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Essay on Desertification: Pros and Cons

Within the last 30 years, the state of the world’s climate has been a growing topic of discussion. Climate change can and will have drastic effects on the planet and will become the greatest threat to humans. One of these effects is desertification. Desertification is the transition of an area into a drier climate, typically associated with deforestation and droughts. Perhaps the largest and most profound case of this effect is found in Africa, on the northern border of Sub-Saharan...
3 Pages 1374 Words

Essay on Deforestation

The cause: Deforestation. What is Deforestation? Deforestation is basically the process of permanently removing trees to make room for creating land for agriculture, construction, logging, or cattle ranching. Unfortunately, the amazon suffers from deforestation the most. According to WWF, 20% of the Amazon biome has already been lost due to deforestation and is predicted to get worse if deforestation continues at an alarming rate. It is also estimated that Amazon will lose about 27% of its trees by the year...
2 Pages 1121 Words

Essay on Contribution of Women to Electrical Engineering

The contribution of women to electrical engineering is very important. As a result, many women are inspired and motivated to join the electrical engineering career. This begs the question of what should be done to promote the idea of many women entering the profession. The answer to such a question is not easy because the responsibility lies on the women, men, electrical engineering companies, as well as schools that educate on this particular major. Regardless of their gender, women seem...
5 Pages 2438 Words

Essay on Communication

Communication Essay 1 (100 words) Communication is the essence of human interaction, allowing us to exchange ideas, emotions, and information. It serves as the foundation of society, enabling collaboration, understanding, and empathy. Through spoken language, gestures, and technology, we bridge distances and connect minds across cultures and borders. Effective communication fosters strong relationships, resolves conflicts, and promotes personal and professional growth. It empowers individuals to express themselves and be heard, while also being attentive and receptive to others. By mastering...
6 Pages 2849 Words

Essay on Climate Change Debate

Whether you believe in the theory of Creationism, or the theory of Evolution, throughout the course of history, the climate has changed. Even now, the climate continues to change with each passing year. The debate of whether or not climate change rests solely on the shoulders of the human race has continued for decades. I do not contend with the idea that humans have a hand in this continuing event, but I do contend with the blame being solely on...
4 Pages 2030 Words

Essay on Care for the Environment

Environmental sustainability refers to the responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect global ecosystems to support health and well-being, now and in the future. While religion is defined as an organized collection of belief systems and worldviews that relate humanity to spirituality and sometimes to moral values. The aim of this report is to discuss the role of religion (Christianity etc.) in environmental sustainability. Background of religion The period of religious history begins with the invention of writing about 5220...
5 Pages 2226 Words

Essay on Canada’s Boreal Forest

The boreal zone, situated within the northern regions of the globe, stretches around 5000 kilometers from Labrador and Newfoundland in the east to Yukon in the west, extending south 1000 kilometers from the edge of the arctic tundra. Estimated to be around 270 million hectares, this boreal region covers more than half of Canada’s land area, sheltering millions of wildlife species. Making up a third of this boreal zone, Canada’s boreal forest is essential for not solely the tradition and...
4 Pages 1804 Words

Essay on Bioethics and Positives and Negatives of Bioengineering

Introduction: There are many advantages and disadvantages when it comes to genetically engineering a baby. There are also reasons why people would want to genetically engineer a baby. In the movie ‘My Sister’s Keeper’, a couple used genetic engineering to prevent their daughter from being taken away by cancer. Although, they got these body parts from the baby they made and the problem with that is if they continue taking body parts from her, then she will soon die while...
3 Pages 1390 Words

Essay on Areas of the Chinese Influence on the Vietnamese

Pre-modern Vietnam was a turbulent time marked by constant struggles of subjugation, war, and actualization. With Vietnam being such a rich area full of diverse cultures, largely due to the imperial rule by the Chinese, we see many facets of this small south-east Asian country through careful examination of the facts. The path they went along, which was similar to other developing countries, yet distinct resulted in such an interesting nation bearing striking resemblance to China in many areas. Ultimately,...
2 Pages 934 Words

Essay on American Dream

During the 1920s, America welcomed an economic boom that established huge economic growth within American industries as well as aided the birth of a new consumer culture. With this, America saw the growth of ideals that aided the lives of the individual and bolstered a new optimism that strengthened the idea of the American Dream as a beacon of hope within society. However, the definition of the American Dream was often refabricated in order to become compatible with the individual's...
2 Pages 1033 Words

Essay on African American Women Writers in 20th Century

African American women authors have become dominant forces in creating and contributing to the larger tradition after many decades of being virtually silenced by outright neglect from publishers who considered them irrelevant. As with so much literature by and about women, that silence has been broken, giving voice to the infinite complexities of African American women’s lives, including women’s role as leaders, creators of culture, mothers, and lovers, among many others. -Dickson- Carr The twentieth century has proved to be...
7 Pages 3004 Words

Essay about the Environment We Live in

In the twenty-first century, where all the states in the global environment struggle to achieve primacy and supremacy over the other states, development in terms of economy and military might be crucial. Every state tries to gain as much military and economic power to influence others as it can based on the resources they have at hand. Lamentably, this development often comes with an environmental loss due to the uncontrolled extraction of natural resources, production, and consumption. This environmental loss...
5 Pages 2142 Words

Essay about Mexican Revolution

The people fought through the revolution from 1910-1920, to earn their rights. The Revolution was increasingly corrupt, inflexible, and had a violent dictatorship. President Diaz oversaw the broadcast and most rapid period of economic expansion which led to mass loss of land. Porfirio Diaz (Background) Although the Mexican Revolution officially started in 1910, you have to go back a few decades to understand why the Revolution happened. During that time, former military general Porfirio Diaz was viewed by some as...
3 Pages 1321 Words

Essay about Mexican Food

There are Mexicans who believe there's 'real Mexican food' and 'fake Mexican food.' But the idea of authenticity has driven the popularity of Mexican food among Americans for 100 years. This brought up the idea of installing American-formed ‘Mexican’ stores all around the U.S. But that does not give off a negative input necessarily. It can also provide easier access for native Mexicans in the U.S. to gather their products closer than having them imported. Now there seems to be...
4 Pages 1735 Words

Essay about Mexican Family Structure and Roles

The term “family’ can hold a varying amount of significance and meaning to each of us. Personally, the term symbolizes the strong bond that I hold within my immediate and extended family and will continue to hold for as long as possible. My father migrated to this country to present his future family with opportunities that citizens are guaranteed, and for that, I am forever grateful. What my family has taught and given me is immense and irreplaceable. The love...
3 Pages 1363 Words

Essay about Mexican Catholic Traditions

When two different viewpoints are constantly going head to head, sometimes it seems like violence is the only answer. This was certainly true about the history of Mexico, as until a compromise was finally made, the newly independent nation saw many violent battles over power, especially from the political parties of the Centralists and the Federalists, and the later independent Republic of Texas with and without the support of the United States Army. The main issues that Mexico struggled to...
2 Pages 799 Words

Environmental Essay: Importance of Environment Protection and Sustainability

Environment protection is the process to conserve the natural environment by Society which includes individuals, different organizations, and laws and acts. The main purpose of environmental protection firstly does not to interfere with the natural environment, to keep it as it is, and conserve natural resources of water, air, and energy. Moreover, to repair and protect against damages that human activities have done to the environment. As we know that overuse of sources and the increase in population and technology...
4 Pages 1933 Words

Environment and History of Indian Ethics

diverseEnvironmental ethics is considered as a branch of ethics that studies established the foundation of environmental values, the relation of people in general with its atmosphere, concrete problems around societal approaches, actions, and policies to safeguard and sustain a wide range of diversity and ecological systems. Environmental ethics believe that nature includes mankind but also thousands of different enormous living creatures such as plants and animals which are also living organisms required for a balanced ecosystem. These elements are a...
3 Pages 1379 Words

Education Gender Gap: Impact of Gender Differences on Education

In this essay, I will review an article published by Tina Rampino on the education gender gap, specifically on the attitude and aspirations of school-going males and females. Rampino begins by setting the scene in terms of gender differences in performance and identifying some of the sociological debates surrounding these. Rampino’s research confirms previous studies done on attitudes and aspirations, but also reveals that certain factors, like the situation at home or the economy, can influence attitudes and aspirations. Rampino...
5 Pages 2162 Words

Ecological Importance of Forests in Pakistan

Introduction A forest is an area that is covered with trees, plants, and animals. Forests are very important for the survival of animals that support human life. Pakistan is an agricultural country. Pakistan has almost 4.2 million ha of planted trees and agricultural forests. It’s about 4.8% of the total land area. In Pakistan's hilly areas, about 40% forest comprises coniferous and scrub forests. The balance includes irrigated plantations, the riverine forests along major rivers of the Indus plains, mangrove...
3 Pages 1508 Words

Do Zoos Help or Harm Animals: Discursive Essay

In the zoo, people can observe a variety of animals from all over the world. From aquatic animals to terrestrial animals, those vivid creatures are displayed in front of human beings. The origin of zoos can be dated back to ancient Egypt. Animals represented the power and wealth of an empire. The Romans usually captured animals, such as lions, elephants, and bears to battle criminals. According to Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences (2014), “Collections of animals during ancient times could...
2 Pages 1069 Words

Do High Prices of Healthy Food Contribute to the Rate of Obesity in Our Society: Argumentative Essay

Introduction: Obesity is a global issue that many countries are having difficulty addressing. There is no simple solution and no country has yet been successful in significantly reducing obesity. The World Health Organization, also referred to as WHO, states that obesity is a chronic disease defined as a condition of abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.’ [footnoteRef:1] [1:] In 2014 and 15, over one in four Australian adults were obese. This represents five million...
2 Pages 836 Words

Difficulties of Relationship in 'Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind'

A person can come into your life when you least expect it and turn your world upside down. At first, they may seem like they are the best thing that could happen to you but then slowly what was once a dream relationship turns into something toxic. Something that turns both individuals into a person they don’t even recognize anymore. So, what if in this situation the person could be erased from your memory as if they never existed? Michel...
3 Pages 1285 Words

Critical Reflection on Hospital and Doctor Roles in 'Grey’s Anatomy'

Television hospital shows like Grey’s Anatomy in the past, as well as the present-day do not depict the real-life hospital and doctor roles. According to (Health Enews Staff) far fewer patients go straight from the emergency room to the operating room in real-life compared to the high percentage of television hospital shows. Injured patients on television shows spend less than a week in the hospital. In reality, most injured patients spend much more time in the hospital. Residents’ lives are...
3 Pages 1514 Words

Crenshaw’s 'Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex' and Me Too Movement

In 2017, when actress Alyssa Milano asked her followers to tweet “#MeToo” if they had ever been sexually harassed, social media went into a frenzy. At that moment, activist Tarana Burke who started the Me Too movement in 2006, became a minor character in a global story. The spotlight that shines on privileged women who have the ability to share their stories without the fear of repercussions or penalty became even more glaring. This focus results in singular celebrity stories...
2 Pages 821 Words

Climate Solution Report: Importance of Forests and Reforestation

Reforestation is a climate solution first proposed in the form of an annual planting program by Gordan Sloan in the mid-1900s. While the exact program never took place as replanting trees was largely viewed as uneconomical, the need for reforestation became widely accepted as a necessary implementation during the passing decades. The process gained momentum during the late 1980s due to heightened public concern. Describe your solution. Reforestation is the process undertaken to ensure the recovery of forests that have...
3 Pages 1330 Words

Case Study of Eating Habits in the Local Muslim Community in Cape Town

Observation is the essence of discovery. The Qur’an encourages observing the world and reflecting on signs. Research should enable one to gain wisdom which in turn is applied in order to benefit others. Since the manner is not specified, the Muslim researcher has the flexibility to design methods to describe social phenomena (Alias, 2005). Modern scientific research methods are not unfamiliar to Islam, having been used by Muslim thinkers of the past to study various religious or social phenomena (Alias,...
3 Pages 1180 Words

Can the Abuse of Natural Resources in African and Middle Eastern Countries Lead to Economic Disparity: Essay

Introduction: The exploitation of natural resources has always been a factor that has affected many developing countries. Natural resources are air, water, soil, minerals, fuels, plants, and animals (National Geographic Society, 2012). Countries that experience abuse of their natural resources are those that are already suffering underdevelopment, which incentivizes them to give away their resources in order for them to economically grow. Many nations found in the African continent are fairly new with plenty of resources, which is a weakness...
5 Pages 2293 Words

Benefits of Optimum Use of Natural Resources

Introduction Renewable and non-renewable natural resources and ecosystem amenities are part of the real capital of the countries. They are natural wealth from which other forms of wealth are made. If these natural resources use ideal they contribute towards fiscal revenue, income, and poverty reduction. Sectors related to natural resources use provide jobs and are often the basis of livelihoods in poorer communities. Owing to this fundamental importance of natural resources, they must be managed sustainably. To manage these natural...
4 Pages 2042 Words

Argumentative Essay on Global Warming

Global warming is a great threat to our entire planet and is a condition that was created by man as far back as the Industrialization Era. Unless we begin to make changes to benefit our environment and the Earth now, there will be devastating consequences later. Humans are the most dangerous animals on the planet. Who else can destroy our oceans and land? Who else can cause pollution and destroy our forests? Who else can use other animals for experiments...
4 Pages 1961 Words

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