autonomy and be able to adapt to social and academic situations. A language delay (including both verbal and non-verbal skills) is an indicator that some aspect of development in young children is not going...
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Use Of Chromatography To Study Pigments From Leaf Extracts

1 Page 492 Words
Introduction According to Giddings and Keller (2016), chromatography is a technique used to separate solutes from a mixture. It is widely used for separation and identification of biological compounds, or to analyse mixtures. An example of its use is separation of pigments from dyes. Identification of compounds is done by using retention factor values, simply known as Rf values. The...

The Effect Of Reactants On Products In Cellular Energetics

5 Pages 2251 Words
Introduction Cellular energetics are types of ways in which cells, whether eukaryotes or prokaryotes, obtain energy to drive functions in a cell. Cellular respiration is one type, for eukaryotes, that uses reactants like sugar, such as glucose, and oxygen to create products of carbon dioxide, water, and energy in the form of ATP (Urry et al 2020). The purpose of...

Temperature's Effect on Respiration of Zophobas Morio and Pea Seeds

4 Pages 1997 Words
ABSTRACT This experiment examined how much O2 was consumed by germinated pea seeds and Zophobus morio Larvae under different temperature conditions. Four different temperature conditions were tested. Those temperature conditions were at 10 degrees Celsius, 20 degrees Celsius, 30 degrees Celsius, and 40 degrees Celsius. An oxygen sensor and a data logger were used to measure this consumption. The germinated...

The Causes Of Bilingualism And Its Beneficial Effects

2 Pages 783 Words
Mastering your native language is somehow natural but mastering two languages simultaneously is a rather satisfying condition which is called bilingualism. Bilinguals are those who understand and speak 2 languages. The term bilingualism can refer to both individuals and the entire society. In Armenia, it refers to individuals because our clear language is Armenian. However an Armenian can also master...

The Aspects Of Communicative Language Ability

2 Pages 1071 Words
Some models of competence have been proposed in the last two decades and widely influenced in language teaching and learning. According to Bachman (1990), the concept of communicative language ability covers three fundamental competences such as linguistic, sociolinguistic and strategic dimension. The main objective of CLA is to increase the communication ability of learners in order to enable them to...
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Saving Our Planet: Can Vegetarianism Fix Environmental Issues?

4 Pages 1963 Words
Introduction The reason I picked this question is because the world’s current climate crisis has been a very topical and controversial subject amongst my peers. Vegetarianism was the solution that came up the most, so I decided to dig a little deeper into it and see if it was really true. The planet is in a dire condition. Carbon emissions...
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Chemistry: Copper Sulphate Calibration

2 Pages 859 Words
Introduction The hypothesis for this experiment is the more concentrated a given solution is, the more light is absorbed. Through the results recorded and calculated from the practical, the hypothesis will be proved or disproved. Beer’s Law states that absorbance and concentration are directly proportional. “The Beer-Lambert equation shows that if the concentration of absorber doubles, the absorbance of the...
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Linguistic Human Rights In India

5 Pages 2460 Words
INTRODUCTION The geographical location of the Indian sub-continent and the various historical forces have brought into the land people with different ethnic origins and varying culture based on religion, language and philosophy of life. Linguistic diversity is one of the marked features of the Indian society. There are well recognized regions within the Indian having distinct languages of their own....

What Makes A Language A World Language?

6 Pages 2650 Words
Introduction A world language can be defined as a language that is spoken around the world and learnt by many people as a second language (Baker & Jones, 1998). However, what exactly makes a world language, a world language? There are five common assumptions typically associated with world languages and in this essay, they will be discussed and evaluated along...

Interrogation Of Social Media Language

2 Pages 732 Words
People, as the center of the world have a lot of control over things, and these things are developed around people’s preference, thus, can reflect the social trends of societies that people live in. Social media language is one example of these. It was developed from the formal English that people read and write with, however, under certain situation of...

Estimation Of Protein Concentration Using A Spectrophotometer

2 Pages 802 Words
Introduction Spectrophotometer A spectrophotometer is an instrument that measures the transmittance or absorbance of a sample as a function of the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation [1]. Hence, spectrophotometric methods are widely used to measure the concentration of a solute in a solution, and in this case, protein by determining its absorbance at 595nm [2]. A spectrophotometer consists of many parts....

Integrating Creativity & Entrepreneurship in FL Teaching

5 Pages 2447 Words
ABSTRACT The formation of creativity of future entrepreneurs still remains one of the important issues of modern training at university. Future graduates should be able to think, analyze and be imaginative in finding solutions in situations that follow the procedures of professional training and personal development. It is extracurricular activities in a foreign language that enable us to engage a...

Should Space Exploration Be Funded?

3 Pages 1496 Words
The United States has spent $601.31 billion on NASA since its inception. The total estimate is $1.32 trillion when adjusted for inflation, an average of $22.03 billion annually over its entire history. The budget for fiscal year 2020 for the National Aeronautic Space Administration is $21 billion. It is an increase of 1.4 percent compared to FY 2019(Amadeo). There is...

What To Do For Saving The Planet

2 Pages 1166 Words
As years go by, the earth just keeps getting warmer and warmer, air and water pollution continues to increase, new viruses and diseases are being discovered, and more species are being endangered; all these harmful effects came to be because majority of the population aren’t socially responsible or aware of certain human activities that affect the environment particularly the human...
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Understanding Natural Selection On A Population Of Bead Bugs

1 Page 579 Words
Introduction Natural Selection has a great effect on species in different environments. Different species can inherit mutations, some may be good, and some may be bad for the individual(McGraw-Hill Ryerson. 2010). It is also the reason for evolution(Grabianowski, 2018). Natural Selection is the leading factor in deciding which species will live and reproduce, and which ones will die out(Brain, 2019)....

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