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Evaluation Of Sign Language Recognizing Using Myo Armband

3 Pages 1192 Words
Introduction Myo armbands have been used by developers to create a variety of functions, from controlling characters in video games, to replacing computer keyboards and mice with virtual, on-screen versions. However, since communication between hearing people and deaf people is difficult and it can be frustrating specially if there’s an emergency, it would be much more interesting if we use...

Human Settlement On Mars Opportunity

2 Pages 783 Words
Going to Mars would be fun and all, but how would you feel leaving your whole entire life behind, and everyone you love. We are trying to populate Mars with humans by the year 2023 and a lot of people seem excited about it. But there’s a lot more to it. We’re talking a whole different planet in which we...

The Peculiarities Of Crop Cultivation On Mars

2 Pages 910 Words
The success of humans on Mars will largely depend on the growth of plants as a food source and as such, one must determine whether this is possible given the harsh Martian environment. In this essay I will discuss the potential problems to cultivating crops on Mars as well as possible solutions. Atmospheric conditions: hypobaria and elevated CO2 Atmospheric pressure...

Plant Growth Promoting Microorganisms Isolated From Western Ghat

3 Pages 1196 Words
Abstract Westernghat is one of the unique Biodiversity niches, with varied flora, fauna and Landscapes. The increasing demand for crop production with a significant reduction of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides use is a big challenge nowadays. Plant growth promoting bacteria has become of great interest to promote the crop growth and provide protection from phytopathogens. The use of PGPR...

Prerequisites Of Eugenics Movement

1 Page 505 Words
Eugenics were primarily used to “improve the genetic composition of the human race” (“Introduction to Eugenics”). Traits were selectively breed to make the human race better. Many people felt that being Deaf was not a desirable trait and through selective breeding they could get rid of it. They didn’t understand that being Deaf wasn’t something the person could control. Deaf...

Gene Editing In Monkeys

7 Pages 3310 Words
It all started when researchers around the world started unraveling different techniques to clone animals and improve human diseases. Establishing perfect animal models is important, especially for the study of human diseases but transgenic technology is believed to be useful for generating animal models. Since the birth of the first transgenic mouse, hundreds of transgenic animal models have been created...

Mars: We Are Not Ready For Colonization

2 Pages 766 Words
'Can I get two tickets to Mars?' This might sound ridiculous right now, but it might be our reality in the near future. Whether humans should or should not colonize Mars is a big debate, and we should care about it because we all live on this Earth, and colonizing Mars would be a big step for all of mankind,...

The Effect Of Acidic pH And Sugar Free On The Stability Of Ovalbumin

6 Pages 2853 Words
Abstract The objective of this study is to understand the effect of acidic pH and sugar-free on the ovalbumin stability using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) study. The FTIR spectra of phosphate buffer + Ovalbumin (OVA) + cosolvent (sugar-free) at 303K in various acidic pHs 2, 5 and 7 are reported and the second derivative and curve fitted spectra are...
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The Peculiarities Of Semiotics Approach

6 Pages 2546 Words
In this essay, I am writing about semiotics, I will begin by explain what semiotics is and how it works, I will write about the semiotic approach according to Saussure, explain that there are two levels to sign, the denotative and connotative level and finally I will apply my knowledge on the semiotic theory on three selected photographs, the first...

Effect Of Salt Stress On Growth Of Three Varieties Of Wheat Genotypes

4 Pages 1836 Words
ABSTRACT The effect of salt stress under the two salinity levels and control (0, 100mM, 150mM) on three varieties of wheat SASSUI, SEHAR, MARVI was conducted. The data showed that the NaCl salinity stress significantly affected the growth of wheat seed arrtibutes by reducing the shoot and root length. Regarding the germination, the maximum germination was found in genotype SASSUI...
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Recombinant DNA Technology & Cloning

2 Pages 861 Words
RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY Recombinant DNA Technology refers to the process by which DNA molecules of two different species are joined together and then inserted into a host for the production of new genetic combinations which are valuable to science, medicine, agriculture and industry. Steps involved in this process are: 1. Isolation of genetic material The genetic material in living organisms...

The Significance Of Statistics In SLP And Linguistics

3 Pages 1257 Words
No matter what you major in most of the time there’s always some type of math/statistics in it even if it’s just a little. I’m majoring in Speech Language Pathology and from what I knew before researching was that statistics does play a small role in this field. You wouldn’t think that though because what does statistics have to do...

The Benefits Of Bilingualism

4 Pages 1661 Words
Introduction to the Advantages of Bilingualism Language is a very important aspect of our lives. We use it to be able to converse with other individuals for enjoyment, convey your message to others and to learn new information. In current times, it is very common for people to be bilingual or even multilingual due to learning them from their parents...

Identification Of Respiratory Viruses Using Real-time PCR

5 Pages 2009 Words
Viral respiratory infections can cause many different illnesses related to the respiratory tract. These diseases may range from mild infections to more severe ones that can even lead to death. The most common respiratory disease is known as a cold, which is a mild infection that affects the upper respiratory tract and it is harmless in most cases. Common colds...

The Features Of Venus Planet

2 Pages 845 Words
Venus is a planetary hotspot in the solar system due to its thick clouds that prevent heat from leaving. Because of these clouds, astronomers cannot see into the deep part of the planet's atmosphere. However, a team of scientists managed to take a peek at the clouds' middle layer using infrared wavelengths. The new research of Venus' clouds has been...

River Contamination Sources And Diffusion In Developing Countries

1 Page 571 Words
A waterway is a trademark gushing conduit, normally freshwater, streaming toward a sea, ocean or another stream. Now and again, a waterway streams into the ground and gets dry close to the completion of its course without landing at another waterway.[5] DIFFUSION Is the net development of anything from an area of higher fixation to a locale of lower focus....

Critical Discourse Analysis Of Imran Khan Speech In United Nation

4 Pages 1925 Words
In Critical Analysis of candidates' speech, we can suppose that one of the most crucial reason for political candidates to achieve favorable result in any election campaign is the use of versatile language and their ability to induce and make an impression on their audiences. Discourse is not just a mental and lingual issue, but it contains thoughts, emotions and...

Legal English And Legal Language

3 Pages 1515 Words
INTRODUCTION Language is the expression of thought by means of speech-sound. It is sum-total of such signs of our thoughts and feelings as are capable of external perception and as could be produced and repeated at will. Language means a system of words and their use and it is a way or communicating, ideas, feelings and desires by means of...

DNA Computing For RGB Image Encryption With Genetic Algorithm

3 Pages 1170 Words
Abstract A combination of DNA computing and a genetic algorithm is announced for RGB image encryption. The model is strong based on the scrambling technique of DNA computing operations using the crossover and mutation process and establishing a dynamic key based on a genetic algorithm, including a set of parameters such as population size, number of generation and mutation probability....
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CRISPR Argumentative Essay

4 Pages 1601 Words
Scientific Discovery of CRISPR-Cas9 in Gene Editing Limited scientific explorations can revolutionize a field within a short time, but experts are currently able to manipulate cells unimaginably, all due to a CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) technology. As biologists continually sharpen instruments for deleting, replacing, and modifying DNA, CRISPR strategy has evolved into a popular genome engineering method....
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DNA Purification From Kiwi Fruit

3 Pages 1372 Words
Abstract DNA purification is a process that can be done by different methods to extract a DNA from any living organism. The aim of this experiment was to purify a DNA from kiwi fruit, and once it’s extracted it can be used for molecular analyses, sequencing and fingerprinting. The main concept of purification a DNA is to isolate it from...
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Political Discourse Analysis Of Imran Kahn’s Victory Speech

6 Pages 2590 Words
Introduction Language is the most primeval of persuasion devices. Through an indirect manipulation of language, proficient speakers have authentically been able to influence the perceptions, thoughts, purposes and agitation of the public, to the extent of causing people to accept false statements as true proclamations or even to support policies contradictory with their interests. Leaders have to plan, organize, lead...

Heavy Metals: Do They Have Detrimental Effects On Our Life?

3 Pages 1132 Words
“All substances are poisons; it is the dose that makes the poison.”, Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim stated. Heavy metals are commonly characterized as metals with a high toxicity level in high concentrations generally with high atomic numbers, atomic masses, or densities, and those metals are located on the 3rd-15th groups and through the 4th-6th periods. Moreover, heavy metals...

Investigating The Mutation Of Human Β-globin Gene By PCR

2 Pages 773 Words
Abstract Haemoglobin is a protein found in the red blood cell (RBC), which consists of 4 protein components in which 2 of the components are called alpha-globin and the other 2 are called beta-globin. This protein helps to carry oxygen around the body’s tissues and organs. This investigation focuses on beta-globin. The purpose of this investigation is to find out...
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The Use Of Video Games In Language Learning

5 Pages 2178 Words
Learning a second language conveys different factors that can affect the way learners learn, for instance gender, age, culture or even motivation can be significant at the time of learning a foreign language. A recent study by Baohua and Watkins (2008) states that motivation is a key aspect when acquiring a second language, because it determines the involvement of students...

Could There Possibly Be Other Life Existence ?

2 Pages 978 Words
We should be looking at the possibility of other life existence on Earth. Could there really only be humans on the Earth? There is a high chance that there is another life existence like aliens shown through studies, places, and events.. A reason to think about aliens existing is due to the amount of alleged sightings. In June 1947, an...

The Dangers Of Mars Colonization

1 Page 541 Words
Mars, the fourth planet, smallest, from the Sun. Mars is named following after the Roman god Aris, god of war. Mars has a reddish color so it is commonly called the “ Red Planet” Mars is made out of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, oxygen, water vapor, and other gases. The travel time to Mars and Earth is about 150 days...

Plant Disease Detection And Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithms

3 Pages 1297 Words
Abstract Plants are thought of to be crucial just like the stock of vitality offer to people. Plant sicknesses will affect the leaf whenever among planting and suspect that winds up in tremendous misfortune on the get together of harvest and affordable cost of market. In this way, plant ailment location assumes a significant job in rural field. In any...

Detection Of Chicken DNA In Ready To Eat Vegetarian Food

6 Pages 2876 Words
Introduction Food adulteration can be defined as adding removing or replacing any substance which will eventually exaggerate the natural quality of any food product. Producing food with high quality and safety should be the main focus of food industry. But as in for today food manufacturers are more tend to manufacture food with adulterants (Mi et al., 2015). These food...

Learning Activity: Diffusion And Osmosis

4 Pages 1698 Words
Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a student-centered Pedagogic strategy, a process that is ideally led by students. This strategy aims to teach students science by doing it, to attain conceptual change, or accommodate new knowledge, as Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development claims. To achieve that, students work collaboratively. Build on previous knowledge and one another’s work engaging in active self-directed...

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