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Laugh, Think, Cry: The Fight to Save Parody and Satire in our Tribal Republic

In times of crisis, contemporary parody and satire provide content or creative space that can use humor to navigate taboo or tough topics in our democratic society. Parody and satire can only function in a democratic society that values and protects free speech. Parody and satire aren't just entertainment, they are critical tools to speak truth to power during tough ideological wars and times of cultural upheaval. The goal of good satire and parody is not to slander or demoralize,...
6 Pages 2586 Words

Can Childhood be Understood as a Social Construct?

Social Construct has many different definitions, according to Norozi & Moen (2016) “Social construction of childhood is grounded in varying conceptions among different cultures, societies and at different time period in history”. But how does this have anything to do with childhood or childcare? Well Childhood/Childcare are seen in many ways it as it is made up of many different factors e.g. time, age, policies, environment etc. Childhood is usually focused on theories and that’s how we observe them, but...
2 Pages 1114 Words

How Can A Student Avoid Procrastinating?

Procrastinating is delaying, postponing, and deferring. It is the bane of every student’s existence. Student’s know what they should be doing; they just don’t want to do it. It easy to put off undesirable assignment until the very last minute. However, it is of immense important for students to take some steps to avoid maintaining and sustaining this attitude, as it is often quite harmful for their future. (Anderson, 2019) The habit of procrastination develops when student think there is...
1 Page 466 Words

Suicide Rates In Thailand

Self-love or sometimes called the fear of death is a basic instinct of human beings. However, for people who have suicidal thoughts, it somehow disappears when they think their lives are not worth living anymore. Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Apisara Attavanich. Today, I am here to talk about one of important issues happening in Thailand which is suicide. I have divided my presentation into 3 parts. The first part is background information about suicide in Thailand. The second...
2 Pages 835 Words

The Meaning and Conceptions of Social Class

Social class has long been used as a measure of society, and often as an explanation for many of the phenomena within it. But what is social class? Depending on the viewpoint, there are a few different answers to this question. Some theories, such as Marxism would argue that class is defined as “economic, in relation to the ownership of the means of production” (Platt, 2010), meaning that class is in terms of who owns the means of production. Other...
4 Pages 1927 Words

Restoration Of Human Bonds & Relationships

Forgiveness restores relationships, friendships, and families. It is the first step to a process of healing for someone who was holding onto a traumatic situation. There should be restorative justice because it is a powerful and important tool to rehabilitate the offender, victim and community to come together in reconcile without being against one another. The person who was credited with creating the name “restorative justice” was American psychologist Albert Eglash. Eglash wrote in “1959 article “Creative Restitution: Its Roots...
2 Pages 1031 Words

The Hyperloop and Other Unbelievable Ideas of Elon Musk: What if they All Become a Reality

Elon Musk proposed the idea of a Hyperloop in 2012. A Hyperloop is a train system that is made of a capsule with low pressure tubes and it travels on a cushion of air at very high speeds. Because a Hyperloop can travel at high speeds, it can reduce the time it takes to arrive at a destination as well as reduce the cost of transportation. Elon Musk also proposed the idea of tourists flying around the moon and connecting...
1 Page 568 Words

Tracking Managerial Conflict Adaptivity

Introduction Albert Einstein once said “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” But years of research have found that those in position of powers (leaders and managers) tends to get stuck in dominating and controlling approaches to negotiation and conflict. When leaders and managers operate from a way of general dominance, they fare less well in negotiations, undermine relationships, foster less commitment to their decisions, and cultivate negativity and rancour of subordinates. And as the saying goes, there's...
3 Pages 1486 Words

Anxiety Illness Disorder in the United Sates

This paper will cover the numerous areas mainly talked about ranging from definition to treatment and will be covered in either what society has to say along with medical professionals’ input. Information gathered was very similar however there were differences in treatment based on the event that causes Anxiety. This paper will strongly examine what the best forms of sings and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment are for everyday individuals that aren’t well experienced in the medical field. In the article...
2 Pages 1043 Words

Serial Killers: Definition, Demographics, Motivations, And Typologies

The Intrigue of Serial Killers Today, I feel everyone is fascinated by crime with serial murder being the most fascinating crime out of all crimes. You see books, newspapers, television shows, and movies based on well-known killers like Ted Bundy and Andrew Cunanan who had the destructive minds that continually kill. Many of these accounts leave impressions that serial killers are different and distinct from other criminals. Our current knowledge on serial killers is based almost exclusively on a small...
7 Pages 3049 Words

The Concepts Of Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile delinquency, as we know it today, is a relatively recent concept. This does not mean, however, that young people in the past were more compliant than they are today. The American juvenile justice system has developed over the past century with a number of differences that distinguish it from the adult criminal justice process. Juvenile justice advocates supported the differences on diminished youthful offender accountability and legal understanding, and youths’ greater amenability to treatment. The first juvenile court was...
1 Page 631 Words

Downsides of Animal Testing

Animal research has had a crucial job in numerous logical and restorative advances of the previous century, and keeps on supporting our comprehension of different illnesses. All through the world, individuals appreciate a superior personal satisfaction in view of these advances, and the resulting improvement of new medications and medicines—all made conceivable by animal testing. Such analyses are broadly used to grow new prescriptions and to test the safety of different items. However, a considerable number of these analyses can...
2 Pages 786 Words

Emotional Intelligence in Students

Abstract Many studies exhibit that Emotional Intelligence (EI) improves academic performance (AP) in medical undergraduates and secondary schools. This study aims to examine whether there is a direct link between EI, expected workload and AP and amongst business students. The theory comprises of final year undergraduate students having higher EI in TEIQue-SF and final examination than the 1st and 2nd year students. The study consists of cross-sectional research among 732 (350 females, 382 males) undergraduate students in business doing their...
2 Pages 1137 Words

Food Rationing as a Means of Combatting Mortality Caused by Obesity

The prevalence of overweight and obesity is at an unprecedented high, with 68,2 and 34,6 percent in 2010, respectively (Go et al, 2014). Obesity is commonly measured as the disproportion of an established ratio between height and body weight, with auxiliary factors, such as age or sex, taken into account. A possible measure for combating obesity is rationing. Rationing is defined as an artificial restriction on the provision of food, for example in a hospital or school cafeteria. Nevertheless, the...
2 Pages 984 Words

How has Recent Developments in Technology Changed the Process of Pregnancy

In recent times, the human race began to battle a question that was once very easy to answer. When exactly does life come to an end? Earlier in the 19th Century, the reply to the question was very obviously and frequently when the heart stops but when technological advancements could allow the heartbeat even after the brain had died or stopped working, it became unclear whether death still occurred when the heart stopped beating or when the brain stopped working....
7 Pages 3092 Words

Definition and Elements of Emotional Intelligence

Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success or happiness. Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ by Daniel Goleman was named of the 25 most influential business management books by Time Magazine with 5,000,000 copies in print worldwide and translated into 40 languages. In this book Daniel Goleman expands the model of what it means to be intelligent and puts emotions at the center of aptitudes for living. He brings up the idea that emotional...
2 Pages 795 Words

The Dichotomy of Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Appreciation

Introduction A series of discriminatory events have brought attention to cultural appropriation in fashion. Many major fashion houses (Gucci, Prada, Dior and more) have been accused at being at the forefront of such appropriation. Cultural appropriation as defined by Cambridge Dictionary states that it is “the act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own, especially without showing that you understand or respect this culture” (Cultural Appropriation). Cultural appropriation is often used in academia to...
3 Pages 1337 Words

Research Analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel written by Harper Lee and was published in 1960. The main aim of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is to focus on the extraordinary elements that come up in the 1930s in the Southern United States. Other authors and scholars, through their works, also focused on the aspects of racial discrimination and injustices in the society. The book is narrated by a young girl, Scout, who opens us into the world of...
3 Pages 1505 Words

Neurobiology Of Lying/Deception

Since time immemorial efforts have been made to devise methods of detecting falsehoods. For the sake of justice and security it is essential that one identifies liars. Personally I have been fascinated with the field of forensic psychology and understand the potential benefits of knowing how to detect a liar. Visualizing how the brain lies using functional MRI is a huge step in this direction. Studies have identified several brain regions that are activated when people lie as compared to...
2 Pages 730 Words

The Aspects Of Racial Profiling In Medicine

Introduction Race has been an important category in medicine, despite scientists coming to a consensus that race makes a poor scientific concept (Rotimi, 2004; Tishkoff & Kidd, 2004; Wilson et al, 2001). It has been found that humans, regardless of race, share 99.9% of their genetic makeup. The variants that occur in the remaining 0.01% are shared between whole populations (Weigmann, 2006). Furthermore, critics of racial classification argue that race is not real, but just an illusion, and that it...
4 Pages 1698 Words

Behavior Modification on Procrastinating

As a first-generation college student my ultimate goal is succession within my education, in order to obtain an ultimate future that was unfortunately not accomplished by my family. Therefore, coming from this background holds a major impact in the way one conducts many tasks. However, as any student barriers are encountered, personally one has always been a self-driven individual throughout previous school years due the ambition to become a better version of myself. As a current sophomore, procrastination has recently...
2 Pages 921 Words

Legalization of Weed: Medical Considerations

We’re in a momentous time where a plant has attracted the attention of the American people. The legalization of marijuana has been an ongoing controversy that has created headway in policy-making, but by doing so has disrupted the relationship between state and federal government. There has been a change in attitude towards marijuana that has transformed the systematics of present-day politics, as some states are making decisions independently from laws set forth by the federal government. The consequences of its...
2 Pages 744 Words

Why Video Games Shouldn't Be Blamed For All Violent Behavior

Have you been watching stories about video games being blamed for school shootings in the news lately? If you have, you probably know that it’s only showing you one perspective, and it's usually the biased one. Everyone has been blaming video games lately. They don't know the statistics. A few video game blamed school shootings have also been blamed for mental health issues. Most politicians who blame video games don't even research what they are talking about and as a...
1 Page 424 Words

Animal Research: Beneficial or Unnecessary?

Animals are used in scientific research, help us to gain significant knowledge about human physiology and pathological mechanism because of their similarities to human in many ways and are being tested as human models since 500 BC. They contribute a lot to the invention and development of newer types of drugs, vaccines, diagnostic investigations, antigen and antibody production also in agricultural and biotechnological fields. In a study, it is shown that 40% animals are used in basic or applied research...
2 Pages 1048 Words

Argument with Animal Experimentation and Resolution for it

Animal experimentation is the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables which affect the behaviour or biological system through vigorous study. In 2018, 3.52 million procedures which involved living animals were carried out in the United Kingdom(1). 1.8 million of them were for experimental purposes. These procedures included using non-human animals in scientific studies for purposes such as basic research and the development of treatments, safety testing of pharmaceuticals and other substances. The rest were...
2 Pages 715 Words

The Issue Of Inequality In Educational System

UNESCO/ Sweden’s Historical Background and Past Action For Sweden, education is particularly important. So much so that taxation is intentionally very high to fund schooling. Through the teaching system, pupils and their happiness are the main focus, with Swedish schools focusing less on exam results and targets, and more on the child themselves. More specifically, Sweden understands the impacts of stereotyping in school and how this can be the root to inequality- and therefore aim from a very young age,...
1 Page 409 Words

Emotional Intelligence As A Predictor Of Academic Achievement

In the African context, a number of studies have been done and according to the literature reviewed emotional intelligence was reported to have a significant positive correlation with academic achievement. Ogundokun and Adeyemo (2010) designed a study in Nigeria to investigate the influence of emotional intelligence and academic motivation on learning outcomes of students in secondary schools. The study used descriptive survey research design using a sample of 1563 students (826 male and 737 female) between the ages of 12...
2 Pages 897 Words

The Aspects of Middle and Late Childhood

Introduction Middle and late childhood is considered the calm before the storm as many of the major developments have either happened or are about to happen. Early to middle childhood is defined as an age from about six years old to about eleven years old, and it is a time of stabilization. The child is beginning to understand the core principles being taught in elementary school. According to Piaget middle and late childhood is the of concrete operational stage of...
3 Pages 1495 Words

Why Should to Kill a Mockingbird Be Taught in Schools

To Kill a Mockingbird was written by Harper Lee in 1960. The book is talking about racism back in the 1900s. It revolves around a small family of three Atticus, finch, and his two children Scout and Jem. The main idea is about Atticus trying to defend Tom Robison during the trial because Tom Robison is being accused of raping a girl. So that is one of the background knowledge about the story. To kill a mocking is a book...
3 Pages 1185 Words

Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Should It Be Allowed In Classrooms?

Within these two articles there are reasons why Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, an adventure novel by Mark Twain, should be allowed in classrooms along with why it shouldn’t be allowed. This novel should be read in high schools for various reasons. The first reason being that this novel will open conversations about racism and help to slowly stop this issue. The next reason is because although Twain was criticized for being solely a racist he was more open minded then...
2 Pages 1044 Words

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