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Gender Plays a Role in How our Society Defines and Perceives Drug Abuse as a Crime

4 Pages 1639 Words
Introduction The misuse of substances such as alcohol, cigarettes, cocaine, marijuana, illegal drugs, and other such stimulants has augmented at an extreme level. The illegal trafficking of harmful drugs is also common these days. Many of such cases have been identified while many of them still exist, which is why the population, especially the youth is getting affected and addicted...

The Role of Media Channels in Developing Destination Image

4 Pages 1709 Words
Impact of Television on Destination Image There are several ways in which a destination image can be viewed on TV. It can be viewed in a movie or TV advertisement. It can also be seen on news casts. All in all, these viewings can alter the viewer’s perception of a particular place or destination image. Nowadays, movies and TV series...

Human Rights And Social Justice Issues In The Offshore Detention Of Asylum Seekers

5 Pages 2345 Words
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations, 1948) outlines 30 human rights that apply to all human beings regardless of race, sex, nationality, or any other characteristic. These human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery, torture, degrading treatment, arbitrary arrest, detention or exile, and most relevantly, the right to seek asylum from persecution in...

Ableism, Stigma And Discrimination

1 Page 440 Words
The main barriers facing people with disabilities is discrimination, ableism, and stigmatization. The negative labelling, stereotyping and negative prejudice against a person with a physical, intellectual and mental health impairment has led to the belief that people with disabilities are worthless and a burden to the society (Bos, Pryor, Reeder & Stutterheim 2013, p. 1). Trait and perceivable societal beliefs...

How Does The Play Medea Reflect Inequality Within The Male And Female Gender?

3 Pages 1457 Words
In Euripides’ ancient Greek tragedy ‘Medea,’ he explores how women are disadvantaged in society in terms of welfare under the authority of men. Firstly, Euripides speaks against men dehumanising women in their pursuit of higher social standing, criticising such actions as morally wrong. Moreover, Euripides exposes how the patriarchal society places men in positions of authority, inevitably leading women to...

William Shakespeare and Gender

2 Pages 956 Words
Did you know that in Shakespeare’s time, the decision to marry was in the hands of a girl’s father? Sexuality and gender are vital themes in Shakespeare’s plays. Depending on any type of play or genre sexuality and gender can be used as a tool of manipulation. During the time of Shakespeare, there was a social construct of gender and...

Paving The Way For A Woman President

2 Pages 987 Words
Why can't a woman be president? Is it because they are not strong enough, or intelligent enough to rule a country? It has always been argued that women are not strong enough or smart enough to do certain jobs to accomplish and succeed. Women are no less intelligent than men and it should go without saying that women are capable...

Social Media & Body Image

3 Pages 1179 Words
Social media and stereotypes are a common aspect of everyday life. Social media is a type online platform that enables its users to create and share content with the online community. Often, adolescents view social media as a guideline for what the societal norm and ideal body type should look like. Stereotypes are prejudicial beliefs about a certain group of...

The Role of Social Media in the Covid-19 Crisis

1 Page 486 Words
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented crisis throughout the global population. Western social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as their Chinese counterparts (such as WeChat and Weibo) are at the heart of this crisis. These platforms can act as multipliers and facilitators of COVID-19 related misinformation. This perpetration of misinformation encompasses outbreak response and...

An Advertising Trend No Brand Branding

2 Pages 847 Words
Introduction (Arthur Rooney, 1995) states the brand owner must allocate more resources to promote through advertising if they want to make a product successful. It is simply because advertising can expose potential consumers to the brand and accept it. As advertising has always been one of the most important marketing tools for enterprises to deliver messages to the target audience,...

Competition and Consumer Law

6 Pages 2609 Words
The situation depicted under scenario A defines a tender process for the government of Queensland Beaujolais. The whole scenario related to dissolution of the state run courier and distribution of the relative service through private tenders. This process is a largely incorporated system of disintegration of services under a tender based obligation for the state based courier services. The essentials...

The Human Rights Framework And Social Work

5 Pages 2320 Words
The three generations of human rights framework Human rights are a powerful ideal that are easily endorsed today by people from many different cultural and moral backgrounds (Ife, 2012). The term ‘human rights’ is relatively new and was only initially used after the second world war (Weston, 1984). Prior to the 1940s there were no movements, no non-governmental organisations (NGOs)...

Role And Value Of Advertising In Current Communications Environment

3 Pages 1434 Words
Introduction The broad perspective of marketing communications presents an undertone and an understanding of the role of advertising in the contemporary communication environments in a more societal context. The dramatic changes in advertising across different platforms and spheres throughout the world is an indication of the dynamic and complex consumer behavior within the context of marketing and the strive for...

How Social Justice Isn't Served In Fahrenheit 451

2 Pages 1104 Words
In Fahrenheit 451, the concept of justice is used as an oxymoron. Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 concept justice is more than an oxymoron it defines a form of a sensible idea, transforming Montag from an “Fireman” to a man who’s able to reveal illegally literacy context to civilization and finding himself. The figure of speech, Justice becomes an oxymoron in Bradbury’s...

The Media Censorship Between China and Turkey

3 Pages 1188 Words
Media censorship is the concealment of articulation, communication or any detailed fact that is treated as disagreeable, inappropriate and sensitive. In Chines government strictly keeps a check on the traditional as well as novel media to prevent potential disruption of its position in the world. While in Turkey, media censorship is modulated by international and domestic jurisprudence and it is...

Barriers and Facilitators Impacting Refugee Women in Australias Access To PPH

4 Pages 1968 Words
Legislative factors were shown to potentially operate as both facilitators and barriers to refugee women’s access to PPH in Australia, and were evident in 31.5% of studies. At times, policies put in place with the intention of helping refugees, instead created barriers to their access of PPH. For instance, the requirement for all healthcare appointments with non-English speaking patients to...

The Relation Between Women's Economic Status And Domestic Violence

3 Pages 1390 Words
The study of the household as an economic unit is normally viewed as a cooperative unit. Domestic violence occurs mostly against women and would be better explained as a non-cooperative relationship within the household. A woman's economic status is undoubtedly linked with domestic violence between a married couple of a household. This link can be broken down into three aspects...

The Interrelation Of Public Health And Gun Violence

2 Pages 825 Words
“Gun violence is not something that appears just in a bad neighborhood or in another part of the world. It appears right here, right outside your door.” (Mendell, 1998,) This large world we exist in, presently there is gun violence right outside our own front doors. Gun violence is the beginning of upsetting the human race yearly in the United...

The Features of Australian Cultural Identity

2 Pages 696 Words
In my first topic of two i have chosen arguably one of Australia's most famous traits “AFL”, when people think of Australia people think of absurd stereotypes like “riding a kangaroo” and always having a “shrimp on the barbie” and one of the very few stereotypes everyone “loves AFL” and AFL was a sport that really transformed Australia into a...

Is Obesity a Mistake in Evolution?

5 Pages 2051 Words
Evolution claims : natural selection, Tthe mechanism of survival of the fittest. However, we can attribute some serious human health problems to the 'accidental deviations' in human evolution, such as obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In 2009, a Gallup poll announced that 44% of Americans in the past 100 centuries believed that people like this were created by God...

Portrayal Of The Indian Woman And Discrimination Of Gender In Deshpande’s The Dark Holds No Terror

4 Pages 1965 Words
Abstract Shashi Deshpande draws a canvas of the women who are portrayed in a sensitive manner. Her novels present a social world of intricate relationships and age old traditions that creates gaps and disturbances within the family fold. She pays attention to the dilemma of women who struggle to overcome constricting social norms and attempt to redefine their status. The...

How It Has Been Managed: Chinese Overpopulation

4 Pages 1620 Words
Overpopulation is when a place can no longer hold any more people without shortages. Some shortages are food insecurity, water cleanliness and amount, housing supplies, people not able to pay taxes, lopsided sex ratios, ageing population, spread of life-threatening disease and sicknesses and not enough space for healthy and clean living. These shortages create overpopulation. Some people get confused between...

Domestic Violence Against Men. A Taboo?

3 Pages 1350 Words
When a woman is beaten, threatened, molested, harassed physically or emotionally everybody listens. She is given all the sympathy and support. She is backed by both the society and the judicial system. Indeed, the violence against women is so brutal and shameful that it is not only a slap on women’s dignity but also crushes her soul. Sometimes it affects...

Fahrenheit 451 In The Literary Canon

3 Pages 1152 Words
To some, the literary canon is considered a collection of the finest works throughout literature’s history, whilst to others it can be considered an assortment of boring books that provide no meaningful impact. I’m here today to acknowledge the importance of the literary canon and the relevance these classic novels still have in today’s society. The literary canon refers to...

Defying Racial Prejudice: Douglass & Melville

6 Pages 2568 Words
In her lyric, ​Citizen​, Claudia Rankine writes, “because white men can't, police their mimagination, black men are dying”. These words illustrate the predisposed attitudes ‘white men’ identify with ‘black men’. In this context, it is in reference to police brutality toward African Americans during the 1990s. It suggests that rather than understanding a person as an individual, they are distinguished...

Ethical Issues And Dilemmas In Society

2 Pages 1018 Words
Imagine yourself being unable to walk, unable to see, unable to breath let alone speak. You can’t even scratch an itch. But the worst part of all this, is you still feel sensations of pain, hunger, loneliness and fear, yet you’re unable to react. The topic of euthanasia is one that is cloaked with much ethical deliberation and ambiguity. Numerous...

The Image Of Society In The Book The Giver

2 Pages 1138 Words
The society in which Jonas lives in is essentially known as a dystopian world that portrays a failed utopian world. His society is a world where everything has gone wrong. Jonas society has attempted utopia – where they try to hide the pain, suffering and violence within these memories that no one other than The Giver and Receiver of Memory...

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