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The Processes And Technologies Required For Manned Mission To Mars

5 Pages 2445 Words
Introduction The concept of Mars as the next most habitable planet has sparked an urge to investigate that has led to the discussion of sending a crew to Mars very shortly. As fantastical as it may seem, the idea has been thoroughly analysed to the extent where successful execution is possible but not without major setbacks and limitations. These risks...

How And Why Do Stars Die?

1 Page 492 Words
Several billion years after a star’s birth its life will eventually end. How a star will die is determined by its mass, age, and type. The sun and other stars shine as results of reactions in its core. This changes light elements to become heavier and release energy in the process, which creates the necessary pressure needed to keep stars...
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Automatically Analysing The American Sign Language Images

4 Pages 1824 Words
Abstract Hearing and speech impairment is disability which affects individual communication with outer world by verbal communication and in turn they use sign language to communicate. Usually deaf and mute people are trained to sign language use and can communicate with their own communities, whereas other community uses spoken language and don’t have knowledge about sign language. Spoken language user...

Application Of Enzyme Technology In Dairy

2 Pages 960 Words
With the rapid development of the dairy cattle breeding industry and the dairy industry, the output of raw milk and dairy products has increased significantly, the variety of dairy products has been greatly enriched, and the quality has also made a qualitative leap. High and new technologies such as gene technology, enzyme technology, microbial technology, high-pressure technology, and cold sterilization...
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The Peculiarities Of Bioethics In Judaism

5 Pages 2321 Words
Judaism ethics pervade into the everyday lives of Jewish adherents. They stem from the legal system that has developed alongside Halachah, meaning ‘a going with God’ and prescribes how a Jewish person should behave. The basics of ethics originated from the decalogue given to Moses, determining that ethical life requires a spirit of mishpat (justice), tzedakah (righteousness), chesed (kindness) and...

The Peculiarities Of Photosynthesis In Aquatic Plants

4 Pages 2036 Words
RATIONALE Aquatic plants can be used to demonstrate the oxygen production in the process of photosynthesis because they are specialised to produce oxygen while submerged under water. The common aquatic plant that is used for most of the experiments is Elodea. In theory, when an aquatic plant is placed in a solution in the presence of appropriate light intensity, the...

The Peculiarities Of Venus Exploration

4 Pages 1930 Words
Introduction Venus, ‘the morning/evening star’ is an extraordinary planet with many similar characteristics to Earth such that it is often called Earth’s twin. Located next to Earth, despite the similar mass and composition, the two planets are also very different. Examples of this include, Venus being the only planet in the solar system that spins clockwise rather than anti-clockwise, its...

The Extreme Conditions Of Moon

2 Pages 944 Words
At this stage, it is not possible for humans to terraform the Moon as the conditions on it are extreme. There are some basic considerations or needs for any long-term colonisation: breathable air, water, food, temperature, pressurised shelter and power, gravity, protection from radiation [2]. Breathable air The moon's atmosphere is so thin that there is no oxygen able to...
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The Challenges of One-Way Mars Missions

2 Pages 819 Words
Introduction The concept of embarking on a one-way mission to Mars has captured the imagination of scientists, engineers, and the general public alike. This ambitious endeavor encapsulates humanity's drive to explore the unknown and push the boundaries of what is possible. As the race to colonize the red planet intensifies, the idea of sending astronauts on a one-way journey raises...

Analyzing Dynamics of Reaction Rates

2 Pages 1070 Words
Introduction Determining the rate of a chemical reaction is pivotal in the field of chemistry as it provides insights into the speed at which reactants are converted into products. This understanding is crucial for a variety of applications, ranging from industrial manufacturing to biological systems. The rate of a reaction is influenced by several factors including concentration, temperature, surface area,...

Impact of Glucose in Drinks on Tooth Decay

3 Pages 1184 Words
Abstract This investigation discusses the relationship between the specific glucose concentration in three solutions Coke, Gatorade and Sucrose. This spectrophotometer was used, this is a device to measure absorbed light intensity as a function of wavelength of 340nm and record visible regions of glucose and sucrose. The experiment found that glucose obtained and concentration of 1.83g/100mL in Coke and 1.2g/100mL...

Identifying Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Curd with Plating & PCR

5 Pages 2282 Words
Introduction Production of curd by using Bacterial Probiotics Acidification of milk is one of the methods used in preservation of milk. Acidification, gives the milk a sour taste and it is achieved by bacterial fermentation or by the addition of an acid (for example: lemon juice or vinegar). The acid causes milk to coagulate and solidify fully or partially. Coagulation...

The Factors That Affect The Enzyme Activity

2 Pages 774 Words
Enzyme is a protein molecule that takes on a particular shape which enables them to speed up biochemical reactions within the organisms, therefore behaving as a catalyst. It can also be used in industrial and medical contexts. Bread making, cheese making and beer brewing all depend on the activity on enzymes, and enzymes can be inhibited if their environment is...
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Integrated Descriptive Linguistics

2 Pages 784 Words
Teacher beliefs and practices relating to integrated descriptive linguistics teaching falls in to the class of communicative teaching (CLT) that continues to stay underneath constant analysis, primarily within the faculty|high|highschool|high school|secondary school|lyceum|lycee|Gymnasium|middle school} school context. there's a tested tendency for EFL lecturers in Asia to think about descriptive linguistics teaching and CLT as dichotomous; additional analysis into the factors which...

Toxicity Of Heavy Metals Pollutants In Textile Industrial Effluents

5 Pages 2283 Words
Abstract The textile industries mainly generate huge quantities of untreated wastewater leading to increased water pollution and human diseases in India.The present study deals with the collection of textile industry effluent and its characterization to find out the heavy metal load generated from textile industries, on the natural waste water streams. The major pollution indicating parameters and heavy metals were...

CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing Technology In Agriculture

4 Pages 2050 Words
Gene editing in agriculture Gene editing involves making distinct changes in the DNA sequence of a plant/animal cell creating a desired genetic make-up. Gene editing is a powerful tool for genome editing which requires high specificity and uses enzymes known as nucleases which cut the DNA at the desired site while another sequence is inserted to replace the cut sequence...
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The Correlation Of Moon And Venus Behaviours

2 Pages 716 Words
“Venus” went through cycles similar to that of the moon (from fully illuminated to crescent shaped). However, in saying this, I want to point out at this stage that although the phases of the moon and Venus are in fact similar, from my understanding, the reason that Venus looks bigger during crescent shaped cannot be applied to that of the...
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The Necessity Of Sun Safety Improvement

3 Pages 1415 Words
INTRODUCTION Everyone needs sun exposure as when the skin is exposed to the sun, our bodies make vitamin D (Kate M. Cronan, 2019). This helps the body to absorb calcium for stronger, healthier bones (Kate M. Cronan, 2019). “Too much unprotected exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause skin damage, eye damage, immune system suppression, and skin cancer....
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The Possibility Of Habitats On Venus

2 Pages 771 Words
Venus’ surface is uninhabitable by humans for many reasons. Not only does Venus’ atmosphere contribute to the huge amounts of air pressure, over 90 times that of Earth’s, but the dense, mostly carbon dioxide atmosphere traps a ton of heat. This sends temperatures skyrocketing to around 467 °C, hot enough to melt lead [1]. Together, these factors crushed many probes...
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The Steady-state Theory And The Big Bang Theory

2 Pages 927 Words
The whole universe is expanding in all directions; however, everything was closer together 13.8 billion years ago and at one point all the galaxies converged to a single point (Howell, E. 2017). It is said that the universe has expanded to get as large as it is now, and that it will continue to expand. When the universe started as...

Electrolysis Of Copper IA

3 Pages 1491 Words
INTRODUCTON A redox reaction is a type of chemical reaction “that involves a transfer of electrons between two species” (Spohrer, Breitenbuecher & Brar, 2019). For a reaction to be classified as redox, there must be one species that is reduced and another that is oxidised. This means that both reduction (the gain of electrons) and oxidation (the loss of electrons)...

Technology: A Catalyst for Language Evolution

2 Pages 1094 Words
Introduction Language is an ever-evolving entity, shaped by cultural, social, and technological forces. In recent decades, technology has played a pivotal role in transforming the way we communicate, offering new platforms and modes of expression. From the dawn of the internet to the proliferation of social media, technology has not only expanded our vocabulary but also refined the way we...
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Electrolysis Of Copper Investigation

3 Pages 1439 Words
Introduction In our modern society, a plethora of chemical processes and reactions are commonly found in our everyday environment and are significant parts of the products we use. One such process is a redox equation, which consists of oxidation and reduction. Originally, oxidation and reduction were viewed in terms of adding or removing oxygen. Now, they are defined in three...

Alzheimer’s Disease And Gene Therapy

3 Pages 1400 Words
The clinical symptomatology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is considered to be the result of an extensive destruction or disorganization of the cerebral cortex, as the patient’s cognitive functions become impaired. Late onset Alzheimer’s disease affects 5-10% of people over the age of 65 years old and while the case for this disease has not yet been fully understood, it is...

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Genetic Modification

5 Pages 2392 Words
WHAT IS GENETIC MODIFICATION A transgenic species (TGS) is defined as an organism that has had part of another species genome transferred into its own gene through the techniques of genetic engineering. This is often called “Genetic Engineering”. It allows selected individual genes to be carried from one organism into another and their traits to be passed on. Further, transgenic...

Bilinguals' Language Co-ordination in Communication

5 Pages 2275 Words
Throughout literature and research, the term Bilingualism has remained extremely difficult to define as it has developed multiple meanings over time, however, it is generally acknowledged as when an individual has developed a high level of fluency and proficiency in two or more languages (Hamers, 2000). It is the coexistence of multiple active language systems that are constantly in contact...

Mars: Sole Focus for Next 10 Years

2 Pages 1034 Words
Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and is easily visible from Earth. In the evening it can be spotted high in the sky and appears to look reddish in colour due to oxidation of iron in the rocks on its surface. Mars has a radius of 3390 kilometres and is about half the size of Earth (Mars Britannica...

The Mission Of Mars Exploration

1 Page 562 Words
The exploration of Mars has been a long awaited mission. The effects however have been questioned for a very long time. Through my understanding of Martian Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System after Mercury. It has an atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide, molecular nitrogen and argon. It also contains...

Is Sending Humans To Mars Necessary?

2 Pages 937 Words
Have you ever wanted to go to a different planet? Have you ever wondered if going to a different planet is even necessary at all? Throughout the 20th century, our views of life on another planet has changed drastically. This essay will argue that a mission to Mars is not mandatory and instead dangerous. Because there are many risk like...

The Influence Of Globalisation on Agricultural Biotechnology

4 Pages 1561 Words
In a bid to aid globalisation, the Australian Government established liberal trade policy agreements with low wage economies. However, according to a manufacturing report released in 2018 by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, it suggests liberal trade policies are hampering the growth of Australia's manufacturing industry instead of fueling economic growth. Australia’s manufacturing industry contributes 6% to the...

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