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Analytical Essay on Key Areas of ADHD and Review of Relevant Policies in the UK

5 Pages 2194 Words
Introduction: For my SEN module, I will be discussing and analysing ADHD aimed towards children in both primary and secondary schools in London, United Kingdom. I have chosen to produce a resource for children who are diagnosed with ADHD and this resource will be used towards reducing the hyperactivity and help children calm down and refocus. This resource will also...

Analytical Essay on Eating Disorders: Causes and Effects

4 Pages 1659 Words
In modern times, it is commonly believed that eating disorders are a trend or a lifestyle choice. However, as defined by Ranna Parekh (2017), “eating disorders are actually illnesses in which the people experience severe disturbances in their eating behaviors and related thoughts and emotions”. In fact, these eating disturbances are related to the insufficient or excessive food intake that...

Analysis of Team Approach to Resuscitation: An Effective Team Leader in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

5 Pages 2253 Words
Introduction This assignment will describe the “Whole team approach” to resuscitation with a well-organised multi-disciplined team, taking in to account human factors, Crew resource management (CRM) and non-technical skills. The Resuscitation Council (UK) Guidelines 2015 outline advanced life support (ALS) algorithm which should be followed step by step for in hospital and out of hospital cardiac arrests, this providing the...

Utilitarian Argument against the Deceptive Doctor: Issues of Autonomy

2 Pages 859 Words
Autonomy is an issue. Is it morally wrong for a doctor to deceive their patient about the true nature of a treatment, which the patient would otherwise refuse, even if it means improving that patient’s prognosis? Consider the case: An adult male presenting with aplastic anaemia requires a bone marrow transplant. Without the transplant he will almost certainly die, but...

Symbolism of Wealth, Death and the American Dream in Great Gatsby

3 Pages 1287 Words
The American Dream: The Decay of the ethos of American citizens as a result of manipulation The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Park Avenue: Money, Power, and the American Dream by Alex Gibney accentuate the increasing degeneration of a society divided by people who are able to achieve the so-called ‘American dream’, and those who are enslaved by...

Study on Response and Precautions Taken by People towards the Severity of Covid-19

6 Pages 2854 Words
The pandemic halted the entire world to a standstill where countries went into immediate lockdown due to the spread of the disease and people were forced to adapt and change accordingly. This change was fast, unexpected and mostly, quite difficult to adjust to. The lack of preparation, communication, awareness, and bare neglect of authorities as well as citizens not only...

Study of Successful Malaria Eliminate Program at Teluk Bintuni District

5 Pages 2369 Words
Indonesia targets malaria elimination in 2030 and in the Ministry of Health's Strategic Plan In 2015-2019 malaria elimination is one of the targeted diseases to reduce the illness rate from 2 per thousand population to 1 per 1,000 population. The target of malaria elimination in Indonesia in 2019 from the 2012 results of 212 increased to 300 Regencies / Cities...

Steps to Assisted Suicide: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1319 Words
The term assisted suicide is defined as a situation when a terminally ill patient voluntarily made a suicide request from a doctor and he will assist him by supplying equipment and lethal drugs to hasten the patient’s death. Eight states in the United States of America namely California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and Montana have...

Spread of COVID - 19 and Hand Washing: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1515 Words
Introduction: A handshake is a globally widespread, brief greeting or parting tradition in which two people grasp one of each other's hands. But at the same time, these handshakes serve as a vector for the transmission of pathogens from one person to other. At the time of composing this article COVID-19 has spread all throughout the planet with basically no...

Role of Communication in Malaria Control in Africa

8 Pages 3848 Words
In April 2000, 50 malaria-afflicted African countries signed the Abuja Declaration, and agreed to achieve the following targets by 2005: 60% of those suffering from malaria will have prompt access to appropriate and affordable treatment within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms 60% of pregnant women and children under five will sleep under insectide-treated nets or use other appropriate...

Role of Astrology in Diagnosis of Cancer: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3279 Words
Role of Astrology in Diagnosis of Cancer Abstract: Someone rightly pointed out ‘Health is Wealth.’ It is very important to take care of good health. There are various branches since the ancient era who started to study on disease and the causes to occur diseases’. In India, Ayurveda is the oldest branch that started studying medical science. Moreover, we can...

Risks of Obesity: Analysis of Different Scenarios

6 Pages 2818 Words
Introduction · Global Scenario of Obesity Malnutrition targets the human being in three forms, undernutrition, micronutrient deficiency, and overnutrition. Overnutrition is also called obesity which is characterized as dietary intake which exceeds the daily requirements of the body (Hannah Ritchie, 2019). In 1993, World Health Organisation (WHO) undertook a broad review and interpretation of anthropometric references. In 2018, the global...

Risk Factor’s Malaria Incidence In ARSO III Health Primary Keerom Regency

3 Pages 1428 Words
Abstract Background: Malaria is an endemic disease in Keerom Regency, Papua Province which is influenced by age, sex, education, socio-economic, use of mosquito repellent, use of insecticide-treated bed nets, wire mesh installation, house walls, puddles, presence of large animal cages and distances house with a place breeding Objective: To determine the risk factors for malaria in the working area of...

Researching Cerebral Palsy: General Overview of Symptoms and Causes

4 Pages 1931 Words
Introduction Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder, i.e. it is an ailment that is linked to the brain. It primarily stems from the immature development of the brain and is most often a congenital disability. It is most commonly diagnosed in small children or infants. It affects motor functions such as muscle movement, posture, and overall hand-eye coordination. Also,...

Reflective Essay on Importance of Hand Washing

6 Pages 2801 Words
Abstract My inspiration for this essay is from a critical incident that occurred in my practice. Mrs. O. was admitted to the ward with complaints of Shortness of breath, chest pains, and syncopal episodes. A diagnosis of NSTEMI (Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction) was given after an ECG (Electrocardiogram) and blood cardiac protein levels were checked. she was then swabbed for coronavirus...

Reflective Essay on Health Promotion Scenario Involved in during Practice

6 Pages 2529 Words
During my second student nurse community placement, I was caring for a 63-year elderly of Caribbean descent with a history of smoking addiction. For confidentiality to be upheld in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council ‘The Code’ (NMC 2018), the patient has been given the pseudonym of Mr. Smith. He lived in a very cluttered terrace house in a...

Reflection Essay on Universal Health Care in the World

3 Pages 1293 Words
Universal health care is prominent in 32 out of the 33 first-world countries (Regoli, n.d.). Though the United States is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, our “great” nation is divided when it comes to adopting such a policy. The topic of universal health care is so divided in our country that it has become one of the...

Psychological Risks in Adolescent Obesity: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2655 Words
Background of the study Obesity is said as the excess amount of fat accumulated in the body that causes an impact on health which is negative (WHO 2014), which is the result of an imbalance between the amount of energy intake and expenditure. Obesity is generally measured by Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is obtained by dividing the weight in...

Positive Effects of Physical Exercises on Dementia Patients

4 Pages 1930 Words
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Dementia (VCID) are the two most common types of dementia (Cunningham et al., 2015). Dementia also termed Major Neurocognitive Disorder in DSM-5 is an abnormal aging phenomenon and mostly develops later in life. The progressive deterioration of brain functioning is irreversible medical treatments could only slow down the problem. During initial and...

Physical Exercise and Prevention of Depression: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 791 Words
Depression is considered a mental health problem characterized by a lack of physical interactions, continuous low mood, and many other emotional and behavioral symptoms. Anxiety and depression are on a rise as major mental health problems across the world. Even though many available and effective treatments exist, they are very expensive, while only less than half of the patients would...

Physical Effects of Cerebral Palsy in Children: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1108 Words
Cerebral palsy is a condition often found in children that impairs their physical ability. The physical effects of Cerebral palsy mildly hinder a child's ability to move easily (cite). Some of the cognitive effects for children with Cerebral palsy include apprehension delayed learning and hindered verbal communication (cite 2). Children with Cerebral palsy use more energy just to walk and...

Perceived Benefits and Barriers towards Physical Exercise among Healthcare Providers

4 Pages 1680 Words
Abstract: Background: Physical inactivity is considered a problem with a great impact on morbidity and mortality. There is a necessity to combat this behavior through an assessment of barriers and benefits perceived by subjects. Objectives: The current study aimed to measure exercise intention, in addition to identifying physical exercise predictors, including perceived barriers and benefits among healthcare providers (HCPs) in...

Outcome of Malnutrition in Adult Patients: Literature Review

4 Pages 1867 Words
Literature review Only a few studies have been carried out to determine the associated factors with the outcome of malnutrition and recovery time in adult HIV patients. As the researcher searched, there is no published literature on the time to nutritional recovery from malnutrition in adult HIV patients in Ethiopia. 2.1.1 Median recovery time Few researchers struggled to determine the...

Opinion Essay on Dental Care: Healthy Mouth Means Happy Life

5 Pages 2377 Words
Title of Essay: “Healthy mouth means happy life”. Discuss the effects of dental disease on the welfare of domestic cats. Include in your discussion the causes of dental disease in cats and how we, as owners, can contribute to promoting oral health and welfare in our pet felines. Dental care involves the cleaning and maintaining of the teeth, gums and...

Major Types of Hospitals: Descriptive Essay

2 Pages 1121 Words
Hospitals A recent definition of the hospital is an “institution where sick or injured are given medical or surgical care” (Niles, 2018). Hospitals are categorized in many ways. A public hospital is owned by the government, community hospitals are privately owned and are not for profit, a propriety hospital is also privately owned but are called a for-profit business (Niles,...

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